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Task 1: Charts with no trends

Task 2: “Agree or disagree” essays

Task 1: Static charts

1. “Compare & Contrast” language

Subject of Be Highest At/ with X.


Subject of description (Closely) follow behind At/ with X

Subject of Be Half As high as Subject of At/ with X

description 1 Twice/ description and Y,
twofold 2 respectively
Three times/
Four times/

Subject of Be a little/ Higher Subject of At/ with X

description 1 slightly/ than description and Y,
significantly 2 respectively
/ much/ far
2. Essay structure


INTRODUCTION Paraphrase the question

OVERVIEW Group 1 (the highest figure)

Group 2 (the highest figure)

3. Practice

The table shows consumer spending on different aspects in five countries in


a. Introduction

b. Overview

The chart illustrates the percentages of consumer expenditure on four different

categories of products and services in France, Germany, the United Kingdom,
Turkey and Spain in 2000.
It is obvious that people in the five countries spent more money on Food and
Drink than they did on the other terms. Besides, Germany expended the highest
amount of money on both Clothing and Entertainment while that on Housing
and Food & Drink belonged to the UK and Turkey, respectively.
The table gives information about the expenditure of buyers in 5 countries on
different categories in 2000.

Overall, it is clear that the amount of money on food and drink and housing
outweighed that on clothing and entertainment in all the five countries. Besides,
the UK and Turkey had the most noticeable gap in their consumption of these
categories among all the countries.

The table describes how much consumers spent on different aspects in five
given countries in 2000.

Overall, it is clear that consumers in the five countries spent most on food and
drink and housing, while the opposite was true for clothing and entertainment.
Besides, Turkey had the highest proportion of money on Food and Drink, while
it was true for the UK in terms of housing.
The figure for A was highest, at 50, which was followed behind by the figure for
B and C, at 37 each.

The figure for A was highest, at 50, which was significantly higher than the
figure for B and C, at 37 each.

In terms of

With regard to

With respect to



As for

c. Body 1
Going from one criterium to another

So sánh quốc gia dựa vào tiêu chí sản phẩm

So sánh sản phẩm dựa vào tiêu chí quốc gia

d. Body 2
In terms of food and drink, the proportion of consumer expenditure in Turkey
was the highest, at 36%, which was followed behind by the figure for Spain, at
31%. Additionally, France, Germany and the UK showed the lower the
percentage of expenditure, at nearly one-third. Regarding Housing, consumer
spending on this aspect was the highest in the UK, at 37%, which was slightly
higher than the figure for France and Germany, at nearly one-third each. Lastly,
the figure for Turkey and Spain was lowest, at nearly one-fifth each.

With regard to clothing, the figure for Germany was highest, at 15%, which was
followed behind by the figure for Turkey and the UK, at 12% and 11% each.
Besides, the percentage of consumer spending in France and Spain was about
8%. In term of Entertainment, the figure for Germany was highest, at 19%. At
the same time, Spain and France spent a slightly lower sum of money, at 15%
and 13% respectively. Lastly, the proportion of money which consumers in the
UK and Turkey expended on this product was nearly 10%.

Germany was the largest consumer of the products of this type.

The highest proportion of money which went to the products of this type
belonged to Turkey
Task 2: “Agree or disagree” essays

Some people say that humanity should speak the same language because of its
advantages. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do
you think this is a positive or negative development?

Some people say that humanity should speak the same language because of its
advantages while some others say we should not. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.

Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do
you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
1. Essay Structure – Almost balanced view

a. Introduction

Sentence 1: Introduce the issue

Sentence 2: While I accept A, I believe B.

b. Body 1 – A

c. Body 2 – B

d. Conclusion: Paraphrase the sentence “While I accept A, I believe B”.

2. Practice

Some people say that humanity should speak the same language because of its
advantages. Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

some people say it is believed/ opined/ thought/… by some people that


humanity humans

people all over the world

speak the same speak a similar/common/uniform/universal/global language

use a similar/common/uniform/universal/global language as
a means of communication

a lingua franca

a. Introduction & Conclusion

Over the past few the issue as to whether S + V has remained a source of
decades/ years controversy.

In recent times has never failed to draw

public attention.
has always been a hot
Recently, the issue as to whether people all over the world should use a
similar language as a means of communication or not has always been a hot
debate. While it is thought that speaking a lingua franca only has negative
aspects, I believe it also brings a lot of beneficial impacts.
b. Body

On the one hand, there would be several benefits if the world were

- to contribute to economic growth of almost every country

+ to lift communication barriers >> to facilitate international activities

+ most foreign tourists to Singapore – Chinese << Mandarin

- to accelerate the intergration of individuals into the global village

+ linguistic barriers > removed

+ Vietnamese exchange students in Japan >> get on well with locals with ease

On the other hand, I do not believe that this proposal should be put into
practice/ actualized for some reasons.

One the other hand, I am a strong proponent of multilingualism for some


One the other hand, I am a strong opponent of monolingualism for some


- to hasten the loss of language diversity > the loss of cultural diversity

+ (a language) – (a culture): be compatible with/ be inextricably linked with/

be tightly connected to/ closed tied to; to provide insights into a people’s
beliefs, customs and history

+ the disappearance of any language > the disappearance of the culture that
goes along with it

- to raise the question of which language would be used

+ the most powerful nation > force others to use their language

+ conflicts/ wars between superpowers to become the most influential



Verbs to benefit somebody: có lợi cho ai, làm lợi cho ai

to benefit from something: hưởng lợi từ cái gì
 Online shopping benefits consumers.
 Consumers benefit from online shopping.

Adjectives beneficial/ advantageous to somebody/ something: có lợi

positive: mang tính xây dựng, hữu ích
 Online shopping is beneficial/ advantageous to
 The trend in which more people go shopping online is

Nouns benefit: lợi ích

advantage: lợi thế, lợi ích
merit: giá trị
 The benefits/ advantages/ merits of online shopping are
undeniable/ obvious.
 Online shopping brings with it some benefits/ advantages/
 The benefit/ advantage/ merit of online shopping is that …

Verb to have a [favourable/ beneficial/ positive] + [effect/ impact/

phrases influence] on somebody/ something
to bring with it many benefits/ advantages/ merits
 Online shopping has a [favourable/ beneficial/ positive]
[effect/ impact/ influence] on consumers.
 Online shopping brings with it some benefits/ advantages/

Verbs to harm somebody/ something: gây hại

 Online shopping harms consumers.

Adjectives detrimental/ harmful/ disadvantageous to somebody/ something:

có hại

negative: tiêu cực

 Online shopping is detrimental to consumers.

 The trend in which more people go shopping online is

Nouns Drawback/ detriment/ disadvantage/ demerit/ downside/


 The drawbacks of online shopping are undeniable/


 Online shopping brings with it some demerits.

 The main downside of online shopping is that …

Verb to have a [deleterious/ detrimental/ negative/ damaging/

phrases destructive/ harmful] + [effect/ impact/ influence] on somebody/

to bring with it many drawbacks/ detriments/ disadvantages/

demerits/ shortcomings/ downsides

 Online shopping has a deleterious influence on consumers.

 Online shopping brings with it many shortcomings.

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