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1. Introduction

In 21st century around 24.7 million people in India live in housing that is physically
inadequate, in unsafe neighborhoods, over crowded or way beyond what they can
realistically afford. More than 70% of this shortage is for the poor. There is a strong
need to provide and guarantee high quality truly affordable housing in good
neighborhoods for all and thus finally achieve the ultimate goal of the National Urban
Housing and Habitat Policy “Shelter to All” is fulfilled.

The theme “Affordable Housing for All” has been espoused by the Ministry of Housing
and Urban Poverty Alleviation. The call to adopt and implement a Right to Affordable
Housing not only has an ethical basis in principle of justice but also based on highly
pragmatic perspective – the central role that housing plays in peoples’ lives. Housing
activities can prove to be an effective tool for individual and social well being,
“Employment Generation”, “Poverty Alleviation” & also contribute significantly to GDP.

The growing housing shortage issue calls for a well coordinated and concerted effort of
all the stake holders including those from the private sector to ensure that all segments of
the population aspiring to own a house should be catered to.

2. Objective of the Competition

The objective of this design competition “Affordable Housing for All” is to encourage
innovative and creative concepts in design and development of housing for the urban

3. Competition Outline

This design exercise is to identify EWS / LIG housing scheme in a metropolitan area as
proposed by local authorities of the concerned area and formulate a project as per the
guidelines and norms proposed for that project. The scheme can either be new
development or reconstruction on the same site.
a. Location – Any city
b. Mode – Proposed Housing scheme for EWS / LIG by the Development Authority,
Municipal Corporation etc.
c. Project Size – Development on land area of 1 Ha. approx.
d. Guidelines and References –
Guidelines for BSUP and JNNURM by Government of India
Master Plan / CDP of Specific city
e. Size of DU – Max 25 sqm carpet area
f. Details of DU – Two habitable rooms, kitchen, W.C., bath, verandah / balcony
g. Infrastructure –
- Social Infrastructure: As per Development Plan and if possible as per beneficiaries
socio economic survey.
- Physical Infrastructure: As per Master Plan requirements
# Alternate arrangements, if sewer trunk not available
# Rain water harvesting / recharging
# Solid waste management, etc.
h. Operation And Maintenance – Role of NGOs / private sector in community facilities
i. Landscaping – Basic planting design considering economic and environmental value
and requirement of low maintenance.
j. Project Costing – Project financial model indicating different stakeholders i.e. NGOs,
private sector, central and state government and beneficiaries share and overall project

4. Criteria for Assessment Are As Follows:

 Innovative and creative design and planning concept.

 Harmonious integration of new development with existing habitation and
 Adoption of new and innovative systems of construction for making housing
affordable, especially for the EWS and the LIG families.
 Optimum utilization of land to reduce on infrastructure costs.
 Role of private sector to take up land assembly, housing construction and
investment in infrastructure services.
 Project viability on cross subsidization and TDR basis.
 Completion of project within stipulated timeframes and cost.
 Use of non conventional sources of energy.

5. Submission Details

a. Report:
 The report shall give a complete overview of the project and shall clearly bear the
name/title of the project under consideration on the cover page.
 It shall comprise of A4 size computer printouts/typed, limited to a maximum of 20
pages, all inclusive.
 The cover page should bear the NASA logo and the legend 51st Annual NASA
Convention- 2008.
 The report shall be necessarily bound in view of the aim to store them over a period
of time.
 2 copies of the report shall be submitted.
- The first copy shall be shown to the jury panel and shall thus not reveal the
identity of the collage in anyway. This copy will be returned to the respective
- The second copy shall be a replica of the above report (no photocopies allowed)
but will clearly mention the name of the collage. This report should strictly be

b. Documents required:
 Site plan and layout plan
 Concept plan, Plans, Elevations and Sections
 Views, perspective and any other means may be used to explain the design
 Project Costing details
 Scale of the drawings is at the discretion of the participating colleges.
 All entries must be prepared using metric units of measurement.

b. Panel
One 8' X 4' panel will be provided.

c. Presentation
 Maximum number of sheets not be exceed 20 A2 (594 X 420 mm) sheets
 This can be either in the single panel format, part panel format or a complete
calendar format.
- Single Panel: This mode of presentation requires the entire 8'X4' panel to be
covered, which would be considered equivalent to 12 A2 sheets.
- Part Panel: This presentation has a 2/3rd panel format. A 2/3rd panel would
be considered equivalent to 8 A2 sheets, along with which a maximum 12 A2
sheets in a calendar and/or overlay format is allowed.
- Complete Calendar Format: This mode of presentation comprises of 20 A2
sheets arranged in a calendar format.
 Each overlay would be considered as one A2 sheet irrespective of the size but
should not exceed A2 size.
 No part of the presentation shall spill out of the 8'x4' panel.
 All individual sheets and panels shall have the NASA logo.
 Scale models are not allowed.
 2 copies of the CD containing the soft copy of the entire report along with the AV.
presentation must be submitted. One of these is for the NASA Headquarters and
other will be submitted to the host college for the AV presentation. The 2nd CD
will be returned to the respective college after the presentation.
 Jury members shall shortlist the colleges for AV presentation. Time given for the
short listed entries shall not exceed 15 minutes. No college shall reveal its

Note: The identity/name of the participating college should NOT feature in any way on
any of the Report, Presentation sheets/AV presentation. All colleges are requested to
adhere to the mentioned specifications, failing which the entry will be disqualified.

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