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Global Operations HSSE Alert

☐ Inicial | Initial ☒ Final | Final N Alert: HSSE Alert-MdB-MV23-003/2020

Quase Acidente / Near

NOI: IE-2012-0051 Tipo de Formulário | Form Type:

Queda de Objeto /
Tipo de Incidente | Incident Type: Emitido em | Issued On: 03/31/2022
Dropped Object

Título | Title: Drop of big bag containing oily sludge within COT 2S
Descrição do evento | Description of Event
During sludge removal activities from inside the 2S cargo tank, the steel cable broke and the sludge bag fell from approximately 3,8m
height. At the time of the incident, employees were 4m away from the crash site. No injuries.

Por que isso aconteceu? | Why did it happen?

 Steel cable used to lift the big bags of oily sludge from the bottom of the cargo tank was rubbed due to the angle formed in the
manhole bulkheads causing the cable to break.
 Lack of risk perception by the supervisor and team - Not observed that there was friction on the cable during the lifting process.
 Failure to plan / execute work safely and effectively - A lifting plan for non-routine activities was not prepared as required by
Safe Operations Guide for Cargo Handling (3500-MDB60-CLGD-0008).

Life Saving Rules (If applicable)

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Fotos - Informações de Apoio | Photographs - Supporting Information

O que podemos fazer para evitar? | What can we do to avoid?

 Ensure the risk of hoist cable friction is considered on the Task Risk Assessment for similar works.
 Ensure that a lifting plan for non-routine cargo handling is issued as per Safe Operations Guide for Moving Loads (MD60-
CLGD-0008), whenever necessary;
 Evaluate the use of two manholes to remove the oily sludge from the bottom of the tank, since most of the FPSO tanks have
large dimensions and several structures which turns hard the lifting of material vertically from just one point, avoiding angling
the cable used by the electric winch;
 Ensure that there is no friction point in the cable used to lift material from the bottom of the tank;
 Perform daily inspections on the electric winch cable looking for anomalies and signs of damages, before use;
 When issuing the TRA/PTW, ensure that the winch operator is familiar with the equipment, area and particularities of the

Informações adicionais | Additional information

 Big Bag weight was 130Kg and the Cargo Handling system capacity was 400Kg, so the operation was inside the limits;
 All the equipment had valid certificates.

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