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1st sentence, and 2nd sentence, furthermore, 3rd

sentence, moreover, 4th sentence.

2. Essay (1-2)
20 minutes for each essay
200 300 words
15 points each

Essay Template

This essay will discuss the advantages/problems and disadvantages/solutions of the

using a pragmatic approach.
To commence with, there are a number of arguments in favour of my stance. The most
preponderant one not only includes but also includes and . According
to the research conducted by Western Sydney University, more than 90 percent of the
participants acknowledged the benefits/problems
key aspects related to the topic are , and .
On the other hand, the disadvantages/solutions of the above-mentioned idea are not limited
to (disadvantage 1/solution 1) but also include and . For instance, a survey
conducted by the government of Australia reveals that the negative impacts/solutions of
e considerable and should never be underestimated or ignored.
Lastly, in my opinion, the government of Australia is taking a great initiative in educating its
citizens against the negative impacts/problems
encouraged to follow the applicable laws as well as rules and regulations to promote
prosperity, productivity, efficiency and positive environment in the world.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite having some
drawbacks/problems, the benefits/solutions
dire to ignore.

What are the pros and cons of staying connected on social media 24 hours a day?
Keywords social media, social network, Facebook, Twitter, Internet
Pros connecting with friends and family, source of entertainment, news and
knowledge about the world, promotion of business, marketing, shopping.
Cons health impact, eyesight, addiction, wastage of time, illegal activities, scams
One of the m

concerns in the world. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use

To commence with, there are a number of arguments in favour of my stance. The most
preponderant one not only includes connecting with friends and family but also includes the
source of entertainment, news, and knowledge about the world. According to the research
conducted by Western Sydney University, more than 90 percent of the participants

to are the promotion of a business, marketing, and shopping.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of the above-mentioned idea are not limited to severe
health impacts such as eyesight but also include illegal activities, scams, and addiction
leading to wastage of time. For instance, a survey conducted by the government of Australia

underestimated or ignored.
Lastly, in my opinion, the government of Australia is taking a great initiative in educating its
citizens against the negative impacts of Citizens are being encouraged to
follow the applicable laws as well as rules and regulations to promote prosperity,
productivity, efficiency and positive environment in the world.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite having some
drawbacks, the benefits of in the world are indeed too dire to ignore.

The governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you
think is the most pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet? Give solution.
Keywords global warming, deforestation, poverty, lack of drinking water,
underdeveloped countries India Bangladesh, health problems, deaths, diseases, an
increasing number of deaths, reduced productivity, reducing corruption, helping poor
for the inhabitants on our planet such as global warming, deforestation, poverty, and lack of

the world. This essay will discuss the problems and solutions
a pragmatic approach.
To commence with, there are a number of arguments in favour of my stance. The most
preponderant one not only includes the increased temperature of the Earth's surface but also
includes severe health problems, diseases and loss of wildlife. According to the research
conducted by Western Sydney University, more than 90 percent of the participants

related to the global warming are reduced productivity, poor living conditions and an
increasing number of deaths.
On the other hand, the disadvantages/solutions of the above-mentioned idea are not limited
to implementing strict rules at an international level but also include reducing corruption,
proper allocation of funds and helping the underdeveloped countries such as India and
Bangladesh. For instance, a survey conducted by the government of Australia reveals that
global warming d never be underestimated
or ignored.
Lastly, in my opinion, the government of Australia is taking a great initiative in educating its
citizens against the global warming
the applicable laws as well as rules and regulations to promote prosperity, productivity,
efficiency and positive environment in the world.
In view of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that despite having some
problems, the global warming indeed too dire to ignore.

Freestyle Essay Structure

Introduction 4 Sentences (50-60 words) 1st Sentence General Sentence about the topic.
2nd Sentence 1st side of the argument.
3rd Sentence Other side of the argument.
4th Sentence This essay will discuss the merits and demerits/ advantages and
disadvantages/ problems and solutions of the (essay topic) using a pragmatic approach.
1st Body Paragraph (Explain the side you the argument you are in favour off) (4-5
Sentences) (70-80 Words)
1st Sentence Introductory Sentence
2nd Sentence 1 Advantage
3rd Sentence Explain the previous advantage/ Give one more advantage
4th Sentence - 1 Example
5th Sentence 2nd Advantage
2nd Body Paragraph (4 Sentences) (60-70 words)
1st Sentence Introductory Sentence
2nd Sentence 1 Disadvantage
3rd Sentence Explain the disadvantage/ 1 more disadvantage 4th Sentence - 1 Example
Conclusion (1-2 Sentences) (30-40 words) 1st Sentence Overall Conclusion 2nd Sentence
1 Suggestion (optional).

Social media in the present world has become an integral part of our daily life. It plays a
tremendous role in bringing the world together with just a few clicks of the button. However,
it is irrefutable to say that misuse of social media can result in a lot of inauspicious
consequences. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of social media using a
pragmatic approach.
To commence with, social media provides a lot of advantages to its user. It has shortened the
distance and can be used very conveniently to connect with anyone in the world with a few
clicks of a button. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have made it very
easy to contact and conduct a lot of activities all over the globe. For instance, a research
conducted at Western Sydney University reveals that more than 60 percent of students use
social media to study and connect with each other. Furthermore, social media is also used to
conduct a lot of business and marketing activities in the present era.
On the darker side, social media brings along a number of harmful consequences. Excessive
use of social media can deteriorate the human health adversely. Addiction of social network
can lead to poor eyesight and can further cause diseases such as depression to the users. For
illustration, a research conducted by doctors in the United States reveals that more than 25
percent of users suffer health problems due to the addiction of social media.
To conclude, even when there are a lot of demerits associated with the use of social media,
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and social media has become a crucial part of life.
Therefore, efficient use of social media should be promoted, however its excessive and
misuse should be condemned.


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