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Combustion and Flame

Important Keywords:
(1) Acid rain
The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and
oxide of nitrogen in air. Carbon dioxide produces carbonic acid, sulphur
dioxide produces sulphuric acid and nitrogen oxide produces nitric acid
when mix with water. In the course of raining these gases are mixed with
water and in the form of acid come down to the earth. This phenomenon
is called acid rain.

Acid rain is very harmful for buildings, water, soil and crops.

(2) Calorific Value

The efficiency of a fuel is measured in calorific value. The unit of calorific
value is kilo joule per kg (kJ/kg).

(3) Combustion
Combustion is a chemical process in which a substance reacts with
oxygen to give off heat.

(4) Deforestation
Removal of forest is known as deforestation. Deforestation may be
manmade or due to natural calamities.

(5) Explosion
A sudden reaction with the evolution of heat, light and sound is called
explosion. In explosion a large amount of heat is liberated.

(6) Flame
Visible gaseous part of fire coming out from combustible is called Flame.
(7) Fire extinguisher
Substance which put the fire off is called fire extinguisher. Water is most
popular and cheaper fire extinguisher. CO2 is the most efficient fire

(8) Fuel
Combustible substances are known as fuel. Fuel may be solid, liquid or
gas. But all combustible substances are not considered as fuel
rather substances which are used as the source of heat energy for
domestic and industrial purposes are called fuels. For example wood,
charcoal, petrol, kerosene, etc.

(9) Fuel Efficiency

Fuel that produces more heat in the less amount of fuel is called more
efficient fuel. Fuel efficiency is measured in the term of Calorific Value.

(10) Global warming

The rise in temperature of the atmosphere of the earth is called global

(11) Ideal fuel

A good fuel is one which is readily available, cheap, burns easily in air at a
moderate rate, produces a large amount of heat and does not leave
behind any undesirable substance.

Thus, no fuel is considered as an ideal fuel. However fuel which fulfils

most of the requirement is considered as an ideal fuel.

(12) Ignition temperature

Minimum temperature at which a substance catches fire is called ignition
temperature of that substance.

(13) Inflammable substances

Substances which have very low ignition temperature and can easily catch
fire with a flame are called inflammable substance.

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