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1. What is a Pivot Table?

(a tool used to summarize data)

2. Which of the formulas below contain the correct syntax (formula arguments) for the
VLOOKUP function (VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num,
3. "The first step when using Excel Advanced Filter with complex criteria is to specify the
criteria. To do this, copy the headers and paste it somewhere in the worksheet." (true)
4. What function will result in the total number numeric of entries in the cell range B5 to
B14. (count)
5. Suppose you ended up with too many filters on a table and lose confidence that all items
are showing. Which is the quickest method to ensure all filters are reset? (clicking the
filter arrow on each column….)
6. Which option is not available in the Advanced Filter dialog box. (criteria selection)
7. Which of the following is NOT an argument you will find in a SUMIFs function?
(value_if_true argument)
8. VLOOKUP function can only be applied for lookup values in first column of the table
array (false)
9. The Sum function is applied to values in a Pivot Table by default.ÿ How can I change this
so that values are automatically counted and not summed? (all of the options)
10. We can use the IFS function to test multiple conditions and return a value corresponding
to the first TRUE result. (True)
11. Which of the following is NOT possible with VLOOKUP? (You can lookup values
located in a column to the left of the column that contains the lookup value)
12. In HLOOKUP we give col index num in syntax.(False)
13. In case of SUMIF syntax sum_range is the first entry (False)
14. Where would you find the Add Level and Delete Level buttons? (sort dialogue box)
15. Which tab in the PivotChart Tools Ribbon allows a user to apply a chart style to the
PivotChart? (format)
16. Which of the following is NOT a box in the PivotTable Fields List? (formulas)
17. "(=IF("Apples"="Oranges", "Same", "Different") returns" (different)
18. "For exact match, what is the fourth parameter in VLOOKUP function____." (FALSE)
19. Which is the best method to sort a data set by multiple columns (i.e. a multi-level
sort)?(Go to Data and click Sort and add as many sorting levels as needed)
20. How to use VLOOKUP with dropdown list? (data tab>data validation>list>source)

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