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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Dept. Of Applied Sciences And Humanities
JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus (JEMTEC)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, INDIA

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to find out the most suitable and the preferable sequence of language laboratory activities
for English language learning with a proper emphasis on its necessities along with guidelines and strategies for English
language teachers. It enables teachers to perform such outcome-based lab practices for students so they find it irresistible
to learn English as a preferred medium for efficient communication. The study aims at the importance of the relationship
between knowledge, language, and communication. In Colleges, The Language Labs are necessary for young Indian
students to raise the standard of their way of expressing massages-verbally and non-verbally in English. There is no question
about it that language laboratory is very essential for graduate and postgraduate students in India connected to technical,
management, art, commerce and other streams. In addition, the study mentions the dynamic, well sequential format of
English language laboratory activities encompasses every student of the diverse echelon of understanding and knowledge
from basic to advanced level. This exploration covers all the best possible practices in their required sequence. Conducting
spoken practices with students needs experienced scrutiny as Language competence must be applied practically with ease.
During Language Lab sessions, students hesitant to participate due to lack of confidence, fear, and any other inexplicable
reason. This paper serves as a guide to English language teachers to follow a guided format of the obligatory sequence of
language lab activities for resulting in positive outcomes overcoming barriers of communication with students. This
sequence boosts active and comprehensive participation and gradual but constant learning of the English language. This
sequence helps revitalize the pedagogy of English language teaching and awakens educators of English language to the
right path for productive outcomes coming out from students. This study aimed at non-native speakers of English seeking
to improve their ability to present clearly and effectively in English as a second and foreign language for specific purposes.

Index Terms - - Language Laboratory Activities, English Language, Spoken English Practices, Communication
Skills, Soft Skills, Personality enhancement, Linguistic proficiency
In the digitally advanced and excessively competitive era, everyone is struggling to compete in the never-ending
race with one another so that they can find their places in a social and professional setup. As India is the second largest
populated country in the world, the survival of the fittest is even harder. India was under British rule for a long period; their
influence on the Indian mindset is self-evident in the various ways such as culture, clothing or language. The concoction of
Hindi and English is a live example of it. In today’s professional setting, knowing the English language has become the
utmost necessity. Mostly academic, business, political, professional conversations take place in English languages in India.
Technical students in India are more comfortable in thinking and expressing their views in their own native language as it
is hard for them to think and speak directly in the English language. Although English is preferred over any other regional
or native language or Hindi since English has secured its place as a global language and the recruiters and employers of the
multinational companies fancy English during interactions and conversations. The English language consists of universal
importance and especially when it comes to communication, connection and exchanges due to digital technology and that
is why the English language is considered as an ideal language to win the sphere. Indian degree and diploma holders are
facing the most unpleasant problem of being highly ineffective in spoken English. No one can read one’s mind so it is
crucial to express. Knowing what to say is not enough, but how to say is equally imperative in the contemporary society.
One’s command over language based on one’s selection of appropriate words, phrases and clauses, framing of correct
sentences, grammatical accuracy, unambiguous expression, fluency, pace, pauses, pronunciation, kinesics, speech
deliveries, etc. Grammar can be learned through grammar books but when it comes to speaking ability in English language,
it shall come with practice, practice and practice. The more one practices, the more one will be able to think directly in
English while expressing it orally. One can never learn to speak if one is not enthusiastic and interested in trying to speak.
In Indian scenario, native social settings function as a barricade to learn and speak Standard English because it's filled with

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their native language speakers who not only discourage, criticize, judge, humiliate those who want to have the conversation
in English. Consequently, it has become the highest responsibility for teachers to provide students healthy, friendly and
attention-grabbing environment to conduct English language lab activities through productive experiments.
Unsurprisingly, Effective communication skills are a valuable life skill, which will help students cum learners in
their further education and in future careers. What comes to our minds whenever we listen to the term ‘Communication’?
How can this term ‘communication’ differ from its original meaning in the Indian context for Indians? Is communication
is closely related to knowledge and language? These questions are very widespread among English language learners and
English language teachers. In India, most of the students are facing the problem of finding themselves in settling balance
between communicative competence and core knowledge competence. Those who are good in domain knowledge, they
find themselves unable to be good at communication skills when it comes to expressing their views through oral
communication in social, professional settings.
In Indian perspective, generally whenever one hears the word communication, one thinks it means the
communication in English and English only. It is expected from one another to have a conversation in English apart from
its original meaning, i.e. sharing of ideas, views, emotions etc. in any language. “Communication,” which is etymologically
related to both “communion” and “community,” comes from the Latin communicate, which means “to make common” or
“to share.” DeVito (1986) expanded on this, writing that communication is “[t]he process or act of transmitting a message
from a sender to a receiver, through a channel and with the interference of noise” Communication skills are considered as
the bases for many other soft skills as they are prerequisites in many cases, they fall into many types such as language
proficiency, behavior, conversation and presentation; however, the most approached and desired one is presentation
(Schulz, 2008).
British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947 is the major reason for this change in way of
thinking. Now in today’s India, the close association of English language and modern technology is one of the very
prominent reasons for this mindset. Currently in India, English has undoubtedly become the status symbol as a hammer of
Thor to show the power over recipients. Knowing the English language automatically gives authority over people and
makes one feel confident about oneself. This kind of inkling about the English Language is widely grasped by Indians and
especially among young students who want to acquire good spoken skills in the English Language. English Language
learning cannot be done without oral practices and speaking activities and that is why English Language learning classes
are not fruitful without counting language laboratory classes.
College Students are facing problems in expressing their views in English with clarity, accuracy, and precision
even though they are good in reading, writing and listening. One can never know how to communicate in the English
language if one is not trying to speak or having a conversation in this language. Speaking in English will come with practice
through spoken activities and for that students should be ready to face their own fear and hesitation. Students will never
feel confident until they practice it multiple times. This skill is meant to be learned through proper practice, planning, and
proper preparation. This study severs a guiding tool for teachers to find an organized, systematic and rational series of
laboratory activities so that they can execute their lab activities with productivity and can make it outcome-oriented English
language learning.

The study will pour light on the most influential sequential patterns to conduct laboratory activities for English
Language Learning step by step. By introducing students with different types of English language based activities, teachers
will certainly help students to learn, improve their communicative competence. By lecturing about the English Language
in Class and by practicing English Grammar will certainly not help them when it comes to speaking skills. This necessitates
requiring self and group practices so that one can find a suitable social setting to learn through a safe and encouraging
environment which is filled involving interactions in the English language. Practicing the English Language is more than
just passive hearing from students as they should be active listeners who participate actively in the activity. These
chronological patterns of the activities are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients depending on their
personal/organizational requirements and existing skills set.


In India, at almost all educational institutes, the English language is taught since the beginning of primary education.
Although English taught as one of the compulsory primary subjects of the curriculum during school and colleges, students’
English proficiency is very weak especially in communication aspects (listening and speaking skills). Teachers teach
everything according to prearranged syllabus, but sometimes practicality must be taken care due to the attainment of the
fruitful outcomes. Teachers are teaching students English in lectures and lab classes, but it is observed mostly that students
end up in banking language lab classes as teachers are unable to make them believe or realize that they are benefitted by
attending those language lab classes. Students come and take part in the classes passively as they have no idea about what
is going on and why. Teachers must apply the practical approach to build faith in students that they are learning and gaining
confidence. As per my observations, teachers should be progressed in sequence while conducting lab activities. This
problem will be sorted out if English teachers apply this pedagogy to design activities in a well organized and structured
way. This issue leads to the search for fulfilling these objectives of the study.

2.1 Objective of the study:

 Does the language lab play important roles in learning of a second language?
 Do language lab activities play an important role in Spoken Communication Competence in English?
 Does sequential pattern of spoken activities plays vital importance?

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 What must be the chronological order to conduct the activities one by one systematically?
 What will be the outcome of following this sequential pattern?


These English lab activities must be conducted under the guidance of one head English teacher along with one supporting
teacher to direct the smooth conduct of the activities among 15 students who must be engaged in each activity for
continuous two hours with the preconditioning of speaking in English language only.

Educator 1
Assisting trainer 1
Participants 15
Duration 2 hours
Mode of communication Spoken and written
Language English
Locale Professional Communication- Language Lab


1 An Ice breaking Session

2 Introduction Session
3 Interactive Question Answer Session
4 Indianism and Standard Spoken English Session
5 Prepared Speech Delivery Session
6 Spontaneous Speaking Session
7 Role Plays Stimulus Session
8 Group Discussion Session
9 Developing Presentation Skills Session
10 Interview Skill and Mock Session


4.1 An Ice-breaking Session:-

It is always beneficial to start with an activity, which involves everyone in the group so that students took it as a group
task, activity or challenge. This session will prove very fruitful to overcome their fear and hesitation of public speaking
at initial level, so they will take it as a joint task or group activity to perform rather than taking it an individual challenge
to face which can be the probable reason for panic and hesitation. An icebreaker is any random fun, interactive, engaging
and interesting activity, game, or event specifically which must be planned and designed by the teacher as per the
competency of students and that session can work as a facilitator. This will certainly help to encourage and warm up

At the initial stage, It is obvious that students feel scared of speaking in a group, hence it is always valuable to start with
an ice-breaking session. The teacher must be cautious while planning the activity and making it a fun activity while
building English skills among students. It should not make students uncomfortable or feel ashamed about their area of
improvements or it should not be too personal. It must be taken care that simultaneous activity should match the students’
proficiency level. While learning English language as “ESL” (English as a Second Language), “EFL” (English as a
Foreign Language) and “ESP” (English for Special Purpose) students may feel discomfort at the very beginning, but this
session will enable them to participate in the activity and at the same time this activity will help the English language
teachers to avoid redundancy and monotony. Consequently, not only students, but also teachers will feel fresh every time
when they begin the first activity in the Language Laboratory. Here are some examples of the ice breaking activities

1. Vocal warm-up exercises

2. Tongue Twisters
3. Predictions based on first impressions
4. One-minute life stories
5. Concentric Circle Conversations
6. Name Acrostics
7. Who Am I?
8. Two Truths, One Lie
9. Personality Quiz

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10. Riddles
11. Sharing of Likes and Dislikes
12. Sharing of my Bucket List
13. Sharing to-do list of my life -must do, should do and can do

4.2 Introduction Session:-

The next activity in the row would be ‘Self Introduction’ or ‘Introduce Yourself’ as the term suggests that students will
introduce themselves before the group one by one as per the given points by the teacher. It is important for them to know
how to introduce themselves in English as it shows their ability to have command over the English language and to show
self-confidence while meeting new people. This activity makes others more comfortable and allows students to make a
good first impression. Knowing how to introduce yourself is extremely important to create an excellent impression not
only for the purpose of clearing interviews, but also for initiating any group meeting, public addressing, group discussion,
debate, presentations, etc. The teacher should give these points

1. Greet your audience with a smile on the face

2. Name & Place
3. Family details.
4. Past and current educational details.
5. Areas of Interest/hobbies
6. Two Strengths and two areas of improvements
7. Aim of Life (Personal and Professional Goals)
8. Any Motto or social massage/ Inspirational Quotes or Thoughts
9. Welcome Queries, If any.
10. Thank you note for the audience

Allow students to give their introduction with proper body language as per the requirement. This activity should not only
be verbal, but also nonverbal as let the student handshake and follow the proper gesture, posture, eye contact and facial
expression. While conducting the activity, It is the duty of the teacher to make students aware about cultural context
based differences followed by altering countries, so that students can overcome the barrier of cultural differences while
interacting with people related to multicultural working environment.

4.3 Interactive Question Answer Session:-

After knowing one another by giving self introduction, the activity of ‘Interactive Question Answer Session’ will be the
perfect session to give the platform to mingle with one another at an individual level as a team of learners. The English
Language teachers should give some situational, imaginary and ingenious questions to the students and provides them
the friendly atmosphere to answer those questions which can not only be beneficial to share personal thoughts without
hesitation but also develops the quality to give creative and solution based answers with logic and sense. . It is must for
the students to improve listening skills, on the spot thinking ability, to achieve specialized goals, etc. Here Trainer should
also focus on the non-verbal communication while students are giving answers such as they should move towards the
audience, raising or lowering your voice, hand movements, facial expression or perhaps pausing for a few seconds to
look at written notes. This session can give the similar idea about the way student will perform in many activities such
as interviews, handling question answer during presentations and formal meetings, group discussions, etc. Teacher should
make sure that answers to those questions must be very informative, creative, appealing and logical. Here are some
examples of these types of questions.

1. Any movie, which you like the most and that inspired you to do something?
2. Do you read books and what types of books motivate you? Which was your last read book?
3. Are you a team player or the team leader? Explain your leadership style.
4. How do you deal with personal difficulties?
5. What kind of decisions do you think is really tough to make?
6. Do you get angry very often? Share any incident.
7. Tell me about your greatest strengths and biggest weakness.
8. What would be the title of your autobiography and why?
9. When are you truly yourself? What is the idea of a perfect day for you?
10. What do you value the most in friendship and why?
11. A mistake you have done or not trying something? Which one do you think would be the most regrettable?
12. Which one describes you better, a morning person or a night owl and why?
13. Who is your favorite celebrity and what would you say when you meet him for the first time?
14. How would your life be different if you had been born in the opposite sex?
15. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?

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4.4 Indianism And Correct Usages Of Standard English Session-

“India is the third largest English using population of the world, after USA and UK” (210), states Language in India 12 : 5 May 2012 K. Muthu Rajan & A. Anitha Raj Indianisms in English Language - With
Special Reference to Malayalam English 83 Aarti Bansal Any language cannot be escaped from the cultural, regional,
native and local influence of speaker native or nonnative. India is no exception to it when it comes to communication in
English Language. Cultural influence is clearly seen or heard in the usages of English. Twisting the English words and
phrases are sometimes so incorrect that it becomes the duty of the English teacher to suggest learners to stop using them,
starting right about now.

Learning is a life long process so as unlearning, but only few practice it. When it comes to learning a second language,
learning and unlearning both are very important. In India, most of the English language speakers use erroneous English
without even knowing it and it is accepted collectively. Teachers of the English Language must dedicate their time to
help students unlearn all the wrong applications of English words, phrases and sentence formation. This activity can be
done through discussion, question-answer style, find the error techniques, etc. Here is the list to highlight the difference
between wrong and correct usages of terminologies, word, phrase, sentences:-


Good name What is your name
7 am in the morning 7 am/ in the morning
Repeated twice Repeated/ twice
Real brother / sisters Brother / sisters
Return it back Return it/ Give it back
Please put a mail Please write a mail
Cut Jokes Crack Jokes
Hail from Belong to
By walk On foot
Tight Slap Hard Slap
On/Off lights Switch on/off
Bio-data and jack Resume and Approach
On somebody’s face To somebody’s face
Time is over Time is up
The Lesson is delivered The Lesson is given
Pin-drop silence Complete Silence
Yesterday evening Last Evening
Footpath Pavement for pedestrians
Better Half Wife
Madam Wife
OK Right
How do you do? How are You?
Colony Locality
Hotel Restaurant
White Colour White Completion
Give an Exam Take an Exam
Female Women
Cent Percent Hundred Percent
Revert Back Revert/ Back
Passed out of College Graduated
Shifting my house Moving
ATM machine ATM

4.5 Prepared Speech Delivery Session

After the successful completion of Icebreaking session, self Introduction and Interactive Question Answer Session, It
will be a very suitable time to start ‘Prepared Speech Delivery Session’ as it not only prepares students for public
addressing, but also provides an opportunity to think, analyze and redefine the ideas on the given topics which should
be related to social, political, financial, moral, national, international and global issues. During prepared speech
delivery, the teacher must give topics to students beforehand for proper planning, preparation and practice so that
speech can be very approachable and appealing to the audience. In short, a well-planned, well-researched, well-
structured, and well-prepared speech is not much without focusing on strong delivery. This practice prepares students
for collecting important information gathering them, organizing them in proper order and then focusing on
approachable content delivery. Students will be able to manage public speaking anxiety, picking the appropriate

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delivery method, practicing your speech, and employing effective vocal and physical delivery to enhance speaker
reliability. The teacher should give that kind of topics which help students to restructure their cognitive abilities and
to master in visualizing problems with their best possible solutions. English teachers should also inform students that
there are many decisions that must be made during the speech-making process such as choose between the four speech
delivery methods, i.e. impromptu, manuscript, memorized, and extemporaneous that help students in evaluating the
strengths and weaknesses of each delivery method covering diverse topics. Here are some popular subjects for picking
the topics for prepared speech.
1. Education
2. Family, Friends, Relationships
3. Animals
4. Government and the Law
5. Health
6. Media
7. Miscellaneous
8. Arts/Culture
9. Economic
10. Ethics
11. Religion
12. Environment
13. Science
14. Sports
15. Technology

4.6 Spontaneous Speaking Session:-

In the modern competitive era, spontaneous speech delivery is having great importance in day to day life as most of the
time students cum future leaders, professionals and entrepreneurs have to face situations where they have to deliver their
views without prior planning, preparation and practice. The teacher must start the session of ‘Spontaneous Speaking
Session’ soon after prepared speech delivery so that students should not only feel confident in handling predictable
situations and prepared topics but also boost their confidence in handling random speech deliveries and impromptu

This activity helps the English language learner in many ways such as this practice enables the students to think very
quickly with reason and logic, to develop good communication skills consecutively and to master in handling discussion
on random topics, issues, and domains. Debate, interviews, meeting, discussions in groups are also some regular basis
activities in which participants should have command of their cognitive, communication and presentation skills.
1. Social Media
2. Any Human Emotion
3. Advertisement and their effect on human psyche
4. Humanistic and Materialistic Approach
5. Technology and Human Race
6. Gender Crisis
7. Terrorism
8. Religion and Men
9. Social Media
10. Digital Technology
11. Review a Movie
12.My Country, My love

4.7 Role Plays Stimulus Session

In the series of English language lab activities, the next practice must be the Role Play which is a perfect combination of
knowledge, language, deep emotion and expression. Technical Students find it easy to represent their views in their
mother tongue, but when it comes to the English Language, they feel incapable. These activities provoke them to express
their views with emotions and sentiments on out of the box themes. This practice will certainly develop their ability to
prepare for emotionally difficult conversations such as conflict resolution, stress management, peer pressure while
handling perplexing situations on a particular given situation.

English Teacher should focus to weed out any grammar mistakes. The reason behind conducting this activity with the
student is to develop their cognitive capacity for logical verbal counterarguments. They put, defend and illustrate their
views, opinions, information, feelings, and emotions of a given character and they have to perform the act of working on
the plot, action, and scenes with proper unity, emphasis, coherence, length, and massage. Students can get an idea about
the complexities of different situations and their ideal response to different approaches. By participating this activity,

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students build up experience and self-confidence with handling the situation in real life and develop quick and
instinctively correct reactions to situations and practice to improve communication between team members, and to see
problems or situations from different perspectives. This means that they will react effectively as situations evolve, rather
than making mistakes or becoming overwhelmed by events.
‘Developing Argumentative Skills’ is the main objective of this practice which can be practiced among students who
are novice English language learners. After conducting one the spot speech deliveries for one or two or more minutes
individually, students should be the part of this session known as role play which enhances their sense of empathy and
confrontational strategies. Cognitive competence, subject competence, and linguistic competence are must for gaining
excellence in argumentative skills. Later, students’ practice will be beneficial for more extracurricular activities such as
Nukkad Natak, Drama or Acting in any way. These activities are very helpful in the English Language Laboratory
because these activities provide the platform to the learners for representing their reasoning, logic, illustrations, examples,
data, facts and figures strictly in the English Language.

There are two types of Role Playing exercises,

1. Individual Role-Playing Exercises which involve only one person in an act.

2. Interactive Group Role-Playing Exercises which involve two or more individuals to act.

Role plays are certainly an engaging, interactive, fun and entertaining way of getting the class to practice speaking
English with a special focus on speech dynamics and paralinguistic features. There are literally hundreds of possible
ideas available, and what is listed below is only a few of them. Below are ten scenarios that you may wish to use to
practice with:

1. Shopkeeper and Angry Customer

2. Old Grandfather and Grand daughter
3. Fuming Owner and Tenant
4. Doctor and Difficult/vulnerable patient
5. Thief and Police officer
6. Teacher and fail Student
7. Husband and heated wife
8. Judge and Advocate
9. Hotel Manager and Guest
10. Senior and Junior
11. Fathers of the future would be Groom and Bride
12. Robot and Human

4.8 Group Discussion Session

Group Discussion is one of the essential activities in job interview selection procedures as it filters only those candidates
who are having the knowledge on the topic and who know how to put and say it in the social setup without being affected
disturbed and distracted by opposition and criticism. The group generally ranges from 4 to 12 participants, whose abilities
are measured in a time span of 20-30 minutes by an observer. This activity known as ‘Group Discussion’ plays a very
vital role in the pedagogy of English language teaching as it enhances the multidimensional cognitive skills among
students. The teacher should focus on conducting this activity multiple times taking varied topic for discussion. It is very
fruitful not only for everyday life discussions among family, peers, friends, and colleagues, but also for professional
interviews and clearing its selection procedures.

This activity develops listening skills and speaking skills at the same time. The benefit of conducting this activity is that
students find it easy to have a discussion on the topic expressing the natural flow of emotion in English. There are
different types of discussions that occur logically and which must be recreated in the classroom by the teacher so that
students can get the idea about the procedure. These discussions are helpful in making a decision rapidly, give scope to
share views and ideas, to resolve a problem and to analyze a situation and to provide recommendations and conclusion.
It assesses the behavioral traits of a person his or her leadership skills, social skills, team skills, problem-solving skills
and presence of mind. The teacher should make sure that while expressing their views on the given topic, students should
use English flawlessly, frequently and correctly.

The Group Discussion activity is good to get the idea about mistakes and weaknesses. It boosts students’ English speaking
confidence. GD is used as a mass-elimination tool to filter out the wrong candidates so that employer can hire the right
ones who are having good command over knowledge, language and have good behavioral patterns with excellencies in
communication skills and cognitive capabilities. Hence, It is self-evident that Group Discussion is an invigorating
discussion where a topic is analyzed and discussed, and in the end, the selectors come to a reasonable wrapping up. It
involves teamwork, but it provides grounds to evaluate an individual basis. The instructor should also consider the type
of debate format to choose and an appropriate topic of discussion; considering the objectives of conducting the activity.
Different formats will not only develop a student’s ability to give presentations where they need to convince the audience
of an idea and but also develop skills of negotiating and a controversial format gets student’s accustomed to speaking
about ideas that may not be comfortable or popular. Persuasive Debate Topics, Controversial Debate Topics,

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Argumentative Debate Topics, Funny And Interesting Debate Topics are some examples of different formats. Here are
the list of topics for discussion
1. God Exist or not
2. Internet: Curse or Boon
3. Love marriage Verses Arrange Marriage
4. Should we take away the death penalty completely?
5. The impact of social networking on the development of our society
6. Single-sex schools: Are they more effective than traditional ones? Why?
7. Prescription drugs: Explain why they should or shouldn’t be advertised to consumers
8. Beauty pageants: Are they a way to objectify women
9. Mobile Phones is a threat to Nature
10. Man, Machine and Nature
11. Religion is the cause of all problems
12. Festivals of light
13. Slow and steady wins the race
14. Corruption is the main outcome of Democracy
15. Use of slangs is the reflection of our moral decay
16. The need of having the right sense of Patriotism
17. All that glitters is not gold
18. Slow and steady wins the race
19. Optimism verses pessimism
20. Gender Disparities in India

4.9. Developing Presentation Skills Session:

Next activity in the line is a presentation skills as the importance of presentation skills are still uncontested. People admire
and praise them who know how to present themselves and their knowledge on any topic. Good presentation skills with
proper application and execution of presentation strategies can make audiences stunned from the knowledge of the
presenter. Presentations are definitely very productive method to contribute to English language learning for students as
it helps in practicing lexical and grammar along with critical thinking, listening and non-verbal communication skills.
But above all, this activity builds confidence in public speaking. This practice can happen in classrooms very easily with
the help of white and blackboards, projectors, posters etc.

There is a myth about this terminology ‘presentation’ among the learners that it is the presentation of a particular thing,
plan, product, topic, and scheme and many more. Conversely, It means the presentation of a presenter who is going to
give the tutorial about any given topic. It is only the presenter who can make a presentation powerful, approachable and
fantastic or can make it boring, obvious and ineffective to the audience. For example, A presenter is presenting a
presentation with the help of PowerPoint, but somehow he /she is unable to open it for the audience so now it’s in the
hands of the presenter to present it even without PPT very strong. Consequently, it is proven that the presentation skills
are associated with the preparation, planning, and practice of a presenter not with the supporting materials or
technological types of equipment related to the topic as they enhance the idea but the base is always the knowledge of
the presenter.

Presentation skills are an impressive and powerful tool that will take you so much further than just speaking in the
classroom. With proper communication skills training of English language, the teacher should focus on making students
a good presenter with the ability to structure and express ideas clearly. According to Krannich (2004), the fear of
delivering a speech or a presentation ranks as the number one fear among most people, including students as well as
adults from many diverse backgrounds. Know good presentation strategy empowers presenter in building good rapport
among receivers, to establish a powerful candidature in job interviews and in meetings, social settings, conferences,
seminars, etc. The teacher must instruct the students about the presentation strategies so that they can understand the
right way to present. The teacher must also instruct students about the way they communicate through their gesture,
posture, body language, hand gestures, and eye contact, etc. Presentation strategies includes some major aspects to look
for consideration in any presentations and the list is listed below.

1. Decide the purpose as per theme (Inform, Instruct, Analyze, Entertain, Motivate, Solve, Pursue, etc.)
2. Focus on Audience (Age, Gender, Knowledge, Background, etc.)
3. Beware about Locale (Auditorium, Conference-seminar hall, meeting room, Language laboratory)
4. Prepare Content (What To Present)
5. Proper Outlining (When and How to Present)
6. Cautiously Use Audio Visual Aids (Projector, Board, laptop, Speakers, Screen, Mike etc.)
7. Choosing Correct Nuances of Delivery (Extempore, Impromptu, Manuscript, Memorization, Combination of
8. Cautiousness about Paralinguistic Feature (Pace, Pitch, Pronunciation, Volume, Voice, Pauses, Articulation
9. Kinesics- (Gesture, posture, Physical appearance, Eye contact, Facial expression, Hand gestures)

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10. Get Ready for Handling Queries (Welcoming Questions)

Suggestion for Presentation topics:

1. Blogging as self-employment
2. Environmental impact of agriculture
3. Development and utilization of bio-based fuels
4. How world population growth affects global demand for commodities
5. Americans waste their food
6. Trump’s return to conventional agriculture
7. Antipollution efforts anyone can put in
8. How is your beef treated before it ends up on your plate?
9. How is perm culture different from organic gardening?
10. Is there a future for sustainable agriculture?
11. World weirdest museums
12. Greatest architects of all time
13. Evolution of entrepreneurship
14. Importance of the workplace diversity
15. Hate crimes in different age groups
16. What you should know about human trafficking
17. How to deal with domestic violence?
18. Danger of cyber crime
19. Size and impact of industrial pollution
20. Environmental sustainability
21. Consequences of deforestation
22. Contamination of groundwater
23. Exposure to nuclear waste
24. Management of water resources
25. Role of the USA in Vietnam War
26. Constitutional history of the US
27. Rise and fall of the Roman Empire
28. Role of social media in our personal life
29. Which family values still matter?
30. Social issues of dating violence
31. Growing up in the same-gender family
32. Origins of science fiction literature
33. The difference between stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice
34. Gender roles in modern society
35. Nature of cognitive dissonance
36. Sleep deprivation, patterns, and habits
37. Cosmology versus cosmogony
38. What do we know about genes and DNA?
39. Greatest women in science
40. Origins of modern calculus
41. Little known facts about the Olympics
42. Equine therapy for autistic kids
43. Evolution of artificial intelligence
44. Ethical hacker: Can hacking was legal?
45. Possibilities of solar energy
46. Ethics of genetic engineering
47. Eco-friendly means of transportation
48. Risks of nanotechnology development
49. SpaceX’s interplanetary spaceship
50. Greatest discoveries of the last decade
51. Governmental control of the Internet
52. IOS versus Android
53. Gender difference in IQ
54. Plasmonics: “Vision for the Future”
55. Satellite-Based Tsunami and Earthquake Early Warning System

4.10 Interview Skill and mock Session

After Successful completion of presentation strategies, English language teacher must cover this session known as
‘Interview skill and mock session’ which boosts confidence in students to face different kinds of interviews. Job
interviews are very challenging in a second or third foreign language. The best ways to reduce doubt, fear, and anxiety
is preparation, planning, and practice. Like every other skill, ability, and proficiency, the more you practice it, the better

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you’ll perform in it. Most students are clueless when they face an interview due to lack of practice and preparation. They
hesitate to reply in English in spite of being aware of the correct answers. Either they don’t have fluency or they are not
confident because of the English Language. All barriers must be omitted through proper planning, practice, and

For the best results in the future, the teacher must help in giving guidance to the students to be unbeatable in their
communication in English, attitude, confidence and cognitive abilities. A mock interview can help students formulate
smart answers and to identify their weak spots so that they can work on them. It can make a big difference for those
students who have less exposure and lack of suitable social surroundings for practicing and learning those required set
of interview skills. Mock interviews are such an opportunity to think through all probable questions to be asked in an
interview and provide a nearby practical platform for students to articulate their thoughts. The teacher can ask the student
to perform as both interviewer and interviewee during the mock session so that they can understand both sides. This will
help them to understand the expectations of an interviewee as well as the perspective of an employer to hire a candidate
and the need to satisfy those expectations as an interviewee. Kvale (1996) has identified nine types of question asked in
qualitative interviews. Keep these in mind when you are composing your interview guide.

 Introducing questions: 'Why did you...?' or 'Can you tell me about...?' Through these questions you introduce
the topic.
 Follow up questions: Through these you can elaborate on their initial answer. Questions may include: 'What did
you mean...?' or 'Can you give more detail...?'
 Probing questions: You can employ direct questioning to follow up what has been said and to get more detail.
'Do you have any examples?' or 'Could you say more about...?'
 Specifying questions: Such as 'What happened when you said that?' or 'What did he say next?'
 Direct questions: Questions with a yes or no answer are direct questions. You might want to leave these
questions until the end so you don't lead the interviewee to answer a certain way.
 Indirect questions: You can ask these to get the interviewee's true opinion.
 Structuring questions: These moves the interview on to the next subject. For example, 'Moving on to...'
 Silence: Through pauses you can suggest to the interviewee that you want them to answer the question!
 Interpreting questions: 'Do you mean that...?' or 'Is it correct that...?'

Practicing these anticipated questions by following this process would provide real-world experience interviewing job
candidates. Here are list of probable questions that can be prepared by the interviewee.

List of anticipated interview questions for mock practice.

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Why should we hire you?
3. How would your boss/friends/co-workers describe you?
4. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
5. What are your long-range career objectives?
6. What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
7. How would you describe yourself?
8. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
9. Do you have a geographical preference? Why?
10. Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
11. Are you willing to travel?
12. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
13. Why are you leaving your current job?
14. Tell me about a difficult experience you’ve had while at work, and how you dealt with it.
15. What do you know about our company?
16. Why do you consider this to be a good opportunity?
17. What makes you the best candidate?
18. What kinds of people do you find most difficult to work with?
19. What is one of the most difficult conflicts you’ve been able to resolve?
20. Do you work better under pressure or with time to plan and organize?
21. What is more important—completing a job on time, or doing it right?
22. Describe how you allocate your time and set your priorities in a typical day.
23. What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
24. What motivates you?
25. What are your salary expectations?


In the technology-driven world, English language teachers should not forget to advance and upgrade their teaching-
learning process with the proper planning and preparation. Teachers should not hesitate to take the help of digital

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technology for experimenting with their effective pedagogy of teaching. The sequential pattern plays a major role in the
pedagogy of English language teaching/ learning process. This sequential pattern is designed to prove beneficial in a
mixed ability environment present in the language lab. Team activities are proven mediums for Language learning
through interactive group activities. Teachers can correct students when they are speaking English. As noted by Parvis
(2001), to speak effectively in front of a group is “a skill that has to be taught to students and needs to be honed throughout
college life and into the job market.” The language lab is not only a technological medium for imparting skills in English
but also offers an exclusive result oriented and efficiently to enrich the English language learning process. Educators
must be aware of the way they are heading towards the attainment of their goal of training students English language
competency. The sequential pattern plays a very crucial role as this study unveiling the important role of the sequential
pattern of language lab activities in learning English as a second foreign language in India. Spoken fluency is as important
as linguistic accuracy. This will make lab classes very effective and versatile if one applies these corrective strategies
for working on errors by moving into the right direction by following the right procedure. This study improves
Effectiveness of English Language Laboratory Activities and serves as a steering maneuvers and guide for English
Language Educators and learners of“ESL” (English as a Second Language), “EFL” (English as a Foreign Language) and
“ESP” (English for Special Purpose).

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