Unidad 9 - Lesson 2 - Spanish HW - Answers

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Unidad 9 – Lesson 2 – Homework Questions (Answers)

Answer the following conceptual questions:

1. When does the indicative and subjunctive respectively following conjunctions such as cuando, hasta
que, después de que, etc. and why are there different cases for these conjunctions?
2. What are some other conjunctions that may be followed by either the indicative or subjunctive?
3. If an action is habitual versus a future reference, is the indicative or subjunctive used?
4. Do indirect commands using the subjunctive contain an independent clause?
5. Why do you think indefinite/nonexistent antecedents require the subjunctive?
6. What changes in meaning when the subjunctive follows a relative pronoun instead of the indicative?

Determine whether the following sentences require the indicative (I) or subjunctive (S) or either (E) in
Spanish. Then translate the sentences into Spanish:

1. Every afternoon, I help him until he finishes his work. (I) Cada tarde, lo ayudo hasta que termina
su trabajo.
2. Do you know anyone who speaks English here? (S) ¿Conoces a alguien que hable inglés aquí?
3. We’ll eat wherever you want. (S) Comeremos donde quieras.
4. May she enjoy herself during her vacation. (S) ¡Que ella se divierta durante sus vacaciones!
5. We’re looking for the man who saw her. (I) Estamos buscando al hombre que la vio.
6. Tell him to call me when he comes home. (S) Dile que me llame cuando vuelva a casa.
7. I’ll fall asleep before they arrive. (S) Me dormiré antes de que lleguen.
8. Even though we don’t know how to swim, let’s go to the beach. (I) Aunque no sabemos nadar,
vamos a la playa.
9. I’ll help you so that you get good grades. (S) Te ayudaré para que saques buenas notas.
10. Without you knowing, we followed you in case it was dangerous. (S) Sin que sepas, te seguimos en
caso de que fuera peligroso.

Conjugate the following verbs in the present perfect subjunctive according to the indicated subjects:

1. (nosotros) hacer hayamos hecho

2. (ellas) caerse se hayan caído
3. (Ud.) verse se haya visto
4. (tú) romper hayas roto
5. (vosotras) poder hayáis podido
6. (yo) poner haya puesto

Translate the following Spanish sentences into English and identify the mood used in each sentence:

1. ¡Que ella haya terminado a tiempo! (S) Let her (/May she) have finished on time!
2. No tenemos un profesor que enseñe bien. (S) We don’t have a teacher who teaches well.
3. Quieren una casa que sea grande y donde haya mucho espacio. (S) They want a house that is big
and where there is a lot of space.
4. Dímelo de manera que yo comprenda. (S) Tell me in a way that I understand.
5. No puedes asistir al concierto a menos que él te acompañe. (S) You can’t attend the concert unless
he accompanies you.
6. Yo quiero un marido que me diga secretos sin vacilar. (S) I want a husband who tells me secrets
without hesitating.
7. Come la torta que te guste. (S) Eat whichever cake you like.
8. No hay nada aquí que yo desee comprar. (S) There is nothing here that I want to buy.
9. Cuando estén a casa, díganles que yo necesito alguien que me ayude. (S) When they are home, tell
them that I need someone to help me.
10. En cuanto él termine, mándale que me venga a ver inmediatamente. (S) As soon as he finishes,
order him to come see me immediately.

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