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Health and freedom are two of the biggest things people desire.

Like mentioned in the

prompt health and freedom often conflict with each other with freedom sometimes endangering
people's health. There are three perspectives we are looking at. Perspective one is that our
society should strive to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people. When the
freedom of the individual interferes with that principle, freedom must be restricted. Perspective
two is Nothing in society is more valuable than freedom. Perhaps physical health is sometimes
improved by restricting freedom, but the cost to the health of our free society is far too great to
justify it. Lastly perspective three is The right to avoid health risks is a freedom, too. When we
allow individual behavior to endanger others, we’ve damaged both freedom and health.
Perspective one is the most practical for a couple of reasons.
The first reason why perspective one is the most practical is because of what is literally
going on right in front of our eyes. The CoronaVirus pandemic. Now let's look back to when this
all started. People's health was being put at risk therefore most countries took people's freedom
and forced them to quarantine and this was very successful in many places but one, the United
States. People in the United States are so stuck on freedom that they feel like even with this
terrifying sickness going on they should be able to go out and live a normal life still. Men lie,
women lie, but numbers do not lie. The United States by far has the worst numbers when it
comes to Covid in all aspects. This is simply because we are given too much freedom. Our
freedom needs to be taken away a little because if it was we would be living a normal life again
and Corona would not be a problem anymore.
The second reason why perspective one is the most practical is because health should
always be a main priority. People dont say health is wealth for no reason. When it comes to
living and doing whatever you want life is much more important. The fact that people think
freedom can even compare to you being alive is sick. With health being a main priority we need
to do anything and everything to ensure that people live a healthy life to maximize their life
span. Life is not enjoyable when you are old and sick so we have to take care of ourselves early
on and be consistent with it.
Perspective two states that nothing in society is more valuable than freedom. Although
freedom is valuable it is not our most valuable asset. This is a simple fact considering that many
other successful countries do not have a lot of freedom at all. You are your most valuable asset
because without you then nothing will get done. With knowing this we should also know that we
have to take care of ourselves therefore health is also one of our most valuable assets.
I hope that the Corona Virus ends up going away soon but nothing will progress without
a little freedom being taken away. We as a collective just needs to swallow our pride and do
what needs to be done. The most wise are the ones that listened up.

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