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Name Corwen Wilson

OpenQuest Race/Gender

Human Male


STRength CONstitution DEXterity SIZe INTelligence POWer CHArisma

13 12 14 13 12 12 10

Hit Points Damage Portrait Magic Points

Total Hit Points=13 Total Magic Points=12
1 2 3 4 5 Rate
15 m. 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10
Armour Worn Leather
11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 29
Points 2 16 17 18 19 29
21 22 23 24 25
Hero Points 21 22 23 24 25
Major Wound Level = 2

Practical Magic
Skill Base % Skill Base %
45 Battle Magic Casting POW X 3 36
Athletics DEX+STR
22 Sorcery Casting INT 12
Craft INT +10
Religion (Own) INT+10 22
Deception DEX +INT 30
Religion ( ) INT
Driving INT+DEX 36
Engineering INT +10 27 Cult membership Rank
Healing INT +10 30
Influence CHA +10 25 Spells
Mechanisms DEX+INT 26
Performance CHA +10 20 Befuddle
Co-ordination (2)
Perception INT+POW 40
Weapon Enhance (2)
Riding DEX+POW 35
Sailing DEX+INT 26
Streetwise CHA+POW 22
Trade INT +10 22
Knowledge Combat
Skill Base %
Skill Base %
Culture (Own) INT+ 10 22
Language (own) INT + 50 62 Close DEX+STR 52
Nature Lore INT +10 22 Ranged DEX+INT 40
Culture ( ) INT
Unarmed DEX+STR 38
Language ( ) INT Weapons

Lore ( ) INT
Resistances Handgun (Nomad Bow)
Skill Base % Target Shield
Dodge DEX+10 54
Persistence POW+10 30
Resilience CON+POW 36
Item ENC Notes
Backpack 1 Holds 20 ENC
Rope, 10 m. 2 Support 50 ENC/SIZ
2 weeks Travelling Provisions
Flint & Tinder
Waterskin 1 2 days water
Leather Armor 3
Target Shield 2 1d6 DMG
Long Sword 2 1d8 DMG
Dagger 1d4+1 DMG / 1d6 Thrown, 13 m. Range
Nomad Bow/Handgun 1 1d8 DMG, 125 m. Range, 1 Load
20 Arrow/Rounds

Total ENC 12


180 silver


Conscripted to fight in the war.

Received an honourable discharge.
Had a hard time adjusting to civilian life.
Drawn to the possible fame and glory of the dungeoncrawl.

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