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John Toribio

Mr. Ropes

Honors Physics Period 7

07 April 2016

The Fastest Man Alive

Creative Physics Essay

My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive - or, at least, I was. To the outside

world, I was an ordinary forensic scientist who went missing, but secretly, with the help of my

friends at S.T.A.R. Labs, I fought crime and found other meta-humans like me… I am The Flash.

In the year 2016, I went missing and was presumed dead. Now here I am… 5 years later. In

2016, I travelled to the Warworld, a planet-sized weapon of mass destruction to defeat one of the

most cruel meta-humans to date - Zoom. Zoom was a

speedster whose abilities nearly mirror mine, although his

idea of “fun with physics” involves high-speed murder.

The Warworld was controlled by Darkseid, a being who

has lived since the beginning of time itself. It was

believed that Darkseid recruited Zoom to help him defeat

the Justice League. When I arrived in the Warworld, I

discovered genetic clones of the most brilliant scientific minds known to roam our earth. Among

these clones were identical replicas of Albert Einstein, Charles Ropes, and Sir Isaac Newton.

They seemed to have been finding a way to amplify the Warworld’s power. I’m no physicist but
the simulations they were running appeared to involve Zoom’s speed and ended in the

destruction of an entire galaxy. I immediately attacked Zoom. I needed to get rid of the one

person on board the Warworld who could match my speed before I took care of Darkseid. Zoom

countered almost every one of my attacks and ran off, leading me into the speed chamber where

Zoom’s energy was supposed to be harvested. We ran around at extremely high speeds matching

each other’s hits. Zoom was stronger and faster than usual this time. Thankfully, Zoom relies on

his own manipulation of tachyons to enhance his speed. Meanwhile, I have access to the Speed

Force. The Speed Force is an infinite source of energy that allows me to travel at speeds close to

that of light despite the effects on my mass. Zoom and I had been running in this chamber for

almost an hour and a half before I noticed that our energy was being harvested the entire time. I

knew the chamber wasn’t going to be able to contain the Speed Force’s infinite energy. Thanks

to my extremely high metabolism and stamina, I was able to keep Zoom busy long enough for

the Warworld to become overloaded with energy. Almost instantaneously, the Warworld

exploded destroying the eternal Darkseid, his clones, and Zoom himself. Next thing I know, I’m

waking up at S.T.A.R. Labs. According to Dr. Wells, the director at S.T.A.R. Labs, Zoom and I

were running at 99.9999999% the speed of light. Due to time dilation, what felt like a two hour

fight with Zoom was actually 5 Earth years. As for the reason I’m still alive (and not turned to

spacedust along with Zoom, Darkseid, and the creepy clones), the Speed Force temporarily

consumed me when my mass became infinite as (due to the massive explosion) I was launched

from the Warworld back to Earth at lightspeed. Since I was travelling at lightspeed, time did not

seem to pass for me and the trip back from the Warworld was instantaneous. Wells wrote down

all the calculations for me when he tried explaining. He said it was called Einstein’s theory of
Special Relativity… I still don’t really understand it. Physics is confusing as hell. I hope Big

Belly Burger is still around, I’m starving.

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