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Activity #1

1. iv
2. iii
3. v
4. vi
5. i
6. ii

Activity #2
1. iii
2. v
3. ii
4. vi
5. i
6. iv

Activity #3
1. descriptive
2. misty
3. he was on holiday
4. True
5. How harry got to the Hotel in the first place
6. Mystery
7. One
8. Harry goes on holiday, decides to go for a walk, looks for a clearing but doesn't find it,
stops for lunch.
9. The text doesn't say.
10. False

Activity #4
1. 54% polyester, 46% cotton.
2. Yes, but the cost of the service is unknown
3. False
4. £409.95
5. general domestic use
6. True
7. 96
8. £59.95
9. True
10. 4

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