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The Palace of

Versailles, located
about 16 km south-west
of Paris, is one of the most
extravagant buildings of
the world. It was the official
residence of the kings of
France from 1682 to 1789. It was restored after
the French Revolution took a toll on the palac Located on a site
and later made into a _museum. It is partlcularl: overlooking The Sound-a
known for 1ts architecture stretch of water between Denmark and
and gardens. Sweden-is the Castle Kronborg. The castle
has an important and interesting history as both a
royal castle and a military fortress. Though its history
can be traced back to the Middle Ages, it was King
~rederik II who rebuilt it in impressive Renaissance style
/_,..Have you visit~ -~~;·f~~-~/ -...
1n 1574. The castle was once again reconstructed in the
17th century after it was
' castle? Did the castle have \
any features which could ! destroyed in a fire. The

. ... --- .... ,, ......... ,

\ have made It inaccessible to } Kronborg Castle is known as
· Invaders? ·

Elsinore from Shakespeare's
.---.;·;;...:·..;·~ ,.

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Identify where these famous castles and palaces are located using the help box given below.

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'tJt; ll 11j !J ttU1U!tl t
f' ' . .

1. This pal.ace has more than 700 rooms 2. This spectacular castle was built for 3. This is the largest
and nine churclles from the 14th, 16th, Louis IT. Located atop a rock ledge inhabited castle in the
on the Alps, overlooking a gorge, it world. It stands on a cliff
and 17th centuries. Parts of the palace
are used o fficial ceremonies. looks like a fairyta le castle. above the River Thames

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l~thical creatures
I •
. I e ofl-en t I,e mo S t terrible enemy or
. powerful
T11ese animals do not exist in realthj, butt ,ey ar • name these mythical characte, ,
· tales· Can you
ally i11 the fa11tastical world of myths andfiairy 5·
Choose your answers from the help box given below.

1. ;. ' . 'th a lion's body and a human's head. I ask

1. I am a mythological chreaturifethw1y don't answer correctly. &{0)(,1111
, men riddles and eat t em e -

. -" ' 2. I have a head made of snakes and the ability to turn people to stone if they
look into my eyes. .L~~=,..__ _

3. I am part lion, part goat, part dragon, and I can breathe fire. ~

4. In Roman legend, I am a creature who can destroy anything with just

one look. I came from an egg laid by a cock and hatched by a serpent. LM

3. 5. I have a lion's body and a bird's head, and I protect people from danger.
~ : d originated in the Mediterranean more than 4,000 years ago.

I am half bird and half woman, who in popular folklore, lures sailors to
their deaths by her sweet song. .....b.,.i,...Jill\""""'-----

M~ name in Greek means 'round eye'. I have only one eye that is in the
nuddle of my forehead . I enjoy eating human flesh. ~Mf 1/l\ti,
I am a giant monster that looks much like a water snake with multiple
heads. If one of my heads is cut off, two of them grow back in its
place. Hercules defeated me and buried me under ·1 f k
a p1 e o roe s.

cf'._. , :~\.
9. I a'.n a magical horse. My moi.t striking fea ture l\ the singlt.> 9
spirally grooved horn on my fon,hend which sy1nboliu'!t gcx,J
luck. In storil'!i, I am Rem- yet good, seUl1,;.~ but 1,olit111'\' I .im
bt.•autiful and myst-..riou~ too . .All\U,...D..,'L(\~~-

10. A monst,•r in Grcd, mythology, I have the head of a bull and

tht' body of., man . )\UU)~,QoJ\ __

11. My lx>aut~· is legt-ndary . I am a fish-maiden with long, nowtng Ill

h.1ir and incrC'dible ~'lOWt'r According 111 legend s, I sing
to people and gods to e1Khant and dislTa.ct them and lure
humans down lo the underwall'r kingdoms. /D Jl'MJ

12. I am a beauhful winged horse and the son of Poseidon. I

appear in myths from all over the worl.d and hav(' been the
subject of many paintings. A constellation has been named
after nw. O,,r:,hl•b

13. I am a fabulous bird . According to ancient Egyptian legends,

I am consumed by fire every 500 years. But I rise again from
my own ashes. You can also find stories about me in Grrek 11 .
mythology. cPMIND
H. I am part human and part horse. I am wild, untamed,
and J represent the dark and unruly forces of natun•.
.,q /YAA iJl
15. Though human, every full moon night I turn into a ~~'.ing
wolf with superhuman strength and senses. AJOW. 'T


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