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1. There are 4 boys to every 6 girls in Mr. Simpson's class.

If there are
30 students in the class, how many of those students are girls?

A. 10 B. 12 C. 18 D. 20

2. If a trip takes 4 hours at an average speed of 55 miles per hour, which of the
following is closest to the time the same trip would take at an average speed
of 65 miles per hour?

A. 3.0 hours B. 3.4 hours C. 3.8 hours D. 4.1 hours

3. Painters use a ratio of 5 parts blue paint to 3 parts red paint when mixing
the purple paint for Tiger Stadium. How much blue paint would they need to
make 16 gallons of purple paint?

4. Ralph gets on his bike at 10 am and rides towards his friend's house 9 miles
away. At 10:12 am he has ridden 3 miles. If he keeps going at the same rate,
when will he arrive at his friend's house?

A. 10:21 am B. 10:24 am C. 10:36 am D. 10:48 am

5. The ratio of hamburger to sausage in Mama's meatballs is 5 pounds to

3 pounds. How many pounds of hamburger are in 20 pounds of Mama's

A. 7.5 pounds B. 12 pounds C. 12.5 pounds D. 32 pounds

6. A store sells bags of 12 apples for $3.60. What is the unit cost per apple?

A. $0.30 B. $0.33 C. $3.33 D. $3.60

7. Manuel typed a total of 2974 words in 51 minutes.

Which of the following is closest to the number of words he typed per minute?

A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 100

8. On a bicycle you can travel 20 miles in 4 hours. What are the unit rates in
this situation (the distance you can travel in 1 hour and the amount of time
required to travel 1 mile)?

9. Apples cost $1.20 per pound. Sheila bought 11 pounds of apples. How much
money did she spend on apples?

Express the answer in dollars and cents.

10. When John exercises, he walks at an average rate of 1.75 miles every half
hour. At this rate, how many miles can John walk in 3 hours?

A. 4.25 miles B. 4.75 miles C. 5.25 miles D. 10.50 miles

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11. A mixture of aqua-colored paint required 5 pints of blue paint, 4 pints of
white paint, and 3 pints of yellow paint. A painter wants to make 20 pints of
aqua paint. How much yellow paint should she use?

A. 5 pints B. 6 pints C. 8 pints D. 17 pints

12. A board that measures 180 cm. in length is cut into three pieces in the ratio
of 2 : 3 : 5. What are the lengths of the three pieces?

A. 20 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm B. 20 cm, 60 cm, 100 cm

C. 36 cm, 54 cm, 90 cm D. 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm

13. The ratio of sides in an isosceles trapezoid is 3:2:3:4. If the perimeter of the
trapezoid is 72, what is the length of the longest side? (Not drawn to scale.)

A. 4 B. 6 C. 12 D. 24

14. The ratio of child to teen to adult tickets sold at a water park on Saturday
was 4 : 1 : 2. A total of 294 tickets were sold. How many child tickets were

A. 42 B. 84 C. 168 D. 221

15. The athletic director of a school will distribute money from the budget to fall
sports, winter sports, and spring sports in a ratio of 4 : 3 : 2, respectively. The
total budget for the three sport seasons is $180,000. How much money will go
to spring sports?

A. $40,000 B. $60,000 C. $80,000 D. $90,000

16. What is the ratio of the amount of rainfall on Wednesday to the amount of
rainfall on Friday?

A. 1 : 8 B. 1 : 5 C. 1 : 3 D. 3 : 5

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17. A farmer has 6 times as many Holstein as Jersey cows. What proportion of
the total number of cows are Holsteins?

1 1 5 6
A. 6 B. 7 C. 6 D. 7

18. There are 34 carrots and 2 onions in a basket. What is the ratio of onions to
total vegetables in the basket?

A. 17: 18 B. 17: 1 C. 1 : 17 D. 1 : 18

19. The table below shows the 2009 population of Tennessee was represented by
di erent age groups.

Tennessee Population in 2009

Age Group Percent of Total
0 to 4 7
5 to 18 17
19 to 64 63
65 and over 13

Based on this information, which ratio represents the percent of the total
population who were in the 65 and over age group to the percent of the total
population who were in the 0 to 18 age group in Tennessee in 2009?

A. 1 : 8 B. 1 : 5 C. 13 : 24 D. 13 : 17

20. Mr. Smith asked his students whether they prefer to go to a museum or the
zoo for a eld trip. He found that 35% of the students prefer to go to a
museum, 45% prefer to go to the zoo, and the rest have no preference. What
is the ratio of students who have no preference to the students who prefer to
go to the museum?

A. 1 : 4 B. 1 : 5 C. 4 : 7 D. 4 : 9

21. The model below represents the number of lightbulbs in Katie's home.


The shaded lightbulbs represent the number of lightbulbs that are burnt
out. Which ratio is equivalent to the ratio of burnt-out lightbulbs to working

A. 5 : 12 B. 7: 12 C. 5 : 7 D. 7: 5

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22. Kyle has 27 black marbles and 18 red marbles in a box. What is the ratio of
the number of black marbles to the number of red marbles in the box?

A. 1 to 3 B. 2 to 3 C. 3 to 2 D. 9 to 1

23. What is 27% written as a ratio?

A. 27: 1; 000 B. 27: 100 C. 27: 10 D. 27: 1

24. The graph below shows the percentage of people who work in managerial,
clerical, support, and manufacturing jobs at a company.

Company Departments

What is the approximate ratio of manufacturing workers to managerial

workers at this company?

A. 1 : 4 B. 1 : 5 C. 4 : 1 D. 5 : 1

25. Cary spends 15 dollars to buy 5 hamburgers. What is the ratio of the number
of dollars Cary spends to the number of hamburgers she buys?

A. 3 : 1 B. 3 : 5 C. 5 : 1 D. 5 : 3

26. Mrs. Dolan wants to print 2 pages on 1 piece of paper. The table below shows
the relationship between the number of pages and the pieces of paper needed.

Number of Pages Pieces of Paper Needed
4 2
8 4
12 6
16 8

How many pieces of paper are needed to print 26 pages?

A. 13 B. 24 C. 28 D. 52

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27. Jolene makes rocking horses to sell at craft fairs. She sells each rocking horse
for the same amount. The chart shows the total cost of di erent numbers of
her rocking horses.

Rocking Horse Costs

Number of Total Cost
Rocking Horses
2 $18
4 $36
6 $54
12 ?

What would be the total cost of 12 rocking horses?

A. $63 B. $72 C. $90 D. $108

28. Tracy is helping her father on his tree farm. She can plant 4 trees in an

Number of Hours Worked 1 2 3 4

Number of Trees Planted 4 8 12 16

If she continues at this same rate, how many hours would it take her to plant
72 trees?

A. 4 hours B. 17 hours C. 18 hours D. 19 hours

29. Joe is paid $7 for each hour he works. Which one shows this same ratio?

A. $14 for 2 hours of work B. $14 for 3 hours of work

C. $21 for 4 hours of work D. $21 for 5 hours of work

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