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Subject code-CE-464/4152
Y.Sai Praneeth Reddy

Q1.Explain third party audit.

Ans : These represent the audits certifying organizations carry out to verify as to whether
internal or external audits meet the standards set.
Q2.Discuss general audit methodology in detail.
Ans: 1.In general audit depends on the specific requirements of the clients.
2.In other words "audit methods and tools are tailored to suiit the purpose for which they are
2.Still environmental audit has the basic structure.
Q3.Give at least three outcomes of “Waste Audit: The Viscose Rayon Unit Case”
Ans: 1.Chemicals used for pest control, fertilization and waste emissions from preparing
logs, debarking and transport can degrade soil and water quality.
2.dissolving : pulp wastes approximately 70% of the tree and is a chemically intensive
manufacturing process
3.High water use: the production of rayon uses and wastes large amount of water.
4.High energy consumption.

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