Ahmad Ubaid - Assignment 8 - Final Report

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The Special Military Operation in the Ukraine


The Russo-Ukrainian war began two months ago. This invasion was a
thunderbolt to the entire world. Tensions have increased in the world due to the
problems that may or may occur due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This war
is not over yet, and no one knows when it will end or how it will end and what this
conquest of the world will happen.


The purpose of this report is to search for the cause of the problem, identify
the conflicting parties, and clarify the problems that the war has caused or could

Scope and Method:

The main objective of this report is to explain and clarify what is happening
due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what factors will result from this war.
Information about the Russo-Ukrainian War was obtained from CNN, which
explains the many causes of this war, the New York Times, and BBC News. All
these references serve to clarify the reasons for the Russian invasion of Ukraine
and what this war could cause for Ukrainians and the world in general.

The Russian war on Ukraine began on Thursday, February 24, 2022. This
war is taking place between the Russians and the Ukrainians in general, and also
between Russia and NATO. Last year, Russia tightened and increased the number
of soldiers and military equipment on the Russian-Ukrainian border. The
population of Ukraine, which exceeds 44 million people, woke up to the beginning
of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Confrontations between the Russians and the
Ukrainians began that day in many Ukrainian cities and on the borders, and half a
million Ukrainians fled to the neighboring countries of Ukraine.

That morning, residents of Ukraine saw black smoke rising from a military
airport near Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city. All this was due to Russian
President Putin's announcement of the start of a military operation he called
Special, and Russian President Putin warned of bloodshed unless Ukraine handed
over its weapons. This invasion came after several months of expectations of
Moscow's intentions to invade Ukraine after Russian forces deployed about
150,000 Russian soldiers on the Ukrainian border. This was noted as satellites
revealed Russian movements on the border and the deployment of tanks, artillery
and other equipment in multiple locations near Ukraine, Crimea and Belarus. The
Russian army, which is considered the strongest in this confrontation, faced strong
resistance from the Ukrainians, as a large number of Ukrainian civilians and
reservists joined to defend their country, families and homes, which frustrated a
number of Moscow's attempts to invade some cities. Two senior US officials
described this resistance as tougher than expected. The position of the United
States on this problem was that it accepted that it would not send troops to Ukraine
because Ukraine is not a member of NATO, but Ukraine received aid from
European countries as well as from the United States and others. And some
countries of the world issued several sanctions on Russia to isolate it economically,
and indeed the sanctions hindered the Russian economy and Moscow was isolated
from the Western financial system and the value of its currency, the ruble, fell.

One of the reasons for this problem is also due to the mass protests in the capital,
Kyiv, in early 2014 to the expulsion of a president close to Russia after refusing to
sign an agreement with the European Union. Russia's response to this was the
annexation of Ukraine's Crimea. The biggest reason for Russia's invasion of
Ukraine is that NATO announced its intention to offer Ukraine membership to
NATO one day in the future, and that was four years after NATO added 2004 the
Baltic republics, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to NATO. Whereas Russian
President Putin considered that NATO expansion is a threat to Russia and that the
possibility of Ukraine joining NATO is an act of aggression against Russia. In
previous speeches to Putin, he expressed his view that Ukraine is originally part of
Russia culturally, linguistically, and politically, and some Russian-speaking
residents of eastern Ukraine feel the same. Putin also made statements published in
an article in July 2021, that the Russians and the Ukrainians are one people, and
indicated that the West was the one who corrupted Ukraine, drove it out of Russia,
and changed its identity.

Some considered Putin's rhetoric about the reasons for his invasion of
Ukraine to be a complete distortion of history, emotional and full of injustice to the
Ukrainian people, and the Ukrainian people expressed their rejection of the idea
that they are not a puppet of the West.

The Ukrainian people also expressed in the latest polls that they now prefer
membership in the transatlantic military alliance led by the United States of

Ukraine's response to the Russian war, beginning with Ukrainian President

Zelensky, had earlier played down the outbreak of war with Russia. Ukrainian
President Zelensky has indicated that the threat has existed for years and that his
country is ready to respond to any military operation, and when Russia launched its
first military operation in Ukraine on Thursday morning, the Ukrainian president
delivered a moving speech to the Ukrainian people, in which he said that Russia
had started a war against Ukraine and the whole world, and he said in his speech
that Russia intends to destroy Ukraine and everything we build in Ukraine. After
the speech, panic spread throughout Ukraine and the population was preparing for
the worst and preparing to flee the country.

The Ukrainian government expressed that Moscow has no right to prevent

Ukraine from joining NATO, that it cannot prevent Kyiv from doing so, and that it
has no right to interfere in its internal and external political affairs. Therefore, the
Ukrainian president requested urgent admission of Ukraine into the European
Union and appealed to some countries to help Ukraine and reinforce its forces.
Because of this, the US ambassador to the United Nations said that Russia's
invasion of Ukraine would create the largest refugee crisis in the world, and would
cause the displacement of more than 5 million people. Some people indicated that
a total of 3 million Ukrainians, most of whom are elderly and children, will need
food, shelter, and life-saving aid. The newspapers also indicated that a large
number of innocent people in Ukraine, including women, children and the elderly,
are losing their lives because of this war, and that these people have the right to
live a decent life, but the Russian invasion robs them of their most basic rights to

One of the results of this war is that there will be a decrease in the world's
resources. Russia is one of the largest countries in the world that owns gas.
Because of the war, there will be a severe decrease in natural resources and some
countries will be affected by this shortage. Some countries issued some sanctions
on Russia and because of those sanctions the value of the Russian ruble was
reduced, and because of the sanctions, Russian President Putin issued new laws in
an attempt to raise the value of the Russian ruble. Some countries agree with this
and say that this condition is contrary to the previously established agreements and
that payment in dollars must be committed.

Based on the information in this report, this problem will not be resolved in
a quick time, and several decisions and meetings will be taken to reach a
diplomatic agreement between Russia and Ukraine. As Russia has not only caused
a problem with Ukraine, but has caused many problems in the world, such as the
presence of many displaced people and refugees because of this war, the injustice
and destruction of the lives of innocent children and the elderly, and this war also
causes a scarcity of the necessary natural resources in the world such as gas and
oil. This war will end if Russia gives guarantees that there will be no harm to
Russia if Ukraine joins NATO and that there will be no further military operations
against Ukraine from Russia.


Mackintosh, E. (2022, Feb 28). What does Putin want in Ukraine? The conflict explained.

from CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/24/europe/ukraine-russia-conflict-explainer-2-cmd-


Times, T. N. (2022, Feb 23). A Russian invasion would displace up to 5 million Ukrainians, in
‘tidal waves of suffering,’ the U.S. says.

from The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/24/world/europe/russian-


Kirby, P. (2022, April 14). Why has Russia invaded Ukraine and what does Putin want?

from BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56720589

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