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Anggota Kelompok

1. Hildhan Affan (2150210024)

2. Dewi Mardliyah (2150210025)
3. Lukmanul Khakim Dhani P (2150210026)




TAHUN 2021

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Descriptive Text” right in the calculated time. The purpose in writing this paper is
to fulfill the assignment that given by Mrs. Maratul Jannah, M.Pd. as lecturer in English courses.

In arranging this paper, the writer truly get lots challenges and obstructions but with help
of many individuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.

Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process of
writing this paper. The writer realized the this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the
content. Then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the
next paper. Last but not the least Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more
knowledge about Descriptive Text.


19 September 2021


A. Background

Descriptive text, or in terms of writing simply known as "description" is one English lessons
to be mastered not only by the junior high school children, but also by the high school kids,
students and anyone who loves the English language. Because after all, writing descriptive
material is necessary for the development of English language proficiency us.

Some of the writers, particularly writers of fiction, has the ability to write descriptive text so
well that writing is very readable at the same time easy to understand. Therefore, if we are able
to master this lesson well, we might later be a great writer in the future.

Furthermore, explanations and examples of descriptive text could help my friend who is or is
still a long way to learn English. Do not hesitate to read the descriptive text below, the more we
read the more we can understand it. And it would be nice if we not only understand itself, but
also can write their own descriptive text.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What does descriptive text mean ?
2. What is the purpose of descriptive text ?
3. What is the structure of descriptive text ?
4. What are the linguistic features of descriptive text ?
5. How about an example of a descriptive text ?
6. How to Analyze descriptive text ?

C. Purpose of The Paper

1) To complete the task and learn the meaning of a text description
2) To find out what the structure of descriptive text
3) To find out the language features of the descriptive text


A. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Like, describes the
character of a person, animal, place, or thing. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular
person, place, or thing. According to Anderson and Anderson (2003:26), descriptive text
describes particular person, place, or things. It means that descriptive text is designed specially
about a person, a place, or things. They also stated descriptive text to tell about subject by
describing its feature without including personal opinions.

In addition, according to Pardiyono (2007:33), descriptive text gives descriptions from the
living or non-living things to the reader. In other words, the text can tell an object that is still
alive and not. Moreover, Barbara (2004:142) added that description gives a significant point of
viewbecause it transforms our feeling and extends our experiences.In a broad sense, description,
as explained by Kane (2000: 352), is defined like in the following sentence: Description is about
sensory experience how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but
description also deals with other kinds of perception. But in particular, the descriptive text is,
“…… is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a
particular person, place, or thing.”

So, it can be said that this descriptive text is a text that explains about whether a person or an
object is like, whether its form, its properties, its amount and others. The purpose of the
descriptive text is clear, that is to describe, represent or reveal a person or an object, either
abstract or concrete.

B. Purpose of Descriptive Text

Fink et al said that the purpose of description is to imagine the reader by using a picture of a
person, subject, or setting (1983:41) It is allowed by using picture, so that the reader can
visualize it. According to Febriani (2011:17) the purpose of the descriptivetext is to get the
reader imagine within the story to get pleasure and information. Generally, the purpose of
descriptive text is to describe something, someone, a place, animal, or plants specifically. It can
be concluded that the purpose of descriptive text is :

a) To describe person, thing or place in specific.

b) To describe a particular person, thing or place.

C. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

When writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures for our writing to be true.
The arrangement is :

1. Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object

will be described.)
Questions : What is the topic of the text ? What is the text about?
2. Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or
person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer
For example :
Describes about beautiful woman, tiger, or Jakarta.

D. Language Features of Descriptive Text

To write a descriptive text, it is necessary to pay attention to the rules of writing
so that the text is easy to understand and the writing is correct in accordance with existing
rules and regulations.
The following are some of the rules that exist in writing descriptive text, including:
1. Focus on specific participants.
2. Use of Simple Present Tense.
3. Frequent use of epithets and classifier in nominal groups.
4. Use verb attribute, such as Be (am, is, are).
5. Contains Adjectives
Example in the sentence: The child seems very enthusiastic about playing soccer.
Enthusiasm is one example of an adjective that shows the condition of a person.
Other examples of adjectives: Sour, spicy, sweet, thin, beautiful, famous, beautiful,
smartest, prettiest, creative, fastest, kind, humble, light-handed, and others.
6. Using Nouns
The use of nouns is very important to match the topic being described so that the
description appears clearer. Examples of nouns: Cars, football fields, schools, hospitals,
and others.
Example in a sentence: Both teams are preparing to enter the field.
7. Using Noun Phrases
Example in the text: Last night my mother bought me a new bag.
The word new bag is an example of a phrase that contains a noun.
8. Contains Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs are used to describe an object.
Examples of transitive verbs: Hear, give, cook, hit and others.
Example in the sentence: Every year my mother buys me a new bag.
9. Contains Adverbs
Adverbs have a function to provide additional information on objects.
Example in the sentence: Mama and sister are cooking in the kitchen.
In the example above, the word "at" describes the place where the incident occurred.
There are several types of adverbs, including:
1. Description of How
Explain the way in which it is done in a sentence.
Example: Loud, brave, sobbing and wise.
2. Tool Description
Describe the tools used in doing something.
Example: Using.
3. Description of Purpose
Explain the purpose of the behavior or actions described.
Example: The use of the words "so" and "so"
4. Explanation of Cause
Explain the reasons for the events that took place. Usually followed by the word
"because" "because".
5. Time Description
Describe the time of the incident.
Example: Tomorrow, last year, the day after tomorrow, yesterday and others.
6. Place Description
Describe where the event took place.
Example: The use of the words "in", "at" and others.

10. Contains Figurative Language

In general, text descriptions use metaphorical language to make it more interesting to
read. Example in the sentence: Seeing the behavior of his son who often comes home late
at night, the father often gets angry.
Examples of other figurative words: Intellect, hard work, old date, alone, angry, cold
head, geek, trash of society and others.

E. Example of Descriptive Text

Here, the example of descriptive text.
My Favorite Thing: Handphone
My favorite thing is my handphone. It was actually my Dad’s handphone. After
he bought a new one, he gave it to me. The brand is Samsung Galaxy A51. The display
size is 6.5 inches. The color of my handphone is black. I use it for connecting with my
friends, listening to music and also learning new languages. I have installed some
language learning applications in my handphone. I also love taking pictures with it. The
result is very sharp and bright. This thing is very useful for me.

My Laptop
I got my laptop in the first year of college. It was a gift from my father to me. But,
since my father live far away from my campus, so my father sent the money to my cousin
and ask him to get it for me. I was very happy because it was my first laptop. I do a lot of
things with it such as watch movie, play games, listen to my favorite songs and I also use
it to complete my college assignment. It was very reliable, it is like every time I need it,
will always be there for me.
The colour of my laptop is black. Just like any other laptop with an old style, the
screen of my laptop is joined to the body by using hinges, so it cannot be separated. The
border of the screen is made of black plastic. There is a web cam planted in the screen
framework, it is located at the top-middle side of the screen. The screen is 14 inch wide.
The screen and its skeleton thickness is about 0.8 centimeters. The thickness of the body
is about 2.2 centimeters, so when we combine the thickness of the screen and the body,
the overall thickness of my laptop is about 3 centimeters. So you can imagine now that
my laptop is thick and heavy.
The body of my laptop contains the CPU. On the top side of the body, there is a
power button located on the top-left side. In line with the power button is the speaker of
my laptop. After that, we will also see the keyboard of the laptop occupying the top side
of the body. The colour of the keyboard is also black. There is also a touch pad located
right under the keyboard. Some important parts were attached into the side framework of
the body, such as DVD room, USB port, power jack, projector port, ventilation system,
land line port, and also HDMI port just in case I want to connect my laptop to TV.

F. Analysis of Descriptive Text

Here, the analysis of descriptive text.
The spring Garden Apartment Complex offers you and your family country living at its
Surrounded by beautiful woods and hill, Spring Garden is located ten
miles outside the city but is only minutes from downtown on the freeway
Unfurnished two, bedroom apartments are available. Each apartments
has a dishwasher, central heating, air conditioning, and a laundry room.
Children and pets are welcome.
In Addition, there are tennis and basketball courts, two swimming
pools, and a playground. There are two parking spaces for each apartment.
A. Conclusion
Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing.
Structure Descriptive Text (generic structure) are:
1) Identification (ID) is the introduction, in the form of a general overview of a
2) Description (description) is contain specific characteristics possessed objects,
places, or people described.
Characteristics Descriptive Text:
a. Use the simple present tense
b. Use the verb attribute, such as Be (am, is, are)
c. Just focus on one object.
d. Use epithets and classifier in nominal group
e. etc.
B. Suggest
We are the writer want to apology for the shortage of this paper. We know that this
paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from the reader for the
perfection of this paper. Thank you very much for the reader.
Buku Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VII Kemendikbud.
Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI.
Entika Fani Prastikawati and Siti Musarokah,Writing 3 Handouts and
Assignments,(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang,2010),p.40.
Entika Fani Prastikawati and Siti Musarokah, Writing 3 Handouts and
Assignments,(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang,2010), p.40.
Entika Fani Prastikawati and Siti Musarokah, Writing 3 Handouts and
Assignments,(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang,2010), p.41.
Entika Fani Prastikawati and Siti Musarokah, Writing 3 Handouts and
Assignments,(Semarang: IKIP PGRI Semarang,2010),p.40.
Furaidah, Advanced Writing, (Jakarta, Universitas Terbuka, 2008), p.2.1.
Furaidah, Advanced Writing, (Jakarta, Universitas Terbuka, 2008), p.2.1.
Modul Bahasa Inggris SMKN 1 Cikadu.

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