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Worksheet : “The Howl and the Fussyket”

1. What have you discovered from the video that you can relate to yourself?

As I finished watching the video, I learned and discovered that in certain situations
where most people are unsure of what they can do. Also having those people around us
that makes us doubt ourselves isn’t good at all, but instead believing in ourselves first will
remove all of those doubts and uncertainties. It was very relatable, especially for us
students who have been in similar situations, and many of us lack confidence but have
the skills or capability to stand up. Knowing ourselves first, before considering others'
opinions, is always a good way that can lead us to our happiness and passion in life.

2. How do you feel about what you have discovered about yourself?

I felt good and a lot better knowing that I would be able to find myself in that kind of
situation. If I could recall or experience once again those times in the past when I
regretted not seizing a specific opportunity I would. But clearly, I couldn't think of it
because I believed that everything I chose and what happened in the past was the result
of my decisions, and not regretting it made me realize that I was always being myself and
believing in myself in every situation I faced or might face.

3. What insights have you gained from the video?

The lessons I've taken away from the video seem to be that confidence isn't enough
if you don't believe in yourself in the first place, and that being open to all opportunities
and having the support of those who believe in you is critical to achieving a goal. Finally, I
believe that practice makes perfect, accepting failure and second chances are all
important parts of the process.  Knowing our strengths and making room for new learning
can lead to unexpected opportunities in our lives.

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