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Anthony Petrone

HDF - 190

Final Statement

As I conclude my time as a member of HDF-190 I reflect on my experiences in this

course. Coming to URI, I had a strong desire to be involved in leadership in some way, shape, or

form. After URI’s Leadership Institute program ended in the fall of 2021, I truthfully just wanted

to do more, and be around the people involved in the program. After being more informed on the

Leadership Minor, I knew right away that I needed to dive in the HDF courses.

Once the second semester hit, I began my journey in HDF-190. The energy that was

present in URI’s Memorial Union gave me great joy because I knew I found a second family

with the CSLD as a whole. As we progressed throughout the semester, an abundance of

knowledge regarding leadership was formulated. Ally and Melissa as well as our wonderful Peer

Leaders did an amazing job presenting our class with different ways in learning different

leadership models.

Prior to taking HDF-190, I had always looked at leadership to be the person with the

highest title/role. After being exposed to the wide variety of different leadership models, my

definition of leadership has most definitely changed. A leader is someone who works with others

to put people first. The “togetherness” aspect of leadership was presented to me in my favorite

model, the relational leadership model. As someone who loves people, and prefers working

groups I have been able to better understand the relational leadership model.

This model consists of 5 components: ethics, purpose, empowerment, inclusivity, and

process orientation. Since coming to college, I have noticed that this model sticks with me

everyday. Allowing everyone to feel included as well as have a purpose stick out the most to me.
Relational leadership has allowed me to realize that working with others is important because

once that common good is accomplished, you are able to reflect on your time working together. I

feel like HDF-190 did an amazing job when it came to working with others. Personally, I found

the service project was a great way to apply this model. Working with others, including different

ideas, and overall generating a great project.

When it came to picking out our strengths according to Gallup and VIA, like I said in

class “it's creepy how accurate they are”, specifically my strengths according to Gallup. My top

strength of responsibility has simply shown. My ability to stay committed to something has

never changed, and I know I will forever give it my all in whatever I am doing. Being a relator

ties right into the relational leadership model. I love people more than anything in the world, and

if I am not working with people I tend to struggle. HDF-190 made me extremely relieved,

because we were constantly working with each other. My ability to have belief is a great strength

in my opinion. If you lack confidence and don't believe in yourself and the others around you,

then nothing will ever get done. I’ve learned that being true to yourself agrees with all of your

beliefs. As an arranger, I am able to have good time management skills - which is crucial in

college. Lastly, having the strength of being deliberative allows myself to be an ethical leader.

Making the right choices in leadership can make or break the task at hand, so I have the ability to

conduct myself and others towards the right decisions.

With that being said, being a part of HDF-190 has simply opened my eyes to so much

knowledge about being a leader. Considering my future career potentially being in law

enforcement, being a good leader is crucial. As I take more HDF related courses, I am confident

I will be in excellent shape once I enter the “real world”.

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