HRM782 Winter22 Group Assignment #1 Indigenous Peoples Assignment Deliverable #1 Rubric

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HRM782: Group Assignment #1

Deliverable 1 Rubric (60 Marks)

1 2 3 4 5
Background Background lacks Background has Background is Background is Background is
research (10 details and minimal details thorough thorough and is thorough and
specifics and specifics communicated in outlines impact the
Marks) students’ own organization has
words had on Indigenous
job seekers
Questioning Questions not Some questions Questions Questions prepared Questions prepared
and prepared prepared in prepared in in advanced but in advanced;
beforehand and advance but did advanced but went went off guide; controlled
paraphrasing did not gather not gather off guide; allowed interviewee interview
(15 Marks) enough/correct enough/correct interrupted to respond confidently;
information; no information; no interviewee, some generally, some allowed
paraphrasing or paraphrasing or paraphrasing and paraphrasing and interviewee to fully
probing probing probing questions probing questions respond,
active listening and
probing questions
Non-Verbal Non-verbal One or two Some instances of Multiple instances Multiple instances
Communication communication instances of non- non-verbal of non-verbal of non-verbal
not observed verbal listening listening cues listening cues listening cues
(10 Marks)
cues triggered additional
information from
Interview Interviewers are Interviewers are Interviewers are Interviewers are Interviewers are
Objective unable to able to surface able to surface able to surface able to surface
surface either general some challenges multiple challenges multiple challenges
(20 Marks) challenges or challenges and and best practices and best practices and best practices
best practices best practices with specific
examples and
details from SME’s
Interviewee Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication
management with interviewee with interviewee with interviewee with interviewee with interviewee
lacks was somewhat was somewhat was professional was professional
throughout professionalism frequent, lacks professional and and frequent; some and frequent; make
assignment (5 and frequency professionalism frequent confusion from the the process easy
Marks) interviewee for the interviewee
without confusion.
Deductions: No derailing Some derailing Occasional Multiple derailing Frequent derailing
Mechanics behaviours such behaviours such derailing behaviours such as behaviours such as
as stacking as stacking behaviours such as stacking questions, stacking questions,
(5 marks) questions, poor questions, poor stacking questions, poor poor
communication, communication, poor communication, communication,
interrupting interrupting communication, interrupting interrupting
candidate or candidate or interrupting candidate or other candidate or other
other panel other panel candidate or other panel members or panel members or
members or members or panel members or unprofessional unprofessional
unprofessional unprofessional unprofessional behaviours behaviours
behaviours behaviours behaviours

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