B-Pre Job Wellsite Procedure 1

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Scope............................................................................................................. 2
Post and Responsibility................................................................................. 3
SOP Description-Physical Inspection............................................................ 5
SOP Description-Connect WR-JMC/GJC..................................................... 6
SOP Description-Connect WR-MSR/GEOWAVES....................................... 8
SOP Description-SCP-ASP Connection........................................................ 9
SOP Description-ASP-Controller Connection...............................................10
SOP Description-Controller-Computer Connection......................................11
SOP Description-GPIB Card Connection......................................................12
SOP Description-Analog Connector Cable...................................................13
SOP Description-Start Instruments...............................................................15
SOP Description-Check WR-MSR/GEOWAVES Array................................16
SOP Description-Check Air Compressor......................................................22
SOP Description-Gun Installation..................................................................27
SOP Description-Gun Synchronization Tune................................................34
SOP Description-HOT SHOT........................................................................41

The purpose of this guide is to provide concise information about in-field operation for both

WR-MSR and GEOWAVES system.

This document is not intended to provide fully comprehensive information of VSP and the

operating procedures. However, this guide is suitable for both new learners and the

experienced field engineers, which is also useful for the foremen and operators to have a

better understanding of VSP and the operation procedures.

All the procedures included should always be carried out when operate it in order to run it as

reliably as possible.

Users are expected to have trained or experienced in WR-MSR / GEOWAVES or

GEOWAVES system.
Post and Responsibility
Engineer Senior Operator Operator
Physical Inspection ○ ● ○

Connect WR-JMC/GJC ○ ● ○

Connect WR-MSR/GEOWAVES ● ○ ○

SCP-ASP Connection ● ○ ○

ASP-Controller Connection ● ○ ○

Controller-Computer Connection ● ○ ○

GPIB Card Connection ● ○ ○

Analog Connector Cable ● ○ ○

Start Instruments ● ○ ○

Check WR-MSR/GEOWAVES Array ● ○ ○

Check Air Compressor ○ ● ○

Gun Installation ○ ● ○

Gun Synchronization Tune ● ○ ○

SOP Description
Once at the rig site, the following steps should be taken by the engineer:
1. Communicate with the client representatives to make sure the well information
and the job schedule. Get the caliper log for open hole and CBL log for cased
2. Communicate with the witness to talk about the job plan, including the shooting
interval, the LVL data etc. fill the well reference data.
3. Arrange the Wellsite pre-job QHSE meeting with the witness and the third party
representative, signature for the Wellsite pre-job QHSE meeting.
4. Fill WELLSITE OPERATIONS CHECKLIST and VSP Operations Checklist.
5. Pre survey tests and check should be carried out as soon as practicable.
Physical inspection & resistance tests
WR-MTU / GTU power up and telemetry tuning.
SOP Description
Physical Inspection
The following steps should be taken:
Step 1: Check that there is no visible damage to any WR-MAU / GAU tool component,
WR-IMC inter tool cable & WR-JMC / GJC junction cable.
Step 2: Ensure that the pressure equalizing piston of each WR-MAU is in the correct
Step 3: Make sure the correct anchoring kit (arm & nodes) are fitted to each WR-MSU.
Check that all the arm retainer clips of each WR-MSU are in place.
Step 4: Check that the arm link and yoke room of each WR-MSU is well greased.
Step 5: Check that the WR-IMC / GIC inter tool cables are fitted with decreasing value
links for successively deeper positions, note down the weak link engraved
SOP Description
Connect WR-JMC/GJC
Step 1: Connect WR-JMC / GJC to the wire line with torpedo.
Step 2: Insure the right order of wires when connecting: 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc.
Step 3: Grease with silicon grease.
Step 4: The wire line configuration for WR-JMC and GJC is different. See the figures

Figure 2.2-1 WR-IMC chart

Figure 2.2.2 wiring chart
SOP Description
Step 1: Arrange and align string components in order that they are to be deployed:
Step 2: Ensure WR-IMC / GIC inter tool cables are not tangled.
Step 3: Connect all the string in order to be deployed.
Step 4: Made sure SCP / SCIP-SCCP is not powered up.

Figure 2.3-1 SCP panel

Step 5: Connect WR-JMC / GJC bottom cable head junction cable to the WR-MTU /
GTU telemetry unit top side.

SOP Description
SCP-ASP Connection
Figure 2.4.1-1 ASP-SCP connection

1. ASP power supply.
2. EXT CTL: external control connector. Function as trigger input and output.
3. GPIB: GPIB connect to PCMCIA-GPIB card on acquisition laptop.
4. SCP: Interconnect cable to SCP.
5. Analog: Analog connector which has 8 channels available.
6. ASP: Interconnect cable to ASP.
7. RS-232:serial port connecting to downhole tool control laptop.
8. Seis-num: potential meter knob to regulate the transmission between WR-MAU.
9. SCP power supply.
10. Wireline connector: connect with 7 conductor cable.

SOP Description
ASP Controller Connection
Figure 2.4.2-1 ASP- Gun controller connection


1. TRGIN: acquisition system trigger one pulse with certain width and amplitude to

trigger the gun fire.

2. CTB: the return TB from the gun firing to start the data acquisition.

3. This two banana connectors connect to ASP “EXT CTL” connector.

SOP Description
Controller-Computer Connection
Figure 2.4.3-1 Main computer

Figure 2.4.3-2 Fourshot controller

Annotation: Totally 4 channels on the panel which permit four guns to work together.

SOP Description
GPIB Card Connection
Figure 2.4.4-1 PCMCIA-GPIB CARD

Figure 2.4.4-2 GPIB cable extension

SOP Description
Analog Connector Cable
Figure 2.4.5-1 analog connector cable

Figure 2.4.5-2 analog connector cable to line control panel

1. Each channel can be selected, however it should be input the same channel

number as used in the acquisition software for reference channel.

2. For vibrator source, another two channels should be opened for auxiliary


Make sure the junction cable has been connected to the downhole tools

and the Wireline extension cable has been connected to the cable interface

before power up the surface panel.





High voltage!!!!!!!!

SOP Description
Start Instruments
Step 1: Power up notebook P.C.
Step 2: Launch GeoAcq software. Configuration panel open.
Step 3: Switch on SCIP (button 3).Tool string start to initialise.
Step 4: Switch on SCPP (button 1).Mode hepta-cable light turn on (ITEM 4)
Step 5: Switch on tool power (button 2).Push button once or more time till tool power
light turn on (ITEM 2)
Step 6: String tool configuration is now going through with previous parameters
Step 7: If configuration parameters have to be changed:
Step 8: Break Init
Step 9: Change parameters
Step 10: Re init string
Step 11: Wait until string tool is fully initialized.
Step 12: Switch on GSP.
Step 13: Start ACQ PC & Processing PC.
Step 14: Open ACQ program.

Figure 2.4.5-1 SCIP-SCPP panel

SOP Description
Before switching on the WR-MSR/GEOWAVES array with SCPP/SCIP, the system
must be connected to the cable of a logging truck or through a test simulator as
shown below.
This set up can be carried out on the field prior to connect to the logging cable or
at shop, when the logging truck is not available.
Step 1: Software Setting
Go to WR-MSR / GEOWAVES control panel window on notebook:

Figure 2.6-1 WR-MSR configure panel

Step 2: String Configuration And Surface Configuration

2.1 String Configuration

 Set the sample rate

 Set the trans rate

 Choose the MAU s

 Push button RENIT STRING (Normally when power the SCP/SCIP-SCCP

panel, the software will automatically initial the tool string, If any parameters

need to be changed, RENIT STRING after changing.)

2.2 Surface Configuration

 Select filter
 Select serial port

2.3 Error CR3 and Error SEISNUM

 CR3 is the transmission format between downhole tools.

 SEISNUM is the transmission format between WR-MTU and surface system.

There is one potential meter null in SCP-IL board at the back of SCP panel,

which is function as the transmission regulator. If Error SEISNUM is higher than

10/s, the indicator will blink, regulate the potential meter null.

2.4 Down Hole Tool Command

 Preamplifier gain control. 40dB/46dB/52dB/58dB can be


 Pulse test for check the tool response.

 CALI ADC for analog to digital calibration.

 Measure for normal acquisition mode, test mode can be


Step 3: Motor Set Up


 Define motor current:

Current open: 100mA

Current anchor: 170mA

 Deactivated Motor: The motor will not achieve (arm will not open/close) if the

MAU was selected.

 Motor control panel


Transmission settings

The Transmission settings dialog box is used to adjust the CR4 and HST
transmission settings.
To open the Transmission settings dialog box, click on Transmission
settings command in the Window menu:

In the Transmission settings dialog box, the user can adjust:

 the cable length;

 the CR4 transmission rate;

 the logging transmission rate;

 the HST parameters.

The following indicators are available to check the transmission quality:
 the HST raw transmission rate;

 the cable signal to noise ratio;

 the OFDM constellations.

Cable length
In the Cable length group box, select the length of the logging cable
 very short: 0 to 1 km length;

 short: 1 to 4 km length;

 medium: 4 to 6 km length;

 long: superior to 6 km length.

N.B. The lengths are given for a good quality cable. They might vary with the quality of the cable.

CR4 transmission rate

In the CR4 group box, select ther CR4 Transmission rate between 3 and 4

If the selected transmission rate is 4 Mbits/s, select the number of

levels which have this transmission rate.
Once the parameters have been re-defined, click on the REINIT button to
reintialiaze the CR4. During reinitialisation, the indicator located to
the right of the button is light green.

Logging transmission rate

In the Logging group box, the Transmission rate set for logging
acquisition can be adjusted. 1Mbit/s is the default value. If the
quality of the logging cable is very poor, reduce this value.

HST parameters
The HST group box contains tools to adjust the HST transmission rate.
Three sets with default parameters can be selected:
 Safe: this set corresponds to a safer mode with a low transmission rate (less risk of error).

 Intermediate: the intermediate set is a compromise between the safe and the performance sets.

 Performance: this set corresponds to a less safer mode with a high transmission rate (more risk
of error).

To adjust directly the three following parameters:

 Sigma;

 Noise margin;

 Error rate;
move the cursor on User settings position.

Once the HST parameters have been re-defined, click on the HST
reinitialization button to reintialiaze the telemetry. During
reinitialisation, the indicator located to the right of the button is
light green. When the reinitialization is achieved, the transmission
rate meter is updated.

Cable signal to noise ratio

The white curve represents the signal to noise ratio for each carrier.
This curve must be close to the red one which is the theoretical curve
for a 7 km cable length.
OFDM constellations
This diagram represents the OFDM constellations. To select a carrier,
click on the Carrier updown button. To change the scale of the diagram
(which is a power of two), click on the scale updown button.
Step 4: VSP Source Check

VSP source check including the following steps:

 Check the working status of air compressor.

 Gun installation.

 The gun synchronization tuning if two or more guns are used.

 The vibrator source check if vibrator is used as source.

SOP Description
Check Air Compressor

Step 1: Overall inspection prior to machine starting up

 Check the diesel, engine and compressor lubricator

 Make sure that the whole assembly rotates freely.

 Make sure that the whole assembly is perfectly clean.

 Make sure that the electrical connections and wiring are in

proper condition.

 Regarding the only GECC MACHINE

 Check the belts for proper tension; make sure they are in proper

working condition.

 Set the compressor in a ventilate area, no obstacles around the

compressor at least 1m.

 Compressor area should be isolated by an adequate fencing and guarding

system, with affixed plates and sketches providing sufficient clarification about it

to prevent any hazard from happening.

 Check the pipe lines, fastening systems and fitting tightness.

 Check the electrical equipment and associated components and

connecting cables.
Step 2: Starting up

Following the logical progress of cycle as below:

 Switch on the 24V DC battery.

 Open control panel door.

1.Turn on the engine start switch, the DC voltage meter will turn to 24V.
2.Keep the engine start switch in the middle position to preheat the diesel engine.

The diesel engine light will turn red, after about 10sec the light off, it is time to start

the engine. See above chart.

3.Start the engine, the tachometer turn to 1000rpm.

4.After 3 minutes, push cycle start, cycle on stage working, and the tachometer turn

to 1500rpm.
5.The air compressor start working, the press air enters into air bottles, the storage

pressure enlarging. The maximum of storage pressure is 270bar, if the pressure is

higher than it, the vent valve will delivery the pressure into atmosphere.

6.Check for proper pressure build-up as specified in table below.

  Pressure actuation Safety valve rating

Stage 1 4-5 bar 7 bar
Stage 2 18-19 bar 32 bar
Stage 3 78-82 bar 90 bar
Stage 4 350 bar 360 bar

7.Check all the related signal lights operate properly.

SOP Description
Gun Installation
Avoid air restrictions in the pneumatic circuit that could reduce the air flow reaching the
 As all mechanical systems, the G.GUN needs lubrication to
maximize the lifetime of the o-rings and wear rings. Consequently, even if the
compressor is injecting oil into the air, it is better to install a lubricating pump.
The oil used should be compatible with the plastic material used in the
 Based on previous experience the average quantity of oil to
reach the gun at each shot should be in the range of 1 mm 3/cu.in.
 Before handling, inspection and disassembly, MAKE SURE
 Before disassembly remove firing line and air hose for the gun.
 Never fire the G.GUN in air
 Never put hands inside the discharge ports.
1. Towing-Hanging
OR HANGING…but they can be safely used for handling the G.GUN.
 When the gun is towed horizontally, the AIR INLET should be
at the top, the air and Time Break lines on the trailing end.
Figure 2.6.2-1 G.Gun parts

2.Overboarding procedure

Step 1: Connect firing line and Connect Time Break (use a water

absorption such as LPS or WD40 spray to dry the connectors),

check the Solenoid Valve (should click when energized),



Step 2: Disable the gun controller.

Step 3: Start the air compressor.

Step 4: Gun set pressure must be at 0.

Step 5: Cycle on the air compressor.

Step 6: Close the vent valves and open the air supply valves.
Step 7: Blow out the air hose and connect it to the gun. Make sure

there is not the press air in the air hose.

Step 8: To be sure the crane for guns hanging is in safe place and

properly loaded.

Step 9: Overboard and immerse the gun. The G.GUN will be

immersed without air pressure.

Step 10: Set 35bar to 50bar press air in the gun before immerse it into

mud pit hanging by crane.

Figure 2.6.2-2 G.Gun pressure set

Step 11: After the gun input in the mud pit, set firing pressure wanted to
the gun, Normally, recommend the using G-GUN pressure no

higher than 140bar (2000psi) to protect the air hose.

Step 12: Pressurize the gun up to the firing pressure and fire a number

of shots to expel the water from the chamber and the M/P

Time Break, if the gun has been immersed without air


Figure 2.6.2-3 G.Gun cluster.

3.Gun is ready for operation.

During gun operation, check the water pit to prevent the guns buried by pit collapse.

Isolation area should be defined around the water pit and warning signs should be set in case

hurt of human.

Figure 2.6.2-4 Hydrophone position sketch map.

SOP Description
Gun Synchronization Tune

 Gun synchronization is auto tuned by the source controller, if

auto mode is defined.

 Gun firing unsynchronized will decrease the data frequency and

data quality.
Figure 2.6.3-1---4 Illustrate the four gun wavelets, from which we can see the
influence of synchronization to the wavelet.

Figure 2.6.3-1 Good Synchronization of four guns

Figure 2.6.3-2 One gun misfire

Figure 2.6.3-3 Bad synchronization of gun 3 from other guns.

Figure 2.6.3-4 The spectrum analysis of gun wavelet.


CNLC does not have this source, therefore the vibrator is normally operated by the third

party members.

SOP Description
System Set-up
Check-out Procedure
1. Apply power to HotShot. Turn on unit via front panel switch. The Blue LED comes on and the Green
LED should blink, if GUN ENABLE switch is in ENABLE position.
2. Turn ON/OFF each GUN switch. The RED LED next to the switch should turn OFF when in the OFF
position and back ON when in the ON position.
3. With no other cable connected, put GUN ENABLE switch in DISABLE position, green LED should
stop blinking and all RED gun LEDs should turn OFF. Put back in ENABLE position, green LED
should start blinking and all RED gun LEDs should turn ON.
4. Push MANUAL TRIGGER button, green KED should stay on for 2 seconds and then turn OFF.
5. Connect PC interface cable provided from HotShot to the serial port COM1 on the PC. Install the
HotShot software from the supplied disk and start the HotShot application. When the HotShot is
connected to the PC and the software is running, there is a time field in the status bar at the bottom
of the screen. It should be updating with the current time. This is your indication that the HotShot is
connected to the PC properly.
6. Go to the MODE menu and change the “Firing Mode” to TEST and the “Trigger Type” to External.
Press PK and look for the HotShot to start firing at 10 second intervals. You can change this interval
on the TIMING menu. The displayed waveforms should be flat and a NO FIRE status displayed for
each gun.
7. In the GUN menu, change the MODE to AUTO for all guns, change the DELAY time to 1 msec for all
guns and the GAIN to 6 for all guns. Press OK and wait for a cycle. In the next one or two cycles a
waveform should display for each gun.
8. Now you are ready to try firing real guns. NOTE: DO NOT test fire real guns until you are sure that
the guns are in the water or have no pressure on them. Connect a gun by connecting its ’ gun cable
to the GUN connector on top of the HotShot. Cycle the Hotshot by Manual Trigger or by PC control.
When the gun fires you will see the RED LED go out momentarily. This means that the internal gun
capacitor has discharged. It will come back on within a few seconds. Do this each gun with pressure
OFF and guns on deck to see that the solenoid is connected.
9. Now put the guns in the water and apply pressure. Edit the fields in the GUN menu and change the
DELAY for each gun to 10 msecs. This is a good starting position for most guns. You may have to
change the GAIN or INVERT fields but wait to do this to see what the sensor returns look like.
IMPORTANT: Now go to the mode menu and change the Firing Mode to WARM.
10. Cycle the HotShot once and observe the sensor returns. The left side of the screen shows only +/- 5
msecs of sensor return. If the gun delay is very far off from the initial value of 10 msecs you may
need to change the gun delay to get it closer for the sensor to fall inside the window. The lower graph
shows an expanded view of one gun sensor. Select the gun you want to see by double clicking its
graph. This is the monitor gun. Its graph will update on the next shot.
11. Play with the DELAY, GAIN and INVERT to get an idea how these settings affect the sensor signal.
12. Based on your type of gun pick the Sensor Pick Type in the Timing menu. For BOLT use LEVEL (or
PEAK), for SLEEVE use ZERO CROSS and for G use LEVEL (or PEAK).

Parameter Menus
File Menu
Provides access to log files and statistics (which are explained in sections 10 & 11 of this
View Menu
Provides enable/disable of:
Status bar display
FTB Error Alerts
No-Fire Error Alerts
Auto-Fire Error Alerts
Delta Error Alerts
Mode Menu (F1)
When you press F1 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with Mode Menu press Esc to return to main menu

Total Guns
Select number of guns 4, 8, 12 or 16 depending on how many HotShot units are used.
Trigger Mode
1. EXT - External trigger start
2. CYC - Internal cycle mode, use Cycle Time for cycle interval time.
Shot Number
Shot point number (numeric) which is incremented by the Shot Interval. Used to identify shots on the
Shot Interval
Increment value for the shot point. (Typically set at 1 or -1).
Survey Name
Used to create a survey directory to store line statistics.
Line Number
The line name is entered at the beginning of the job. The shot statistics are recorded in a file that is
named with this entry. The file extension is .dat.

Q/C Dialog (F2)

When you press F2 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with Q/C Dialog press Esc to return to main menu.
Sensor Record Enable
Used to enable recording of sensor waveforms.
Hydrophone Display Lengt h
Display length in msecs for the hydrophone sensor display.
Delta Error Q/C
Q/C tolerance limits for delta errors. A gun with a delta outside this tolerance is flagged as having a
DELTA error. (Typically set at 1.0 msecs)
Hydrophone Display Start
Determines at what point of the hydrophone signal to start the graph on the screen.
Pressure Target
Desired Manifold Pressure at time of shot.
Pressure Error
Allowable pressure range around Pressure Target.
Depth Target
Desired Gun Depth at time of shot.
Depth Error
Allowable gun depth range around Depth Target.

Timing Parameter Dialog (F3)

When you press F3 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with Timing Parameters press Esc to return to main menu.
Fire Pulse Voltage
Select 75V, 100V, 125V or 150V as the solenoid firing voltage. Typically the lowest voltage is
sufficient on short (less than 50 meters of cable). 150V is used for very long cables (500 meters or
more). Too low of voltage will result in erratic gun firing.
Gun Type - Select SLEEVE, BOLT or G.I.
SLEEVE: One gun per channel and no sensor power.
BOLT: One gun per channel and sensor power applied.
G.I.: One gun per two channels and no sensor power. Gun 1(odd # gun) is for the generator solenoid
and Gun2(even # gun) is for the injector solenoid.
Closure Out
Start time after trigger at which the 100 msec Closure Out signal is activated. The minimum value is
55 msec.
Peak Look Window
The window around the aim-point to look for sensor return signatures. (see sensor picking section for
full description of how this entry should be used).
Peak Detection Method
One of three methods can be selected (see sensor picking section for full description): PEAK, ZERO

Fire Pulse Width

Solenoid fire pulse width (G or GI gun = 60 msecs; BOLT = 25 msecs; Sleeve = 15 msecs)
Sensor Threshold
Voltage threshold that the sensor signal must cross before sensor signal can be picked.
AutoFire Threshold
Voltage threshold sensor signal must cross before an autofire is detected on any gun.
AutoFire Count
Number of consequetive 0.1 msec samples that must occur before an Auto-Fire is declared. Typically
set to 2 or 3.
Bubble Look Window
This entry only appears when the gun type is set to G.I. It defined a window size in which to look for
a bubble. If this entry is 10, then the Bubble Look Window is +/- 10 msecs centered around the
Bubble Period time defined for each gun in menu F4.
Bubble Threshold
This entry is similar to Peak threshold defined earlier in this menu. It specifies a threshold over which
the signal must cross in the Bubble Look Window in order for a bubble error to be declared. As with
Bubble Look Window, this only appears when gun type is set to G.I.

Gun Parameters Menu (F4)

When you press F4 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with Gun Parameters press Esc to return to main menu.

Mode - Select Gun mode from the following:

• OFF - gun will not fire or have autofire detection.
• SPARE - Gun will not fire but will have autofire detection.
• MANUAL - Gun will fire at static Gun Delay time.
• AUTO - Gun will fire and be automatically tuned to aiming point.
The time before the aim-point at which the solenoid fire pulse is activated for this gun.
Linear gain applied to sensor signal prior to digitizing.
Sensor signal inversion for reversed sensor inputs. Note: BOLT gun sensor are powered and polarity
sensitive, so software inversion is not useful.
Status offset from Aim-Point that is applied to this gun. Typically set to zero.
Injector Delay
This entry will only appear if the gun type (in the Timing menu) is set to G.I.
This is the injector delay time. It is the time in msecs after the aim-point at which the injector
solenoid is tuned on. It will have a different value for each size gun.
Bubble Period
This is the Bubble Period that was mentioned in menu F3. It defines the center point of the Bubble
Look Window for this gun. It is different for each size gun. As with Injector Delay, this entry only
appears if the gun type is set to G.I.

HydroPhone Parameter Menu (F5)

When you press F5 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with HydroPhone Parameters press Esc to return to main menu.
FTB Type
The source of the field time break is selected to be either the hydrophone or the analog sum of the
gun sensor signals.
FTB Xmit Length
This is the length of time that the FTB output signal is valid. If a value of 200 is entered and the unit
is in Mast/Slave or Walk/Away mode, the FTB signal is valid from 450 msecs to 650 msecs.
HydroPhone Length
Number of msecs of hydrophone signature to digitize. (up to 1000 msecs) This value must be non-
zero (1 - 1000) to enable a hydrophone. A value of zero, in effect, turns off the hydrophone
HydroPhone Invert
Selects hardware inversion of HydroPhone signal. Note: hydrophone must be positive going in order
for FTB detect to be active.
HydroPhone Gain
The linear scale factor applied to the hydrophone before digitization.
times 0.5; times 1.0; times 2.0; times 5.0

Depth/Pressure Configuration Menu (F6)

When you press F6 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When
finished with Depth/Pressure press Esc to return to main menu.

Use this menu to enable and scale depth and pressure information.
The HotShot optionally has a gun depth manifold pressure transducer inputs.
The depth transducer is powered by 24 volts and produces a signal that represents a frequency. This
frequency changes depending on the depth. At zero depth the transducer manufactured by AG
Geophysical output a frequency of approximately 2000 Hz. The Syntron transducer has a zero depth
frequency of about 5000 Hz. Each 1 Hz change indicates a change of 0.01 meters.
The manifold pressure transducer is a 4-20 ma current mode transducer. There are many off the shelf
transducers which will properly interface to this input channel. At 0 OSI the transducer should
produce a 4 ma signal and at maximum scale it will produce 20 ma. This 4-20 ma reading is
converted into a voltage which is in binary. This binary number must then be scaled to PSI units.
Depth Chan Enable
Enables the depth transducer and associated Q/C
Depth Zero
Enter Zero Frequency (about 2000 or 5000) or measure with transducer on board.
Depth Offset
A static value that is added to the depth. Typically a depth transducer is mounted above the gun and a
static offset must be added to compensate for this.
Depth Scale
Typically set to .01 to display in meters (but can be changed).
Depth Target
Same as on Q/C dialog.

Depth Error
Same as on Q/C dialog.
Depth Range
Maximum display range for depth graphing.
Pressure Chan Enable
Enables pressure transducer and associated scaling.
Pressure Zero
(See Pressure Scale)
Pressure Scale
Calculate scale using slope intercept formula (P = mR - b)
Where m is the scale; b is the zero; R is the raw value and P is the pressure.
This can be done by first setting the scale to 1.000 and zero to 0.
Set pressure to zero and record reading for pressure; this is the b value.
Turn pressure up to 500 PSI and record reading again as a variable named Z.
m = 500/(Z-b)
Target Pressure
Minimum depth for Q/C checking.
Pressure Error
Error Range for pressure (typically 200).
Pressure Range
Maximum display range for depth graphing.
China National Logging Corporation CNLC/WL/VSPSOP-B-M1-01
Vertical Seismic Profile SOP Edition No:1 Modify No:1
Pre Job Wellsite Procedure Page:48/49

Line Statistics Dialog (F7)

When you press F7 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When finished with Line
Statistics Dialog press Esc to return to main menu.

This menu displays the statistics for all guns on the current line.
Maintenance Count
Cumulative count of shots fired on this gun. This value must be zeroed by the operator using the ALT-E command and
then zeroing each gun individually.
Line Shots
Count of shots on line for this gun.
Delta Error
Count of delta errors on line for this gun.
No-Fire Error
Count of No-Fire errors on line for this gun.
Count of auto-fire errors on line for this gun.
Use the Clear Line Stats button to clear these counts. This does not clear the Maintenance Count which must be edited
in the Maintenance Count dialog box.

Maintenance Count Dialog (F8)

When you press F8 this pop-up menu will appear. Please see brief explanation of settings below. When finished with
Maintenance Count Dialog press Esc to return to main menu.

This is used to change the maintenance count statistic for each gun.
This count is used to maintain a count of the number of times a gun has been fired so that proper maintenance can be
China National Logging Corporation CNLC/WL/VSPSOP-B-M1-01
Vertical Seismic Profile SOP Edition No:1 Modify No:1
Pre Job Wellsite Procedure Page:49/49

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