Practical-06 Name: Gauraw Kumar Maurya Section: E1903 G1 Roll No: A38 Reg No: 11909084

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Name: Gauraw Kumar Maurya Section: E1903 G1

Roll No: A38 Reg No: 11909084

Aim: Amplitude Shift Keying.

Learning objective:

(a)To generate ASK signal waveform for a given binary sequence.

(b)To estimate the bandwidth of the generated ASK signal.

(c) To calculate time, frequency, and bitrate of ASK signal.

(d)To compare different ASK waveform by varying input sequence length and
shape of carrier signal.

(e)To analyse effect of noise and channel response on ASK signal.


ASK is a digital modulation technique. In digital modulation techniques one of

the characteristics of continuous carrier signal is varied in accordance with
binary message signal. In other words, ASK represents digital data as variations
in the amplitude of a carrier wave. The amplitude of an analogue carrier signal
varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating signal) where frequency
and phase are keeping constant. The level of amplitude can be used to represent
binary logic 0s and 1s. We can think of a carrier signal as an ON or OFF switch.
In the modulated signal, logic 0 is represented by the absence of a carrier, thus
giving OFF/ON keying operation and hence the name given. The main
advantage of ASK modulation is generation of ASK is very much easy. Both
ASK modulation and demodulation processes are relatively inexpensive. The
ASK technique is also commonly used to transmit digital data over optical fibre.
There are many other advantages of ASK, Such as Amplitude-shift keying
transmitters are very simple and transmitter current is lower than FSK. One
important advantage of ASK is it need lees bandwidth than FSK.


Learning outcomes:

1. Learnt To generate ASK signal waveform for a given binary sequence.

2. Learnt to estimate the bandwidth of the generated ASK signal.

3. How To calculate time, frequency, and bitrate of ASK signal.

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