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Project Part 1

Leadership Analysis

a. An Existing Local Business leader for this group project; and provide a biography about him/her.

Walid al-Hashish is the CEO of Kuwait Energy Holding Aref. Born in Kuwait, he attended Farley Dickinson

University, New Jersey, USA, from which he graduated in 1985 with a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering.

From 1985 to 1990 he worked as an electrical engineer, designing electrical and telecommunications work for

projects owned by the Kuwaiti community while completing his postgraduate studies. In 1990 he earned a master's

degree in industrial engineering from the University of Miami, Florida. From 1990 to 2007, he worked at Kuwait

Oil (KPC) in only commercial trade, recently worked by deputy director of marketing. In this role, Hashash was

responsible for selling crude oil and management of regional offices in the United States and Japan, and a

collection of about $ 2.7 billion. Hashash was also responsible for jet fuel, warehouse sales, diesel and IT services,

with three regional offices in Singapore, India, Pakistan and $ 12 billion a year. Hashash is also deputy chairman

and executive director of the logistics of the Nagan provider in Kuwait as well as a subsidiary of ARIF

investments. It also served as a member of the Meglobal councils, the transfer of the Nile River and the

Contracting Agreement, both Sudan. He is the head of the Persian Gulf Council for Africa (GAH) in Kuwait.

b. A foreign business leader who will be used as a benchmark; and provide a biography about him/her.

Jeff Bezos is an American businessman, founder and CEO of, and owner of the Washington Post.

Successful ventures have made him one of the richest people in the world. Jeff Bezos, entrepreneur and e-

commerce pioneer, is the founder and CEO of Amazon E-Commerce, owner of the Washington Post, and founder

of space exploration company Blue Origin. Successful ventures have made him one of the richest people in the

world. Born in New Mexico in 1964, Bezos was interested in computers and studied computer and electrical

engineering at Princeton University. After graduating, he worked on Wall Street and became the youngest vice

president of the investment firm D.E. What. Four years later, Bezos quit his lucrative business and opened, an online bookstore that has become one of the internet's biggest success stories. In 2013, Bezos

bought the Washington Post and in 2017 Whole Foods was acquired by Amazon. In February 2021, Amazon

announced that Bezos would step down as CEO in the third quarter of the year.
Bezos was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico on January 12, 1964, to a teenage mother, Jacqueline Jess

Jorgensen, and her biological father, Ted Jorgensen. The Jorgensens have been married for less than a year. When

Bezos was four years old, his mother married Mike Bezos, a Cuban immigrant. Bezos graduated from Princeton

University with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering in 1986. Bezos was initially interested in

how it worked, and as a child he converted his parents' garage into a laboratory and installed electrical outlets in his

house. As a teenager, he and his family moved to Miami, where he developed a love of computers and graduated

from high school. While in high school, he started his first company, the Dream Institute, a summer training camp

for fourth, fifth, and sixth graders.

c. Each group is to provide justification (reason) for their selected leaders: -

Why particular leaders were chosen.

Confidence: He is the kind of leader that instilled confidence in his employees. He has the ability to inspire us by

selling us on ourselves.

Courage: He is completely focused on his product and his goals, not on himself. He has a vision not everyone

understood or believed is possible.

Persistence: He succeeds because he is persistent and determined. He doesn’t let rejection and criticism stop him.

Not only is he able to prove he had creativity and resilience but later in life, he demonstrated his ability to become

a successful entrepreneur.

Honesty: He instilled in his employees that integrity and honesty would allow them to live off repeat business.

Self-assurance: Bezos believed in his capabilities and those of his team.

High standards: He has very high standards for himself personally, which carry over to his team. He expects a lot

out of people. He focuses on those who deliver.

Employee investment: Jeff is focused on talent acquisition and talent development. He delegates to each leader to

build and grow their team individually to deliver results.

d. Students are required to conduct research in order to identify and explain the best practices for Effective

Leadership i.e.

 What do you think it takes to be a good leader? –

A good manager has an exemplary personality. To be a leader, it is important to be trustworthy to lead others. A

leader must be trusted and known in order to live his life honestly and correctly. A good leader "speaks the

movement" and has the right to take responsibility for others. A good manager is interested in their task or goal as

well as in their role as a manager. Leaders need to be inspiring, be a catalyst for actions or causes. A good leader is

confident. In order to lead, a leader must appear as a person with self-confidence and in a leadership role. Even in

unsafe situations, the manager must act regularly and purposefully. Good leaders tolerate ambiguity and remain

calm, steadfast, and firm on the main goal. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go, and a good guide takes them

on a journey and keeps them calm. In addition to focusing on the main goal, a good manager is able to think

analytically. A good leader not only sees the situation as a whole, but can break it down into subsections for further

consideration. A good leader strives for excellence. A good leader not only maintains high standards, but also

actively raises the bar to achieve excellence in all areas.

How do effective leaders communicate, coach and motivate, lead change etc.?

These 3 C’s unite effective change leadership:


Leaders who define the purpose of change and relate it to the values of the organization or define the benefits that

make it more achievable and urgent for change.


Bringing people together is very important in planning and implementing change. Successful leaders worked

across borders, encouraging employees to step out of their silos and avoid unhealthy competition. You also involve

employees in the early stages of decision-making and strengthen their commitment to change.


Successful leaders ensure that their beliefs and behaviors also support change. Change is difficult, but leaders who

negotiated successfully have been resilient, persistent, and ready to step out of their comfort zone. They also spent

more time changing and focusing on the big picture.

Leading People Through Change

 Initiate
After understanding the need for change, effective change leaders begin by making the case for the change they

seek. This can include evaluating the business context, understanding the purpose of the change, developing a clear

vision and desired outcome, and identifying a common goal.

 Strategize

Successful leaders develop strategies and performance plans, including key tasks, timelines, tasks, models, actions,

and resources. They have identified what will change and what will not.

 Execute

Putting the idea into action is one of the most important things a leader can do. It also splits large projects into

smaller boards to finish and finish first. They have developed measurement tools and tools for measuring progress.

 Support

Successful change projects are identified by executives who remove barriers to employee success. These include

personal barriers, such as tainted pride and loss, but also professional barriers, such as the time and resources

required to implement a change plan.

e. Students are expected to identify the most important personality traits leading to effective leadership and

increased employee performance.

 Make a bulleted list of the characteristics these individuals exhibit that you think make them effective


 Confidence

 Courage

 Persistence

 Honesty

 Perseverance

 Self-assurance

 High standards

 Employee investment

 Extraversion 

 Openness to experience
 Conscientiousness

 Dependability

 Agreeableness

 Emotional stability

 Intellectance

 Surgency 


Bowen, K. (1998). Effective Communication in Leadership. Westbend.

Training Industry, Inc. (2019, April 3). Effective Leadership Communication Creates Effective Teams. Training



Be a Successful Change Leader: The 3 Cs of Change Initiatives. (2021, August 11). CCL.

All Answers Ltd. (2021, August 12). Exploring What Makes a Successful Leader. UK Essay.

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