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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by

Under the supervision of




MARCH 2021



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER

SATISFACTION TOWARDS ONLINE SHOPPING” is a bonafide record of project
done by HRIDHYA V.V, Reg. No. CCASBCM156, under my guidance and supervision
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF
COMMERCE and it has not previously formed the basis for any Degree, Diploma and
Associate ship or Fellowship.


Co-ordinator Project Guide

I, HRIDHYA V.V, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A STUDY ON
Independent and bonfire project work carried out by me under the supervision and
guidance of Prof. BABY JOHN C.L., Department of Commerce, Christ College,

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any Degree, Diploma,
Associate ship or other similar title of any other university or institute.

Place: Irinjalakuda HRIDHYA V.V

Date: CCASBCM156

I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all people who
have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose divine
guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Rev.Dr. Jolly Andrews, Principal-in-

Charge, Christ college Irinjalakuda for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Prof. K.J.Joseph, Co-ordinator of B.Com (Finance), for providing proper

help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to Ms. Smitha Antony, Class teacher for her cordial support, valuable
information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task through various

I express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Baby John C.L., whose guidance and support
throughout the training period helped me to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties of the Department for their
interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my college for
their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in completing this
report successfully.








CHAPTER 4 9 – 30


CHAPTER 5 31 – 33



Table showing gender of respondents
4.1 9

Table showing age of respondents

4.2 10

4.3 Table showing respondents tendency to shop online 11

4.4 Table showing how frequently respondents buy online 12

4.5 Table showing which online retailers respondents 13

typically use

4.6 Table showing what types of products respondents 14

typically buy online

4.7 Table showing whether respondents recommend online 15

shopping to a friend or family members

4.8 Table showing why respondents prefer online 16


4.9 Table showing whether respondents felt any problem 17

while conducting online purchase

4.10 Table showing what kind of problem respondents 18

faced while conducting online purchase

4.11 Table showing how much have respondents spent for 19

online shopping in past year

4.12 Table showing mode of payment 20

4.13 Table showing online shopping are risky 21

4.14 Table showing shopping on internet saves time 22

4.15 Table showing respondents level of satisfaction with 23

the service quality among the online websites

4.16 Table showing the importance of speed of delivery 24

4.17 25
Table showing the importance of price in online
4.18 26
Table showing difference between the expectation and
the real product would influence satisfaction
4.19 27
Table showing that the personal information is kept
confidential when buying products online

4.20 28
Table showing online shopping had a reasonable
return and exchange policy.
4.21 29
Table showing websites layout helps in searching the
products easily

4.22 Table showing that the payment information is kept 30

secure when buying products online

Chart showing gender of respondents
4.1 9

Chart showing age of respondents

4.2 10

Chart showing respondents tendency to shop online 11


Chart showing how frequently respondents buy online 12


Chart showing which online retailers respondents 13

4.5 typically use

Chart showing what types of products respondents 14

typically buy online

Chart showing whether respondents recommend 15

online shopping to a friend or family members

Chart showing why respondents prefer online 16


Chart showing whether respondents felt any problem 17

while conducting online purchase

Chart showing what kind of problem respondents 18

faced while conducting online purchase

Chart showing how much have respondents spent for 19

online shopping in past year

Chart showing mode of payment 20

4.13 Chart showing online shopping are risky 21

4.14 Chart showing shopping on internet saves time 22

4.15 chart showing respondents level of satisfaction with 23

the service quality among the online websites

4.16 Chart showing the importance of speed of delivery 24

4.17 25
Chart showing the importance of price in online
4.18 26
Chart showing difference between the expectation and
the real product would influence satisfaction
4.19 27
Chart showing that the personal information is kept
confidential when buying products online

4.20 28
Chart showing online shopping had a reasonable
return and exchange policy.
4.21 29
Chart showing websites layout helps in searching the
products easily

4.22 Chart showing that the payment information is kept 30

secure when buying products online
1.1 Introduction
Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods
from a seller interactively in real-time without an intermediary over the
internet. Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from
merchants who try to sell their products to people who surf the internet.
Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as they
sit in front of the computer. Consumers buy a variety of items from online

Online shopping has become a popular method for purchasing and selling
goods due to many reasons. Because of the busy schedule of people they face
the problem of time management. As a solution for that problem, people tend
to use online shopping, because of limited time; consumers have ability to get
complete information about the product which they plan to purchase, and they
can review variety of products and can choose most compatible item from
them. There are no domestic or international barriers in the online shopping.
Therefore, people can purchase and consume not only domestic product but
also product from foreign countries.

As the internet is truly a worldwide phenomenon. The number of internet users

have grown, this growth and diverse internet population means the people
having diverse taste and purposes are now going to web for information and to
buy products and services. Now days internet is not just another medium to get
in touch with customers, but it is an important channel to find potential
customers as well as channel to continue relationship with existing customers.
Essentially, the idea of online shopping is to lead customers to a convenient
way of shopping, customers will be able to save their time and money, plus
retrieve all the product information with just few clicks in a few minutes, plus
purchasing can be made anywhere, anytime according to their preferences.

1.2 Statement of problem
Online marketing has gained a lot of importance in present marketing
conditions. But along with its vital growth the number of scamps, fraudulent
practices and cheating also has increased. Such cheating activities have created
fear in the minds of customers and also an adverse impact in the attitude of
consumers towards online purchase. The problem area of the survey is
consumer’s satisfaction and attitudes towards online shopping will determine
the factors that influence customers to shop online and those factors will help
the marketers to formulate dare strategies towards online marketing.

1.3 Scope of study

• Quality and availability of product.

• Mode and speed of delivery of the product.
• Features of the shopping website.

1.4 Objectives

• To find out the satisfaction level of the customers for online purchase.
• To analysis features that consumers expect at an online shopping.
• To analysis socio economic background of customer.

1.5 Research design

1.5.1 Nature of study

The nature of study is descriptive.

1.5.2 Nature of data

The study makes use of both primary and secondary data.

1.5.3 Sources of data

Primary data is collected in the course of doing descriptive research by
doing survey. Secondary data is collected from internet, websites etc.

1.6 Sample design

1.6.1 Nature of population

For this study we have taken 50 customers. Here the population is
students of Christ College, Irinjalakuda.

1.6.2 Method of sampling
The sampling method used in convenient sampling.

1.6.3 Size of sample

Sample size is 50.

1.7 Tools for analysis

The tools used for analysing the data collected are percentage analysis, pie
chart and bar diagram.

1.8 Limitation

• The data collected for the study has been limited 50 respondents only.
• There is a chance for personal bias.

1.9 Chapterization
The study is presented in five chapters as follows.

Chapter 1: Introduction- this chapter mentions introduction, statement of

problem, objectives, scope of study, and methodology, chapter layout of the

Chapter 2: Review of Literature- this chapter mentions empirical literature.

Chapter 3: Conceptual Review- this chapter mentions meaning of customer

satisfaction and online shopping, factors affecting customer satisfaction.

Chapter 4: Data analysis and interpretation- this chapter mentions the data
tables, figures and interpretations made out from the questionnaire.

Chapter 5: Conclusion- this chapter mentions the findings and suggestions

made from the interpretation of data analysis and conclusion of the study.

2.1 Literature review
Internet usage history and intensity also affect online shopping potential.
Consumers with longer histories of internet usage educated and equipped with
better skills and perceptions of the web environment have significantly higher
intensities of online shopping experiences and are better candidates to be
captured in the cyber world. Those consumers using the internet for a long time
from various locations and for a higher variety of services are considered to be
more active users. Numerous researchers in the past have carried out various
studies on customer satisfaction examining different variables which had
created same impact on level of customer’s satisfaction and revealed different

CRAWFORD (1997) said that traditional consumer behaviour online shopping

has its own model, which the buying process starts from the problem
recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, then purchase, and
at last post purchase behaviour.

SOLOMON (1998) studied the online shopping and said that it is the study of
the processes involved when an individual selects, purchases, uses of products,
services, ides, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires. In view for the
internet to spread out as a retail channel, it is imperative to realize the
consumer’s mind-set, intention and conduct in light of the online buying

CHEUNG AND LEE (2005) proposed a research frame work and suggested
the key dimensions for customer satisfaction with respect to internet shopping
which were information quality(accuracy, content, format and timelines)system
quality(navigation, ease of use, response time and security)and service
quality(responsiveness, assurance and empathy).

HSUEHEN (2006) has also explained about their investigations of the

relationship among website quality, customer value and customer that in
defining the sub attributes of each main factor. Web customer satisfaction can
be classified into two distinctive attributes which are web information quality.

GUO et al., (2012) identified that eight determinants had positive relation with
consumer satisfaction viz., website design, security, information quality,
payment method, e-service quality, product quality, and product variety and
delivery service.

AJITABH DASH (2012) identified the key factors influencing customer’s

satisfaction through online shopping. These factors are privacy, trust,

complexity, product variety, risk, time utility and reliability multiple
regressions were used to know impact of these factors online shopping.

HAMED GOLROKHSARI (2012) found out that time efficiency, convenience

of purchasing any time and place, direct access to information and customer
service are the factors which build convenience.

NIKHASHEMI et al., (2013) found out that customer perceived quality,

perceived ease of use, perceived security and online payment process have
significant positive effect on increasing customer satisfaction towards internet

ASHISH PANT (2014) concluded in his research article that a successful web
store is not the just a good looking website with dynamic technical features but
it also emphasis on building the relationship with customers with customers
with making money. Firstly understanding the customer’s needs and wants is
very essential for building a relation with the customers keeping companies
promises gives a customer a reason to come back and meeting the expectations
gives them a reason to stay.

AISHAMYLEH et al., (2015) examined the following dimensions of e-services

to know its impact on satisfaction level of consumers: website design,
reliability, efficiency, and responsiveness, ease of use, availability and privacy.
The outcomes of the study suggested that all the dimensions except ease of use
had an impact on satisfaction of customers.

3.1 Conceptual review
Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a
measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass.
Customer needs who buys goods or services from a shop or business is a
customer. Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines
how happy customers are with a company’s products, service and capabilities.
Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and rating can help a
company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.
Customer satisfaction is a part of customers knowledge that disclosures a
suppliers performance on customers anticipation. Customer satisfaction is the
complete essence of imprint about the dealer by the customers. The impression
which a customer makes concerning provider is the sum total of all the process
he goes through, right from shared supplier before doing any marketing to post
sending options and services and managing queries or grievances post-delivery.
During this process the customer comes across working situation of various
sections and the type of approaches involved in the association. This helps the
customer to make strong opinion about the supplier which lastly marks in
satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for

creating, communicating, delivery and exchanging offering that has value for
customers, clients, partners and society at large. In a competitive market place
where business competes for customer; customer satisfaction is seen as a key
differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.
The marketing accountability standard board endorses the definition, purpose
and constructs of classes of measure that appear in marketing matrices as part
of its ongoing common language in marketing project. Online shopping is one
of the best contemporary marketing strategies to satisfy respective customer’s
needs and wants.

Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows

consumers to directly buy goods or service from a seller over the internet using
a web browser. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the web site of
the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors using a shopping
search engine, which displays the same products availably and pricing at
different e-retailers. As of 2016, customers can shop online using a range of
different computers and devices including dusk top computers, laptops, tablet
computers and smart phones. An online shop evokes the physical analogy of
buying products or services at regular shopping centres, this process is called
business-to-consumer (B2C) online shipping. When an online store is setup to

enable business to buy from another business, the process is called business-to-
business (B2B) online shopping. A typical online store enables the customer to
browse the firm’s range of the products along with information about the
product specification features and prices.

Technology is more often accompanied with disadvantages and

online shopping is no exception. The internet is prone to cybercrimes and
online shopping is facilitated through this internet only. Cyber criminals like
identity thieves prowl the internet looking for unsuspecting targets to steal their
credit card details. Armed with sophisticated hacking and tracking software,
they break the security protocols and access confidential credit card
information which they use to their benefits. Many people are thus very wary
of online shopping because of the risks involved in them.

Now days the life style of the people is different. People feel
going to crowded markets uncomfortable and time consuming. So, e-shopping
is a boon as it saves lot of time. Online shopping is a process whereby
consumers directly buy goods, service etc from a seller without an intermediary
service over the internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of
their house and shop as by sitting in front of the computer. Online stores are
usually available 24 hours a day and many consumers have internet access both
at work and at home. So it is very convenient for them to shop online. One of
the most enticing factors about online shopping, particularly during holiday
season. It alleviates the need to wait in long lines or search from a store for a
particular item. Varieties of goods are available in online shopping. So the
researcher wants to know the preference of the consumers. So fifty respondents
are taken and data are collected regarding their preference towards shopping

History of online shopping

The first secure retail transaction over the web was either by net market or
internet shopping network in 1994. Immediately after, launched
its online shopping site in 1995 and eBay was also introduced in1995. The
growth of the internet as a secure shopping channel has developed since 1994,
were among the pioneering retail categories which fuelled the growth of online
shopping. Researchers found that having products that are appropriate for e-
commerce as a key indicator of internet success. Many of these products did
well as they are generic products which shoppers didn’t need to touch and feel
in order to buy but also importantly in the early days there were few shoppers
online and they were from a narrow segment

Electronic commerce is popularly known as e-commerce. An e-
commerce business model “enables a firm/individual to conduct business over
an electronic network, typically the internet”. The biggest advantage of an e-
commerce is that the size of the market gets enlarged. Hence the business gets
bigger and the consumers have better access to quality products and services.
The consumer and seller or service provider interaction gets better and

Factors affecting customer satisfaction

Accessibility: You need to ensure that customer is able to find and access your
product and services efficiently without barrier and friction.

Navigation: Navigating and browsing your store should be a straight forward

and simple process. This includes providing users who know what they want
with an effective keyword search.

Page load and speed: Its simple rule the faster your website loads, the happier
your visitors.

Language: Speaking of your customer in their preferences language is pivotal

for your business. More than 50% of customer won’t make a purchase if
information about a product isn’t available in their language.

Personalized: By personalizing the experience and sharing the right contact, at

the right time with the right people, you can make introduction faster, easier.

Convenience: It is an essential element of a positive customer experiences. It

influences how customer makes decision about what to buy, what service to

Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the
collected information. Here the questionnaire was prepared for measuring
satisfaction level of customers towards online shopping. The primary data
collected by survey from Christ College students. Questionnaire was tabulated,
converted into percentage and displayed both in table as by graphical
representation for analysis. Based on the data, interpretation was made.

Percentage Analysis

Table 4.1 showing gender of respondents.

Option Number of customers Percentage
Male 31 38
Female 19 62
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

The customers are divided into two categories Male and Female. In this 38% of
customers are Male and 62% of customers are Female.

Figure 4.1 showing gender of respondents.


Table 4.2 showing age of respondents.
Option Number of employees Percentage
18 3 6
19 2 4
20 29 58
21 8 16
22 1 2
23 1 2
24 1 2
25 4 4
26 1 2
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

In this table there should be 6% of customers age are 18, 4% of customers age
are 19, 58% of customers age are 20, 16% of customers age are 21, 2% of
customers age are 22, 2% of customers age are 23, 2% of customers age are 24,
4% of customers age are 25 and 2% of customers age are 26.

Figure 4.2 showing age of respondents.





30% Age



18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Table 4.3 showing respondents tendency to shop online.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Yes 47 94
No 3 6
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

94% of customers use online shopping and 6% of customers never use online

Figure 4.3 showing respondents tendency to shop online.


Table 4.4 showing how frequently respondents buy online.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Once a month 14 28
Once in 6 months 20 40
Once in a year 14 28
Never brought online 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

The customers how frequently buy online should be divided into four
categories. In this, there should be 28% of customers use once a month, 40% of
customer’s use one in 6 months, 28% of customers use once in a year and 4%
of customers never brought online.

Figure 4.4 showing how frequently respondents buy online.

Once a month
Once in 6 months
Once in a year
Never brought online

Table 4.5 showing which online retailers respondents typically use.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Amazon 24 48
Flip kart 20 40
Ajio 4 18
Others 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

48% of customers typically use Amazon retailer, 40% of customers use Flip
kart, 18% of customers use Ajio retailer and 4% of customers use others.

Figure 4.5 showing which online retailers respondents typically use.



30% Flip kart
20% Others


Amazon Flip kart Ajio Others

Table 4.6 showing what types of products respondents typically buy

Option Number of customers percentage

Accessories 9 18
Clothes 15 30
Cosmetics 18 36
Electronics 3 6
Anything 5 10
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

Various types of products customers typically buy online. In this table 18% of
customers buy accessories, 30% of customers buy clothes, 36% of customers
buy cosmetics, 6% of customers buy electronics and 10% of customers buy
anything from online.

Figure 4.6 showing what types of products respondents typically buy





25% Accessories
15% Electronics


Accessories Clothes Cosmetics Electronics Anything

Table 4.7 showing whether respondents recommend online shopping
to a friend or family members.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Yes 44 88
No 6 12
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

88% of customers recommend online shopping to a friend or family members

and 12% of customers would not recommended.

Figure 4.7 showing whether respondents recommend online shopping

to a friend or family members.


Table 4.8 showing why respondents prefer online shopping.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Convenient & time 13 26
Low prices 11 22
Products variety 12 24
Home delivery 10 20
Others 4 8
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

There are five cases why respondents prefer online shopping. 26% of
customers prefer in convenient & time saving, 22% of customers prefer in low
prices, 24% of customers prefer in products variety, 20% 0f customers prefer in
home delivery and 8% customers prefer others.

Figure 4.8 showing why respondents prefer online shopping.

Convenient & time saving

Low prices
Products variety
Home delivery

Table 4.9 showing whether respondents felt any problem while
conducting online purchase.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Yes 24 48
No 26 52
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

48% of customers have felt any problem while conducting online purchase and
52% of customers haven’t felt any problem.

Figure 4.9 showing whether respondents felt any problem while

conducting online purchase.


Table 4.10 showing what kind of problem respondents faced while
conducting online purchase.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Delay in delivery 6 15
Cheap product quality 10 25
Product damage 7 17.5
Non delivery 2 5
Others 15 37.5
Total 40 100
(Source: Primary Data)

From fifty customers only forty respondents has faced problems while
conducting online purchase. In this table, there should be 15% of customers
face delay in delivery, 25% of customers face cheap quality product, 17.5% of
customers face product damage, 5% of customers face non delivery and
37.5%customers face others.

Figure 4.10 showing what kind of problem respondents faced while

conducting online purchase.

Delay in delivery
Cheap quality product
Product damage
Non delivery

Table 4.11 showing how much have respondents spent for online
shopping in past year.

Option Number of customers percentage

Nothing 4 8
1 – 2500 Rs 29 58
2500 – 5000 Rs 8 16
5000 – 10000 Rs 3 6
More than 10000 6 12
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

There are five categories, 58% of customers spent for online shopping in past
year under the category 1 – 2500 Rs and 6% of customers under the category
5000 – 10000 Rs.

Figure 4.11 showing how much have respondents spent for online
shopping in past year.

1 - 2500 Rs
2500 - 5000 Rs
5000 - 10000 Rs
More than 10000

Table 4.12 showing mode of payment.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Credit card 1 2
Debit card 9 18
Online bank transfer 2 4
Cash on delivery 38 76
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

In this table, there should be 76% of customers use cash on delivery method,
18% of customers use debit card method, 4% of customers use online bank
transfer method and 2% of customers use credit card payment method.

Figure 4.12 showing mode of payment.

Credit card
Debit card
Online bank tranfer
Cash on delivery

Table 4.13 showing online shopping are risky.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Strongly disagree 4 8
Disagree 7 14
Neutral 33 66
Agree 6 12
Strongly agree 0 0
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

66% of customers are response neutral with online shopping is risky and only
8% of customers are response strongly disagree with online shopping is risky.

Figure 4.13 showing online shopping are risky.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.14 showing shopping on internet saves time.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Strongly disagree 1 2
Disagree 3 6
Neutral 15 30
Agree 26 52
Strongly agree 5 10
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

52% of customers are response agree with shopping on internet saves time and
only 2% of customers response strongly disagree with shopping on internet
saves time.

Figure 4.14 showing shopping on internet save time.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.15 showing respondents level of satisfaction with the service
quality among the online websites.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 4 8
Neutral 19 38
Agree 25 50
Strongly agree 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

50% of customers are response agrees with the service quality among the
online websites and 8% of customers disagree with the service quality among
the online websites.

Figure 4.15 showing respondents level of satisfaction with the service

quality among the online websites.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.16 showing the importance of speed of delivery.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Strongly disagree 2 4
Disagree 1 2
Neutral 14 28
Agree 22 44
Strongly agree 11 22
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

44% of customers are response agrees with the speed of delivery important and
2% of customers are disagreeing with the speed of delivery important.

Figure 4.16 showing the importance of speed of delivery.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.17 showing the importance of price in online shopping.
Option Number of customers Percentage
Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 1 2
Neutral 14 28
Agree 27 54
Strongly agree 8 16
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

54% of customers are response agree with the price is important when
shopping and 2% of customers are disagree with the price is important when
shopping online.

Figure 4.17 showing the importance of price in online shopping.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.18 showing difference between the expectation and the real
product would influence satisfaction.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 2 4
Disagree 8 16
Neutral 13 26
Agree 24 48
Strongly agree 3 6
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

48% of customers are response agrees with the difference between the
expectation and the real product would influence satisfaction and 4% of
customers are strongly disagreeing with this statement.

Figure 4.18 showing difference between the expectation and the real
product would influence satisfaction.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.19 showing that the personal information is kept confidential
when buying products online.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 2 4
Disagree 2 4
Neutral 26 52
Agree 18 36
Strongly agree 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

52% of customers are response neutral with the statement that the personal
information is kept confidential when buying products online and 4%
customers are strongly disagree with this statement.

Figure 4.19 showing that the personal information is kept

confidential when buying products online.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.20 showing online shopping had a reasonable return and
exchange policy.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 3 6
Neutral 14 28
Agree 31 62
Strongly agree 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

62% of customers are response agree with the online shopping had a reasonable
return and exchange policy and 6% of customers are disagree with the online
shopping had a reasonable return and exchange policy.

Figure 4.20 showing online shopping had a reasonable return and

exchange policy.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.21 showing websites layout helps in searching the products

Options Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neutral 13 26
Agree 30 60
Strongly agree 7 14
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

60% of customers are response agree with the websites layout helps in
searching products easily and here there is no more customers response
disagree with this statement.

Figure 4.21showing websites layout helps in searching the products


Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Table 4.22 showing that the payment information is kept secure when
buying products online.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Strongly disagree 2 4
Disagree 1 2
Neutral 15 30
Agree 26 52
Strongly agree 6 12
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

52% of customers are response agree with the statement that the payment
information is kept secure when buying products online and 2% of customers
are disagree with this statement.

Figure 4.22 showing that the payment information is kept secure

when buying the products online.

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

5.1 Findings
➢ 38% of customers are male and 62% of customers are female.
➢ Most of the customers are in the age of 20 years.
➢ Majority of the customers uses online shopping.
➢ 40% of customers make purchase on online once in 6 months.
➢ 48% of customers visited Amazon retailer.
➢ 36%of customers purchase cosmetics products via online.
➢ Majority of customers recommend online shopping to a friend or family
➢ 26%of customers prefer online shopping for convenient and time saving.
➢ 52% of the customers did not face any problems in online shopping.
➢ 48% of customers face issues while conducting online shopping.
➢ 58% of customers spent about 2500 Rs for online shopping in a past
➢ The survey reveals that 76% of the customers make payment through
cash on delivery in online shopping.
➢ 66% of the customers neutral with the online shopping are risky.
➢ 52% of the customers agree with shopping on internet saves time.
➢ 50% of the customers satisfied with the service quality among the online
➢ 44% of the customers agree with the speed of delivery important.
➢ 54% of the customers agree with the price is important when shopping
➢ 48% of the customers agree with the difference between the expectation
and the real product would influence satisfaction.
➢ 52% of customers neutral with that the personal information kept
confidential when buying products online.
➢ 62% of customers agree with the online shopping had a reasonable
return and exchange policy.
➢ 60% of customers agree with the websites layout helps in searching the
products easily.
➢ 52% of the customers agree with the payment information is kept secure
when buying products online.

5.2 Suggestion
➢ The companies should try to despatch goods as soon as the order is
received. So that there will be no delay.
➢ The quality should be conformity with the catalogue. So that there will
not be an issue with quality of the products.
➢ The shopper should get feedback from customers which will evolve
them to receive the level of satisfaction.
➢ An awareness program may be conducted by the leading online
shopping companies in schools and colleges to enrich their knowledge
on online shopping.

5.3 Conclusion
The endeavour of this study is to identify the motivating factors towards
online shopping as well as inhibitions of online shopping. Therefore, from the
findings it was found that consumers purchasing decisions were dependent on
various factors. According to customer’s opinions convenient & time saving is
the most important motivating factor for online shopping. Customers mostly
buy cosmetics products from online. In contrast, when respondents were asked
about the problems faced while conducting online shopping, it was products
damage, cheap quality products. In addition, online security is a major concern
for the customers particularly in terms of fraud privacy and hacking.

The current technological development with respect to the internet has given
rise to a new marketing system. The study brought to the fact that most of the
online shoppers are educated people and students who have a positive
perception towards online shopping, risk perceptions particularly concerns
about online security, are preventing many people from shopping online.
Ensure adequate safety measures in delivery of products are a challenging task
in front of online sellers to increase their sales. Online sellers have to resolve
these problems and also introduce wide range of products with additional
discounts. This will create more demand from customers. On the basis of the
present study it concluded that online customers are satisfied. This research
clearly indicates that online marketer should give more importance on price
factor and after sales service. In this competitive era all the online marketers
should have to focus on the customer’s satisfaction to retain the existing
customers and have to offer new attractive schemes day by day to attract new


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I Hridhya v.v as a part of my course, I am conducting a project to

SHOPPING”. Kindly spare a few minutes to fill up this questionnaire.
Any information provided by you will for academic purpose only.

(a) Male (b) Female
1. Have you ever shop online?
(a) Yes (b) No
2. How frequently do you buy online?
(a) Frequently once a month (b) Once in 6 months
(c) Once in a year (d) Never brought online
3. Which online retailers do you typically use?
4. What types of products do you typically buy online?
5. Would you recommend online shopping to a friend or family
(a) Yes (b) No
6. Why do you prefer online shopping?
(a) Convenient & time saving (b) Low prices
(c) Products variety (d) Home delivery
(e) Others
7. Have you felt any problem while conducting online purchase?
(a) Yes (b) No
8. If yes, what kind of problem?
(a) Delay in delivery (b) Cheap quality product
(c) Product damages (d) Non delivery
(e) Others
9. How much have you spent for online shopping in past year?
(a) Nothing (b) 1 -2500 Rs
(c) 2500 – 5000 Rs (d) More than 5000 Rs
10. Mode of payment?
(a) Credit card (b) Debit card
(c) Online bank transfer (d) Cash on delivery
Please select your level of agreement to the following questions:
(Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D), Strongly
Disagree (SD))

SL NO. Statement SA A N D SD

11. Online shopping is risky.

12. Shopping on internet saves time.

13. I am generally satisfied with the

service quality among online shops.

14. Speed of delivery important to you.

15. The price is important when you

shopping online.

16. Difference between the expectation

and the real products would influence
your satisfaction.

17. That the personal information is kept

confidential when buying products

18. Online shopping had a reasonable

return and an exchange policy.

19. Website layout helps in searching the

products easily.

20. That the payment information is kept

secure when buying products online.

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