System Software

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Date: 29/03/2022

ASSIGNMENT-2B (UNIT-V Linkers and Loaders)

1. Explain relocation and linking requirements in segmented addressing with suitable example.
2. What is program relocation? Explain program relocation with respect to relocation factor using
3. Explain Absolute Loader with example.
4. Explain BSS loader with example.
5. Explain dynamic linking. Draw the flaw chart for dynamic linking.
6. Write an algorithm of Relocation and Linking. Also describe the working of linker to perform relocation
and linking with Example.
7. Explain self relocating program and overlay structured program.
8. Explain in brief design of an absolute Loader.
9. What is Overlay? Explain the execution of an overlay structured program.


1. Explain different assembly language statements with example.

2. Define Literals and its advantages.
3. Explain analysis and synthesis phase of Assembler.
4. Explain pass structure of Assemblers.
5. Explain the data structure of single pass assembler. Explain the concept of forward reference. Also
explain Back-Patching.
6. Explain advanced assembler directives with suitable example
7. Write Pass-I and Pass-II Algorithm(Or Flowchart) of two pass assembler.
8. Give the difference between Variant-I and Variant-II Intermediate code forms.
9. Compare single pass assembler and two pass assembler. Explain various suitable data structures for
the symbol table.
10. Given an assembly language program for finding factorial of a given number N with Mnemonic code
details. Write an equivalent machine language program.

System Programming
ASSIGNMENT-4(Scanning & Parsing)

1. List and explain various types of grammar

2. Explain recursive decent parser with suitable example. Also state its drawbacks.
3. Explain concept of Ambiguity with example.
4. Compare top-down and bottom-up parser.
5. Explain Left recursion, Left factoring and backtracking in top down parsing.
6. For Given a grammar
S→XS | dS | ε
X→Y | Zb | aY
Develop an LL(1) parsing table and check whether the string “dace” is accepted or not?
7. Given the grammer, perform the top-down parsing for the string +*35*45
E = +TE|E
T = *VT|V
V= 0|1|2|3|………|9
8. Develop Regular expression and DFA
i. declaring avariable in ‘C’ language.
ii. a* ( b* | c*) (a | c ) * #
9. Define Simple Phrase and Handle. Using Handle and Simple Phrase trace the bottom up parsing
algorithm. Grammar is :
E →T+ E | T – E | T
T→ T *V | T / V | V
V→a | b | c | d
String is : a - b * c + d
10. Write operator precedence table for arithmetic operators “+”, “*”, “-”, “/” .Parse following expression
using Operator Precedence Parsing id * id + id * id
11. Perform left-factoring on the following grammar S = i E t S e S | i E t S | a , E = b
12. Draw a DFA for the following Regular Expression. (a/b)* abb#

ASSIGNMENT-5(Compilers, Interpreters & Debuggers)

System Programming
1. What are the issues in code generation in relation to compilation of expression? Explain each issue in
2. Discuss parameters for activation records.
3. Explain in detail- Different Intermediate code representations.
4. Explain in detail: Peephole optimization.
5. Explain triple and quadruple representation with example.
6. Explain Memory allocation models
7. Explain methods for accessing non local variables.
8. Write three address codes and triple representation for x=x*y*z+x*y+y*z.
9. Define static pointer. Find Register Requirement (RR) for the below given expression
f + ( x + y ) * ( ( a + b) / (c - d) )
10. Given following expression = - (a+b) *(c+d) + (a+b+c)
Draw a Syntax tree for the expression
Write a three-address code for the expression
Give triple representation for the three address code of the expression
11. Explain operand and register descriptor with example. Also give best evaluation order for
arithmetic expression: a+b*c+d*e
12. Explain in detail- Different Intermediate code representations.
13. Explain functioning of interpreter. Give advantages of Interpretation.
14. Explain data structure used in Interpretation.
15. Differentiate Pure and Impure Interpreter.
16. Explain Features of Java Language Enviornment.
17. What Do you mean by stack machine. Explain Expression Evaluation using stack machine by giving
Submission Dates for Assignment:
Assignment-2B 4/4/2022
Assignment -3 At the time of Submission
Assignment-4 16/4/2022
Assignmet-5 16/4/2022

Faculty Name

Rinkal J.Prajapati

System Programming

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