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KSA 2021 – Degree Show

Website Guidance for Students

Version: 3.0

Date: 26/05/2021
Table of Contents
1 Introduction............................................................................................................2
1.1 Document Purpose..........................................................................................2
2 The Website...........................................................................................................2
2.1 Navigation........................................................................................................2
2.2 Contributors.....................................................................................................5
3 Content for student pages......................................................................................5
3.1 Start preparing your video (optional)...............................................................5
3.2 Images.............................................................................................................5
3.3 Text..................................................................................................................6
3.4 Recording (optional)........................................................................................6
3.5 Links to social media.......................................................................................7
4 Content for Group Work.........................................................................................7
5 Tagging..................................................................................................................7
6 Approval.................................................................................................................7
7 Events....................................................................................................................7
8 Summary................................................................................................................7
1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose

The following document will provide guidance as to how you can prepare your work
to be uploaded on the website.

If you are an Undergraduate or Foundation student, we will publish full instructions

w/c 21st of June on how to upload work onto the site before it is embedded to the
site. If you are a Postgraduate student, information will be posted w/c 30th of August.

This document should clarify what the Degree Show website will look like, what
content will be available to be uploaded, and which tasks you can start preparing
before the content management system (CMS) is ready to be used.

2 The Website
2.1 Navigation

Firstly, familiarise yourself with the website to gain an insight into the look and feel.

Main Site

The website begins with an animation title that is currently being created by
Illustration Animation graduates.

Followed by a message from

the Dean.

A further scroll reveals

uploaded student work. To
provide a serendipity feel, a
colour wheel is displayed
showcasing different work
depending on the colour of the
image. In this case, the user
has chosen the colour blue so
the website filters all images
containing blue to display.
Selecting student work will open
up their page.
Further scroll on the
main site reveals
group work. The
purpose of group work
is for students to
showcase their
collaborative work -
the user can select
students that have

Events are
at the
bottom of
the site.
Student page

There are several methods for finding student work. The work can be selected on the
main site, navigated to by selecting the course (shown underneath course site), if the
student has been a contributor to other student work, by searching a tag, and by list.

A carousel will display 11 images (other images

are displayed in the bottom half of the site). The
‘hero’ image is your main image or video and
thumbnail for the profile.

Text will be displayed about the work (max 350

words). In addition, you will be able to post links
to professional social media sites (up to 6 links).

Remaining 4 images (16 words/120 characters)

to describe the image.

Further text (max 50 words).

The ear is a recording of the written text (this is

optional but recommended).

Group work. If you have completed any

collaborative work, it will show here. You will
need to prepare a group work site. The layout
and specifications are the same as the student
2.2 Contributors

The show is designed for graduating students only. For courses finishing in June, the
student will be part of the 15th of July launch. Those courses finishing later than this
will part of the September 23rd launch.

3 Content for student pages

3.1 Start preparing your video (optional).

If you are uploading video, you will be able to do so via Vimeo and the project team
will provide instructions on how to log on and use the Vimeo platform from w/c 7 th of
June (please note you will not need to purchase a license to upload as the University
has done so on your behalf).

Although there are no restrictions on length, we advise that the video should be no
longer than 5 minutes, to captivate the audience.

Accessibility (compulsory if uploading video): If the video contains spoken word,

you will need to produce captions or subtitles, as it is a requirement that your work is
accessible to all. To create captions, you can do so a number of ways; either by
uploading your video to Stream and downloading captions or manually creating them
by producing an SRT file and converting this to a VTT file. Instructions will be
provided but please be aware.

Format: MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV. All videos uploaded will be converted to
square pixels. Regardless of format, all videos will be displayed at the correct aspect

Vimeo does not accept audio files, image files, or other non-video formats, such as:
MP3, WAV, WMA, JPG, and PNG. Project files such as iMovie project and dvdproj
files are also unsupported since these are not video files.

Student tasks:

 Commence prepping your video (for those who wish to upload).

 Complete your subtitles before upload if the video contains spoken word.
 Ensure video does not display any personal, and/or sensitive information.
 Ensure video meets copyright guidelines. We cannot share music which is in
copyright (i.e., performance of copyrighted music, screenings of dance and
drama which use copyright music).
 Save your video so it is ready to be uploaded.

3.2 Images.

Choose up to 15 images which best represent your work.

Up to 11 images will be displayed in the main carousel /or 1 video and 10 images. If
you have chosen to upload video, 4 remaining images will be displayed at the bottom
of your profile.

Do not wait until the 21st of June to commence preparing what your website will look
like. Start preparing which images you would like to display where, talk to your
Course Leader and/or tutor about the best images to display, and chose your hero

Accessibility: Write a tag per image in a document that best describes each image
(up to 16 words/ 120 characters per image). These words will be uploaded later to
enable users with screen reading software to access the project.

Format: You should size the work to the correct ratio - 3000px x 2000pix. There is
only one size to upload. The CMS will size images according to where they appear
on the site.

The media format for images are JPG or PNG (no GIFs).

Student tasks:

 Commence preparing your images.

 Seek advice from your Course Leader on which images showcase your
artwork best.
 Make a note of tags which which will be later added to the image.

3.3 Text.

Write an extract of up to 350 words to be used as an overview of your work. The text
will display as 125 words max and by selecting “read more” the remainder of the text
will be displayed.

In addition, write a 50 word quote to best caption the work/ or bio (this is displayed
underneath your footer images).

Student tasks:

 Write your 125 – 350 word project summary.

 Write your 50 word quote.
 If you need help with spelling, structure, and/ or general English please ask
your Course Leader for assistance. Alternatively, please contact the KSA
Academic Skills Advisor, Laura Stott,, with your work
as a word file and a short email letting her know what the writing is for.

3.4 Recording (optional)

Record yourself reading your 50 word quote, to ensure the text about your project is
accessible to all.
3.5 Links to social media

You can upload up to 6 links (including email, URL) to professional social media

Student tasks:

 Ensure the links which will be used are professional and not personal.
 If you are concerned that 11 images are not enough, a link to professional
social media can contain further images and/or video.

4 Content for Group Work

Any student or Course Leader wishing to upload group/ collaborative work to be
displayed separately, will need to prepare a page to the above specifications i.e.,
11/10 images to show on the main carousel, up to 350 words about the work, 4
remaining images, and a quote with optional recording.

Each student will be tagged in the work.

Student tasks:

 Only one student per group will need to upload, not each individual student. If
you are interested in uploading group work, nominate one student to upload
on behalf of the group.
 The group work will need a project name.
 Prepare content as per student page with your group so it is ready to upload.

5 Tagging
The student will be able to select up to 500 words to tag their work with. Each
student can tag their work with the most relevant tags they want from the available
500+ tags, limiting the max number per student to 10 tags each. The tags will be
available in the CMS prior to upload.

6 Approval
Ensure you speak to your Course Leader about the work you wish to upload, and
once you have everything ready, ensure you gain their approval before the 21st of
June, that the work is ready to be uploaded.

7 Events
One of your links can link onto an event. This could be a Teams event or link out to
another platform like Zoom. Teams is the preferred option as it is supported by KU.

Please see [here] our Online Events Guidance for Staff and Students for more
details about the types of online events in Microsoft Teams.
8 Summary
 Commence prepping your video (for those who wish to upload).
 Complete your subtitles before upload if the video contains spoken word.
 Ensure video does not display any personal, and/or sensitive information.
 Ensure video meets copyright guidelines. We cannot share music which is in
copyright (i.e., performance of copyrighted music, screenings of dance and
drama which use copyright music).
 Save your video so it is ready to be uploaded.
 Commence preparing your images.
 Seek advice from your Course Leader on which images showcase your work
 Make a note of tags which which will be later added to the image.
 Save your images and tags ready for upload.
 Write your 125 – 350 word project summary.
 Write your 50 word quote.
 Ensure the links which will be used are professional and not personal.
 Check your work with your Course Leader and/or tutor. Save your work
somewhere secure once everything has been approved, whilst waiting to
receive instructions on how to upload to the CMS.

If you need help, please contact -

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