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Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of Cibeber Prospect, Lebak, Banten: a

preliminary study of Au-Ag-base metal sulfide deposit

Conference Paper · April 2018

DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201800353


3 627

5 authors, including:

Cendi Diar Permata Dana Salma Difa Masti

Akita University Universitas Gadjah Mada


Ignas Meak Arifudin Idrus

Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Geology and Hydrothermal Alteration of Cibeber Prospect, Lebak, Banten: a preliminary study
of Au-Ag-base metal sulfide deposit
C. D. P. Dana1, A. Idrus1, F. Yuniardi2, I. A. Meak2, S. D. Masti1
Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
PT Multi Utama Kreasindo Mining


The study area is located in Neglasari, Cibeber, Lebak, Banten. Western Java host a big potential in
mineral deposits especially epithermal deposits and one of them was found in this studied area. This
study is aimed to understand the geological framework, hydrothermal alteration and the
mineralization characteristics of the prospect. Surface geological mapping is used to know the
geological condition including lithologies, structural geology and hydrothermal alteration delineation.
Five representative ore vein samples were analysed using FA-AAS method to determine the grade of
precious and base metal contents. Stratigraphically, the lithologies found in this area can be divided
into 3 units including sandstone, tuff breccia and andesitic lava units while the structural geology are
strike slip fault, normal fault and some joints. Four alteration zones developed including silification,
clay-silica, clay and chlorite-epidote zones. The mineralization mostly found as hydrothermal veins
which can be divided into two types that is precious metal bearing vein or usually called as low
sulfidation epithermal type and base metal bearing vein or usually called as intermediate sulfidation
epithermal type.
Key words: epithermal, hydrothermal alteration, sulfidation.


Western Java region is a part of calc-alkaline magmatic arc which tectonically been generated from
continental and oceanic crust subduction or called as active continental margin. The magmatism
activity in this region already happened since Paleogene where its center of magmatism is located in
Bayah dome complex. The characteristic of magmatism itself almost has no distinguished feature
towards Quaternary magmatism. Its volcanic products either lava or pyroclastic have similar magma
affinity that is calc-alkaline (Whitford, 1975). Generally, the metals bearing mineral deposit found in
western Java is associated with the pre-Quaternary volcanic center. This deposit commonly associated
with long-range age volcanic center due to metal accumulation process. Typically, epithermal deposit
is associated with the younger rocks rather than the old ones. This case is appropriate to western Java
which is geologically dominated by epithermal deposit composed by younger rocks than Central Java
and eastern Java which is dominated by porphyry deposit (Fig. 1). One of the potential epithermal
deposit in western Java is Cibeber prospect located in Lebak Regency, Banten. This research is aimed
to understand the geological framework and hydrothermal alteration characteristics also the
mineralization as the part of preliminary study of the deposits and its implication to exploration.

Regional Geology

The physiography of research area is part of Bayah dome complex and located in the north-east side.
Regional stratigraphic of the site comprises Cikotok Formation and Cicarucup Formation. Cikotok
Formation is a Late Eocene – Late Oligocene volcanic product which consist of pyroclastic breccia,
tuff, lava, altered rocks, and quartz vein (Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992). Meanwhile, Cicarucup
Formation is Late Eocene mix-siliciclastic product consists of conglomerate, quartz sandstone, tuff,
claystone, and limestone (Sujatmiko & Santosa, 1992). The geologic structure itself occurred in
Neogene and could be differentiated into 2 tectonic phases. The first tectonic phase occurred within
compression resulting thrust faults in relatively trending West – East directions. The second one
resulted faults in North – South directions which intersect the previous faults and folds.

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Research area

Fig. 1. The mineralization district distribution along the Java island. The research area is located in Bayah
dome complex which regionally has a lot of mineralization potential and dominated by epithermal
deposits (Setidjaji, et al., 2006).

Data and Methods

The location of this research has an area about 12 km2. The sampling method takes place in 96
locations taking 20 samples of veins and 15 wall rock samples which represent each lithology and
alteration type. The surface mapping includes geological mapping, alteration mapping, and ore
mineralization in hydrothermal vein. Lithology characterizations comprise type of lithology and
secondary or alteration mineral meanwhile mineralization characterizations comprise vein type, ore
mineralogy, and vein textures. Moreover, 5 representative veins were analysed by Fire Assay-Atomic
Absorption Spectrometry (Table 1) method aiming to know the metal content and the type of
epithermal deposit which is developed in the research area.

Results and Discussion

Based on morphogenetic aspect, the geomorphic condition of research area is divided into 2
geomorphological units that are pyroclastic hills unit and lava hills unit. The lithologies in this
research area can be divided into 3 units (Fig. 2). The oldest is sandstone unit, it consists of sandstone
and claystone. This unit is unconformably overlain by tuff breccia unit which consists of tuff breccia,
tuff, and intercalated lava. The uppermost section comprises andesitic lava unit. The lithologies in this
research area are mostly altered except the sandstone unit which only shows oxidation state change. It
has been interpreted that the sandstone composed mostly by quartz which is highly resistant to the
alteration and also caused by the impermeable claystone which keep it away from alteration process.
There is no distinct contact between all lithological units in the field. It can be interpreted that the
sandstone unit was deposited in subaqueous environment while the tuff breccia and andesitic lava unit
deposited in subaerial environment. Geological structures in this research area are strike-slip faults
trending in NNE-SSW direction and NW normal fault. Both fault was occurred simultaneously. Based
on structural analysis obtained from shear joint data and fault plane show that tectonically this area
controlled by NE-SW direction related to subduction between Indo-Australia and Eurasia crust.

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 2. The geological and hydrothermal alteration map of the studied area. The silisification zone mostly found
near the vein occurrence and as shown on the geological profile the vein relatively has a same

Fig. 3. (A) The overview in Lebak Dadap site where the main mining activity is conducted in this location. (B)
Tuff breccia hand specimen where most the components have altered to clay. (C) Free gold grain found
in quartz vein at Lebak Dadap site. (D) Quartz vein contain some base metal-bearing-mineral such as
galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. (E) The traditional mining activity in Cilulumpang site. (F)

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Silicified lava showing red color on its surface as the result of oxidation process. (G) Hydrothermal
breccia in found in the vein zone in Lebak Dadap site. (H) Oxidized massive vein zone in Lebak Dadap
site which contain 0.85-1.77 ppm Au.

The alteration zone in this research area can be classified into 4 types. The first one is silicification
zone characterized by pervasive replacement of primary mineral by secondary quartz (Fig. 3.F). This
zone mostly associated with veins occurrences. The second zone is clay-silica zone which is
characterized by the occurrence of interlayering clay mixed with silica. The third zone is clay zone
and characterized by the occurrence of clay minerals such as illite-montmorilonite pervasively
replacing primary minerals (Fig. 3.B). The last is chlorite-epidote zone and characterized by selective
replacement of primary pyroxene and plagioclase where its primary rocks texture still could be
distinctly identified. By the occurrence of alteration mineralogy, the type of hydrothermal fluid is
considered as a low temperature and neutral pH fluids.

Table 1. The characteristics of some hydrothermal vein in research area and its metal content (ppm, except
indicated others).

The mineralization in this research area is dominantly occurred as hydrothermal veins despite of
mineralization also occurs into different habits such as stockwork and hydrothermal breccia (Fig.
3.G). The hydrothermal veins are divided into two types that are Au-Ag bearing hydrothermal vein
which is dominantly found at the north side of research area and base metals bearing hydrothermal
vein at the south side of research area. The gold is occurred as free grains (Fig. 3.C) so that could be
identified either by megascopic scale or geochemical analysis. The ore texture of gold bearing veins
are comb texture, bladed texture and hydrothermal breccia. While the base metals mineralization is
occurred at southside and the ore mineralogy is dominated by chalcopyrite-galena-sphalerite (Fig.
3.D). The pyrite occurrence is more abundant in base metal bearing vein compared to Au-Ag bearing
vein. The main textures that develop in the southside are colloform and crustiform but some comb
veins and bladed veins are likely slightly found.

In relation with exploration activity, detailed exploration activity should be conducted in Pasir Ela and
Lebak Dadap site. Systematic sampling also should be done to know the surface metal zonation so it
can be determined the center zone of mineralization. It also need some coring to know the vein
continuity and the subsurface condition to determine the appropriate mining method. It also need to
understand which factor that control the differences between the Pasir Ela mineralization type and
Lebak Dadap type. Detailed ore characterization and fluid inclusion study will be so useful to
understand the mineralization style and hydrothermal evolution in this deposit.


Based on research data, it can be concluded that the lithological conditions in research area are
dominantly covered by volcaniclastic rocks. The geologic structure in this site is dominated by strike-
slip fault. Those geological conditions play as the main control on alteration and mineralization
process. Based on the characteristics of alteration and ore minerals, the epithermal Au-Ag-base metal
sulfide can be classified as low-intermediate sulfidation. It also need further research especially in ore
microscopy, fluid inclusion study and another geochemical analysis to characterize the deposits.

This paper is a part of undergraduate thesis work of the first author. We would like to thank PT Multi
Utama Kreasindo Mining that had given permit to take and publish the data of this research.

EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
11-12 April 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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