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SED 397/398 Instructional Activity/Reflection #4

Assignment Confirmation: Warmup Activity Presentation

Reflection for Instructional Activities #4

Looking back upon this activity, it was extremely beneficial and integral to my

experience as an intern this semester. Getting the opportunity to get in front of the class and

instruct them on current events was not only an engaging conversation, but allowed me to

build relationships with students beyond the short conversations we had previously had as they

enter or exit the room. This activity also gave me the opportunity to directly work on my

classroom presence and manner as an instructor. I was able to practice lecturing in a secondary

setting as well as checking for understanding during the lecture. Especially I appreciated the

opportunity to speak to students about current events and get their perspective on the

Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Instructional Activity Rubric
Advanced 5 pts Proficient 3 pts Unsatisfactory 1 pts

Assignment confirmation Assignment confirmation Assignment confirmation
Confirmation/ and reflection are present and reflection are present and/or reflection are not
Reflection in this document. The in this document. The present in this document.
reflections are between reflections do not meet The reflections do not meet
Assignment confirmation and 250-500 words and the word count and the word count and include
reflection are both included in include responses to all include responses to most responses to one or two
the reflection document. The reflection questions in a reflection questions in a reflection questions.
Reflections include a summary comprehensive manner. comprehensive manner.
and critique of one's own

experience as well as offer a

comprehensive reaction to the
completed instructional activity.

Writing is somewhat
Professional Writing Writing is organized, clear organized. Some errors in Writing is unorganized. Many
and concise. No errors in format, grammar, and formatting, grammatical, and
Format format, grammar, and spelling. spelling errors.
(Vocabulary, sentence structure,
organization, correct grammar,

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