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TELEPHONE: HOME 2819938867 CELL: 8326556426
*Experienced across the full gamut of Risk Management, Compliance and Internal A
udit areas (including legal, operations, financial, fraud investigation, SOX, FC
PA, export compliance etc).
*Problem solving, leadership, and communication skills are some of the qualities
developed from my experience as a Big 4 auditor, Corporate Audit Manager, Proje
ct Consultant, Compliance Auditor, Senior Business Risk Analyst, Sarbanes Oxley
Consultant and Compliance Supervisor.
*Skilled, accredited fraud examiner trained to detect fraudulent financial trans
actions, embezzlements, misappropriations of assets, and other suspicious financ
ial activities.
*Skilled at building rapport with business partners and internal clients.
*Used to heavy travel, domestically and internationally (worked in 20 countries)
*Looking for a new challenge in an Independent Contractor or employee capacity i
n Fraud Investigation, SOX, Auditing, FCPA or Consulting.

Tradehub LLC (August 2008 - Present)
*Self employed as a trader in Securities, Commodities and Foreign Exchange.
Baker Hughes, Compliance Auditor (5/2006 - July 2008)
*Led full life cycle Sarbanes Oxley engagements in the US and internationally.
*Led financial and operational audits, special projects, investigations and revi
ews, in a timely manner always maintaining confidentiality.
*Reviewed commission payments and expense reimbursements to sales representative
s in international locations to ensure compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Pract
ices Act (FCPA) and company internal polices.
*Trained employees and sales representatives on FCPA compliance procedures in in
ternational locations.
*Performed risk assessment for high-risk countries based upon criteria establish
ed by management.
*Supervised and lead the development of proactive fraud detection program.
*Developed efficient fraud detective protocols using available data-mining tools
*Developed appropriate audit routines for common fraud schemes.
*Developed and implemented procedures used in the search for facts and evidence
through interviews, interrogations, observations, record/document examinations,
statistical sampling, and professional interpretation of evidential matter.
*Performed contract audits and vendor invoice reviews identifying duplicate paym
ents and other billing exceptions.
Soxpros LLC Sarbanes Oxley Project Consultant (2003 - 4/2006)
*Sarbanes Oxley Lead Consultant. Interpublic Group (IPG) at several internationa
l locations. (11/05 --4/06)
*Team Leader, Sarbanes Oxley Compliance Project. Health South Corporation, seve
ral locations (08/05 - 10/05)
*Reviewer, Financial Restatement Project. Interpublic Group (IPG) in New York (0
5/05 - 08/05)
*Managed full life cycle Sarbanes Oxley Compliance as a Consultant for Dresser i
n Dallas, TX and several international locations (04/03 - 04/05).

Morgan Stanley New York. Senior Business Risk Analyst (1/99 - 2003)
*Performed project related due diligence examinations and risk exposure assessme
nts involving in-depth business intelligence information to minimize risks and p
lan more effectively.
*Investigated allegations of fraud or irregularities as it relates to company pr
*Analyzed and interpreted contracts, regulations, program designs, specification
s, budgets, and such other technical and financial documents as may be essential
to the successful completion of the investigation.
*Performed Contract and Vendor Audits and Project Risk Assessments.
IBJ Schroeder Bank, New York Compliance Auditor (1997- - 12/1998)
*Conducted fraud detection and investigation activities working closely with the
legal department
*Participated in legal audits to ensure compliance with fraud and abuse legislat
ion, SEC rules and regulations, and other regulatory matters.
*Ensured investment operations are in compliance with firm, regulatory and indus
try requirements.
*Coordinated fund, trust and product audits and successfully addressed issues id
entified during audits.
Robert Half Management Resources, New York (1995 - 1997) Management Consultant a
t client location detailed below:
Consultant Business Analyst (Lehman Brothers, New York 12/95-11/97), Expense Man
agement Group
*Audited various vendor Accounts and billings.
*Performed financial analysis on corporate contracts and departmental operations
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC/NAPIMS), Corporate Audit Division,
Lagos Nigeria.
Audit Manager, Corporate Audit (1990 - 1995)
*Supervised operational audits of NNPC/NAPIMS to ensure conduct of operations in
compliance with set environmental and safety standards in all oil and gas upstr
eam Operations.
*Coordinated outside JV audits and communicated audit inquiries and exceptions i
n order to resolve outstanding claims in a timely manner.
*Reviewed and appraised the cash management procedures and the procedures used i
n awarding contracts and purchasing of the non-operated joint ventures.
*Conducted several investigations.
Arthur Anderson LLP, Lagos Nigeria, Senior Associate Auditor - Petroleum Industr
y Focus (1985 - 1990)
*Management advisory services to clients
*Participated in and in some cases managed certified audits of a diverse cliente
MBA, Finance and Investments, Bernard Baruch College, City University of New Yor
k. (2002).
BS, Accounting. University of Nigeria (1985)
Certified Internal Auditor, CIA, The Institute of Internal Auditors
Certified Fraud Examiner, CFE, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Chartered Accountant ACA
Level 3 Candidate in the Chartered Financial Analyst, CFA programme.
CPA Exam - Passed Auditing And Attestation. CPA Exam - Passed Business Environm
ent And Concepts.
Working Knowledge of SAP, JD Edwards, Oracle Financial, Hyperion, and data analy
sis tools, such as ACL. Also, SOX Compliance Management, CMM, IT Audit, Six Sigm
a trained, Visio, Microsoft Project (Advanced), Excel , Excel VBA, Access , Powe
rPoint, MS Word , Brio, Bloomberg, Reuters, RoboHelp, LEXIS/NEXIS, SAS, EnCase.

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