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San Antonio National Grade and

School 11/12
High School Section
Student Adoniram Juarez Learning
Oral Communication
Teacher Fameronag Area:
April 26 – May 7, 2021 Quarter: 1st Quarter Week 1


A. Content The learner understands the nature and elements of oral
Standards communication in context.
(1st Quarter)
B. Performance The learner designs and performs effective controlled and
Standard uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.
(1st Quarter)

C. Learning EN11/12OC-Ia-1: Defines communication.

Objectives EN11/12OC-Ia-2: Explains the nature and process of

II. CONTENT The Nature and Elements of Communication

(Subject Matter)

III. LEARNING A. Learner’s Material Pages

RESOURCES Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
pp. 94 – 126

B. Other Learning Resources

Dapat, JR.O.,Sadorra,BE.B.,& Lumabi,BM.C.
(2016).Oral communication in focus for senior
high school. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Sipacio, P. J., & Balgos, A.N. (2016). Oral

communication in context for senior high
school. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Routine Activities

Good morning Class.” “Good morning, Sir.”

Let us begin today’s activity with a prayer. (A student leads the prayer.)

Shall we ask ____ to please lead the Sir, everybody is present today.

Miss Secretary, please give a report on the We are fine, Sir.”

class’ attendance.”

How are you today?

Yes, sir.”
That’s good. I am sure you are excited to
learn something new today.

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson

Oral communication is a subject for senior

high school students which aims to develop
your listening and speaking skills and
introduce strategies for effective
communication in various situation. In this
subject you will be able to understand the
nature and elements of communication to
value its functions, to recognize the
importance of understanding speech
context, speech time, speech act and
communicative strategy in order to achieve
communicative competence. And to realize
the rigors of crafting one’s speech. Learning
about oral communication is essential, so
you can demonstrate the effective use of
communicative strategies in a variety of
speech situations and deliver various
speeches proficiently.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

In this lesson we are going to learn the

 What is Communication? A process
of sharing and conveying messages
or information from one person to
another within and across channel,
context, media, and cultures.
 What are the elements of
communication? Sender, Message,
Encoding, Channel, Decoding,
Receiver, Feedback, Context,
 How does the process of
communication works?

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the

new lesson

“I have here a set of pictures and I want you

to tell something about it.
Two people talking.

Having a conversation

(Students will give their interpretation or

What do you see in the picture? description about the picture)
(Let the students tell something about the
given picture)

Very Good! You were able to describe Yes, Sir.

what’s in the pictures.

That is the power of communication it allows

us to send and receive a message using
various forms, anyone can simply nod his
head and we would already know he is
agreeing don't you agree? Student volunteers will give their answers.

I could ask you a question call your name or

say psssst and you would know right ahead Yes, sir.
that I want to talk to you.

How about you guys can you give any more


Now Let’s dig deeper into knowing what

communication is.

Are you ready?

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 1

Definition of Communication
According to Mc Cornack (2014) as cited by
Sipacio and Balgos (2016), communication
is a process of sharing and conveying
messages or information from one person to
another within and across channel, context,
media, and cultures. There is a wide variety
of contexts and situations in which
communication can be manifested. It can be
face to face interaction, a phone
conversation, a group discussion, a meeting
or interview, a letter correspondence, a
class recitation, and many others.

Communication has also advanced. It has

developed side by side with technology.
In the 21st century we can send text
messages, call someone's phone, take
video calls, and send chat messages.
Students will give their answers.
Can you give more examples of how we
communicate in the 21st century?
Correct very good!
These allow us to communicate easier with
people no matter the distance.
Yes sir!
Isn't communication just very convenient for
all of us?

I know right but communication is not just

convenient it's also imperative take a look at
this comic strip.

*Comic strip

Nature of Communication
1. Communication is a process.
2. Communication occurs between two
or more people (the speaker and the
3. Communication can be expressed
through written or spoken words, actions
(nonverbal), or both spoken words and Students will give their answers.
nonverbal actions at the same time.
No sir?
What happened there?

Can we call that a successful


That's right we can't. Ben only responded to

the first question. He glanced at gary but did
not listen to what he said at all. In the
beginning of the conversation Gary
introduced himself but Ben did not even
remember his name at the end.

This only goes to show that without

Speaking listening and understanding we
will never be able to understand each other.

Speaking listening and understanding are

key factors to successful communication
because communication is a two-way
process. It's a cycle, by means of sharing
and transferring messages information
ideas or emotions from one person to
another this connects people and helps
build harmonious relationships. We must
learn to speak to other people with courtesy
and listen to what they say respectfully

As mentioned earlier communication comes

in various forms it may be expressed
through written words or symbols, spoken
words or even through actions.

Written words or symbols in Communication

are messages which are written typed or
printed some examples of this are letters
text messages emails chat messages street
signs billboard signs and many more
spoken words.

On the other hand are those which are

delivered orally yes these are sounds
produced using our vocal tract written and
spoken words are what we call verbal
communication because of the use of letters
and words

Lastly actions are expressed through

movement of the body parts your gestures
posture facial expression enhanced signals
express a message that may be Interpreted
by the person you are talking to this is what
we call non-verbal communication it is
Communicating without the use of words
just actions to better understand

Let's take a look at this picture

Yes sir.

How is communication expressed?

Is the successful communication process

achieved in this situation?

That is correct!

Communication do exist when you're

watching a television much like what we're
doing right now i am trying to communicate
the lesson to you and as you listen and

You are making this process of

communication successful.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practice new skills #2

Elements of Communication

Communication exists in all kinds of

Situation and a communication process will
not be deemed successful without the
presence of its basic elements

There are five basic elements of

Communication these are: Sender,
Receiver, Message, Channel and

Let's go over each element one by one

The sender also called the speaker is the

source of message information idea or
emotion it could be you or the person who is
talking to you

The receiver on the other hand is the

recipient of the message or the intended
audience of the sender it could also be you
or the person you are talking to in our
current state you are the Receiver and i am
the sender

The third element is the message it contains

information its opinions thoughts and
emotions it is basically what the sender
wants to say to the receiver

Channel is the medium or the means of

communication that is used to deliver the
message is the message delivered through
Speaking writing letters television or radio
these are just few examples of the different
channels that we can use to deliver our

The last element is feedback it refers to the

reactions responses or information provided
by the Receiver this is the response of the The students will give their answers
audience you are talking to but just as the
reminder no response is also a response

It is very important to understand the

process of communication because you will
be able to better communicate your
personal and professional life. As described
as a process, sender-receiver needs other
elements to be able to complete the
method. To better understand the process,
study and analyze the diagram below:

Can you repeat the elements and their



1. Speaker- the source of information or

2. Message- the information, ideas, or
thoughts conveyed by the speaker in
words or in actions
3. Channel- the medium or the means,
such as personal or non-personal,
verbal or nonverbal, in which the
encoded message is conveyed
4. Receiver- the recipient of the
message, or someone who decodes
the message
5. Feedback-the reactions, responses,
or information provided by the

Now the big question is how did these

elements become the building blocks of The students will try to answer and complete
communication? the process.

Let me show you through this activity.  The speaker generates an idea.
 The speaker encodes an idea or
Let's figure it out through this diagram a converts the idea into words or actions.
diagram is now flashed on your screen there  The speaker transmits or sends out a
are five blank boxes in the Diagram message.
 The receiver gets the message.
label the boxes with the five basic elements  The receiver decodes or interprets the
of communication message based on the context.
Where do you think should each one be

Let's answer it together

On the box in the upper left corner the label

should be sender.Without the center the
process of communication will not Begin

the process starts with the sender Encodes

through a channel

Encoding through a Channel is constructing

your message in your Mind through writing
through digital Platforms or through your
prepared media once encoding is done the
message is now ready to be transmitted to
the Receive after the receiver receives the

The next step is to decode the coding is

reading or Listening and understanding the
message given by the sender when
decoding has been achieved the feedback
will now be given by the Receiver to the
sender and the cycle goes on

through this process we can conclude that

communication is truly systematic
But wait just a reminder:

Barriers to communication may sometimes

block the transmission of the message
thereby creating misunderstandings. So
watch out for these barriers.

My dear students we have finally discussed

what communication is what its elements
are and how its process work.

F. Developing Mastery Collaborative


Think of communication transactions in your

daily lives and on a sheet of paper make a
chart with three rows and three columns. In
the first column write down two situations
where communication takes place, then in
the second column indicate the result of the
communication transaction as well as
whether it was successful or not by writing
the elements that made it so. Lastly on the
third column specify its function.

Result of
Situation Function
When I was Message was clear To inform
12, my father that I need to and to
told me that I perform my task. At clarify.
was in charge first the
of cooking communication was
rice for lunch successful. I
everyday thought other family
whenever I members would do
am available. my task because I
One time, I was doing other
forgot to cook things. My fault
rice because I there was that I
am busy with failed to
my communicate to
assignment. them that I was
As a result we busy doing my
did not have assignment. Had I
rice to eat. My communicated
father earlier, we would
reminded me have rice to eat.
about the task
assigned to
G. Finding Practical Application of
concepts and skills in daily living.
Ask students the following questions:
 What do you think is the
significance of effective
communication in our daily

H. Making Generalizations and

Abstraction about the Lesson

Giving of the summary

Why do we communicate?

I. Evaluating Learning
Students’ learning will be evaluated by
doing this task:

MULTIPLE CHOICE | Listen and read each

item carefully then choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write them
down on a sheet of paper.

1. It is the exchange of thoughts messages

or information through speech signals
written words or behavior
a message c feedback
b language dcommunication

2. These are considered forms of

communication exact
a eating dinner c looking bored
b talking clearly d sending emails

3. This body language shows that one is

actively listening
a looking out of the window
b staring blankly at the speaker
c nobbing and making eye contact
d nothing with ice looking at the distance

4. It is shown when there is an

understanding in the communication except:

a each party has different languages

b each party is able to provide feedback
c each gets a chance to be the sender
andthe receiver
d each party is able to say what they want
without the other person interrupting

5. It is the content of the communication

a noise c media
b jargon d message
6. this communication type is characterized
by a certain look or gaze

a oral communication
b verbal communication
c written communication
d nonverbal communication

7. It is the definition of communication

a communication involves a transaction
b communication is done only through
speaking with others
c communication is sharing of ideas among
a group of people
d communication is a transfer of messages
from one person to another

8. This is the best way to continue

a active listing
b not interrupting
c asking questions
d making good eye contact

9. It is an indication that communication

really takes place
a when the message enters the channel
b when the receiver decodes the message
c when the sender transmits the message
d when the message is encoded by the

10. This is essential to an effective

a a linear process
b a two-way process
c a three-way process or
d both a one-way and a two-way process

J. Additional activities for application or

Create a comic strip showing how you
would communicate to your community the
advantages of following health protocols
and guidelines amidst covid 19 pandemic in
your municipality or province.

Prepared by


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