Internet of Things-M-5

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Eisha Akanksha
Things at Finger Tips
 IoT is a network of physical objects or people
called “things” .

 These objects to network must be embedded

with sensors, software, electronics for
communication and networking capabilities.

 Allows them to “collect” and “exchange” data

about them or about their environment.

 All this collectively allows these otherwise dumb

objects to be “smart”.
 To extend internet connectivity from standard devices to
relatively dumb devices like Toasters!
 Make virtually everything “Smart”
 “Connected world”
 Betterment of Quality of life by utilizing the power of Data
collection, networking , Data science and AI
 By four lazy to walk

 David Nicholas and


 Enabled them to check

from their desk if the
machine is loaded with
A coke machine at Carnegie cold coke.
Melon University 1982
 Computers connected
and the beginnings of
TCP/IP begin to take
shape in 1974.

 John Romkey is
credited with this
achievement by
creating a toaster that
could be turned on and
off through the
Internet for the 1989
INTEROP conference.
 Year later at
Cambridge University

 Them web cam was

programmed to take
the pictures of the
coffee pot and send
the images to local
 Visionary Technologist

 Marketer at P&G

 Explained in a presentation
how RFID tags can help
connect different devices

 To solve the management of

Kevin Ashton – who
reportedly coined the term supply chain
Internet of Things
Advantages/Disadvantages of IoT
Advantages/Disadvantages of IoT

Efficient resource Utilization---

 For example Monitoring of resources, Sharing Alerts, Energy Harvesting

Minimum Human Effort---

 For example Robots, Volcanos, Undersea Life

Save Time---
 For example manual corrections and detections are omitted.

Enhance data collection---

 The quality, quantity of data collection increases.

Improve Security---
 Need to make system more secure and robust.
 Security– IoT devices greatly expand the “attack surface”, or the number
of potential areas for cybercriminals to penetrate a secure network.

 Regulation– The government is taking its time to catch up, and

businesses are often left without crucial information they need to make

 Compatibility– Compatibility for IoT devices also depends upon users

keeping their devices updated and patched, which can be challenging.

 Bandwidth– As more and more devices begin to connect to the networks,

they often struggle to sustain the load. Intelligent switching is required.

 Customer expectations– With such intense competition in the IoT

market, customers whose expectations aren’t met won’t hesitate to go
 Security
 Regulations
 Compatibility
 Bandwidth
 Customer Expectation
 Sensors and Devices
 Connectivity
 Data processing
 User Interface
Most of the IoT devices and platforms are prone to attacks so
security features must be defined by the users.
 Security–
Heterogeneous devices are connected so software updates
must be regular.
Since different types of data is shared, which consumes the
bandwidth hence intelligent switching devices must be used.
To meet customer expectations interfaces/dashboard are provided
for feedback. So any changes from the customer are provided from
the dashboard to cloud and then to sensors/devices without humn
Sensors gather the data from the environment.
Short range–Bluetooth, Zigbee,
Medium Range- Wifi
Long Range- Cellular Communication, Satellite Communication
Storage, combining data from multiple sources, reconciling multiple
data format, filtering, protecting, preprocessing etc.
User window through chat, message,
notification, chat, videos etc.
Data Flow/
Control Flow

Smart Applications and Management

Processing Unit

Processing Unit, Data Analytics/

Decision Unit

Internet Gateways/ Network Gateways/
Network Topologies (Data Acquisition System)

Data Gathering
Physical Objects, Sensors and
The architecture of IoT devices comprises four major

1) Sensing Layer
2) Network Layer
3) Data processing
4) Application layers
Sensing Layer
Sensing Layer

• This layer consists of several sensors.

• The main purpose of the sensing layer is to capture the data

from environment, process it and transmit over the network

• Sensors in IoT devices are usually integrated through sensor

hubs. A sensor hub is a common connection point for multiple
sensors that accumulate and forward sensor data to the
processing unit of a device.
Types of Sensors

Sensors in IoT devices can be classified into three broad categories as

described below:

Motion Sensors Environmental Sensors Position sensors:

Types of Sensors

Motion Sensors:

• Motion sensors measure the change in motion, orientation of the


• Motions can be: linear and angular motions.

• The linear motion refers to the linear displacement of an IoT device

while the angular motion refers to the rotational displacement of the
Sensing Layer

Environmental Sensors:

• Sensors such as Light sensors, Pressure sensors, water sensors, O2

sensors etc. They can be embedded in IoT devices to sense the change in
environmental parameters.

• The primary purpose of using environmental sensors in IoT devices is to

take autonomous decisions according to the changes of a device’s
Sensing Layer

Position sensors:

• Position sensors of IoT devices deal with the physical position and
location of the device.

• The most common position sensors used in IoT devices are magnetic
sensors and Global Positioning System (GPS) sensors.
Sensing Layer

An actuator is a component of
a machine that is responsible
for moving and controlling a
mechanism or system, for
example by opening a valve
Sensing Layer

• Actuators can also intervene to change the physical conditions

that generate the data.

• An actuator might, for example, shut off a power supply, adjust

an airflow valve, or move a robotic gripper in an assembly
Network Layer

• The network layer acts as a communication channel to transfer data

from nodes to cloud and vice versa.

• This layer consists of Internet/Network Gateways and Data acquisition

system (DAS)

• Advanced gateways perform many functions like malware security,

filtering, decision making on the input data, data management.

• IoT devices, the network layer is implemented by using diverse

communication technologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, ZWave,
LoRa, cellular network, etc.) to allow data flow between other devices
within the same network.
Data Processing Layer

• This is IoT ecosystem’s processing unit.

• Data is analyzed and processed at this layer before sending to

data center

• The processed data is accessed by software applications, also

known as business applications that track and manage data, and
prepare further actions.
Application Layer

• It is the user interface layer.

• Various applications of IoT can be monitored like smart homes,

smart cities, smart health, animal tracking, etc.

• Data Analysis, data analysis and even reports can be generated.

• IoT smart Home

• The Smart Grid

• Smart City

• Fitness Trackers

• Smart Watches

• Safety Wearables
• Agriculture

• Material Handling

• Drones

• Remote sensing

• Crop Monitoring

• Weather Conditions
• Soil Quality

• Computer Imaging

• Quality Control and Sorting and Grading

• Irrigation monitoring
Smart Home App (Example: Amazon’s Alexa)
• Smart Home initiative allows subscribers to remotely manage
and monitor different home devices from anywhere via
smartphones or over the web with no physical distance

• With the ongoing development of mass-deployed broadband

internet connectivity and wireless technology, the concept of a
Smart Home has become a reality where all devices are
integrated and interconnected via the wireless network

• These “smart” devices have the potential to share information

with each other given the permanent availability to access the
broadband internet connection
• Remote Control Appliances:
Switching on and off remotely appliances to avoid accidents and
save energy.

• Weather:
Displays outdoor weather conditions such as humidity,
temperature, pressure, wind speed and rain levels with the ability
to transmit data over long distances.
Smart Home Appliances:

a) Refrigerators with LCD screen telling what’s inside, food that’s

about to expire, ingredients you need to buy and with all the
information available on a smartphone app.

b) Washing machines allowing you to monitor the laundry


c) The kitchen ranges with the interface to a Smartphone app

allowing remotely adjustable temperature control and
monitoring the oven’s self-cleaning feature.
• Safety Monitoring: cameras, Intrusion Detection Systems and
home alarm systems making people feel safe in their daily life at
home and prevent intruders.

• Energy and Water Use: Energy and water supply consumption

monitoring to obtain advice on how to save cost and resources,
& many more.
• Grid means network of the transmitted lines, electric grid,
transformers, substations and electricity from power plant station to
your city, home and business places

• A smart grid is an electricity network/grid enabling a two-way flow

of electricity and data
The functions of Smart Grid:

• Improved electricity transmission efficiency.

• Faster restoration of power in the event of a power outage

• Cheaper utility operating and management costs, resulting in lower

electricity costs for consumers.

• Lowering electricity rates due to decreased peak demand

• More large-scale renewable energy systems are being implemented.

The Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
The Smart Grid and Renewable Energy

The relationship between the smart grid and renewable energy

revolves around gathering data. So…

a) The smart grid connects a variety of distributed energy resource

assets like solar, wind, hydrogen etc to the power grid.

b) The leverages the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect data on the

smart grid
• In order to be a ‘true’ smart city, cities need to have an integrated
approach whereby various projects/ devices are connected and most
of all the data and platforms are glued together in order to achieve
all the benefits smart cities make possible.

• A list of the uses cases already in use in smart cities are...

Smart Roads/Transportation
Smart Roads/Transportation:

• Smart roads use Internet of Things (IoT) devices to make driving safer,
more efficient, greener.

• Smart roads combine physical infrastructures such as sensors with

software infrastructure like AI and big data.

Some of the features of smart roads are:

Features of the Smart Roads/Transportation:

IoT connectivity: Cities can connect roads to IoT devices, and gather traffic
and weather data to improve safety, traffic management, and energy

Traffic management networks: For improving safety and reducing congestion,

the network uses speed cameras to provide warning signs for hazardous
conditions, and sends automated traffic diversion signals that control traffic.

Traffic lights optimization: Systems uses closed-circuit television (CCTV)

cameras or smart vehicles to optimize traffic lights and update commuters on
jams or bottlenecks.
Smart Road technologies

1. Solar powered roadways

• Photovoltaic cells are embedded within hexagonal panels made of tempered glass,
which are used to pave roads.

• These panels contain LEDs, microprocessors, snow-melting heating devices and

inductive charging capability for electric vehicles when driving.
Smart Road technologies

2. Smart Roads
Specially engineered roadways fitted with smart features, including sensors that
monitor and report changing road conditions, and WiFi transmitters that provide
broadband services to vehicles, homes and businesses.

3. Glow in the dark roads

Roads marked with photo-luminescent powder that absorbs and stores daylight. The
500m long strips glow for 8 hours after dark. This technology can prevent accidents.
Smart Road technologies

4. Interactive lights:

• Road lights activated by motion sensors to illuminate a particular section of the road
as cars approach.

• The lights dim once the car passes.

• Interactive lights provide night visibility as needed and reduce energy wastage when
there are no cars
Smart Road technologies

5. Traffic Detection

• Sensors lining highways monitor traffic flow, warn drivers of traffic jams, and
automatically alert the authorities about accidents.

• Fiber-optic cables embedded in the road detect wear and tear, and communication
between vehicles and roads can improve traffic management

6. Weather detection

• AI-integrated sensors detect weather conditions that impact road safety and
convey the same to user.
Smart Parking

• With the smart parking systems drivers can receive the message about the closest
parking space

• Even drivers can use the GPS data to build real time parking map

1) Smart Linked Meters:

• Smart linked meters transfer the data directly to the public utility over a
telecommunication network, giving it accurate meter reading.

• Utility providers can bill correctly for the qualtity of water, energy and gas used by
each residence.

2) Smart Linked Meters:

• Smart linked meters transfer the data directly to the public utility over a
telecommunication network, giving it accurate meter reading.

• Utility providers can bill correctly for the qualtity of water, energy and gas used by
each residence.

2) Disclosing Consumption Habits:

• Utility firms can acquire better understanding of the habits of the customers of how
they are using the electricity and water by using the network of smart meters.

• SO Utility providers can monitor in real time and encourage the customer to utilize
the water and electricity efficiently.

3) Remote Monitoring:

• Citizens may use their smart meters to track and control their usage remotely with
these services, for example home owner can switch off the home central heating
system through mobile phone.
Smart Street Light
• A smart street light system incorporates a cluster of
streetlight lamps that can communicate with each other,
provide lighting data, human and vehicle movement to a
local concentrator.

• The concentrator manages and transmits the relevant data

to a secure server that captures the data, combines it with
the historical data and presents it in a web-browser
dashboard to enhance the schedules.

• The merging with historical data (like special events, public

transportation schedule) enhance the lightening schedules,
even brightening and dimming of the lights.
Waste Management
Waste Management

• Garbage containers are equipped with the different sensors that collect the
information about the type of the waste (like paper, glass, plastic, metal) and level of
the container.

• The waste management solution receives the sensor record, evaluate it and send a
notification to the truck driver mobile app so that he can empty the trash on time.

Smart city solutions based on the IOT can track parameters that are very important for a
healthy environment and keep them at the optimum level. Some of the applications are.

Air and Water Pollution:

• A network of sensors installed on the roadways or surroundings can detect the
oxygen, CO2, SO2,N2 level share the air quality parameter on the cloud and to
applications as a result the uses can analyze the areas where pollution is more.

Extreme Weather:
• Though powerful, advanced systems IoT promise effective forecasting of weather and
this early detection and early responses to prevent loss of life and property.

Commercial Farming:
• IoT removes much of the human intervention in farming analysis, and

• Systems detect changes to crops, soil, environment, optimize standard processes

through analysis of large, rich data collections. They also prevent health hazards
(e.g., e. coli) from happening and allow better control.
Public Safety
Public Safety

1) Acoustic cameras and CCTV cameras are installed throughout the city.

2) A gunshot technology used in USA (a network of microphones) detect the sounds of

gunshots, then the cloud software send alert to police

3) Even smart wearables helps the users to detect the laptops, phones. other devices.
Fitness Tracker

1) These devices can help to comprehend day to day activates of everyday life like
number of steps we take, heart beat rate, how much hour sleep we get, discover
patterns, how much calories we burn etc etc.

2) Example: Fitbit, Basis and Misfit

Smart Watches
Smart Watches

1) smartwatches are used in various IoT scenarios including healthcare and fitness.
Since the current smartwatches are equipped with a variety of sensors and
heterogenous wireless protocols

2) They can be used to enact a variety of people-based Social Internet of Things (SIoT)
by sharing emails, texts, phone calls, play music

3) Example Samsung Gear, Real me

1) Agriculture robots called as “Agribots” (embedded with
sensors and AI) are used to provide delicate tasks

2) Used where there is man power shortage

3) Main crops are Orchard, tomato and

1) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) embedded with GPS, sensors are used to
monitor Crop health, irrigation, spraying, planting.

2) While Ground Drones are “wheeled bots” used to monitor the field condition.
1) Used for determining the abnormalities.
2) Famer can keep eyes on the crops.
Measure the nutrient value of the soil, ph, acidity, water and humidity content.
1) Cameras are installed on drones which take photos to monitor the quality of
crops and then analyze it to improve the quality.
Can monitor shape,
size, color, growth of
crops by comparing
with the images in
1) TO check the preharvest and
harvest season.
 IoT development means combining hardware
parts and software programs in such a way that
the final product could monitor specific values,
collect and transfer data, analyze given data and
cause the physical device to act correspondingly.

 Creating such a versatile systems is a true


 An API-First Internet of Things Platform

 Zetta is an open source platform built

on Node.js for creating Internet of Things servers
that run across geo-distributed computers and the

 Zetta combines RESTAPIs, WebSockets and reactive

programming – perfect for assembling many
devices into data-intensive, real-time applications.
 Run Everywhere
◦ Zetta servers run in the cloud, on PCs and on single-board
computers. With Zetta you can link Raspberry Pis, BeagleBones
and PCs together with cloud platforms like Heroku to create geo-
distributed networks.

 API Every Thing

◦ Turns any device into an API. Zetta servers communicate with
microcontrollers like Arduino and Spark Core giving every device a
REST API both locally and in the cloud.

 Simple user interface and programming required to control

sensors, actuators and controllers
 Assembles smart phone apps, device apps
and cloud apps for developers

 It was created for real time and data sensitive

 Customizable processing core

 The board is based on Arduino, has a powerful ARM processor.

 Built-in battery charging

 A security chip which provides 256-bit AES encryption

 A long-range wireless transmitter makes this board the perfect

fit for wireless networks of sensors.

 Routers are not needed as flutter boards can communicate with

one another instantly.
 OpenRemote is a platform you can use to
create and manage IoT monitoring
 Asset and attribute model with a variety of
asset kinds.
 Use HTTP REST or MQTT protocol agents to
link IoT devices, gateways or data services.
 Node-RED describes itself as a “visual
mechanism” for wiring the Internet of things.
 It is build on node.js
 It is a visual tool for lining the internet of
things, which involves connecting hardware
devices, APIs and web services.
 The development of machine-to-machine
applications is easy with the M2MLabs
Mainspring framework.
 This open-source Java-based framework is widely
used for building fleet management apps and remote
monitoring projects.
 It enables flexible device configuration and supports
the reliable connection between machines.
 App prototyping is very quick with M2MLabs
 Moreover, it ensures long-term data storage and
retrieval thanks to a scalable Apache Cassandra
 Provision devices, assets and customers, and define
relations between them.
 Collect and visualize data from devices and assets.
 Analyze incoming telemetry and trigger alarms with
complex event processing.
 Control your devices using remote procedure calls (RPC).
 Build work-flows based on a device life-cycle event, REST
API event, RPC request, etc.
 Design dynamic and responsive dashboards and present
device or asset telemetry and insights to your customers.
 Enable use-case specific features using customizable rule
 Push device data to other systems.
 scalable: the horizontally scalable platform, built using
leading open-source technologies.

 fault-tolerant: no single-point-of-failure, every node in

the cluster is identical.

 robust and efficient: a single server node can handle tens

or even hundreds of thousands of devices, depending on
the use-case. ThingsBoard cluster can handle millions of

 customizable: adding new functionality is easy with

customizable widgets and rule engine nodes.

 durable: never lose your data.

Kaa IoT Platform
 scalable: the horizontally scalable platform, built using
leading open-source technologies.

 fault-tolerant: no single-point-of-failure, every node in

the cluster is identical.

 robust and efficient: a single server node can handle tens

or even hundreds of thousands of devices, depending on
the use-case. ThingsBoard cluster can handle millions of

 customizable: adding new functionality is easy with

customizable widgets and rule engine nodes.

 durable: never lose your data.

 It is a multipurpose middle ware platform that may be used to
build end to end IoT systems, linked application and smart

 Used to deploy multi-cloud IoT applications.

 Make cross-device compatibility easier.

 Develop cloud based services for smart devices.

 Keep an eye on your devices in real time

 Gathering and analyzing the sensor data

 It allows the device to input intake, storage, processing and

 It is built on Apache Tomcat and includes high performance

MongDB and HBase implemenations

 SiteWhere can be installed on-premises or on cloud platforms

such as AWS, Azure and GCP.

 is a multipurpose middle ware platform that may be used to

build end to end IoT

 Single SiteWhere instance can be used to evaluate number of IoT


 Add widgets one at a time or in batches via self-registrations,

REST APIs, or batch processing

 InfluxDB for storing event data

 Use MQTT, Stomp, AMQP and other protocols to connect devices.

 Enables third party integration frameworks to be used.

 For CoAP messaging, use Eclipse Californium.

Distributed Service Architecture
Distributed Service Architecture

 Used to implement inter-device communication, logic and

operations at every stage of the IoT architecture.

 It enables distributed device cooperation and establish a

network engineer to exchange functionality amongst discrete
computing systems.


 Used to connect the gadgets that is scalable

 It works with the a variety of hacker boards, including

raspberry pi, intel Edison

 Display real time data on dashboard.

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