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Guidelines for Essay Contest

Master of Management - Widyatama University

Enhancing Global Competitiveness Through Innovations
Sub Theme
Human Resources Management
Strategic Management
Essay Definition
Essay is one type of written work that contains a combination of facts and opinions, essays are
more subjective from the author's point of view which are analytical, speculative, and
interpretive. Essays include narratives that can be in the form of criticism, arguments,
literature from observations of everyday life and reflections of the author.
Essay Structure
1. Introduction
Contains background and themes to be discussed
2. Discussion / Content
The discussion or content is the part that explains the theme or topic of the essay in detail and detail. The
author will describe the opinions successively with the ideas arranged in the framework. In this section, it will
be discussed and explained in more detail and in detail about the previously selected topic or theme. The
basics of argumentation are also explained in the content section. For example, theories or opinions of experts
combined with data and facts in the field. Readers will trust the author's opinion conveyed in the essay
through the theory, data, and facts written down.
3. Closing or Conclusion
Being the final part in an essay, this closing or conclusion becomes a point in the form of a sentence that
summarizes the important things that have been reviewed in the introductory and discussion chapters. In this
section, the author should be able to write briefly, concisely, and not spread to other topics. In this section, the
author can also provide suggestions on several essays for ethical writers to address the problems discussed in
the closing section.

Essay Example:


First Author1), Second Author2) Third Author (12pt)

In this life, all come from a simplicity. Then, technology changes the simplicity into something which is
very useful in all aspects of human life. This world, as if it cannot get off of information, and this world
really needs the presence of technology to process the information. Technology also makes our life
without distance, all felt close by the presence of technology.

Originally technology is only to help a man in fulfilling their needs, but as the development of it, there
was a transfer of technology functions. Cell phone was used only for a means to communicate and only
used by certain people who are usually businessperson. But, as the development of era, the cell phone is
getting complete with many interesting features and used by all the circles especially among teenagers.
Now, the cell phone is not just a tool of communication but has become a lifestyle for most of people.

Now, the world of cell phones is the world of communication to share, and entertain, such as picture,
games, music, and video. The price offered of a cell phone is quite affordable and cell phone is also
equipped with features like the internet, games, music, video, camera that support technological
development. Only by a cell phone, we can get a lot of information through the features of cell phone
which is called internet. The internet is the most updated source of information. Now, the use of cell
phone is dominated by internet features especially social networking media, like facebook. Facebook has
already been friend of in this life. Among teenagers, cell phones are used as a multi-function tool of
communication. Because of that, they may use it in positive and negative way. It depends on the
individual itself. However, nowadays, teenagers are very prone to negative impacts. It is as result from
their attitude which tend to try new things and their age which is liable of influence from outside or inside
their environment.

In the past, children went to school bringing books, but now instead they bring cell phone as if the cell
phone is obligatory goods they have to bring, whether they really need it or just take it as a style of their
lives to keep confident. If we look at a lot of people from various communities, they will not miss the
popping up technology in this world. Various circles do not only have one cell phone but more than one
cell phone which actually spends more money.

We also often see on the road, many drivers misuse the cell phone. They are driving and at the same time,
they are calling, sending text messages or accessing internet. Whereas, this can cause traffic accidents
because they do not focus on the road but they focus on their cell phone. In addition, there is also the
misuse of the cell phone at the time of the process of teaching and learning at schools that while the
teacher is explaining the lesson in front of the class, the students are playing the cell phone. It has a very
negative impact on the students' achievement. Their achievements can be dropped. Even, at the
examination, there are some students who misuse the cell phone to exchange answers through text
messages with their friends.

A. Writing Format
1. Essay is written in English
2. Free Essay title, maximum 30 words, and typed in capital letters
3. The author's name is included under the title
4. Author's institution is included under the author's name
5. The essay must be written in a maximum of 1000 words (excluding tables and
6. Format of essays:
a. A4 . paper size
b. Times New Roman Fonts
c. Font size 12
d. 1.5 . spacing
e. Margin left 3 cm; top 2.5 cm; bottom 2 cm; and right 2.5 cm
f. The title is typed in Times New Roman font and font size 16
g. If using a citation source, the manuscript must be accompanied by mentioning the
source of the quote and writing a bibliography
B. Files and Payment Proofs are sent via Google Form in PDF format with the file name
Name_Title Essay_University
C. Requirements
1. S1/S2 Students
2. Actively Registered As A College Student
3. The Competitions Are Individual And Group
D. Important Dates
1. 9 November – 12 December 2021: Registration Submit Essay
2. 9 November – 13 December 2021: Payment Fee Registration
3. 13 December 2021: The Announcement of Top 6 Categories
4. 14 December: Download Limit
5. 15 – 16 December: Finalist Announcement
E. Account Number
Registration Fee
 Individual : Rp. 200.000,-
 Group : Rp. 300.000,- (Max 3 Person)
Payment Details
 Account Number : 611.8100.95111
 Competition Code : 22
Transfer Payment Note :
F. The Winner Categories
1. 3 The Best Essay
2. The Best Essay Category
G. Contact Person
Isal (087822875495)
Novita (082119118867)
H. Essay Template

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