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Technology brings problems as well as benefits to humankind. Since Henry Ford began mass-producing
them, automobiles have provided us with a cheap and convenient means of transportation. However, they have
also brought us traffic jams and air pollution. A technological development that is changing our lives as much as
the automoobiles is the personal computer. Since the 1980s, personal computers have become common in homes,
schools, and businesses, and just as automoiles have brought unexpected problems, so have personal computers.
To begin with, communication by computer has caused some problems. Although we can easily send a
message to hundreds of people in an instant, we can also receive hundreds of messages, both wanted and
unwanted, in just a few minutes. It took several hours to read all of them. The lack of censorship in cyberspace is
another problem that no one has solved yet. Our expanded ability to communicate means that anyone with a
computer can communicate anything to anyone on any subjetc at any time. Therefore, computer-literate child can
receive pornographic photos and listen to chat-room conversations about adult content.
In addition, it causes problems in business. They have created opportunities for computerized crime. Computer
criminals use their skill to obtain secret business information and to steal money. Moreover, the use of computers
has depersonalized business. People are no longer customers; they are account numbers. Face to face business
transactions are no longer necessary. You can do all of that on the internet using computer.
It is clear personal computers have made our lives easier, but they have done so at a cost. As with every new
invention, there have been unforeseen consequences. It is up to us to find the solution to the problems as well as
to enjoy the conveiences of the new tool.
01. The topic of the text is .... 04. The following can be problems caused by
(A) the developmnet of computers technological development, EXCEPT ....
(B) problems in communication (A) having unwanted message
(C) implementation of new technology (B) sending a message instantly
(D) problems caused by computers (C) having access to pornographic photos
(E) computer criminals (D) committing computer crimes
(E) hacking someone else’s bank account
02. Which of the following is TRUE accrding to the text?
(A) Unlike computers, automobiles give problems 05. From the text we may conclude that ....
to human beings (A) producers of personal computers have
(B) Computers and automobiles have given us the predicted their bad effects on users
same problems (B) the inconvenience of using computer is greater
(C) A revolution in technology can be source of compared to its convenience
much trouble (C) depersonalized business has become today’s
(D) Problems caused by automobiles started in 1908 most popular style of business
(E) Before 1980, computers did not cause any (D) the habit of telecommunicating has increased
problems interraction among workers
(E) many problems caused by computers cannot
03. When a business is depersonalized .... be controlled and are still unsolved
(A) the company may never have to meet its
customers or clients
(B) communicatin is not running well because
people do not meet each other
(C) traders do face-to-face transactions with their
(D) people invoved in business do not communicate
with each other
(E) the company does not care about who their
customers are

Prosus INTEN - Mandiri - 2 Bahasa Inggris Superintensif Persiapan UTBK 2022 1

You learn in schools through your ears as well as through your eyes. Experts who have studied human
communication thoroughly have come up with some revealing facts. They show that the average individual
spends approximately 70 percent of his or her time communicating. Mostly about 9 percent of this time is devoted
to writing, 16 percent to reading, 30 percent to talking and 45 percent to listenng. However, in spite of larger
amount of time spent in listening, the average person does not do it well. Estimates of listening efficiency show
that the average skill is only about 25 percent of what it should be,
06. The following statements are true according 11. .....
to the text, EXCEPT .... (A) students
(A) people spend most of their time communicating (B) student
(B) most people have efficient listening skills (C) study
(C) people spend less time speaking than listening (D) studying
(D) we learn through listening and speaking (E) studied
(E) average listening efficiency is very low
12. ....
07. The most important finding on the study of (A) alongside
communication is .... (B) a long side
(A) the way people communicate (C) side
(B) that people do a lot of communicating (D) tide
(C) the efficiency in learning (E) ride
(D) that people do not listen efficiently
(E) the percentage of time in communication 13. ….
(A) finding
In their latest paper, __8__ in the journal Nature Climate (B) found
Change, Prof Philip Munday and his __9__ report first (C) to find
evidence that high CO2 levels in sea water disrupts a (D) to be found
key brain receptor in fish causing marked-changes in (E) founders
their behaviour and __10__ ability. They began by
__11__ how baby clowns and damsel fishes performed 14. ….
__12__ their predators in CO2-enriched water. They (A) while
__13__ that, __14__ the predators were somewhat (B) despite
__15__ , the baby fish suffered much higher rates of (C) in spite of
attrition. (D) what
(E) whatever
08. ....
(A) was a publisher 15. …
(B) published (A) affection
(C) is published (B) affect
(D) will be publishing (C) affected
(E) will publish (D) has affected
(E) will affect
09. ....
(A) colleges
(B) colleagues
(C) collegiate
(D) apartments
(E) condominiums

10. ....
(A) sense
(B) sensor
(C) sensory
(D) centenarian
(E) octogenarian

Prosus INTEN - Mandiri - 2 Bahasa Inggris Superintensif Persiapan UTBK 2022 2

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