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रानी चेनम्मा भारत के कनााटक के ककत्तूर राज्य की रानी थीीं। सन ् १८२४ में (सन ्

१८५७ के भारत के स्वतींत्रता के प्रथम सींग्राम से भी ३३ वर्ा पव

ू ा) उन्होने हड़प
नीतत (डॉक्ट्रिन ऑफ लेप्स) के ववरुद्ध अींग्रेजों से सशस्त्र सींघर्ा ककया था। सींघर्ा में
वह वीरगतत को प्राप्त हुईं। भारत में उन्हें भारत की स्वतींत्रता के ललये सींघर्ा करने
वाले सबसे पहले शासकों में उनका नाम ललया जाता है ।

रानी चेनम्मा के साहस एवीं उनकी वीरता के कारण दे श के ववलभन्न

हहस्सों खासकर कनााटक में उन्हें ववशेर् सम्मान हालसल है और उनका नाम आदर
के साथ ललया जाता है । झाींसी की रानी लक्ष्मीबाई के सींघर्ा के पहले ही रानी
चेनम्मा ने युद्ध में अींग्रेजों के दाींत खट्टे कर हदए थे। हालाींकक उन्हें युद्ध में
कामयाबी नहीीं लमली और उन्हें कैद कर ललया गया। अींग्रेजों के कैद में ही रानी
चेनम्मा का तनधन हो गया।

जीवनी :

चेन्नम्मा का जन्म भारत के कनााटक राज्य के बबलगावी क्ट्जले के छोटे

से गाींव काकहट में हुआ था, वह अपने पडोसी राजा की ही रानी बनी थी और
दे साई पररवार के राजा मल्लासजा से उन्होंने वववाह कर ललया था| रानी चेन्नम्मा
ने ककत्तूर में हो रही बिहटश अधधकाररयो की मनमानी को दे खते हुए बॉम्बे प्रेसीडेंसी
के गवनार को सन्दे श भी भेजा था लेककन इसका कोई फायदा नही हुआ था।
लेककन बिहटश अधधकारी ककत्तरू की रानी के खजाने और बहुमल्
ु य आभर्
ू णों और
जेवरात को हधथयाना चाहते थे| उस समय रानी के खजाने की कीमत तकरीबन
1.5 लमललयन रूपए थी|
इसीललये बिहटशो ने 20000 आदलमयो और 400 बींदक
ू ो की ववशाल सेना
के साथ आक्रमण ककया था| अरटूबर 1824 में यद्
ु ध के पहले राउीं ड में बिहटश
सेना का काफी पतन हो चूका था और कलेरटर और राजनैततक एजेंट जॉन
थावकेराय की हत्या कर दी गयी थी| चेनम्मा का मुख्य सहयोगी बलप्पा ही बिहटश
सेना के पतन का मख्
ु य कारण बना था| इसके बाद दो बिहटश अधधकारी सर
वाल्टर इललयट और मी| स्टीवसन को भी बींदी बना ललया गया था| लेककन कफर
बिहटशो के साथ समझौता कर उन्हें बाद में छोड़ हदया गया था और युद्ध को भी
टाल हदया गया था। लेककन बिहटश अधधकारी चैपललन ने दस
ु रो के साथ हो रहे
युद्ध को जारी रखा था|

कनााटक प्रान्त में एक छोटा सा क़स्बा है ककत्तरू . यह धारवाड़ और

बेलगााँव के बीच बसा है . एक बार की बात है , बेलगााँव के काकतत नामक स्थान
पर नरभक्षी बाघ का आतींक फ़ैल गया. जन – जीवन सींकट में था. उस समय
ककत्तरू में राजा मल्ल्सजा का शासन था. वे आखेट वप्रय थे. राजा उस समय
काकतत आये तो उन्हें बाघ के आतींक की सच
ू ना लमली. राजा तुरींत बाघ की खोज
में तनकले. सौभाग्य से बाघ का पता शीघ्र ही चल गया और राजा ने उस पर बाण
चला हदया.

बाघ घायल होकर धगर गया. राजा तुरींत बाघ के तनकट पहुींचे, लेककन यह रया ?
बाघ पर एक नहीीं दो – दो बाण धगरे थे जबकक राजा ने एक ही बाण चलाया था.
राजा आश्चया में पड़ गया. तभी उसकी दृक्ट्टट सैतनक वेशभर्
ू ा में सजी एक सुन्दर
कन्या पर पड़ी. राजा को समझते दे र न लगी कक दस
ू रा बाण कन्या का ही है .
राजा को दे खते ही कन्या कुद्ध स्वर में बोली, ” आपको रया अधधकार
था जो आपने मेरे खेल में ववघ्न डाला. राजा कुछ न बोल सका. वह मन ही मन
कन्या की वीरता और सौन्दया पर मुग्ध होकर उसे दे खता रह गया. इतने में राजा
के अन्य साथी भी आ गये. राजा ने उन्हें बताया कक बाघ इस वीर कन्या के बाण
से आहात होकर मरा है . सभी लोग कन्या की वीरता की सराहना करने लगे.

अींग्रेजों की नीतत डाक्ट्रिन आफ लैप्स के तहत दत्तक पुत्रों को राज करने

का अधधकार नहीीं था। ऐसी क्ट्स्थतत आने पर अींग्रेज उस राज्य को अपने साम्राज्य
में लमला लेते थे। कुमार के अनुसार रानी चेनम्मा और अींग्रेजों के बीच हुए युद्ध
में इस नीतत की अहम भूलमका थी। 1857 के आींदोलन में भी इस नीतत की प्रमुख
भलू मका थी और अींग्रेजों की इस नीतत सहहत ववलभन्न नीततयों का ववरोध करते हुए
कई रजवाड़ों ने स्वतींत्रता सींग्राम में भाग ललया था। डाक्ट्रिन आफ लैप्स के अलावा
रानी चेनम्मा का अींग्रेजों की कर नीतत को लेकर भी ववरोध था और उन्होंने उसे
ु र आवाज दी। रानी चेनम्मा पहली महहलाओीं में से थीीं क्ट्जन्होंने अनावश्यक
हस्तक्षेप और कर सींग्रह प्रणाली को लेकर अींग्रेजों का ववरोध ककया।

अींग्रेजों की नजर इस छोटे परन्तु सींपन्न राज्य ककत्तरू पर बहुत हदन से

लगी थी। अवसर लमलते ही उन्होंने गोद ललए पुत्र को उत्तराधधकारी मानने से
इन्कार कर हदया और वे राज्य को हड़पने की योजना बनाने लगे। रानी चेन्नम्मा
ने सन ् 1824 में (सन ् 1857 के भारत के स्वतींत्रता के प्रथम सींग्राम से भी 33
वर्ा पव
ू ा) उन्होने हड़प नीतत (डॉक्ट्रिन आफ लेप्स) के ववरुद्ध अींग्रेजों से सशस्त्र
सींघर्ा ककया था।
ककत्तूर पर हमला :

अींग्रेजों की नजर इस छोटे परन्तु सींपन्न राज्य ककत्तूर पर बहुत हदन से

लगी थी। अवसर लमलते ही उन्होंने गोद ललए पुत्र को उत्तराधधकारी मानने से
इन्कार कर हदया और वे राज्य को हड़पने की योजना बनाने लगे। आधा राज्य दे ने
का लालच दे कर उन्होंने राज्य के कुछ दे शद्रोहहयों को भी अपनी ओर लमला ललया।
पर रानी चेन्नम्मा ने स्पटट उत्तर हदया कक उत्तराधधकारी का मामला हमारा अपना
मामला है , अींग्रज
े ों का इससे कोई लेना-दे ना नहीीं। साथ ही उसने अपनी जनता से
कहा कक जब तक तुम्हारी रानी की नसों में ररत की एक भी बूाँद है , ककत्तूर को
कोई नहीीं ले सकता।

रानी का उत्तर पाकर धारवाड़ के कलेरटर थैकरे ने 500 लसपाहहयों के

साथ ककत्तूर का ककला घेर ललया। 23 लसतींबर, 1824 का हदन था। ककले के फाटक
बींद थे। थैकरे ने दस लमनट के अींदर आत्मसमपाण करने की चेतावनी दी। इतने में
अकस्मात कक़ले के फाटक खुले और दो हजार दे शभरतों की अपनी सेना के साथ
रानी चेन्नम्मा मदााने वेश में अींग्रेजों की सेना पर टूट पड़ी। थैकरे भाग गया।

दो दे शद्रोहहयों को रानी चेन्नम्मा ने तलवार ने मौत के घाट उतार हदया।

अींग्रेजों ने मद्रास और मब
ुीं ई से कुमक
ु मींगा कर 3 हदसींबर, 1824 को कफर ककत्तूर
का ककला घेर ललया। परन्तु उन्हें ककत्तरू के दे शभरतों के सामने कफर पीछे हटना
पड़ा। दो हदन बाद वे कफर शक्ट्रतसींचय करके आ धमके। छोटे से राज्य के लोग
काफ़ी बललदान कर चुके थे।
DAY TOPIC progressive Students AVERAGE BRIGHT

1. What is the name of the 1. What is the name of the lesson, 1. What is the name of the lesson,
lesson? writer? writer?

2. How did the speaker describe

the setting of the extract creating
2. Describe the setting of the an atmosphere of suspense and
2. What is the name of the writer? extract in your words. mystery?
3. Name the characters 3. Why did Dr. Mortimer take 3. How did the fog interfere
L-5 The Hound of the present in the extract. help of holmes? with the plans of Holmes?
4. Explain in brief the story behind
the locals belief of the family
4. Who is the speaker in the 4. What was the family curse? curse.
given extract? Who was cursed?

5. Where were Holmes, Inspector 5. What gave a clue of the culprit 5. Write a character sketch on the
Lestrade and the speaker? to Holmes? protagonist of the extract.

6. Why did Sir Henry kept looking

6. Who was investigating the 6. Who had the motive for uneasily over his shoulders?
case? murder? Why?

7. Who requests to investigate 7. What are the qualities of a 7. Who took the advantage of the
the case? Why? good detective? family curse? Why?

8. What are the qualities of a

good detective? Was Sherlock
8. Who had a striking 8. Describe the creature that Holmes a good detective? Justify
resemblance with Sir Hugo? attacked Sir Henry. with examples.

9. Why was the hound's jaw 9. How did phophorus play a

9. What was the family curse? outlined with phosphorus? crucial role in the given extract?

10. Do you believe in supernatural

10. Who had the motive for 10. What interfered with the plans elements? Justify your answer.
murder? of Holmes?

11. What was the evidence of

11. Why did Holmes apologise Sir Stappleton being a Baskerville?
11. How was the dog trained?

12. Which chemical was used on 12. Why did the hound attack Sir
the hound? Henry?

13. What happened to


1. Why is Athos sitting in the

1. What is the name of the 1. Why did D'Artagnan have no
convent though he is suffering
lesson? seconds in the duel with Athos?
from a wound?

2. Why did Athos apologise for

2. Frm which novel is the extract 2. How is Artagnan's situation
using left hand in the duel?
taken? different from Athos?

3. What reason did D'Artagnan 3. What does Athos imply when

L-6 THE THREE MUSKETEERS 3. Name the characters in the
give for duelling with Porthos and he says he will be known as one
AND D'ARTAGNAN given extract. Aramis? who killed a
young boy?
4. How did the musketeers and
4. What was D'Artagnan's D'Artagnan react to de Jussac's 4. Why is Artagnan confident that
ambition? command to follow him? Athos cannot kill him?

5. What happened to the letter of 5. How does Athos explain the

5. Why was the duel interrupted? presence of Porthos and Aramis
introduction ?
as his supporters?
6. What can we gather from their
6. Who is D'Artagnan's father's 6. What is the advantage Athos conversation about why each of
friend? boasts about? the musketeer had to fight
7. Why do Athos and D'Artagnan
7. Why is it significant that fight with their jackets on?
Artagnan is from Trabes?
7. What is a duel?
8. Where did Artagnan meet 8. Why did D'Artagnan apologise? 8. Why does Artagnan say he is
Athos for a duel? qualified to be a Musketeer?

9. What does Athos mean when

9. What were the three 9. What is the outcome of the
he says D'Artagnan is ignorant of
Musketeers called as? bold assertion?
the little fact?
10.Did D'Artagnan really have the
10. Why did Athos want to fight 10. Who intrudes to spoil their
qualities to become a musketeer?
with Artagana? duelling?
11. Why did Porthos want to fight 11. What is the outcome of the 11. How did the four men become
with Artagana? bold assertion? friends at the end?

12.Why did Aramis want to fight

with Artagana?

1. Who is the poet of the poem " 1. Make a list of the qualities 1. Use the following phrases in
Where the Mind is Without Fear"? found in the ‘Heaven of Freedom’. your own sentences: Broken up
Depth of truth

2. What did the speaker mean by 2. Who does the poet address 2. When is your mind free from
' Knowledge is free'? when he says ‘My Father’? fear?

P- WHERE THE MIND IS 3.How can perfection be 3. What type of society does the 3. When do you feel proud of your
WITHOUT FEAR achieved? poet dream about ? actions?

4.Who was the speaker

addressing in the poem ? What 4. Where should the mind be led 4. How can the country be
did he request? ? awakened?

5.What was the' heaven of

5. How can people move towards 5. Where has this poem been
freedom' that the speaker wanted
perfection ? taken from?
the country to wake
up into ? 6. What does the poet mean 6. What do you want to do for
6. What is meant by ' head is held when he says “let my country your motherland? Write a short
high'? awake”? paragraph on it.

7.What are the 'narrow 7. What are the factors which are 7. Why did the poet use the word
domestic walls' being referred to barriers for a good society? ' tireless ' to describe striving?
from the poem 'Where the Mind
is Without
8. What type of freedom helps us 8. According to the poet ' What
8. What is the significance of the
to make our country heaven ? must be done for achieving ever
phrase ' tireless striving'?
9. Bring and action?
out the significance of the
9. How do we know that this 9. Make a list of bad customs you title of the poem ' Where the Mind
poem is a prayer? find in your society. is Without Fear' .

10. What is the meaning of the 10. Use the words given in
clause ' Where the words come brackets to frame your sentences: 10. To whom is the poet speaking
out from the depth of truth'? Free to ? What is he saying?

11. What does the speaker mean

by ‘where tireless striving
stretches its arms towards
11. For which country the poet is
praying for?

12.Whom does the poet address

as ' thee ' and ' my father'?

12) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. “Where the clear stream o
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.”

1)Name the poem and the poet. What does ‘dead habit’ refer to?
2) What do the above lines say?
3) Why are habits compared to desert sand?
4) Do you agree with the poet that our minds should be fearless and free? Give options.
5) Why does the poet want freedom for his country?
13. Write a summary of the

1.What does the poet wants to

1) How did the speaker describe 1) What did the speaker notice convey through the poem? What
the fog? about the fog? would you do if you were in his
2. What are the beautiful
2. What was the effect of the fog 2. Which line creates the
moments you experience in the
on the speaker? menacing image of the fog?
early morning?

3.Who helped the speaker? 3. Why did the poet had to follow
P- THE FOG How? him like a child?

3. How is the fog personified?

4. Everyone in the world in
4. How was the passerby able to 4. What is the simile used to entitled with some talent. Give an
find his way? describe the speaker's eyes? example of yours.

5.Who is the poet of the poem ' 5. How did the street light and 5. How did the fog affect the poet
The Fog' ? head lights seem to him? senses?
6. Do you think the disabled/
6. Which abilities did the speaker 6. What kind of help did the
differently challenged people are
think he lost in the fog? Why? speaker ask of the passer - by?

7. Why did the speaker follow the 7. If you were the stranger, would
7. How did the speaker feel at
passer - by like a child? you have helped the poet or go on
night fall?
your own way?
8. Identify the poetic devices 8. Write a famous poem written by
8.Why were the cars stopped on
from the below line ' I followed the poet Robert Frost
the road?
like a child' .

9. Who lost all the judgement of 9. Did the stranger comply with
distance and of space? the request? How?

10.Who helped the speaker to 10. Why did the stranger rap the
reach home? stones in front of him?

1. What was the eerie place in

1, Where did he find himself on 1. Why is it important that the which the narrator found himself?
Mars? narrator is a human being?

2. What else did he notice in the 2. What was Maritan's first 2. Why did he decide to explore
strange place? surprise? the enclosure?

3. Why did he feel he had to learn 3. What was strange about the 3. How do we make out that such
L- MY ADVENT ON MARS to walk all over again? site he saw? a description is science fiction?

4. What was strange about 4. What was the similarity and 4. Why does the narrator
the babies? difference between babies and describe the setting in such great
adults? detail?
5. What happened to the narrator 5. What is significant in the
when he was engrossed in narrator's description of his "First
watching baby martians? Martian surprise"?
5 How did he escape them?
6. Who are the new characters 6. Why did the warriors shock 6. How did he find a solution to
introduced here? him? his problem with walking?

7. Who are the new

7. How are they different from 7. How is suspense introduced to characters introduced here? How
the previous ones? them? does their description belong to

8. How does he learn to trust

them despite their scary 8. How do these characters
appearance? satisfy the norms of Science
8. How does he respond to them?
9. How does he learn that
appearance can be deceptive?
stions that follow. “Where the clear stream o

e fearless and free? Give options.

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