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Lean Canvas Design Thinking

Use the Lean Canvas model to clarify your thinking about your defined problem and proposed solutions. See the example below this table for what is needed for
each box. Either printing this onto A3 or complete online but enlarge to add all your thinking here.

1. Problem Proposed solution 3. Unique Value Proposition Unfair/ Advantage 2. Customer segment
Local city council
 More collection bins The product I would like to build I would have to rely on funding Rec fish WA
on already proves that it works, from local government to take Sea shepherd
Fishing gear litter in our ocean  drop off point for what I would like to see is more on the solution, and make it a
waterways and on land. used old fishing gear options for people to discard of long-term goal for our local city
like cash for their fishing tackle safely with and then across the rest of
containers. more bins provided and a larger Great Southern
option for consumers to drop their
 Biodegradable fishing large collections of somewhere
gear that will break sustainable for disposable.
Existing alternatives- down quickly Especially when at home and Early adopters
discarded large nets, wire or hooks
placing them straight in household Local government and
Rec fish have started to place bin isn’t promising that they will fisherman
collections bin is some make it safely to landfill without
locations- but need more or a falling out in the environment. In a
different solution Key Metrics long-term solution, it would be Channels
(Success Indicators) great to see more affordable and (Communication)
In the England they have  Evidence of advertised biodegradable fishing
established sustainable ways to collections bin being gear on the market.  Social media
recycle fishing gear where full High level concept  Word of mouth
possible they have drop off  Share solution with local
points available for their  Less fishing litter With lots of small bins being city council
fisherman to drop of large found on beach placed around the state costing
portions of fishing gear free of the government more money it
charge to be sent away and would be more finically friendly to
recycled. include local tips to have collection points for the fishing gear to be
how-to-handle-fishing-gear- sent away and recycle or place
responsibly into landfill safely. The money

10 STEA Innovations Class Lean Canvas Bec McKinney Shenton College

then not going into individual bins
can go towards the waste being
sent away to be recycled.

*Potential costs *Potential revenue streams

(this may not be applicable to everyone)
Would take a fair bit of supported funding from government
schemes to create and place more bins in locations needed. Funding
$20,000 was invested from state government to provide 20 more Charity from social media donations and people who want to see change in the problem
bins across the state and provide training for volunteers to
empty the bins safely In their area. (Feb
(This gives a rough idea of how much money would be needed to
provide a wide range of bins across the state with only 65 in the
state since the project started in 2013.

10 STEA Innovations Class Lean Canvas Bec McKinney Shenton College

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