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Deaf And Hard Of Adjust your classroom and teaching style

Hearing ● Make eye contact, speak clearly and normally,

but don’t shout.
Children General Ed Classroom ● Arrange seats in a horseshoe or circle.
Mainstreaming and Parent Tips ● Reduce back-lighting concerns.
● Give hearing-impaired students a moment to
identify who is speaking.
● Seat the student close to and facing both the
teacher and the interpreter.
● Speak clearly and use specifics.
● Provide vocabulary lists in advance when
● Talk directly to the student during class, not
the interpreter.

Make additional accommodations

● Face students when speaking, and be sure
you have their attention.
“According to the CDC, as many as 15% of school age ● Provide study guides and pre-written notes.
children have significant hearing loss in at least one ear.” ● Allow time for students to review slides or
handouts before speaking.
● Check frequently for understanding and
● Use technology to help you out.
Recognize the challenges
● Background Noise
● Acoustics
● Back-lighting Resources
● Note-taking
● Difficulty Collaborating ● How Deaf Children Learn: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know
● Social Concerns. (Marschark/Hauser 2011)

● The Gallaudet Children’s Dictionary of American Sign Language

● Tips for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, University
of Maryland

1Oksana Mozgina, Soumya Basavaraj, Keith Vann

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