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F. Torres St., Davao City




Name: _____________________ Date: __________

Course: ____________________

I. Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The teacher must communicate the rules to the student. Clear communication entails
a clear discussion of every rule and its rationale.

a. Lead students to take responsibility for their learning.

b. Set rules and procedures that students are expected to follow.

c. Let students actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge.

d. Respect everyone.
2. Active learning generates a much higher noise level than the silent classrooms of the
past. There is movement, laughter and noise.

a. Let students actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge.

b. Set rules and procedures that students are expected to follow.

c. Respect everyone.

d. Lead students to take responsibility for their learning.

3. In a well-disciplined class, teachers may lead students, but they do not coerce them
into good behaviour through threats of dire punishment. Teachers encourage students
to understand the importance of choosing good behaviour over the short-term thrills of
bad behaviour.

a. Respect everyone.

b. Let students actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge.

c. Lead students to take responsibility for their learning.

d. Set rules and procedures that students are expected to follow.

4. Teachers and students treat each other with obvious respect. This is evident in such
non-verbal interaction as body language and tone of voice as well as in what students
and teachers say to each other.
a. Let students actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge.

b. Set rules and procedures that students are expected to follow.

c. Respect everyone.

d. Lead students to take responsibility for their learning.

5. This refers to the smooth flow of the instructional processes. Smoothness involves
circulating to facilitate student’s cooperation and discussion as they work in small

a. Management of Discipline c. Management of Routine

b. Management of Relationship d. Management of Instruction

6. Refers to the established activities or procedures that are repeatedly done.

a. Management of Routine c. Management of Relationship

b. Management of Physical Environment d. Management of Discipline

7. This refers to the means of preventing misbehaviour from occurring or the manner
responding to behavioral problems in order to reduce their recurrence in the future.

a. Management of Discipline c. Management of Relationship

b. Management of Instruction d. Management of Physical

8. This refers to emotional climate and communications affecting learning conditions.

a. Management of Instruction c. Management of Relationship

b. Management of Routine d. Management of Time

9. This refers to the organization of the learning environment, supplies and materials.

a. Management of Relationship c. Management of Instruction

b. Management of Physical Environment d. Management of Discipline

10. Refers to the organization and use of allocated time in the classroom.

a. Management of Time c. Management of Discipline

b. Management of Routine d. Management of Instruction

II. Direction: Envision your present or future classroom of the 21 st Century School. Visualize
your classroom setting. List appropriate management procedures that will create positive
learning conditions (30 pts.)



A. Management of Instruction

B. Management of Discipline

C. Management of Relationship

D. Management of Physical Environment


E. Management of Time


F. Management of Routines


III. Direction: Given the following provision of the Code of Ethics, specify situations on how the
teacher can implement effective community relations (5 pts each).

SEC 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall

Therefore render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such learning

And growth.


SEC 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in community

Movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.


SEC 4. Every teacher shall live for and with community and shall therefore, refrain from

Disparaging the community.


SEC 5. Every teacher shall help the school, keep the people in the community informed about

The school’s work and accomplishment as well as its needs and problems.


SEC 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community especially in the barangay and shall

Welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counselling

Services as appropriate and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the


SEC 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relations with

Other professionals, with government officials and with the people, individually or collectively.
IV. Direction: Review the Philippine Enhanced Basic Education and compare with any of your
chosen country. Establish your comparison of similarities and differences on curriculum
structure, content, framework or design (15 pts).

Philippines K to 12 Program

Country of Choice


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