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Can Delivery Speed Affect Sale In Ecommerce

Evidence from household appliance

Fengyangzi Zhang* Guang Song

Department of Logistics Management Department of Logistics Management
School of Economics and Management, BJTU School of Economics and Management, BJTU
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Abstract—China’s ecommerce merchants now face fierce or “one-day delivery” policy. In fact, higher cost brought by
competition in fast delivery that brings difficulty in balancing the faster delivery will ultimately be paid by consumers, no matter
cost and customer satisfaction. This study aims to investigate explicitly or implicitly. Meanwhile, he addressed consumers in
Chinese consumers’ cognition on delivery speed when shopping Europe or America prefer slower logistics than more cost
online. We tested the interaction between delivery speed and which may also be the trend of Chinese consumers’ demand for
other variations by setting laboratory experiment. It is found that online shopping in the future. As one of the largest B2C
the delivery speed is not the most important factor affecting the merchants, is famous for its logistics speed, but it has
purchasing intention for China’s online consumers. They are not never been profitable since its inception. To achieve its “one-
sensitive to the difference between 1-day delivery and 7-days
day delivery”, even”3-hour delivery” policy, self-built logistics
delivery. Although consumers’ preference is not always the same
when facing different products, even the product in the same
mode has been adopted, and a lot of warehouses have been
category, they consider after-sale policy and even some petty built. Spending money on things like that can really burn a hole
benefits more attractive. The results suggest that China’s in its pocket. But at the same time, the largest B2C ecommerce
ecommerce merchants avoid direct competition in fast delivery in china,, prefers to outsource the logistics service.
by differentiating other services attributes. Different strategies are considered between the top two on-line
shopping players. Therefore, it is not surprised to question that
Keywords—ecommerce; fast delivery; household appliance; whether the delivery speed must be faster. Is there a
laboratory experiment; after-sale policy magnificent difference between 3-hour deliver and 1-day
delivery or 1-day and 7-days delivery? Whether all types of
I. INTRODUCTION goods require fast delivery? As logistics service is described by
China’s B2C ecommerce is the largest e-marketplace in the several dimensions, such as after-sale policy, packaging etc.
world, with more than 417 million online shoppers, Are other logistics factors more important than delivery speed?
contributing to more than 11% of the entire retail sales Since the current competition between most ecommerce
(CNNIC, 2015). After fierce price war, fast delivery has platforms is still rather undifferentiated by focusing on
become the mainly focus of ecommerce platforms. Now, the improving the delivery speed, we try to investigate consumers’
level of delivery speed in China has already reached an cognition in China. Therefore, we aimed to find answers of the
advanced standard around the world. The B2C players are questions above, and identify a more sustainable way for
striving to be the first by launching the policy of one-day logistic service industry to development. At meantime, it will
delivery. However, they have to afford the heavy burden on be beneficial to build a healthier environment for ecommerce
operating cost. Fast delivery brings higher cost, and many market in China.
small-scale ecommerce platforms have to quite the business
due to less profit. The existing B2C merchants struggle with II. BACKGROUND AND STUDY DESIGN
containing costs while satisfying their customers. However,
Service quality, one of the most important aspects, is
does faster delivery necessarily brings higher consumer
defined as the overall support offered by the merchant to
facilitate Ecommerce transaction (DE Lone& McLean, 2004).
Jiang Chaofeng, the vice president of China Society of In particular, logistics service is especially impactful on
Logistics, said that “on the basis of the customer needs and cost ecommerce customers’ satisfaction (Kent N. Gourde, 2001;
analyses, logistics is not necessarily the sooner the better. The Liu, He, GAO & Xie, 2008), and it is also the core challenge
blind pursuit of speed may be just a marketing gimmick.” He motivated in this study. Thus, we mainly focus on the study of
also stated that excessive fast delivery competition would bring logistics service quality.
pollution and traffic congestion problems, which is obviously
Park (2009) investigated service quality of multiple
unhealthy for the whole industry to development. The original
international logistics service companies and proposed 6
CEO of New Egg network, an ecommerce platform in china,
aspects influencing consumer satisfaction: assurance,
said that delivery speed in China ecommerce market shocked
responsiveness, security, convenience, efficiency, reliability.
the USA and the Europe. They simply have no “free shipping”
Grant (2007) evaluated delivery service quality from four

978-1-5090-1102-5/16/$31.00 © 2016 IEEE

aspects: reliability, responsiveness, consistency, after-sale The set of 4x2 chi-square test of independence is performed
policy. Thus, after-sales service, flexibility of arrival time, to examine the variables’ interaction with delivery speed,
packaging, cargo consistency and integrity, assurance are which is found significant difference, as shown in Table 3.
considered in the study to test consumers’ cognition of logistics
speed, meanwhile some current sale strategies are also included B. intelligent bracelet data
to better control the experiment. 235 responses are received; the results of consumers’
choices are presented in Table 4.
For better study, washing machine and intelligent bracelet
are chosen as a comparison to see demand divergence between The set of 4x2 chi-square test of independence is performed
products with different characteristics. Domestic appliance is to examine the variables’ interaction with delivery speed,
one of the most sizeable product categories in China’s which is found significant difference, as shown in Table 6.
ecommerce; it also presents the challenge of fierce competition
and service requirement (iResearch, 2014). Washing machine TABLE I. PARTICIPANTS’ CHOICES ON EIGHT PRODUCT ALTERNATIVES
represents the traditional and large-scale appliance whereas
intelligent bracelet is the future consumption growth point. groups LR LR% LASQ LASQ% sum sum%
Both of them had good sales performance on those ecommerce HDspeed 35 15.49% 21 9.29% 56 24.78%
platforms in China. At the same time, compared to washing LCB 25 11.06% 17 7.52% 42 18.58%
machine, intelligent bracelet has higher value per unit, which L AP gift 16 7.08% 25 11.06% 41 18.14%
means more technological content. Thus they are chosen for L G-AP 39 17.26% 48 21.24% 87 38.50%
market’s familiarity with them as well as the need of sum 115 50.88% 111 49.12% 226 100.00%
ecommerce merchants to avoid speed competition further down

Delivery speed is set as a dependent variable, and how it groups LR LASQ sum
changes during different conditions is the main purpose of the H Dspeed 30.43% 18.92% 24.78%
study. We set three experiment groups with one control groups, L (CB,AP gift, G-AP) 69.57% 81.08% 75.22%
altogether 8 independent alternatives for consumers to choose.
The delivery speed is set in high level (1 day delivery) in the TABLE III. DELIVERY SPEED UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS
control group while is in low level (1-7days random delivery)
in those three experiment groups with better after-sale policy or groups LR LASQ
certain sale strategy added to balance the drop in delivery H Dspeed 35 21
speed. The sale strategies, also the potential substitutes for L CB 25 17
delivery speed, are cash back, auxiliary product gift (hereafter L AP gift 16 25
referred as CB, AP gift). Besides, every group has two L G-AP 39 48
alternatives, respectively represents high or low level of Chi-square (3) =8.199, p=0.04
logistics reliability (hereafter referred as LR) and logistic
value-added service quality (hereafter referred as LASQ). TABLE IV. PARTICIPANTS’ CHOICES ON EIGHT PRODUCT ALTERNATIVES
These two variables also act as different conditions the delivery (INTELLIGENT BRACELET)
speed is facing. High level of LR means sellers provide groups LR LR% LASQ LASQ% sum sum%
logistics service as promised and have good service attitude
H Dspeed 38 16.17% 22 9.36% 60 25.53%
(patience, expertise, responsiveness, efficiency). High level of
LASQ means the product is unbroken, appropriately packaged L CB 27 11.49% 39 16.60% 66 28.09%
and is consistent as descripted. Past reputation range level is L AP gift 19 8.09% 20 8.51% 39 16.60%
used to show high or low level of the variables.
L G-AP 29 12.34% 41 17.45% 70 29.79%
Participants are invited to answer two survey-based Sum 113 48.09% 122 51.91% 235 100.00%
experiments where they are presented shopping tasks for home-
use washing machine and intelligent bracelet. After entering TABLE V. CONTROL GROUP & 3 EXPERIMENT GROUPS ( INTELLIGENT
the task, they are asked to choose 1 out of 8 product BRACELET)
alternatives in a website page, designed to mimic the searching
results of an ecommerce platform. The sequence of the eight groups LR LASQ sum
alternatives is randomized at each access. After testing and H Dspeed 33.63% 18.03% 25.53%
modification, the survey-experiment was delivered through L (CB,AP gift, G-AP) 66.37% 81.97% 74.47%, a website especially for survey designing and
delivering. The responses were collected in a two-week period
in Feb 2016.

A. washing machine data groups LR LASQ

226 responses are received; results of consumers’ choices H Dspeed 38 22

are presented in Table 1. L CB 27 39
L AP gift 19 20 CB strategies have few substitute effect on delivery
L G-AP 29 41 speed, they can be significant if combined together.
Chi-square (3) =7.862, p=0.05 Meanwhile, all three experiment groups’ effect on
delivery speed also depend on consumers logistics
IV. DISCUSSION (FISHER EXACT TEST) preference between 2 variations LR and LASQ.
Consumers think highly of LR variation, are more likely
A. washing machine analysis
to stick to a high level of delivery speed and choose
1) washing machine summation data analysis cash back to compensate the drop in speed. Whereas
The experiment group with slower delivery but good consumers pay more attention to LASQ variation prefer
after-sale strategy gained most approval(38.5%) from to sacrifice delivery speed for AP-gifts and a better
participants, which shows that consumers would like to after-sale policy.
sacrifice delivery speed for more controlable delivery
B. intelligent bracelet analysis
arrival time and better product return policy. delivery
speed is not that unimportant, as control group get 24.78% 1) intelligent bracelet summation data analysis
approval from consumers. The experiment group with slower delivery but good
Experiment groups with slower delivery but cash back after-sale strategy still gained most approval (29.79%)
strategy (18.58%) and auxiliary product gift (18.14%) from participants, but not that much compared to
strategy gained similar approvals from participants. As washing machine experiment data. Quite different from
we all know, auxiliary products of washing machine washing machine data, CB strategy experiment group
such as water pipe or tap by far, are still at customers’ gained second large approval (28.09%) from consumers
own expense, some even cost more than hundreds of whereas delivery speed only ranked the third (25.53%),
Yuan, which are not cheap at all. However, the group and AP-gift ranked the bottom (16.6%). Although
with AP-gift strategy gained the minimum approval difference exists between washing machine experiment
from consumers, which demonstrats that consumers and intelligent bracelet, consumers’ attitude to delivery
now would not satisfy with petty benefits when buying speed still can be found. They are still willing to
large-scale household appliances but prefer certain sacrifice delivery speed for better product return policy.
higher service quality. The AP-gift strategy group is not that welcomed here
As CB strategy has similarity with AP-gift strategy in probably because auxiliary products of intelligent
nature, it means something if merged together as one bracelet are not as necessary as those of washing
experiment group. They both gained less than 20% of machine. However, if AP-gift strategy and CB strategy
the customers’ choices respectively, but when together, are merged together, they gained the largest approval
more than 36%, becoming the second large approval from participants. Meanwhile, if all three experiment
from participants. Meanwhile, if all three experiment groups are merged together, fast delivery group gained
groups are merged together, fast delivery group gained about 1/4 approval only from customers, with more than
only less than 1/4 approval from customers, with more 9% of whom do not really care about logistics
than 9% of whom do not really care about logistics reliability. In other words, either buying washing
reliability.In other words, they in fact can accept longer machine or intelligent bracelet, customers chose
delivery time. Thus it is seen that fast delivery is not similarly that they would like to sacrifice delivery speed
irreplaceable. as long as the substitute is good enough.
2) washing machine detail data analysis. 2) intelligent bracelet detail data analysis
When further refined, more interesting outcomes are When go further refined, still some difference exists
found. Much difference exists between detail data and between detail data and summation data.
summation data. Unlike the distribution of LASQ choices, the
Unlike the distribution of LR choices, the distribution of distribution of LR is not consistent with the summation
LASQ is not consistent with the summation data data distribution. The difference mainly comes from the
distribution. The difference mainly comes from the preference of fast delivery group. fast delivery policy,
preference of experiment group with AP-gift strategy, which ranked third in summation data, got the largest
which gained minimum approval (18.14%) in approval (16.17%) within participants focusing on LR.
summation data, but got the second large approval It is easily to understand and from which we can see
(11.06%) within participants focusing on LASQ. We that when coming to intelligent bracelet, quite a few
can argue that consumers who think highly of LASQ are customers sticked to fast delivery service. The substitute
easier to accept AP-gifts to substitute the delivery effect on delivery speed is weaker in intelligent bracelet
speed. experiment.
3) washing machine summary 3) intelligent bracelet summary
In summary, good after-sale policy can substitute In summary, good after-sale policy can mostly
delivery speed to a large extent. Although AP-gift and substitute delivery speed. The CB strategy experiment
group gained second large approval whereas AP-gift (constant) 7.584 .204 37.144 .000
strategy ranked the bottom. But they can be significant After-sale P .163 .013 .727 12.896 .000
if combined together. Meanwhile, all three experiment Product I&C -.151 .028 -.308 -5.466 .000
groups’ effect on delivery speed also depends on
consumers logistics preference between 2 variations LR R2=0.67 F=83.23 F sig. =0.000 DW=1.834
and LASQ. Consumers think highly of LR variation, are VI. CONCLUSION AND MANAGERIAL IMPLICATION
more likely to stick to fast delivery and choose better
after-sale policy to compensate the drop in speed. We investigate consumers’ cognition to delivery speed and
identify its change when facing with different substitutes as
Whereas consumers paying more attention to LASQ
well as under different conditions (different level of LR and
variation prefer to sacrifice delivery speed for cash back
LASQ). We find that delivery speed is not the most important
and a better after-sale policy. valued variable for customers when they shop online.
C. compare and summary Furthermore, consumers are not sensitive to the difference
between 1-day delivery and 7-days delivery. Besides, although
To conclude, we compare the two experiment set for two
consumers’ preference is not always the same when facing
kind of household appliances. The common point of two
different products, they consider better after-sale policy and
experiments is that delivery speed can be substituted by other
sometimes even petty favors more attractive. In the meantime,
variations, and after-sale policy is the best replacement in the
how the substitute effect acts is also decided by the level of LR
cases. The difference of two cases is that the substitute effect is
and LASQ.
stronger and AP-gift strategy is preferred in the washing
machine’s test. Thus it should be noticed that cash back Our result is important for industries involved in
strategy (sometimes equivalent akin mark-down sale) may not ecommerce in China because it strongly suggests that delivery
have that much attraction to customer when they buying a speed competition is not the only solution. In our specific case
large-scale household appliance online. and for other product categories that share similar
characteristics, we suggest that if the merchant would like to
V. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS(REGRESSION ANALYSIS) attain better consumer satisfaction but is feeling the pressure on
After the simulation experiment, we asked consumers to logistics cost, it should make more effort on the product after-
rank those variables appeared in those 8 alternatives. The sale policy, flexibility of arrival time and even some sale
outcome is used for weighted value to produce consumer strategy on ecommerce platform in order to attract the
satisfaction score of each participant. We set the consumer consumers. However, notice that any strategy should be used
satisfaction as dependence variable, with 6 independent according to certain product and different preference of
variables (delivery speed; service attitude; after-sale policy; different consumers. As for products with rather different
logistics package quality; product integrality & consistency; characteristics, although the above suggestions are not directly
sales strategy). The independent data comes from the applicable, we believe that other service variables more
alternatives (scored) which participants choose in the relevant to the particular product could still help the merchant
experiment. Two cases’ regression outcomes are shown in to differentiate and to gain more consumer satisfaction.
Table 7.
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