DM - s2015 - 059 Changes Anti Bullying Reports

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 11 JUN 2015 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 59 ,s, 2015 CHANGE IN AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO DEPED MEMORANDUM NO. 68, S. 2014 (Submission of School-Based Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies and Reports on Compliance) To: Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned 1, DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 68, s. 2014 entitled Submission of School-Based Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies and Reports on Compliance was issued pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 55, s. 2013 entitled Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act (RA) No. 10627, otherwise known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, requiring schools to submit their child protection or anti-bullying policies, including the report on relevant information and statistics on bullying and retaliation from the preceding year. 2. _ For the purpose of disaggregating data on incidents of child abuse and bullying, Item 3 of DM 68, s. 2014 is hereby changed as follows: a. Public and private schools, both elementary and secondary schools shall submit the accomplished Report on Incidents of Bullying (Enclosure No. 1A) and the Report on Incidents of Child Abuse (Enclosure No. 1B) to their respective schools division offices (SDOs) one week after the start of the school year instead of before July 31, 2014; b. The SDOs shall submit their accomplished Division Consolidated Report on Incidents of Bullying (Enclosure No. 2A) and the Division Consolidated Report on Child Abuse (Enclosure No. 2B) to their regional offices (ROs) on or before June 30 of every year instead of on or before July 1-31, 2014; c. The ROs shall submit the accomplished Regional Consolidated Report on Incidents of Bullying (Enclosure No. 3A) and the Regional Consolidated Report of Incidents of Child Abuse (Enclosure No. 3B) to the Office of the Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affairs on or before July 15 of every year instead of on or before August 15, 2014; and d. The consolidated reports on school-based child protection and anti- bullying policies shall be submitted as follows: i, Public and private schools, which have not yet complied with the submission requirement, shall submit copies of their school-based child protection and anti-bullying policies on or before July 3, 2015 instead of July 3, 2014; ii, The SDOs shall submit the accomplished Division Consolidated Report on the Submission of School-Based Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies (Enclosure No. 2 of DM 68, s. 2014} on or before July 31, 2015; and a a Deka Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasie city 1600 A 633-7208 /633-7228,'632-1361 4M 636-4876,/637-6200 yuw.depedtcov.nh iii, The ROs shall submit the accomplished Regional Report on the Submission of School-Based Child Protection and Anti- Bullying Policies (Enclosure No. 4 of DM 68, s. 2014) on or before August 15, 2015. iv. Meanwhile, the Report of Cases on Abuse, Violence, and other Related Offenses (Annex A of DO 40, s. 2012 entitled DepEd Child Protection Policy) shall be submitted by all public and private schools following the same procedures of reporting. All other provisions stated in DepEd Memorandum still remain. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ( BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO FSC Secretary 4g, Encls.: As stated References: DepEd Memorandum: (No. 68, 8. 2014) DepEd Order: (Nos. 55, s. 2013 and 40, s. 2012) ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CHANGES LEGISLATIONS POLICY PUPILS REPORTS RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHOOLS STUDENTS TEACHERS ‘SMA, DM Change in and Additions! Information to DM No, 68, s. 2014 (0272/dune 3, 2015 (Enclosure No. 1A to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s. 2015) (To be suomites to tne Division Office & week after the ster of each school year) ‘School-Based Report on Incidents of Bullying School Year School: Classification: (Private/Public) Address: Level: {Kindergarten/Elementary/Secondary) Nature of Bang [ Veins Parporaior Datel | ‘Status Place of | Physica! | soca | Gender: | cyter | Aetalation | nave nae | Age | Sex | Action | Recommendation | (ResoWed/Pending! Inctent Saced | eutying tat) | Taxon Relerred to other t agency) I : 1 | I | - — - 1 | | Er - f - 1 t oe C i t Cc L I Note: Bullying is perpetrated by a student against another student which may be: Reviewed and Conformed by: Prepared by: Name and Designation Name/Designation Date: Date: (Enclosure No, 1B to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, 5.2015) (To be submited to the Division Office one (1) week etter the opening of every schos! year) ‘School-Based Report on Incidents of Child Abuse School Year School: Classification: (Private/Public) Address: Level: (Kindergarten/Elementary/Secondary) & | vel xx | pryscat | son | rotten 100) | cate || ame, Reviewed and Conformed by: Prepared by Name ang Designation Narie/Designation Date: Date: {Enclosure No. 28 to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s., 2015) (Go be submitted tothe Regional Office an or tetare sune 20) Division Consolidated Report on Incidents of Bullying School Year Division _ Total Number of Public Schools: __Totat Number of Private Schools Elementary Elementary: Secondary. Secondary: Total Tota 5 - Nature of Buiying [No OF Baling nee Schoo! eee ee Gender- | Cyber | Retataton | toalno | Tam No. | Total Based | Bullying wit | oie 1 Public | | | Elementary — | i pe SubTotal |B. Secondary ‘Sub-Total Lit Private —— A. Kindergarten ‘Sub-Total | B.Elementary i "Noe: Buty is perpetrated by a student agains! another autent which may be: ‘+ Physeal~ unwanted physical contact (punching, shoving, pushing. Kicking, lapping, Helin, hea .) ‘Sota reler fo any deere, epaive and aggressive soc Rebar lend to Mut Belle 2 ndndua (ne cling, cus labeting. ee) (Gener Based refers to any act hal huméates or excludes a person onthe basi of pcos raul Sexual eintaton and eendor ‘Sentey ‘Cie’ Butiing- any bing done trough he use of technology e any electronic means {xing ema chang, onlin games. ee) Prepare by is and Gesgnavon — aie ‘ewewed and Conlemed by (Enclosure No, 28 to Deped Memorandum No. 59,5, 2015) (To be submitted to the Regional Office on oF before June 30) ‘School Year Division: Total Number of Public Schools: Division Consolidated Report on Incidents of Child Abuse ‘Tolal Number of Private Schools: Elementary: Elementary ‘Secondary Secondary: Total = Total — ature of Abuse No, Of heienis of Ghd Abuse Name ot Schoot | Physical } Somat | verar | Tone | roa | perpetrators Pryctoiogea | ‘atte | jatar |__"Perpetrat toa | ens | Femate | Yietms | Relnives [Pope i ~ “A Blementany — —] i Sub-Total = a - T. Private | [ft ‘A Kindergarten —T i : |__ Sub-Total - _ _| _ 8. Elementary ~ a ~ + ‘chia Ane eters tate matreatment of a ci leer hail one, wich inludes any of he teow: beg ‘obscene pubieatons or shows ete: and 9 Poyenelogeal tears to ac 4 etaonsip toe Wt refoa a tenes er, mote, coven a) relia pereatnal eachers and non easy stat 3 Roamialte sateen for any ate of ched abuse iedened and Conte ty Prepntes oy TametBemgaaen Date Pysica~ rete 10 ash fet bedi harm ad ch subjects cre fp pf asks which ao hazardous to thei physica wel ‘Sena refrain acts that ave sextin nate such 9 ape, sewat harassment, senay denearing ears. forcing Clie fo wah raze causing or ety o cause mental o emotional euleig to he chil wich neue intra, harasemon, staking. publi sul, trea of dediton om grade or mrt a om ofpunahment and repeated verbal 20186 {Enclosure No. 3A to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s. 2015) (To be submitted to he Office of the Undersecretary for Legs! and Lesisiative Affairs nor before July 18) Regional Consolidated Report on Incidents of Bullying School Year Region: Total Number of Public Schools: Total Number of Private Schools: Elementary: Elementary: ‘Secondary: ‘Secondary. Total: Total Private Schoo's/Public Schools , T eogergaten Elementary ‘Secondary |___ No. of Bullying incidents Natu of utong —|- Natur of Buleng Division | pryscar | saa | cancer | yee | remnason | omic | soos | enter | cyoar | nessiaton ‘Sued | Gul aire | Suing wep eee Pee ey wee eee lbeting, ee) fry Prepared ay Dae (Enclosure No. 38 to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s. 2015) (To be submitted to the Office of the Undersecretary for Legal and Legislative Affeirs on of before July 15) Region: School Year Total Number of Public Schools: Regional Consolidated Report on Incidents of Child Abuse Total Number of Private Schoos Elementary lomeniay Sooondary Sooonday, Foal Tou L Private Schools . _ ecerpaten enenay seo Teta No oF Wears St ‘se Ovision Nature of Abuse ature of Abuse [Nature of Abuse: wow [oo | age, mm [rom Joon ums, mms ome) ow Paes [mow | og poeta tage othape wee | nee | \ Vac | face | [sic | Ss AOE De OS 4 4 - * t t ; | I “I r | £ f ty : = Se J — Reviewed and Contema by ate obscene publeations or shows ete and aston, narasemert al Buble 6, treat of deduction rm grade or mest es & Fam Prepared: Tie ad OF RIOT Date (Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s. 2015) Annex"A” Report of cases of abuse, violence, expl 9 or peer abuse and other related offenses ‘SchooVDivision/Region a Period Covered Person Submiting Repost - — Designation: ate victims RESPONDENTS EX ‘sex_| NATURE OF ACTIONS NAME JAGE | (M or F) NAME AGE | «worry | COMPLAINT TAKEN RECOMMENDATIONS aye

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