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DATE APRIL 2022, 7:00-8:00 AM QUARTER II

A. (Content Standard) Discuss the overview of Hindu Mythology

B. (Performance Standards) Understand the Introduction and myths

C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives. Appreciation to Hindu mythology
Write the LC code for each. Understand the introduction of hindu mythology
Will be able to know the importance of hindu mythology
CONTENT/TOPIC: Hindu Mythology Overview

II. (Learning Resources)

1. Teacher’s guide
2. Learner’s material
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Before we begin, let us all bow our heads, and feel the
presence of the Lord.

Dear Lord and Father of all,

Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all. For
Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we
are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about
the world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus. -“Amen.”


2. Greetings “Greeting the teacher as


3. Checking the attendance “The students will

respond and say
“Present”, when their
name is called. “

A. Reviewing previous Pre-assessment:

lesson or Presenting Review:
the new lesson.

1. Do you believe in reincarnation? “Yes ma’am/ No


2. Have you ever heard about reincarnation? Can you share “ The student will
your thoughts here? answer base on their
3. If you live again in a second time, what would you want
to be? “ The student will
answer based on their
own thoughts”
B. Establishing a purpose Task 1
for the
lesson/motivation/mo Complete the word
tive question.
1. I_d_a 1. India
2. H i _ _u M _t _o l_ _y 2. Hindu
3. _ry_ns mythology
4. Br_hm__as 3. Aryans
4. Brahmanas

C. Presenting Task 2
examples/instances of
the new lesson I will show you a different type of pictures about hindu
mythology and guess what it is or describe.
1. Aryans
2. Indian
3. Deity
4. Vedas
5. Brahmanas
D. Discussing new concept Discussion:
and practicing new skill
( #1) Hinduism

Have millions of followers in India and around the world

today, is one of the world's oldest religions. For well over
3,000 years, it has been accumulating the sacred stories
and heroic epics that make up the mythology of Hinduism.
Nothing in this complex and colorful mythology is fixed and
firm. Pulsing with creation, destruction, love, and war, it
shifts and changes. Most myths occur in several different
versions, and many characters have multiple roles,
identities, and histories

Background and Themes

Around 1700 B . C ., peoples from the area to the northwest

of India began migrating to India. Called Aryans or Indo-
Europeans, they brought a mythic tradition that became the
basis of an early form of Hinduism. Over the years, as the
Aryans mingled with the peoples and cultures of the Indian
subcontinent, the mythology grew increasingly complex.

Stages and Sources. Hinduism has gone through various

stages, which can be linked to the most important texts
surviving from each period. The earliest stage is associated
with the Vedas, the oldest Indian documents. One of them,
the Rig-Veda, is a collection of 1,028 hymns of praise and
prayers to the gods with references to myths. The Vedas
are based on ancient Aryan traditions that were long
communicated only in oral form.

epic long poem about legendary or historical heroes, written

in a grand style

Brahmanas contain many myths. The Upanishads, written

around 700 B . C . The Upanishads describe the universe,
and the human experience, as an interplay of Purusha (the
eternal, unchanging principles, consciousness)

The two great Hindu epics, the Mahabharata and

the Ramayana, written down sometime between
300 B . C . and A . D . 300, contain stories about a
number of major deities. After that time, the chief
expression of Hindu mythology and religion was in
texts called Puranas, "stories of the old days." Most of
the stories are devoted to one god or another.
The Puranas often retell earlier myths, sometimes in
the voices of the gods themselves.
Themes. Certain key beliefs in Hinduism form the
background against which the myths unfold. One of these is
the idea of reincarnation, sometimes called the
transmigration of souls. In Hindu belief, each soul
experiences many, many lives. After the death of one body,
or incarnation, the soul is born again into a new living body.
Even the gods can be reincarnated in human form.

As the individual soul is continually reborn, the universe is

continually created and destroyed. Time moves in cycles of
millions of years, endlessly building up and tearing down
with no beginning or end. All change and decay are part of a
divinely directed cosmic dance that will eventually result in
renewal. Faced with this immense pattern, each individual
has the duty to follow his or her own pattern of right
behavior, called the dharma.
D, Discussing new concept and
practicing new skill Major Figures
( #2)
Hindu mythology is populated by an enormous cast of
deities, demons, demigods, humans, and animals.
Some had a central role in one era but remain in the
background in later periods, while others have risen
from obscurity to prominence. The attributes and
histories of many mythological characters have
changed considerably over the many centuries that
Hinduism has existed.
deity god or goddess
cosmic large or universal in scale; having to do with
the universe
demigod one who is part human and part god
attribute quality, property, or power of a being or thing
pantheon all the gods of a particular culture
Brahma the creator of life on earth

Modern Legacy

Hindu belief and mythology color every aspect of life and

culture in India. They are the basis of countless works of art,
from plays about Rama written in the 700s to modern Indian
movies based on mythic stories.
Temples and images of the deities are everywhere.
Festivals—such as the ten-day autumn celebration of Rama
and his wife, Sita—keep the traditional gods, heroes, and
myths alive.
E. Developing mastery Activity:
(lead the formative
assessment) Direction: Write the correct answer on your paper. 1. Hinduism
2. Aryans
1. ______ Which has millions of followers in 3. Vedas
india and around the world? 4. Rig-vedas
2. Peoples from the area to the northwest of 5. Epic
india began migrating to india is called? 6. Brahmanas
3. The earliest stage is associated with the 7. Upanishads
_____ the oldest indian documents. 8. Mahabharata
4. ______ The hymns of praise and prayers to 9. Ramayana
the gods with reference to myths. 10. Puranas
5. A long poem about legendary or historical
heroes, written in a grand style _____
6. ______ Contain many myths
7. ______ Describe the universe and the
human experiences.
8-9. What are the two hindu epic?
10. The chief expression of hindu mythology and
religion was in the text called ______ or stories
of the old day.

F. Finding practical Activity:

applications of concepts
and skill in daily living. 1. What is the most important thing you learn “ The student will answer based
today? on their own opinion”
2. What do you want to learn more about, and
3. What is the importance of hindu mythology?
G. Making generalization Activity:
and abstraction about
the lesson. 1. What is the goal of life of hindu? 1. The purpose of life for
2. What does reincarnation mean? Hindus is to achieve four
3. What are the intervals between death and re- aims,
birth? called Purusharthas.
4. If there is a proof of reincarnation why isn’t the These are dharma,
entire world believes? kama,
artha and moksha. These
provide Hindus with
opportunities to act
morally and ethically and
lead a good life.

2. Reincarnation is the
religious or
philosophical concept
that the soul or spirit,
after biological death,
begins a new life or
rebirth in a new body
that may be human,
animal or spiritual
depending on the moral
quality of the previous
life's actions

3. The Hindus have legends

of immediate re-births -
a father, for example,
being incarnated in the
newly born babe the
moment after the
father's death on the

Possibly the intervals

may become shorter as
time goes on. Thus,
suppose that
Charlemagne was
reincarnated as
Napoleon, the interval
was a long one

“ The student will based on

their own understanding”

4. People believe what they

want to be true, not
what can be proven. This
paradigm is changing,

“ The student will answer

based on their own

H. Evaluating the learning Activity

1. _____ The creator of life on earth 1. Brahma

2. _____ One who is part of human and part god 2. Demigod
3. _____ God or goddess 3. Deity
4. _____ All the gods of a particular culture 4. Pantheon
5. _____ Large or universal in scale, having to do 5. Cosmic
with universe.

I. Additional activities for Assignment

application or
remediation. For your assignment make an advance reading about
god and goddesses of hindu mythology.

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