Data Governance Analyst

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(Data Governance) 11/06/2010

Home: (253) 859-7771 Cell: (206) 310-8547
Experience: 18+ Years Oracle versions: 5,6,7,8i,9i,10G,11G
Visa Status: U.S. Citizen Travel: When needed
ROI does not stand for Risk Of Incarceration. Data Governance of SOX and other l
egal information can ensure ROI is defined as Return On Investment "with legal d
ue-diligence protection".
Data Steward responsible for collaborating with SME's to define data standards,
Business data definitions, Business rules, Critical Business information, Master
Data, Data Quality and Retention dash boards, ETL creation and updating process
es, Data Quality & Data Retention rules for Legal, Business, and Analytics, buil
ding/managing a Data Quality Engine (assuring accuracy, consistency, completenes
s, timely availability, and enterprise Data compatibility), and a Data Dictionar
y for Stewardship Governance.
Assess and develop long-term strategic Data Governance goals, Data Quality Assur
ance processes, Master Data Management administration, Data Retention Life Cycle
policy implementation, Data Steward responsibility points within the data reten
tion Life Cycle, and Data Security policy and processes.
* A professional who assumes accountability for the perception of quality by cli
ents he serves, and demonstrates
a commitment to ensuring client success and satisfaction.
* Clear concise planning, excellent analytical abilities, proven ability to mana
ge and motivate other team members.
* Oracle Certified Professional instructor for all OCP classes at Bellevue Commu
nity College.
TECHNICAL SKILLS (This is what I can do)
* Data governance (Data Retention, Data Stewardship, Data Quality)
* Database quality assurance, best practices, Health checks
* Enterprise information Meta Data in applicable repositories
* Source-to-Target data mappings
* Strong and deep understanding of Data Quality and its application in the datab
ase and affect on application information and functionality.
* Performed database quality evaluations for:
}> Adherence to Data Quality standards
}> Identification of data relationships and potential data integrity issues
}> Identification of deviations from 3rd normal form and business impacts
}> Satisfaction of business Data Quality rules
}> Interface with other enterprise databases
}> Identify root causes of poor data quality
}> Conform to Corporate Data retention polices, Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), Internat
ional Organization for Standards
(ISO), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability HIPPA etc.
* Oracle 9i Certified Professional.
* Oracle7 Certified "Master of Database Administration".
* Information Systems Programmer/Analyst, Honors Graduate. Computer Learning Cen
ter, Washington D.C.
(Associate degree equivalent over 32 credits).
* Founding Member of Puget Sound Oracle Users Group
* Presenter at Seattle "Computers and Technology Showcase" on "Designing a High
Security Database"
* Writing a book on Oracle backup/Recovery, and Data Guard standby databases.
* Wrote book on International Finance published in 32 countries.
* Investment author for "Dollars and $ence" & "Investors Exchange" news letters
published internationally.
Concert, Inc. Senior Database Administrator of Concert's Financial Data Warehous
e. This database won the "Best Practices in the United States" award from the Da
ta Warehousing Institute as a direct result of my database architecture Quality
Assurance work.
USAID -- White House special project - Re-inventing government (SOA,MDM) Lead En
terprise Database Architect (team lead of 6 divisional architects and 2 logical
modelers) functional design and development of a worldwide database system using
distributed/replicated technology architecture with integration requirements fr
om six functional business areas and 130 databases. This was an approach ahead
of its time pioneering Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Data Quality Assuran
ce (DQA), and Master Data Management (MDM)The result was a uniform approach to d
atabase architecture enabling access to information across many databases having
the "appearance" of one database to end users and multiple software application
Helped create an Agency-wide Decision Support System (DSS) data-warehouse. Deter
mined business area rules and requirements for measuring agency/department/proje
ct performance and results indicators; and for a worldwide budget formulation DS
S; resulting an efficient and accurate method of measuring the performance of ag
ency activities and appropriately budgeting the following year's funds.
Concert Inc. (a partnership between British Telecom, MCI, and AT&T).
DBA team lead Development/Production (Team of 3 DBA's) for Concert's Financial D
ata Warehouse, Operational Data Store, and Data Mart databases. This database sy
stem won the "Best Practices Award for 1997" from the Data Warehousing Institute
. Designed database architectures that included data integration, retention, an
d cleansing requirements from seven remote database feeder systems into one Oper
ational Data Store, a financial Data Warehouse using Multi Dimensional Database
(MDD) Star Schema database architecture, and associated Data Marts. This saved o
ver 50 million dollars in lost revenue through more accurate customer billing.
Perot Systems Team lead (myself, one DBA, one Data Modeler, and one business ana
lyst) created a physical model and designed a database with retention policies f
or over 30 million new Call Detail Records loaded into it every week. The appli
cation and database provided efficient and secure access to over 20 billion Call
Detail Records for AT&T, Bell South, and Sprint customer billing on the east co
USPS Development/Production DBA for United States Postal Service. Used Erwin to
create convert Logical design into a Physical Database design to satisfy product
ion mail-forwarding and data retention requirements for use in 250 mail processi
ng facilities. Senior Database Administrator for 15 Dev, QA, and Test databases
with a team of 6 developers, 5 testers, and 3 DBAs. Senior production DBA for da
tabases in Cincinnati OH, Frederick MD, Reston VA, and Sacramento CA. This "real
time" application estimated to exceed 14 million dollars in savings per year.
EXPERIENCE (This is where I have worked)
August 2nd 2009 to Present -- Data Steward (Data Quality, Data Retention, Data
Governance) Capital One
Working for Capital One on the Data Governance team as a data steward.
* Source-to-Target data mapping from production ->legacy analytical->additional
analytical->data marts/reporting
* Data retention (legal, analytical, operational life cycle management)
* Obtaining, organizing, defining subject area Meta Data in applicable repositor
ies (Ab-Initio, SQL Server, Oracle)
* Data quality assurance (best practices, Health checks, Data Quality rules (bus
iness, analytical, legal, retention)
* JAD session information identification and subject area segmentation
Mar 2009 Present -- Team Lead of a team of 6 IT professionals. Installed Oracle
11G Enterprise GRID with Oracle Application server, Oracle Management Server, Da
ta Guard, RMAN repository, and a "production database" on 6 virtual Oracle Linux
servers running on a Centos physical server. We also have Oracle 11G installed
on three Windows XP 64 bit servers.
The team works at my home office 5 days a week 10AM until 4PM. We have just begu
n the creation of a 2 node cloud environment that can support 6 virtual servers
on each physical node on the cloud. After that we plan on installing a 3 node RA
C cluster in the cloud and then adding a Data Guarded RAC cluster on the other n
ode in the cloud. We are also preparing to teach a database backup and recovery
class for the Western Washington Oracle Users Group WWOUG.
Jul 2007 Mar 2009 -- DBA Team Supervisor, Seattle City Light. Managed a new team
of 6 DBA's in a business environment recently converted from vertical silos to
a matrix organization. Hired, Performance evaluated, and managed the work load o
f 6 team members.
Assisted with corporate data governance, smart grid data architecture, smart gri
d meter, network, and server architecture.
Implemented policies for:
* DBA's working from home
* DBA backup support responsibilities
* DBA roles and responsibilities
* Vendor/Contractor management
Implemented Plans and Procedures for:
* Emergency response
* Database backup and recovery
* DBA on call and support DBA rotation responsibilities
* DBA cross training skill assessment and training plans
Performed database cloning and migration, used data pump, RMAN, and Data Guard.
Jan 2004 May 2007 -- Database administration team lead for Kent School District
Supported a suite of applications used by over 3,000 staff members and 27,000 st
udents. Average concurrent sessions were between 500 and 700 Concurrent users on
HP True 64 UNIX and windows 2003 servers.
Managed a team of 2 DBAs and 1 contractor. Also Recruited and managed 2 DBA appr
entices. Responsible for:
* Database Real Time performance monitoring
* Student records retention compliance with state policy
* DBA roles and responsibilities
* Vendor/Contractor management
* Emergency response/Disaster Recovery (DR)
* DBA on call and support DBA rotation responsibilities
Used Erwin to design and build a database reporting tool that collects database
information every day and performs trend analysis and change analysis on current
data compared to past data with over 50 reports.
Used Erwin to design and build a database backup application that Versions Hot a
nd Cold backups, automatically deletes old backups in accordance with a retentio
n policy, and records backup information in a database.
Performed data migration (ETL) from Oracle Financials to a replacement applicati
on/database using Erwin, SQL and PL/SQL, Data Pump, and Materialized Views.
June 2001 Jan 2004 -- Database group manager for Strategic IT, Inc. Analyzed, pl
anned, managed, and evaluated processes that determine application and database
quality, design, and functionality. Worked collaboratively to establish Oracle d
evelopment and production standards. Motivated development and production teams
to work efficiently and effectively. Manage Database Backup and Recovery, and Pe
rformance Tuning projects (8 Oracle Certified DBAs on staff) implementing, and d
ocumenting Oracle backup and recovery, tuning database memory caches, user sessi
on performance, and SQL statements.
Dec 2000 Jun 2001 -- Senior database architect at VoiceStream. Responsible for d
atabase quality across all Oracle databases in Customer Operations and Systems (
COS). Performed in-depth database structural analysis on vendor supplied databas
es and home grown databases for several divisions of VoiceStream, savings estima
ted to be "10s of millions of dollars per year" by my manager Mr. Duane Peterson
. Also Senior author of database standards agreed upon by six different DBA grou
ps in Voice Stream.
Oct 2000 Dec 2000 -- Production DBA and Senior Database Architect at AVOLO.COM.
Team lead in charge of 2 other database architects and one PL/SQL programmer. Pe
rformed user requirements/database design analysis in partnership with end users
, customer support and development staff.
May 2000 Dec 2004 -- Oracle instructor at Bellevue Community College.
Oracle Certified Professional course curriculum. Database Tuning, Database Admin
istration I & II, Backup/Recovery, SQL Plus, PL/SQL, and Database Architecture/D
ata Modeling.
Mar 1999 Oct 2000 -- Database Architect, Production DBA, PL/SQL programmer, Orac
le Trainer, and Customer solutions technician for Supported an application that
enabled dynamically changing surveys on the Internet.
NOTE: There is additional Oracle work history dating back to 1988, with IT histo
ry dating back to 1983 Including several projects for the embassy of Peru, 2 Whi
te House special projects, USPS, Concert, and Perot systems.

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