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The goal of Asgl is to make all of its students global citizens.

One way they do this is through

our projects some of them require us to research other places or events around the world. They
show and tell us about global issues such as global warning, war, and covid-19. Asgl also offers
clubs that are globally aware. During our principle talks they also tell how we can become better
global citizens. What I believe that a global citizen should be is someone who is Globally aware
of events and issues that are happening around the world.

A person who I believe is globally aware because he is open-minded and caring is Jimmy
Donaldson commonly known as mr.beast he is a youtuber with 93 million followers. Two of the
biggest reasons why I think he created both team trees and sea. For team trees Jimmy said that
for every dollar donated a tree would be planted, so far he has raised $23,750,49. For team
seas for every dollar donated a pound of trash would be removed from the ocean so far they
have raised $32.5million and for this project he teamed with youtuber Mark Rober. Mark built a
robot that picks up trash from a river just for this project. So far the robot has picked up 13,8
million pounds of trash.

In some ways my school has made me a global citizen through my projects and classwork. The
reason that I say this is because I had issues and events around the world. An example of this. I
had to Inquire what part of the world leatherback turtles are from, and the reason for why they
are endangered. Another reason is that we had to reflect about Global events that happened in
the past. For example the world wars were global conflicts that almost every major nation took
part in. Another example: I have become globally aware, through the conflict between Ukraine
and Russia, because I am Learning of new countries that I Haven’t heard about before. After
highschool I will become a better global citizen because my generation will most likely want the
new green deal to pass so we can stop global warming.

For my Future endeavors I want to become an Electrical engineer and work and work at a
theme park to help build their rides and attractions. This means that I have to become a critical
thinker to solve problems. The way I plan on accomplishing this to continue my education and
get a part time job at the theme park I plan to work at. The theme park I plan to work at is
somewhat globally aware. One example they are globally aware, is their lunar new year event.
During this event they decorate their plaza with things that are related to the lunar new year.
One way they are not globally aware is because during their Halloween event they had a
Mexican themed area with a wagon with two skeletons that would say stuff in English and
Spanish that would make hispanic/latianx person cringe. If I were to work here I would
communicate that the skeletons were not a smart thing to do.

A global citizen is someone who is globally aware of global issues and events that happen
around the world. Mr.beast is a global citizen because he cares about the well being of the
planet that we live in. This school tries to teach us how to be global citizens by making us do
projects that involve us researching around the world. I believe that every student should be a
global citizen because then we can work together to try to solve global issues that are around
the world.

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