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Government college University lahore

❖ Programming fundamental Project

▪ Airline Reservation system

▪ Made by:Areeba Nasir

▪ Roll no: 14-Bsc.enggenering-19
▪ Semester:. 2
▪ Submitted to :Mam.Amna
❖ Acknowledgement
➢ I would like to express my sincere gratitude to
my “programming fundamental “teacher
Mam.Amna ehsan for her vital support, guidance
and encouragement without which this project
would not have completed.
➢ I would also like to thank my parents and
those who have supported me during the
making of this project.

❖ inDex
▪ Introduction
▪ About C++
▪ History of C++
▪ Elements of C++
➢ Object
➢ Classes

▪ Grphical user interface

▪ Objective of this proposal
▪ Advantages of this proposal
▪ Function used in this program
▪ Working
▪ Source code
❖ Introduction

Airline reservation system is a very simple project showing the

implementation of class along with the object of C++ language. This
project is very simple to understand, and it will help you learn how to
create class and object in your C++ project/mini project. Here, the user
can perform tasks like :

• install aeroplane information

• reserve airline seat
• Show reservation information
• show information reregarding the airline available.
❖ About C++
▪ C++ (pronounced cee plus plus) is a general purpose programming
language. It has imperative, object-oriented programming, while
also providing the facilities for low level memory manipulation.

❖ History of C++
▪ It is designed with a bias for systems programming(operating
system ). Before standardization (1989 onwards), C++ was
developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs, starting in 1979,
who wanted an efficient flexible LanguageMany other
programming languages have been influenced by include c,Java.

❖ Elements of C++
▪ Object:
Objects are instances of class, which holds the data variables
declared in class and the member functions work on these class
objects. Each object has different data variables. Objects are
initialised using special class functions called Constructors.

▪ Classes:
▪ class in C++ is a user-defined type or data structure declared with
keyword class that has data and functions as its members whose
access is governed by the three access specifiers private, protected
or public. By default access to members of a C++ class is private.
❖ Graphical User
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of user interface through
which users interact with electronic devices via visual indicator

❖ Objective of this proposal

1.Provide a seat selector tool that will be used by both the passenger
and the airline authorized employee to manage booking information.

2. Provide the proposed project the capability to book different kind

of passenger.

3. Provide a ticketless flight travel using the proposed project

ticketing system feature

4. Build the proposed project with the capability to include

special handling procedure to a booking reference of a
specific passenger.

5. Build the proposed project with the capability to make rebooking,

and re-routing option.

6. Provide an online booking facility to be used by the client of the

company as a method of delivering services to the airline
company’s clients.

7. Provide a secured online booking facility to be used by the

airline authorized employee to manage the reservation and
ticketing system.
8. Provide a secured online booking facility to be used by the airline
authorized employee to manage the proposed system online

9. Provide an alternative system that will be used and interfaced by

the authorized airline employee to manage the system facility .
(Both reservation/booking and ticketing system)

10. Provide a messaging services in delivering passenger flight

information: email and SMS service

❖ Advantages of proposal
▪ Increase Accuracy of system
• Real-Time Update

Send Marketing emails to customers about deals and offers

Customer can select package according to his demands

Increase the number of loyal customers

Provides security to the customer database

Save Paper and Printing expenses

Updates real-time status on seats available
• Easy Cancellation Process
• Easy refunds after cancellation
Display Terms and Conditions, details and flights to the
• travelers

Traveler can compare the prices
• Display the arrangement of seats on the screen thus enabling
customers to book seats accordingly
• Provides customer history with just one click
➢ Air line reservation system is the best software to increase
profits and meet the demands and expectation of travelers. As
with the advent of the internet and increased number of
smartphone users, this technology is used by many airline

❖ Working:
▪ Install aeroplane information:
This feature allows you to install a typical aeroplane information before it can be reserved
by the passengers or shown inflight available.e. It includes the

▪ Aeroplane number
▪ Pilot name,
▪ arrival time,
▪ departure time ▪ destination (from and to)
▪ Reservation:
This feature is very simple; it includes the
▪ Aeroplane number ▪ seat number
▪ passenger’s name.
▪ Information
With this feature, you can show all the information regarding the
flights and their respective seats. It contains all the information
stored by the previous two function of this project. It also enlists
the no. of empty seats in a flight along with the seat number
registered to a particular passenger. (Scroll down to view the
output screen of this feature.)

▪ Availableflights:
This feature simply shows the
▪ Flights available for reservation,
▪ the information regarding the flight . stored under the first feature.
▪ Overall result:
➢ In airline reservation system project, file has not been used to
store the data of Flight information. So, upon every run of the
program, previously stored data regarding the aforementioned
features are lost.
➢ You are encouraged to incorporate file handling in this project to
store all the Flightss details, and make the project more effective
and complete overall. This is a very simple project, published here
just to show the implementation processes and techniques of class
and object of the C++ language.

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