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@ Printed Pages : 2 Roll No. ... (i) Questions :9 Sub. Code: Exam. Code: [ol 4 [5] M.Sc. Chemistry 4" Semester (2040) CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS Paper—iIII, CH-523 ime. 3 [Maximum Marks : 80 Note: Attempt 50% of Total Questions of Question Paper. Time: 2 Hours All will carry equal marics. Fraction will be lower digit UNIT-I 1. (a) Determine the structure of Farnesol. (b) Give the general methods for structure determination of Terpenoids. 88 2. (a) Write a synthesis of citral starting from a suitable starting materials. (b) Elucidate the structure of Abietic Acid. 8,8 UNIT-II 3. (a) What is Quinine ? Give its synthesis. (b) Give one method of synthesis of (+) — Coxine. 8,8 4. (a) Hofmann's exhaustive methylation is one of important degradation reactions in alkaloid chemistry. Discuss it and make use of Emde's degradation at the appropriate stage. (b) Explain Robinson Synthesis of Tropine and how will you convert it to atropine. 8,8 3564/NN-17568 1 [Turn over (b) (b) (b) () (b) © @ UNITHII Establish the position of keto group and angular methyl group of estrone. How will you convert Cholesterol into Progestrone. 10,6 What are Bile acids ? Show the conversion of Cholesterol to S5a—Cholanic Acid. What type of steroid is Testosterone ? Show the various steps for synthesis of Testosterone. 8,8 UNIT—IV 3 Explain the Shikimic acid pathway for biosynthesis of flavonoids. What are prostaglandins ? Give the synthesis of PGE, from cyclopentadiene. 8,8 Elaborate the synthesis of Quercetin from suitable starting material. Explain the steps involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll. 8,8 UNIT—YV (Compulsory) Define Rotenones and draw the structures of Pyrethrin I and II. What are Physiological ‘effects of Prostaglandins ? Define Isoprene rule and special Isoprene rule with examples. How many isoprene units are there in o-Pinene and Phytol ? Describe the role of alkaloids in plants. Give the structure of Morphine. 4x4 3564/NN-17568 2 1500

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