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Lecture Mapping: Thermodynamics

Topics Sub Topics

(1.1) Introduction Thermodynamics

(1.2) Define System, surrounding and
(1.3a) Closed system open system and
(1.3) Types of system isolated system
(1.4) Control System and control volume
(1.5a) Intensive properties
(1.5) Properties of a system
(1.5b) Extensive properties
(1.6) State of a system
(1.7) Change of state, process, process path
& thermodynamic cycle
(1.8) Thermodynamic equilibrium (1.8a) Mechanical equilibrium
Basic concepts of (1.8b) Thermal equilibrium
thermodynamics (1.8c) Chemical equilibrium
(1.8d) Phase equilibrium
(1.9) Quasi-static process & Non-Quasi-
static process
(1.10) Pure substance (1.10a) Defintion and examples
(1.11) Degree of freedom of system
(1.12a) Single component and single
(1.12) State postulates & Gibbs Phase rule phase system
(1.12b) Single component and two
phase system
(1.12c) Single component and three
phase system
(1.13) Concept of continuum
(1.14) Microscopic and macroscopic

Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics (2.1) Statement and its application

(3.1) Reference point for the measurement (3.1a) Method used before 1954
of temperature (3.1b) Method used after 1954
Concept of
Temperature & (3.2a) Constant volume gas
Thermometry thermometer
(3.2) Different type of thermometers (3.2b) Constant pressure gas
(3.2c) Electric resistance thermometer
(3.2d) Liquid in gas thermometer
(3.2e) Thermocouple

(3.3a) Celsius scale

(3.3b) Fahrenheit scale
(3.3) Different temperature scales (3.3c) Rankine scale
(3.3d) Kelvin scale
(3.3e) Ideal gas temperature scale

(4.1a) Definition and sign convention

(4.1) Work interaction (4.1b) Work interaction as a boundary

(4.2a) Definition and sign convention

(4.2) Heat interaction (4.2b) Heat Interaction as boundary

(4.3a) p dv work of displacement work

(4.3b) shaft work
(4.3c) Spring work
(4.3d) paddle wheel work
Heat and work
trasnfer (4.3e) Electrical work
(4.3) Different type of work interaction
(4.3f) work done on elastic bar
(4.3g) Work done in stretching a soap
(4.3h) Flow work
(4.3i) Magnetization of paramagnetic

(4.4a) Boundary Phenomenon

(4.4) Characteristic of heat and work (4.4b) Path function
interaction (4.4c) Inexact differential
(4.4d) Associated with process

(5.1) First law for closed system undergoing

thermodynamic cycle

First law of
Thermodynamics (5.2a) First law for closed system
(5.2) First law for closed system undergoing (General)
thermodynamic process (5.2b) First law for closed system
undergoing Quasi-static process
(5.3) Energy- A property of the system

(5.4a) Kinetic energy of system

(5.4) Macroscopic energy of the system
(5.4b) Potential energy of system

(5.5a) Sensible energy

(5.5b) Latent energy
(5.5) Microscopic energy of the system
(5.5c) Chemical energy
(5.5d) Nuclear energy
(5.6a) for closed system in rate form
(5.6) Conservation of energy (5.6b) For closed system per unit mass

(5.7a) Heat transfer

(5.7) Mechanism of energy transfer (5.7b) Work transfer
(5.7c) mass transfer

(5.8a) Physical interpretation of

(5.8) Enthalpy enthalpy

(5.9a) Definition of Cp and Cv

(5.9b) Physical interpretation of Cp and
(5.9) Specific heat at constant pressure and
volume (5.9c) Cp and Cv for ideal gas
(5.9d) Cp and Cv for solid and liquids
(5.9e) Ratio of specific heat for ideal

(5.10a) Definition of PMM1 & its

(5.10) PMM1 significance

(5.11a) Isobaric process

(5.11b) Isochoric process
(5.11) Heat transfer and P dv work in (5.11c) Isothermal process
various quasi-static process (5.11d) Adiabatic process
(5.11e) Polytropic process
(5.11f) Polytropic specific heat

(5.12) Free expansion

(6.1) Flow work
(6.2) Total energy of flowing fluid
(6.3) Energy transport by mass
(6.4) Energy analysis of steady flow system (6.4a) Derivation of SFEE
(6.5a) Nozzle and Diffuser
First law of (6.5b) Turbine and compressors
(6.5) Application of SFEE in steady flow
thermodynamics (6.5c) Throttling valve
for open system (6.5d) Heat Exchanger
(6.5e) Mixing chamber
(6.6a) Charging and discharging of
(6.6) Energy analysis of unsteady flow
(6.6b) Pressurization &
Depressurization of tank by

(7.1) Introduction to second law of

(7.2) Identify the valid process that satisfies
both first law and second law
(7.3a) Source
(7.3) Thermal energy reservoirs
(7.3b) Sink
(7.4a) Definition and Examples
(7.4) Heat Engine (7.4b) Thermal efficiency of heat

(7.5a) Definitions and examples

(7.5) Refrigerator and Heat pump (7.5b) COP of heat pump and
Second law of (7.6) Kelvin-Planck statement for second
thermodynamics law of thermodynamics
(7.7) Clausius statement for second Law of
(7.8) Equivalence of Kelvin Planck and
Clausius statements
(7.9) Apply the second law of
thermodynamics to cycles and cyclic
(7.10) Reversibility and irreversibility
(7.11a) Irreversibility due to lack of
(7.11) Cause of irreversibility
(7.11b) Irreversibility due to
dissipative effects
(7.12) Carnot theorem
(7.13) Carnot cycle
(7.14a) Thermal efficiency of Carnot
(7.14) Carnot heat engine, refrigerator and heat engine
heat pump (7.14b) COP of Carnot refrigerator and
heat pump
(7.15) Second law to develop the absolute
thermodynamic temperature scale
(7.16a) Internal irreversibility
(7.16) Types of irreversibility
(7.16b) External irreversibility
(7.17) Quality of energy as per second law
of thermodynamics

(8.1) Clausius inequality

(8.2) Define a property called entropy to
quantify the effect of second law
(8.3a) Significance of area of T-S
(8.3) Temperature entropy plot
(8.3b) Interconversion between p-v
and T-S diagram
(8.4) Entropy change in irreversible process
and entropy generation
(8.5) Increase of entropy principle
(8.6a) Transfer of heat through a finite
temperature difference
(8.6b) Mixing of two fluids
(8.6c) Maximum work obtainable from
two finite bodies at temperature T1
(8.6) Application of entropy principle
and T2
(8.6d) Maximum work obtainable
Entropy from a finite body and TER
(8.6e) Adiabatic dissipation of work
(8.6f) Isothermal dissipation of work
(8.7) Combined First law and second Law
(8.8) The Tds relations
(8.9) Entropy change of ideal gas
(8.10) Isotropic process
(8.11) Entropy change for liquids and solids
(8.12) Reversible steady flow work
(8.13a) Isoentropic efficiency of
(8.13) Isoentropic efficiency of steady flow (8.13b) Isoentropic efficiency of pump
devices and compressor
(8.13c) Isoentropic efficiency of
(8.14a) Entropy balance in rate form
(8.14) Entropy balance
(8.14b) Entropy balance in per unit
mass basis
(8.14c) Entropy balance for closed
(8.14d) Entropy balance for open
(8.15a) Entropy transfer with heat
(8.15b) Entropy transfer with work
(8.15) Mechanism of entropy transfer
(8.15c) Entropy transfer with mass
(8.16) Entropy change of a system
(8.17a) Entropy generation in Closed
(8.17) Entropy generation
(8.17b) Entropy generation in control
(8.18) Entropy generation associated with
heat transfer process

(9.1) Define exergy

(9.2) Dead state
(9.3) Exergy of heat input to a cycle
(9.4) Decrease in exergy when heat is
transferred through a finite temperature
(9.5) Exergy of a finite body at temperature
(9.6) Exergy associated with kinetic and
potential energy
(9.7) Quality of energy
(9.8) Second law efficiency
Exergy (9.9) Reversible work and irreversibility
(9.10a) Exergy function for closed
(9.10) Exergy change of a system (9.10b) Exergy of a flow stream
(9.10c) Exergy function of a open
(9.11a) Exergy transfer by heat
(9.11) Exergy transfer (9.11b) Exergy transfer by work
(9.11c) Exergy transfer by mass
(9.12a) Exergy destruction during heat
(9.12) Decrease of exergy principle & conduction
exergy destruction (9.12b) Exergy destruction during
Stirring of a gas
(9.12c) Exergy destruction in dropping
a hot solid block into water
(9.12d) Exergy destruction during heat
transfer to a gas
(912e) Exergy destruction in flow with
(9.12f) Exergy destruction during
mixing of two fluids
(9.13a) Exergy balance for closed
(9.13) Exergy balance
(9.13b) Exergy balance for open
(9.14a) Second law efficiency of
adiabatic turbine
(9.14b) Second law efficiency of
(9.14) Second law efficiency for steady flow adiabatic compressor & pump
devices (9.14c) Second law efficiency of
adiabatic heat exchanger
(9.14d) Second law efficiency of
adiabatic mixing chamber
(9.15) Gouy-Stodola equation

(10.1) Avogadro's Law

(10.2) Equation of state for ideal gas
(10.3) Composition of a gas mixture (10.3a) Mass and Mole fraction
(10.4a) Dalton's law of additive
(10.4) P-V-T behaviour of gas mixture
(10.4b) Amagat's law of additive
(10.5a) Enthalpy of gas mixture
(10.5b) Internal energy of gas mixture
(10.5c) Entropy of gas mixture
Properties of gases (10.5d) Specific heat of gas mixture
and mixture of (10.5e) Equivalent molecular weight of
(10.5) Properties of gas mixture
gases the mixture
(10.5f) Equivalent gas constant of the
(10.5g) Volume and density of the
(10.6) Entropy change during mixing of two
(10.7a) Vander Waals equations
(10.7) Equation of state for real gases
(10.7b) Berthelot equation
(10.8a) Reduced properties
(10.8) Law of corresponding states
(10.8b) Compressibility factor
(10.8c) Compressibility chart
(10.8d) Critical constants

(11.1) Define pure substance

(11.2) Phases of pure substance
(11.3a) Compressed liquid and
saturated liquids
(11.3b) Saturated vapour and
(11.3) Phase change process of pure superheated vapour
substance (11.3c) Saturation temperature and
saturation pressure
(11.3d) Dependence of saturation
temperature and Saturation pressure

(11.4a) P-V diagram for pure

(11.4b) P-T diagram for pure
(11.4) Property diagram for phase change
(11.4c)T-S diagram for pure substance
(11.4d) H-s diagram or mollies
diagram for pure substance
(11.5a) Saturated liquid and saturated
vapour states
Properties of pure (11.5b) Saturated liquid-vapour
substance mixture
(11.5c) Superheated vapour
(11.5) Steam tables
(11.5d) compressed liquid
(11.5e) Reference state and reference
(11.5f) Interpolation & Extrapolation
in steam tables
(11.6) is water vapour an ideal gas
(11.7a) Unrestrained expansion of
(11.7b) Acceleration of steam in
(11.7c) Power generation in steam
(11.7) Additional topics (11.7d) Mixing of hot and cold water
in shower
(11.7e) heat exchanger problem
(11.7f) Charging of rigid tank with
(11.7g) Cooking with pressure cooker
(11.7h) entropy change of pure
substance in tank
(11.8i) Compressing a substance in
liquid VS gas phase
(11.9j) Isoentropic efficiency of steam
(11.10k) Entropy generation during
throttling of steam
(11.11l) Second law analysis of steam
(11.12m) Exergy destroyed during
mixing of fluid stream

(12.1) Some Mathematical theorems

(12.2) Maxwell equation
(12.3) Tds equation
(12.4) difference in heat capacities
(12.5) Ratio of heat capacities
(12.6) Joule kelvin effect
Thermodynamics (12.7) Clapeyron equation
relations (12.8) Clausius Clapeyron equation
(12.9) Gibbs Function
(12.10) Hemholtz function
(12.11) Isothermal compressibility
(12.13) Volume expansivity
(12.14) General formula for Joule
Thompson coefficient
Lesson 1: Basic concepts of thermodynamics 𝑰
 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures.
 No questions are solved and hence no pdf is required.

Lesson 2: Basic concepts of thermodynamics 𝑰𝑰

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures.
 No questions are solved and hence no pdf is required.

Lesson 3: Basic concepts of thermodynamics 𝑰𝑰𝑰

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures.
 No questions are solved and hence no pdf is required.

Lesson 4: Doubt clearing session

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures and solve the following questions.

(1.2) Define System, surrounding and boundary

Q1. Consider the following statements for system, surrounding and boundary

(1) A system is fined as a quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study.

(2) The mass or region outside the system is called the surroundings.

(3) The surface that separates the system from its surroundings is known as boundary

(4) Boundary has thickness and contains mass or occupy volume in space

Which of the above statements are WRONG?

(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2, 3 and 4

(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) only 4
Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the system boundary.

(1) it can be fixed or movable

(2) it can be real or imaginary surface.

(3) Mathematically speaking, the boundary has zero thickness and thus it can neither contain any
mass nor occupy any volume in space.

Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2

(c) Only 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(1.3) Types of system
Q1. A can of soft drink at room temperature is put into the refrigerator so that it will cool

(1) A can of soft drink should be analyzed as a closed system since no mass is crossing the
boundaries of the system.
(2) A can of soft drink should be analyzed as an open system since heat transfer is crossing the
boundaries of the system.
(3) A can of soft drink should be analyzed as an isolated system since no heat and mass transfer is
crossing the boundaries of the system.
Which of the above statements are true?

(a) Only 1 (b) Only 1 and 2

(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 2
Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for thermodynamic system?

(a) A closed system consists of a fixed amount of mass, and no mass can cross its boundary.

(b) In isolated system neither mass nor energy crosses the system boundary.

(c) The devices like compressor, turbine or nozzle can be treated like open system.

(d) The devices like compressor, turbine or nozzle can be treated like closed system.

Q3. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for thermodynamic system?

(a) In open system both mass and energy can cross the system boundary.

(b) A piston cylinder device without valves containing gas can be treated as a close system.

(c) Open system is also referred as control volume.

(d) In isolated system mass can cross the system boundary whereas energy cannot the cross the
system boundary.

Q4. A certain quantity of fluid in a cylinder bounded by a moving piston constitutes a

(a) closed system (b) open system

(c) steady flow system (d) isolated system
Q5. A collection of matter bounded by a wall impervious to the flow of mass and energy is called

(a) closed system (b) open system

(c) isolated system (d) none of these

(1.4) Control System and control volume

Q1. Consider the following statements
(1) In microscopic approach, a certain quantity of matter is considered, without the events
occurring at the molecular level being taken into account.
(2) In macroscopic approach, a certain quantity of matter is considered, without the events
occurring at the molecular level being taken into account.
(3) In macroscopic approach, the behavior of the gas is described by summing up the behavior of
each molecule.
(4) In microscopic approach, the behavior of the gas is described by summing up the behavior of
each molecule.
Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3

(c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 4

(1.5) Properties of a system

Q1. Consider the following statements regarding thermodynamic properties.

(1) Intensive properties do not depend on a size or extent of the system.

(2) Extensive properties do not depend on a size or extent of the system.
(3) Extensive properties depend on a size or extent of the system.
(4) Thermal conductivity is a intensive property.

Which of the above statements are wrong?

(a) Only 1 and 4 (b) Only 2

(c) Only 1, 2 and 3 (d) Only 3 and 4
Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Consider the following statements for thermodynamics properties.

(a) Any characteristic of system is called a property.

(b) Pressure, temperature, volume and mass are properties of system.
(c) Intensive properties are those that are independent of the mass of a system.
(d) Viscosity, thermal conductivity, modulus of elasticity, thermal expansion coefficient are
extensive properties.

Q3. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for thermodynamics properties.

(a) Extensive properties are those whose values depend on the size or extent of the system.
(b) Total mass, total volume, and total momentum are extensive properties.
(c) If we divide the system into two equal parts with an imaginary partition. Then each part will
have the same value of extensive properties.
(d) If we divide the system into two equal parts with an imaginary partition. Then each part will
have the same value of intensive properties.

Q4. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Consider the following statements regarding thermodynamics properties.

(a) If we divide the system into two equal parts with an imaginary partition. Then each part will
have the half the value of extensive properties.
(b) Extensive properties per unit mass are referred as specific properties.
(c) Specific properties are intensive properties.
(d) Specific properties are Extensive properties.

Q5. Which of the following is not an extensive property?

(a) volume (b) pressure

(c) energy (d) entropy

(1.6) State of a system

Q1. Consider the following statements

(1) At a given state all the properties of system have fixed value.
(2) If the value of property changes. It may or may not change the state of a system.
(3) If the value of even one property changes. It will change state of system.
(4) The state of system is described by its properties.
Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1, 2 and 3 (b) Only 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, 3 and 4

(1.7) Change of state, process, process path & thermodynamic cycle

Q1. Consider the following statements for thermodynamic process

(1) Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another is called a process.
(2) When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains infinitesimally close to an
equilibrium state at all times, it is called a non-quasi-static process.
(3) When a process proceeds in such a manner that the system remains infinitesimally close to an
equilibrium state at all times, it is called a quasi-static process.
(4) The series of states through which a system passes during a process is called the path of the
Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1, 3 and 4 (b) Only 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, and 3
Q2. Consider the following statements for thermodynamic process and thermodynamic cycle

(1) A system is said to be undergone a cycle if it returns to its initial states at the end of process.
(2) For thermodynamic cycle initial and final states are identical.
(3) For non-quasi-equilibrium process, the path of the process cannot be specified.
(4) For non-quasi-equilibrium process, the entire system cannot be charactered single state.
Which of the above statements are TRUE?
(a) Only 1, 3 and 4 (b) Only 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, and 3
Q3. A series of state changes of a system such that the final state is identical with initial state constitutes
(a) Quasi-static process (b) Thermodynamics cycle
(c) reversible process (d) Non-quasi-static process

(1.8) Thermodynamic equilibrium

Q1. Thermodynamic properties are macroscopic coordinates significant only for systems existing in state
(a) thermal equilibrium (b) mechanical equilibrium
(c) chemical equilibrium (d) thermodynamic equilibrium
Q2. Consider the following statements.

(1) A system is in thermal equilibrium if the temperature is the same throughout the entire system.
(2) Mechanical equilibrium is related to pressure, and a system is in mechanical equilibrium if there
is no change in pressure at any pint of the system with time.
(3) A system is in chemical equilibrium if its chemical composition does not change with time, that
is, no chemical reactions occur.
(4) If a system involves two phases, it is in phase equilibrium when the mass of each phase reaches
an equilibrium level and stays there.
Which of the above statements are true?

(a) Only 1 and 4 (b) Only 2

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 3 and 4
Q3. Consider the following statements.

(1) Temperature difference is driving potential for heat flow

(2) If a system is in thermal equilibrium, then no temperature gradient exists within the system.
(3) When system is in mechanical equilibrium, pressure may vary within the system with elevation
as a result of gravitational effects.
(4) A system is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium when all the equilibrium like thermal
equilibrium, mechanical equilibrium, chemical equilibrium and phase equilibrium exist

Which of the above statements are true?

(a) Only 1 and 4 (b) Only 2

(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q4. If a system is in mechanical equilibrium, then

(a) Pressure changes with time at any point in the system.

(b) Temperature is same throughout the system and no temperature gradient exist within the
(c) There is no chemical reaction within the system.
(d) Pressure may vary within the system with elevation as a result of gravitational effects. For
example, the higher pressure at a bottom layer is balanced by the extra weight it must carry,
and therefore there is no imbalance of forces.

Q5. Consider a system in thermodynamic equilibrium

(1) A system in equilibrium experiences no changes when it is isolated from its surroundings.
(2) There are no unbalanced or driving potential within the system.
(3) There are unbalanced or driving potential within the system.
(4) The temperature gradient may exist within the system.
Which of the above statements are true?

(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2, 3 and 4

(c) Only 1, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, 2 and 4

(1.9) Quasi-static process & Non-Quasi-static process

Q1. Which of the following statement is true for Quasi-equilibrium process?
(a) The work output of a device is minimum and the work input to a device is maximum when
quasi-equilibrium processes are used instead of non-quasi-equilibrium processes.
(b) The work output of a device is maximum and the work input to a device is minimum when
quasi-equilibrium processes are used instead of non-quasi-equilibrium processes.
(c) Quasi-equilibrium process is a very fast process.
(d) During quasi-equilibrium process the thermodynamic properties are different in different parts
of the system.

Q2. Consider the following statements for thermodynamic process and thermodynamic cycle

(1) A non-quasi-equilibrium process is denoted by solid line between initial and final states on
property diagram.
(2) The quasi-equilibrium process serves as standard to which actual process can be compared.
(3) The quasi-equilibrium process does not exist in nature.
(4) A non-quasi-equilibrium process is denoted by dash line between initial and final states on
property diagram.
Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1, 3 and 4 (b) Only 3 and 4

(c) Only 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, and 3
Q3. Most of the real processes are

(a) Quasi-static (b) Non-quasi-static

(c) adiabatic (d) isothermal
Q4. Which of the following statements are true?

1. Reversible process involves no irreversibilities associated with system and its surrounding.

2. A process is called internally reversible if no irreversibilities occurs within the boundaries of the
system during the process.
3. A process is called externally reversible if no irreversibilities occurs within the boundaries of the
system during the process.

4. Quasi-equilibrium process is an example of an internally reversible process.

(a) Only 1, 2 and 4 (b) Only 2 and 3

(c) Only 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Solution: 17

Option (a) is correct

(1.10) Pure substance

Q1. Which of the following statements are TRUE for pure substance?

(1) Pure substance has fixed chemical composition throughout

(2) Water, nitrogen, helium and carbon dioxide are the examples of pure substance.

(3) Pure substance should necessarily have single chemical element or compound.

(4) Mixture of several gases can be treated as a pure substance as long as mixture is homogenous.

(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 1, 2 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 4
Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following can be treated as a pure substance?

(a) Mixture of liquid and gases air (b) Mixture of oil and water
(c) Air (d) Nitrogen
Q3. Which of the following cannot be treated as a pure substance?

(a) Mixture of ice and liquid water. (b) Mixture of oil and water
(c) Carbon dioxide (d) Helium
Q4. Which of the following statements are WRONG with regards to pure substance?

(a) A mixture of various chemical elements or compounds also qualifies as a pure substance as long
as the mixture is homogeneous for example air.

(b) A mixture of two or more phases of a pure substance is still a pure substance as long as the
chemical composition of all phases is the same for example mixture of ice and liquid water.

(c) A mixture of liquid air and gaseous air is not a pure substance since the composition of liquid air
is different from the composition of gaseous air, and thus the mixture is no longer chemically

(d) Pure substance may not be chemically homogeneous

(1.11) Degree of freedom of system

Q1. Consider the following statements
(1) The minimum number of independent intensive properties required to fix the state of system
is known as degree of freedom of the system.
(2) The state of single-phase system is completely specified by two independent intensive
(3) During the phase change process like boiling of water and condensation of steam only one
intensive property is sufficient to fix the state of system.
(4) During the phase change process like boiling of water and condensation of steam only two
intensive property is sufficient to fix the state of system.

Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1, 2 and 3 (b) Only 2, and 3

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) Only 1, and 3
Q2. The two-property rule holds that the state of a pure substance of given mass can be fixed by

(a) any two properties (b) two extensive properties

(c) any two intensive properties (d) two independent intensive properties
Q3. Consider the following statements for thermal reservoir [Same question on 7.3]

1. A two-phase system can be modeled as a reservoir also since it can absorb and release large
quantities of heat while remaining at constant temperature.

2. Industrial furnace can be modeled as thermal energy reservoir as they are capable of supplying
large quantities of thermal energy as heat in an essentially isothermal manner.

3. Any physical body whose thermal energy capacity is large relative to the amount of energy it
supplies or absorbs can be modeled as one.

4. A reservoir that supplies energy in the form of heat is called a source.

Which of the above statements are true?

(a) Only 1 and 3 (b) Only 2 and 3

(c) Only 4 and 3 (d) 1, 2 , 3 and 4
Solution: 3

Option (d) is correct

(1.12) State postulates & Gibbs Phase rule.12 and (a, b and c)
Q1. Consider an isolated room containing air

(1) The air in the room can be treated as simple compressible system.
(2) The state of air in the isolated room can be completely specified by temperature and pressure.
(3) Minimum three intensive properties are required to specify the state of air in isolated room.
Which of the above statements are TRUE?

(a) Only 1 and 2 (b) Only 2 and 3

(c) Only 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) A large fraction of the thermal energy generated in the engine of a car is rejected to the air
by the radiator through the circulating water.

(a) Radiator can be analyzed as open system

(b) Radiator can be analyzed as closed system

(c) If radiator is taken as a system the mass crosses the system boundary.

(d) If radiator is taken as a system the energy crosses the system boundary.

Q3. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are TRUE?

(a) As per zeroth law of thermodynamics, if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third
body, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.

(b) The zeroth law of thermodynamics serves as a basis for the validity of temperature

(c) The equality of temperatures are the only requirement of thermal equilibrium.

(d) The zeroth law of thermodynamics was formulated by R.H Fowler

(1.13) Concept of continuum

Q1. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for continuum?

(a) Concept of continuum assumes, there is continuous distribution of matter without holes.
(b) continuum allows us to assume the properties vary continually in space with no jump
(c) This idealization is valid as long as the size of the system we deal with is small relative to the
space between the molecules.
(d) This idealization is valid as long as the size of the system we deal with is large relative to the
space between the molecules.

Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for continuum?

(a) If the Knudsen number (𝐾𝑁 ) is more than 0.01 then concept of continuum doesn’t hold good.
(b) Continuum is a kind of idealization in which properties of matter are considered as continuous
function of space and time.
(c) In continuum approach fluid properties like density, viscosity, thermal conductivity and
temperature can be expressed as continuous function of space and time.
(d) Continuum fails in flow of rarefied gas flow.

Q3. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are true for continuum?

(a) If mean free path is very small compared with characteristic length of flow domain then gas can
be treated as continuous medium.
(b) The concept of continuum holds good in a gas having very high density.
(c) If mean free path is large in comparison to characteristic length of flow domain then concept of
continuum holds good.
(d) If mean free path is large in comparison to characteristic length of flow domain then concept of
continuum doesn’t hold. And the problem can be analyzed using molecular theory.

Q4. When the mean free path of the molecules of a gas approaches the order of magnitude of the
dimensions of the vessel, the concept of which of the following loses validity?
(a) Continuum (b) Stability
(c) equilibrium (d) Entropy

Lesson 5: Zeroth law of Thermodynamics and Thermometry

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures and solve following questions

(2.1) Statement and its application

Q1. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) Which of the following statements are TRUE?

(a) As per zeroth law of thermodynamics, if two bodies are in thermal equilibrium with a third body,
they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
(b) The zeroth law of thermodynamics serves as a basis for the validity of temperature
(c) The equality of temperatures are the only requirement of thermal equilibrium.
(d) The zeroth law of thermodynamics was formulated by R.H Fowler

(3.1) Reference point for the measurement of temperature

Q1. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) A new scale N of temperature is divided in such a way that the freezing point of ice is
100 0 𝑁 and the boiling point is 400 0 𝑁.

(a) The temperature reading on this new scale is 650 0N when the temperature is 150 ℃

(b) The temperature reading on this new scale is 550 0N when the temperature is 150 ℃

(c) At −60 ℃, both the Celsius and the new temperature scale reading would be the same

(d) At −50 ℃, both the Celsius and the new temperature scale reading would be the same

Q2. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) A new absolute temperature scale is proposed. On this scale the ice point of water is
150 0 𝑁 and the steam point is 300 0 𝑆.

(a) −43.33 ℃ corresponds to 100 0S. (b) −33.33 ℃ corresponds to 100 0S.
(c) 400 0 𝑆 corresponds to 167.67 0C (d) 400 0 𝑆 corresponds to 187.67 0C
Q3. The standard fixed point of thermometry is the

(a) ice point (b) triple point of water

(c) Normal boiling point of water (d) Sulphur point
Q4. A platinum wire is used as a resistance thermometer. The wire resistance was found to be 10 Ω and
16 Ω at ice point and steam point respectively and 30 ohms at Sulphur boiling point at 444.6 0C.
The variation of resistance with temperature is given by relation

𝑅 = 𝑅0 (1 + 𝑎𝑡 + 𝑏𝑡 2 )
The resistance of wire at 500 C is

(a) 31.3 Ω (b) 41.3 Ω

(C) 51.3 Ω (d) 61.3 Ω
Q5. The temperature t on a thermometric scale is defined in terms of a property K by the relation:
𝑡 = 𝑎 𝑙𝑛 𝐾 + 𝑏
where a and b are constants.

The values of K are found to be 1.83 and 6.78 at the ice point and the steam point, the temperature
of which are assigned the numbers 0 and 100 respectively. The temperature corresponding to a
reading of K equal to 2.42 on the thermometer.

(a) 31.4 ℃ (b) 41.4 ℃

(c) 21.4 ℃ (d) 11.4 ℃
Q6. Two mercury-in-glass thermometers are made of identical materials and are accurately calibrated at
0 ℃ and 100 ℃. One has a tube of constant diameter, while the other has a tube of conical bore,
10 per cent greater in diameter at 100 ℃ than at 0 ℃. Both thermometers have the length
between 0 and 100 subdivided uniformly. The straight bore thermometer read in a place where
the conical bore thermometer reads 50 ℃_________________?

Q7. The 𝑒. 𝑚. 𝑓. in a thermocouple with the test junction at t0C on gas thermometer scale and reference
function at ice point is given by

𝜀 = 0.20𝑡 − 5 × 10−4 𝑡 2 𝑚𝑉
The millivoltmeter is calibrated at ice and steam points. What will this thermometer read is a place
where the gas thermometer reads 500C?

(a) 58.33 ℃ (b) 68.33 ℃

(c) 52.33 ℃ (d) 54.33 ℃
Q8. A platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 2.8 ohm at 0 0C and 3.8 ohm at 1000C. The
temperature when the resistance indicated is 5.8 ohm ___________________.
Q9. The resistance of the windings in a certain motor is found to be 80 ohms at room temperature
(250C). When operation at full load under steady state conditions, the motor is switched off and
the resistance of the windings, immediately measured again, is found to be 93 ohms. The windings
are made of copper whose resistance at temperature t0C is given by

𝑅𝑡 = 𝑅0 [1 + 0.00393𝑡]
Where 𝑅0 is the resistance at 0 0C? The temperature attained by the coil during full load
Q10. (𝑴𝑺𝑸) The two fixed point for temperature measurement namely ice point and steam points are
abandoned because

(a) Extreme sensitiveness of the steam point to the change in pressure.

(b) The difficulty in achieving equilibrium between pure ice and air-saturated water.

(c) Steam point does not change with pressure.

(d) The equilibrium between pure ice and air-saturated water can be easily achieved.

Q11. Which of the following statements are wrong for thermometry?

(a) The ice point, is the temperature at which pure ice co-existed in equilibrium with steam at one
atmospheric pressure.

(b) The steam point, the temperature of equilibrium between pure water and pure steam at one
atmosphere pressure.

(c) The use of two fixed points were abandoned after 1954

(d) The ice point, is the temperature at which pure ice co-existed in equilibrium with air-saturated
water at one atmospheric pressure.

Q12. Consider the following statements for thermometry.

(1) After 1954, steam point and ice point is used as a standard reference point of thermometry.

(2) After 1954, triple point of water is used as a standard reference point of thermometry.

(3) Triple point of water is a state at which ice, liquid water and water vapour co-exist in

(4) The triple point of water is arbitrarily assigned the value of 273.16 0K.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
(3.2) Different type of thermometers
Q1. Match the following

Thermometer Thermometric Property

(P) Constant volume gas thermometer (1) Resistance
(Q) Thermocouple (2) Pressure
(R) Electrical Resistance thermometer (3) Volume
(S) Mercury in glass thermometer (4) 𝑒. 𝑚. 𝑓.
Choose the correct option

(a) P – 3, Q – 1, R – 4, S – 2
(b) P – 2, R – 1, S – 3, Q – 4
(c) P – 3, Q – 4, R – 1, S – 2
(d) P – 3, Q – 1, R – 4, S – 2

Lesson 6: Energy interaction i.e., Heat and Work

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures and solve following questions

Q2. A potato initially at room temperature (25 ℃) is being baked in an oven that is maintained at
200 ℃, as shown in Figure. Is there any heat transfer during this baking process?
Q1. A candle is burning in a well-insulated room. Taking the room (the air plus the candle) as the system,
determine (a) if there is any heat transfer during this burning process and (b) if there is any
change in the internal energy of the system.
Q3. A well-insulated electric oven is being heated through its heating element. If the entire oven,
including the heating element, is taken to be the system, determine whether this is a heat or work

Q4. A well-insulated electric oven is being heated through its heating element. if the system is taken as
only the air in the oven without the heating element. Determine whether this is a heat or work
Mechanisms of Energy Transfer
 Energy can be transferred to or from a system in three forms: heat, work, and mass flow.
 The only two forms of energy interactions associated with a fixed mass or closed system are
heat transfer and work.
1. Heat Transfer, (Q)
Heat transfer to a system (heat gain) increases the energy of the molecules and thus the internal energy of
the system, and heat transfer from a system (heat loss) decreases it since the energy transferred out as heat
comes from the energy of the molecules of the system.
2. Work Transfer, (W)
 An energy interaction that is not caused by a temperature difference between a system and its
surroundings is work.
 A rising piston, a rotating shaft, and an electrical wire crossing the system boundaries are all
associated with work interactions.
 Work transfer to a system (i.e., work done on a system) increases the energy of the system, and work
transfer from a system (i.e., work done by the system) decreases it since the energy transferred out as
work comes from the energy contained in the system.
 Car engines and hydraulic, steam, or gas turbines produce work while compressors, pumps, and
mixers consume work.

3. Mass Flow, (m)

 When mass enters a system, the energy of the system increases because mass carries energy with it (in
fact, mass is energy). Likewise, when some mass leaves the system, the energy contained within the
system decreases because the leaving mass takes out some energy with it.
 For example, when some hot water is taken out of a water heater and is replaced by the same amount
of cold water, the energy content of the hot-water tank (the control volume) decreases as a result of
this mass interaction.
Mechanical Energy:
It can be defined as the form of energy that can be converted to mechanical work completely and directly
by an ideal mechanical device such as an ideal turbine.
 Kinetic and potential energies and flow energy or flow work are the familiar forms of mechanical
 Thermal energy is not mechanical energy, however, since it cannot be converted to work directly and
completely (the second law of thermodynamics).

Lesson 7: First law of thermodynamics for closed system- 𝑰

Heat and work are energy transfer mechanisms between a system and its surroundings, and there are
many similarities between them:
1. Both are recognized at the boundaries of a system as they cross the boundaries. That is, both heat and
work are boundary phenomena.
2. Systems possess energy, but not heat or work.
3. Both are associated with a process, not a state. Unlike properties, heat or work has no meaning at a
4. Both are path functions (i.e., their magnitudes depend on the path followed during a process as well as
the end states).
5. Both are inexact differentials.

Q1. A piston-cylinder device contains 0.05 𝑚3 of a gas initially at 200 𝑘𝑃𝑎. At this state, a linear spring
that has a spring constant of 150 𝑘𝑁/𝑚 is touching the piston but exerting no force on it. Now
heat is transferred to the gas, causing the piston to rise and to compress the spring until the
volume inside the cylinder doubles. If the cross-sectional area of the piston is 0.25 𝑚2 , determine
(a) the final pressure inside the cylinder, (b) the total work done by the gas and (c) the fraction of
this work done against the spring to compress it.

Q. A fluid is confined in a cylinder by a spring-loaded, frictionless piston so that the pressure in the fluid
is a linear function of the volume( 𝑝 = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑉). The internal energy of the fluid is given by the
following equation: 𝑈 = 34 + 3.15 𝑃𝑉

Where U is in kJ, p in kPa, and V in cubic metre. If the fluid changes from an initial state of 170 kPa,
0.03 𝑚3 to a final state of 400 𝑘𝑃𝑎, 0.06𝑚3 , with no work other than that done on the piston find
the direction and magnitude of the work and heat transfer.

Q. A piston and cylinder machine contains a fluid system which passes through a complete cycle of four
processes. During a cycle, the sum of all heat transfers is −170 𝑘𝐽. The system completes
100 cycles per min. Complete the following table showing the method for each item, and compute
the net rate of work output in 𝑘𝑊.

Process 𝑸 (𝒌𝑱/𝒎𝒊𝒏) 𝑾 (𝒌𝑱/𝒎𝒊𝒏) ∆𝑬 (𝒌𝑱/𝒎𝒊𝒏)

𝑎−𝑏 0 2170 −
𝑏−𝑐 21000 0 −
𝑐−𝑑 −2100 − −36600
𝑑−𝑎 − − −
Lesson 8: Doubt clearing session
 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures.
 No questions are solved and hence no pdf is required.

Lesson 9: First law of thermodynamics for closed system- 𝑰𝑰

Q. An insulated rigid tank initially contains 0.7 𝑘𝑔 of helium at 27 ℃ and 350 𝑘𝑃𝑎. A paddle wheel with
a power rating of 0.015 𝑘𝑊 is operated within the tank for 30 𝑚𝑖𝑛. Determine (a) the final
temperature and (b) the final pressure of the helium gas. Take 𝑐𝑣 of the helium as 3.1156 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔℃

Q. A piston–cylinder device initially contains 0.5 𝑚3 of nitrogen gas at 400 𝑘𝑃𝑎 and 27 ℃. An electric
heater within the device is turned on and is allowed to pass a current of 2 𝐴 for 5 𝑚𝑖𝑛 from a 120 𝑉
source. Nitrogen expands at constant pressure, and a heat loss of 2800 𝐽 occurs during the process.
Determine the final temperature of nitrogen. Take 𝑐𝑣 of the Nitrogen as 1.039 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔℃

Lesson 10: First law of thermodynamics for open system- 𝑰

 Prepare your own hand written notes after watching lectures.
 No questions are solved and hence no pdf is required.

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