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This ebook is only for those who have attended AutoCAD 2D & 3D Class by Oil & Gas Master (OGM) or have
bought the ebook directly to OGM. All rights reserved. Do not distribute this ebook illegally

Author: Mohamad Nazmi bin Ismail

H/P: +60123405883


FB Page: NF Design & Engineering

Publisher: Oil & Gas Master (OGM) Training & Consultancy








Table of Contents
1. 2D DRAFTING BASIC COMMANDS............................................................................................................. 3

1.1. SETTING COMMANDS..................................................................................................................... 3

1.2. DRAWING COMMANDS.................................................................................................................. 5

1.3. MODIFY COMMANDS....................................................................................................................11

1.4. ANNOTATIONS.............................................................................................................................. 18

2. PRACTICAL: 2D HOUSE PLAN DRAFTING..................................................................................................22

3. PRACTICAL: 2D ELECTRICAL DRAFTING (SINGLE PHASE WIRING)............................................................31

4. PRACTICAL: GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS ‘GA’ DRAWING.........................................................................36

5. PRACTICAL: ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS........................................................................................................ 44

6. PRACTICAL: QUANTITY MEASUREMENTS................................................................................................ 49

7. 3D MODELING BASIC COMMANDS.......................................................................................................... 51

8. PRACTICAL: 3D HOUSE MODELING..........................................................................................................60

9. PRACTICAL: 3D HOUSE MODELING......................................................................................................... 72



1. Open the AutoCAD file. Type ‘limits’, press spacebar and enter coordinate 0,0 then press
spacebar then enter coordinate 1000,1000.
2. Press the middle mouse button twice to centralize the drawing.

3. Type ‘units’, press spacebar.

4. Then it will appear the menu box as below. Set your type, precision and units to scale
inserted content. You can select from the drop down list.
5. Type ‘layer’, press spacebar.

6. Then right click on your mouse, select the new layer options to create the layers.

7. Type ‘osnap’, press spacebar. Then it will appear the drafting settings box as below.

8. You can click your desired Object Snap Modes, usually we will use Endpoint, Midpoint,
Center, Intersection and Extension.
9. Below on your screen, there are a lot of icons, you can click the blue icon as appear
above. That is polar tracking mode. To ensure the accurateness of the drawings.



1. Type ‘line’, press spacebar, click on the starting point.

2. Move cursor to the right, then enter the value, press spacebar.


1. Type ‘pline’, spacebar, click on the starting point.

2. Move the cursor to the right, enter value, spacebar, move cursor downwards, enter
value, spacebar, move cursor to the right, enter value, spacebar.

3. It will appear the continuous line as per picture above.


1. Type ‘circle’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the starting point, move the cursor to the right, enter value, press spacebar.

1. Type ‘arc’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the first point, then click on the second point, then click on the endpoint.


1. Type ‘rec’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the starting point, type @, type 400, comma, then type 300. For example.

1. Type ‘ellipse’, press spacebar.

2. Type ‘c’, spacebar, click on the starting point, move the cursor to the right, enter value,


1. Type ‘pol’, press spacebar.

2. Enter the number of sides: 5, press spacebar.

3. Click on the starting point, type ‘i’, press spacebar, move the cursor upwards.


1. Draw a rectangle. Type ‘hatch’, press spacebar.

2. Move the cursor inside the rectangle, then click.

3. You can select the desired pattern on the top menu.

4. You also can adjust the scale of the hatch by putting the scale factor as per picture

1. Type ‘move’, press spacebar.

2. Select the object, press spacebar, click on your desired base point, move the cursor to
the right then click.


1. Type ‘copy’, press spacebar.

2. Select object, press spacebar, click on the desired basepoint, move the cursor to the
right then click.

1. Type ‘rotate’, press spacebar.

2. Select object, press spacebar, click on the desired basepoint, enter the angle for e.g: 90.


1. Type ‘mirror’, press spacebar.

2. Select object, press spacebar, click on the desired basepoint, move the cursor upwards,
then click, press spacebar.

1. Type ‘scale’, press spacebar.

2. Click at the basepoint of the object, enter the desired scale factor for example 2.


1. Type ‘trim’, press spacebar 2x.

2. Move the cursor to the line that you want to cut, then click, press spacebar.

1. Type ‘extend’, press spacebar.

2. Select the targeted object, press spacebar, then select to the line that you want to
extend, press spacebar.


1. Type ‘fillet’, press spacebar. Type ‘r’, spacebar, enter value, spacebar.

2. Click on the first line, then click on the second line.


1. Draw a circle, then draw a line starting from center until circumference.

2. Type ‘array’, spacebar, select the line, spacebar, type ‘polar’, spacebar, click on the
center of the circle.

3. You can adjust the number of items on the top menu.

4. The picture above shows the path array.

5. The picture above shows the rectangular array.

6. For rectangular array, you can adjust the columns, rows on the top menu.

1. Type ‘explode’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the rectangle, press spacebar, then you will see the separated line.


1. Type ‘offset’, press spacebar, enter the value then press spacebar, click on the rectangle,
press spacebar, move the cursor inwards or outwards, then click, press spacebar.

1. Type ‘dimstyle’, press spacebar.

2. Then it will appear the Dimension Style Manager. Click on the ‘Modify’.

3. Click on the Symbols and Arrows tab, you can set your desired Arrowheads and Arrow
4. Next, you can set your desired Text height, text alignment and etc.

5. Next, you can go to the tab Primary Units, set your desired Unit format, Precision and
Decimal Separator. Then click OK.

1. Type ‘diml’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the starting point of the object, then move the cursor to the end point, then
click. Move the cursor upwards, click.


1. Type ‘text’, press spacebar.

2. Click on the base point, move the cursor upwards, insert the text height, move the
cursor to the right, then click, type the desired text, click on the screen and press escape.

1. Type ‘mtext’ and press spacebar.

2. Click on the starting point, move the cursor upwards, type ‘h’ press spacebar, enter the
desired value (height), press spacebar, move the cursor to the right, click on the screen
and press escape.
1. Set the limits of the drawing to 0,0 and 1000,1000.

2. Type ‘units’ press spacebar then it will appear the drawing units menu as above. Choose
Type ‘Engineering’, precision 0’-0” and unit to scale inserted content ‘Feet’. Click OK.

3. Move your cursor to the top menu of your screen, click on the ‘Layer Properties’. Then
right click, choose ‘New Layer’. Create the layers as per picture above. Finally click ‘x’ on
the top left of the menu box.

4. After created the layers, you can select the desired layer as per picture above. Select
layer ‘walls’.
5. Type command ‘pline’, press spacebar, click on the starting point, move the cursor to
the right, enter the value 26’, press spacebar, move the cursor down, enter 36’, press
spacebar, then continue until the endpoint.

6. Type command ‘offset’, press spacebar then enter 6”. Select the pline then move the
cursor inwards of the pline. Then click.

7. Divide the plan into several partitions by using ‘line’ command, then offset all the line
forming the living room, kitchen, bedroom and toilet.
8. Type command ‘trim’ then press spacebar twice, remove the lines as per picture above
in order to form the connected walls.

9. After done with trim, you will get the walls as per picture above.

10. Next, select the door layer. By using command rectangle and circle, draw the door
symbol as per picture above. For the small rectangle, type ‘rec’ press spacebar, click,
type @, type 3”, type comma (,) then type 6”, press spacebar.
11. For door, type ‘rec’ press spacebar, click, type @, type 1.5”, type comma (,), type 4’ then
press space bar.
12. For quarter circle, type ‘circle’, spacebar then click on the bottom of the door then move
cursor until top of the door then click. After that, using the command ‘trim’ to form the
quarter circle as per picture above.

13. Then, by using the command ‘copy’ and ‘rotate’, insert the door into the floor plan as
per picture above.

14. Select layer ‘window’, type ‘rec’, spacebar then click, type @, type 6’, type comma (,),
type 3’ press spacebar then draw a line in the middle of the rectangle as per picture
15. Insert the windows by using command ‘copy’ and ‘rotate’ as per picture above.

16. Next, select layer ‘toilet’, by using command ‘rec’, ‘line’, ‘arc’, ‘mirror’ and ‘offset’, draw
the toilet as per picture above.

17. Create the block for the toilet, type ‘block’, spacebar then it will appear the menu box as
per picture above. Put the name ‘toilet’, select the base point by click on the Pick point
icon, select the base point of the toilet. After that, click Select Objects icon, select the
toilet then press spacebar. Click OK.

18. Now, type ‘insert’, spacebar, select toilet on the Name’s drop down list, click OK. Then
you can insert the toilet block into the drawing.

19. Select layer ‘bed’, by using the commands such as ‘rec’, ‘copy’, ‘line’, ‘trim’ and ‘hatch’,
draw the bed as per picture above.

20. For the hatch command, type’ hatch’, spacebar, click on desired area and you can select
your desired pattern as picture above.
21. Select layer ‘sofa’, draw the sofa and select layer ‘TV’, draw the TV as per picture above.

22. Select layer ‘dining table’, by using the commands ‘rec’, ’line’, ‘copy’, ‘mirror’, you will
get the dining table as per picture above.

23. Select layer ‘sink’, draw the sink by using commands ‘ellipse’, ‘offset’, ‘rec’ and ‘move’ as
per picture above.

24. Type ‘mtext’, spacebar, click, move the cursor upwards, type ‘h’, enter the desired
height value, spacebar, move the cursor to the right and click. Type the desired text,
then click, press escape on your keyboard.
25. Next, type ‘dimstyle’, spacebar then it will appear the dimension style manager as
picture above. Click ‘modify’. Modify the arrow size, text height and precision, then click
OK. Click Close.

26. Type ‘diml’, spacebar, click on the starting of the wall until then endpoint as per picture
above. The dimensions are labelled.

27. The picture above shows the completed drawing of the floor plan together with
dimensions and labelling.
28. Press the middle button of your mouse twice to center the drawing.
29. Press ctrl + P, then the Plot-Model menu box appeared. Kindly you can set your plotting
as per picture above.
 Printer/plotter: DWG To PDF
 Paper size: ISO expand A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)
 What to plot: Extents
 Plot offset: Click on the ‘Center the plot’
 Plot scale: Click on ‘Fit to paper’
 Click OK

30. Then click preview, click on the print icon.

31. Finally, you will get the PDF file as per picture above.

1. Firstly, by using the command ‘layer’, create the layers consist of the electrical
components as per picture above. Among the components/layers are:
 Cut-out unit & neutral link
 Fuse
 Meter
 Point
 RCCB Double Pole
 Wire
 Text

2. Select the layer ‘cut-out unit & neutral link’.

3. Draw the circle first, then copy the circle to the right, by using polar tracking, draw the
lines as per picture above for cut-out unit (above) and neutral link (below).
4. Type ‘block’, create the block for the cut-out unit & neutral link as per picture above.
Create block for all of the components.

5. Now, select the layer ‘meter’, draw the rectangle first. Then draw the circle. Fit the
rectangle into the circle by using the polar tracking method.

6. Select layer ‘Fuse’, draw the ellipse first, then by using polar tracking, draw the arc. The
fuse will be as per picture above.
7. Select layer ‘RCCB Double Pole’, draw the rectangle first, then draw a line at the middle
of the rectangle. By using ‘ellipse’, ‘hatch’ and ‘mirror’ command, the RCCB Double Pole
component will appear as above.

8. Select layer ‘MCB’, you can copy the hatched ellipse from the RCCB.
9. Create block for all of the components created: Cut-out unit & neutral link, meter, fuse,
RCCB, MCB, Point.

10. By using ‘insert’ command, arrange the created components as per picture above.
11. Then type ‘mtext’ to insert the labelling on the electrical diagram.

12. Finally, the electrical diagram will appear as per picture above.
13. Press ctrl + P for plotting, set the plotting as per following:
 Printer/plotter: DWG To PDF
 Paper size: ISO expand A3 (420.00 x 297.00 MM)
 What to plot: Extents
 Plot offset: Click on the ‘Center the plot’
 Plot scale: Click on ‘Fit to paper’
 Click OK

14. The electrical diagram in PDF appear as per picture above.

1. Create layers including the part/components as the following:
 Main Shell
 Dish
 Saddle support
 Nozzle
 Manhole
 Vent
 Drain

2. Select layer ‘main shell’, type ‘rec’ command, draw the rectangle with length 2000 x
width 700.

3. Select layer ‘dish’, type ‘arc’ command, draw the arc at the right side of the rectangle.
4. Select the arc, by using ‘grip editing’, adjust the arc of the dish as per picture above.

5. By using the ‘mirror’ command, select the arc, spacebar, click on the midpoint of the
rectangle, move cursor upwards, then click, then press spacebar.

6. Select layer ‘saddle support’, draw the rectangle on the bottom of the ‘main shell’, then
draw line in the middle of the rectangle, using the ‘move’ command, adjust it to the
center of the bottom ‘main shell’ as per picture above.
7. Draw ‘pline’ on the top of the rectangle and ‘offset’ the ‘pline’ as per picture above.

8. Then copy the ‘saddle support’ to the right and left of the bottom ‘main shell’ as per
picture above.

9. Select layer ‘manhole’, draw line at the midpoint of the upper ‘main shell’. ‘Copy’ the
line to left and right, then draw ‘rectangle’ on the top of the line. ‘Move’ the ‘rectangle’
until it is located at the center of the lines forming the Man Hole as picture above.

10. Select layer ’nozzle’, same step as the manhole, but the nozzle is little bit smaller.
11. The arrangement of the manhole and nozzle on the top of the ‘main shell’ is as per
picture above.

12. Select layer ‘vent’, by using command ‘pline’, ‘fillet’, ‘offset’ and ‘rectangle’. Draw the
‘vent’ as per picture above.

13. Select layer ‘drain’, by using ‘mirror’ command, select the ‘vent’ then mirror it into the
bottom of the ‘main shell as per picture above.

14. Select layer ‘0’, move your cursor to the top menu, find the properties tab, click on the
‘red mark’ as per picture above then click other.
15. Then it will appear the Linetype Manager menu as per picture above.

16. Click on the ‘Load’, then it will appear the various line types for you to choose. Select
the ‘CENTER2’ line type.

17. Draw ‘line’ from the left to right sides on the middle of the horizontal tank.

18. Type ‘mo’, spacebar, select the line, adjust the linetype scale on the menu box as per
picture above.
19. Draw the front view of the horizontal tank as per picture above. By using the command
‘circle’, ‘line’, ‘trim’ and ‘move’.

20. Type ‘mleaderstyle’, spacebar then it will appear the Multileader Style manager as per
picture above. Set your desired arrow and text size.

21. Type ‘leader’, spacebar, click on the object that you want to label, move the cursor away
from the object, then click, spacebar, type the label of the objects as per picture above.
22. Then by using ‘text’ and ‘diml’ commands, label the rest of the parts and put dimensions
as per picture above.

23. After that, select layer ‘title’, then draw the title block by using ‘line’, ‘pline’ and ‘mtext’
commands as per picture above.

24. Finally, press ctrl + P, then set your plotting style as per picture above.
25. Then the PDF file for the horizontal tank diagram appeared as above.

1. Type ‘osnap’, press spacebar, then it will appear the drafting settings as per picture

2. Go to the ‘polar tracking’ tab, then set the increment angle into 30.

3. Move your cursor to the bottom of the screen, then you will see the X symbol as per
picture above.
4. You also can type the ‘isodraft’ command in order to select the isoplane right, left or top.

5. Then, type ‘line’, draw the rectangle as per picture above.

6. Then draw the three lines as per picture above.

7. Type ‘ellipse’, press spacebar, type ‘I’, press spacebar, draw the isocircle as per picture

8. Copy the isocircle to the right of the box.

9. By using ‘trim’, cut the lines so that it will appear as per picture above.

10. The draw the small isocircle as per picture above.

11. By using dimstyle, set your desired dimension style, then type ‘dimali’, label the
isometric drawing as per picture above.

12. Then you can see on the top menu, click on the ‘dimension’, then select ‘oblique’.

13. You can adjust the orientation of the dimension by type the angle 30 or -30 degree, then
select the dimensions.
14. By using plot command or ctrl + P, convert the drawing file to pdf file.

1. Draw a rectangle or line, type ‘mea’, then select distance

2. Measure the line distance by clicking on the start and end point.


1. Type ‘mea’ select radius, then click on the circle.


1. Type ‘mea’ select angle, then click on the first line and second line.

1. Type ‘mea’ select area, type ‘o’ then click on the object.


1. Type ‘mea’ select volume, type ‘o’ then select object.


1. Draw the circle as per picture above.

2. Move the cursor to the top left of the screen, change the top view to the SW
Isometric view.

3. Type ‘extrude’, press spacebar.

4. Extrude the cylinder upwards.

5. Change the 2D wireframe view to the conceptual view.

6. The picture above is the conceptual view for the cylinder.

7. On the right of the screen, you can see the orbit icon, click on this icon and you can
view the model 360 degree.

8. Draw the rectangle as per picture above.

9. Offset the rectangle inwards.

10. By using the ‘extrude’ command, extrude both of the rectangle.

11. The picture above shows the extruded rectangles.

12. By using the ‘subtract’ command, select the outside layer, press spacebar, select the
inside layer, press spacebar.

13. When you change to the conceptual view, the subtracted box will appear as above.

14. Draw the ‘pline’ as per picture above.

15. Draw the ‘circle’.

16. By using the ‘sweep’ command, select the circle, press spacebar, select the pline,
press spacebar.

17. The result from the ‘sweep’ command appear as per picture above.

18. By using the ‘box’ command, draw the cuboid as per picture above.

19. By using the ‘sphere’ command, draw the sphere.

20. Put the cuboid into the center of the sphere.

21. Type ‘union’ command, select both sphere and cuboid, the they will combine

22. The conceptual view for the model as per picture above.

23. Type ‘fillet’ command, press spacebar.

24. Enter the fillet radius, press spacebar. You need to specify the suitable radius.

25. Click on the line that you want to ‘fillet’.

26. Select all edges of the top cuboid for example.

27. Then you will see the sharp edge become the blunt edge.
28. This is the view for the blunt edge in realistic view.

29. In 3D Modeling, this UCS (User Coordination System) consist of the 3 axis which are x,
y and z. Z axis is the direction of the extrusion for 3D modeling.

30. As you can see, the direction of z axis is vertically upwards. So the face of the
rectangle is faced upwards.

31. After extruded, the extrusion direction also faced upwards.

32. Now, carefully change the z axis into the 3D forward direction. The face of the
rectangle also faced forward.

33. Same goes to the direction of the extrusion, also faced forward.

1. Set the drawing limits by (0,0) and (1000,1000), centralize the drawings by clicking on
the middle mouse button twice, then create the layers for the house as per picture

2. Select the ‘wall’ layer, by using ‘rec’ command, click on the screen, type @400,-550 to
draw a rectangle.

3. By using ‘offset’ command, insert the offset distance 10, then offset the rectangle
4. Select ‘window’ layer, by using ‘rec’ command, type @10,-100.

5. By using the command ‘copy’ & ‘rotate’, put the windows into the wall as per picture

6. Select the ‘door’ layer, by using the ‘rec’ command, type @90,-10.

7. By using the ‘copy’ command, put the doors into the wall as per picture above.

8. Move the cursor to the top left of the screen, click on the ‘top’, select the ‘SW
isometric’ view.
9. The view of the house floor plan will be as per picture above. Select the ‘base’ layer,
by using the ‘rec’ command, type @400,-700.

10. Select the ‘wall’ layer, by using the ‘rec’ command, type @20,20 to draw the 2d
pillar in front of the house.

11. Still on the ‘wall’ layer, by using the ‘extrude’ command, extrude both of the wall
lines upward by 160 as per picture above.

12. By using the ‘subtract’ command, select the outer wall, press spacebar, then select
the inner layer, press spacebar, go to the top left of your screen, click on the 2D
wireframe, change into conceptual view. The view will be as per picture above.
13. Select the ‘window’ layer, by using the ‘move’ command, move the window
vertically upwards follow the z axis, 40.

14. By using the ‘extrude’ command, extrude the windows upwards by 75.

15. By using the ‘subtract’ command, select the wall first, press spacebar, then select
the windows, press spacebar. Then the conceptual view will appear as per picture above.
16. Select the ‘door’ layer, by using the ‘extrude’ command, extrude the doors upwards,
then click on the top edge of the extruded window.

17. By using the ‘subtract’ command, select the wall, press spacebar, then select the
doors, press spacebar.

18. Now we are on the isometric view, in this view it will become easier to sketch the
doors, windows and glass.
19. As you can see on the screen, this is the UCS (user coordination system) icon, click
on the square, move the UCS into the front wall of the house.

20. By using the ‘rec’ command, draw the rectangle from the top left edge to the
bottom right edge of the door section. Then extrude the rectangle inwards by half of the

21. Now, change the UCS axis directions by moving it to the right wall of the house.

22. Select the ‘window’ layer, draw a rectangle from the top right edge to the bottom
left edge of the window section. By using the ‘offset’ command, offset the rectangle by
23. By using the ‘extrude’ command, extrude both of the rectangles inwards by clicking
on the inner edge of the window section.

24. Select the ‘glass’ layer, draw the rectangle from the top right edge to the bottom left
edge of the inner window. Then extrude the rectangle by half of the wall.

25. By using the rotate & copy commands, put all of the doors and windows to the door
and window sections.
26. Change to the front view.

27. Select the ‘roof’ layer, draw the vertical line in the middle of the top wall with height
of 100, then draw the horizontal line by 240, lastly draw the third line as per picture

28. By using the ‘mirror’ command, mirror the lines to form the triangle as per picture
above. Erase the middle line and join all of the lines to become polyline.

29. Change to the SW Isometric view, extrude the roof by 590.

30. By using the ‘presspull’ command, stretch the front of the roof by 160.

31. Select the ‘wall’ layer, extrude the two pillars at front of the house upwards by
clicking on the top edge of the wall.

32. Select the ‘grass’ layer, draw the rectangle that enclose the house and extrude the
rectangle downwards by 10.

33. Change to the top view.

34. By using the ‘camera’ command, put the camera at the position as per picture above.
You also can see the camera preview when click on the camera.

35. Change to the right view, adjust the camera.

36. Change the view to the custom view-camera 1.

37. By using the ‘materials’ command, the materials browser menu will appear, you can
select your desired material and apply to the parts of the house.
38. Click on the windows, then go to the autodesk library on the menu, select glass, you
can choose the clear-glass glazing.

39. Right click on the global, select duplicate, then create the name-wall.

40. You can see the edit icon, click on that icon, then you can set your desired materials.

41. You also can adjust to the full shadows, sun status, environment and render to size.
42. By using the ‘render’ command, you can see the rendering result as per picture
above and save it into you computer.

1. Firstly, set the ‘ucsicon’ to ‘noorigin’, set the drawing limits by (0,0), (1000,1000) and
create the layers for the piping & pressure vessels.

2. Draw the 2D piping layout as per picture above. That is the top view for the piping

3. Change the top view into SE Isometric view.

4. Select the ‘valve’ layer, draw the rectangle as per picture above.

5. Then by using the ‘revolve’ command, click at the edge of the rectangle from end to
end and you can revolve the rectangle by 360 as per picture above.

6. By using the ‘line’, ‘circle’, ‘sweep’ and ‘array’ commands. You can create the
handwheel for the valve as per picture above.
7. Next, select the ‘saddle support’ layer, extrude the two rectangles as per picture

8. Select the ‘tank body’ layer, draw the ‘pline’ as per picture above, forming the half of
the tank body.

9. By using the ‘revolve’ command, click on the edge of the pline and revolve it by 360.
10. Then, select the ‘elbow’ layer, draw the line and ‘fillet’ the line as per picture above.
‘Join’ all the lines for the elbow.

11. Draw a circle as per picture above. By using the ‘sweep’ command, select the circle,
press spacebar, select the pline, press spacebar.

12. Next, select the ‘T-joint’ layer, draw the t-joint lines as per picture above.

13. Draw the circles, the sweep to the lines.

14. The elbow and t-joint of the piping model will appear as above.

15. Now, select the ‘piping’ layer, draw the line that connect all of the valve, horizontal
tank, elbow and T-Joint.

16. ‘Join’ the lines, then draw a circle, ‘sweep’ to the pline. The piping connection will
appear as per picture above.
17. Select the ‘storage tank’ layer, then extrude the circle to form a cylinder as per
picture above.

18. Fillet the top edge of the cylinder, then the 3D piping modeling will appear as above.

19. Copy the piping, horizontal tank and the valve as per picture above.
20. The 2D wireframe view for the 3D piping appear as above.

21. The perspective view of the completed 3D piping modeling.

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