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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Literature Review....................................................................................................................... 2
Hydropower Plant ...................................................................................................................... 3
Components of Hydropower Plant............................................................................................. 4
Forebay .................................................................................................................................. 4
Intake Structure ...................................................................................................................... 5
Penstock ................................................................................................................................. 5
Surge Chamber....................................................................................................................... 5
Hydraulic Turbines ................................................................................................................ 5
Power House .......................................................................................................................... 6
Draft Tube .............................................................................................................................. 6
Tailrace .................................................................................................................................. 6
Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy ......................................................................................... 6
Renewable .............................................................................................................................. 6
Emission Free......................................................................................................................... 6
Reliable .................................................................................................................................. 7
Adjustable .............................................................................................................................. 7
Create Lakes........................................................................................................................... 7
Faster Developed Land .......................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy .................................................................................... 7
Impact on Fish........................................................................................................................ 7
Limited Plant Locations ......................................................................................................... 7
Higher initial Costs ................................................................................................................ 8
Carbon and Methane Emissions............................................................................................. 8
Susceptible to Droughts ......................................................................................................... 8
Flood Risk .............................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................. 8
References ................................................................................................................................ 10
Non-conventional energy, often known as renewable energy, refers to non-renewable energy
sources that are not depleted and continue to be created in nature. Solar energy, wind energy,
and tidal energy are examples of these sources. Traditional energy sources are mostly
dependent on fossil fuels, which have finite natural supplies and will hence become extinct in
the future. Because energy sources are so directly linked to humanity's evolution and
advancement, many nations throughout the world are exploring for and developing non-
conventional energy sources that will be critical in sustaining the human life cycle.

The conventional energy sources are typically nonrenewable energy sources that have been
utilised for a long period. These energy sources have been used so extensively that their known
reserves have been exhausted to a large extent. Fossil fuel energy (coal, petroleum, natural
gas), nuclear energy, and other conventional energy sources are examples. Because this paper's
major focus is on non-conventional energy sources, there is no extensive examination of
traditional energy sources. Nonconventional energy (or) renewable energy sources are energy
sources that are continually created in nature and are not exhaustible.

Hydropower, often known as hydro-energy, is a renewable energy source that generates

electricity in hydropower plants by using water held in dams and flowing through rivers. The
flowing water drives the blades of a turbine, which spins a generator, which converts the
spinning turbine's mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Hydroelectric power stations are frequently built on or near a water source since water is the
source of hydroelectric electricity. The quantity of accessible energy in moving water is
determined by the volume of the water flow and the change in elevation or fall, also known as
head, from one location to another. The higher the head and the larger the water flow, the more
energy a hydroelectric plant can generate.

Water runs through a pipe, or penstock, in hydropower facilities, then pushes against and
rotates blades of a turbine, spinning a generator to generate energy.

Literature Review
The amount of electricity a hydro-electric system can produce depends on the quantity of water
passing through a turbine (the volume of water flow) and the height from which the water
‘falls’ (head). The greater the flow and the head, the more electricity produced. (Castaldi, 2003)
The water must first be managed before the energy from flowing water can be harnessed. As a
result, a big reservoir is produced, which is commonly accomplished by damming a river to
create an artificial lake or reservoir. The water is subsequently channelled via the dam's tunnels.
The turbines are turned by the water that flows down the dam's tunnels, and the turbines, in
turn, drive the generators. Generators are the machines that generate the power. The AC is
converted to higher voltage current by the transformer within the actual powerhouse. Engineers
are in charge of the water intake system. When a large amount of electricity is required, most
of the tunnels leading to the turbines are opened, allowing millions of gallons of water to flow
through. Engineers can slow down the intake system by closing portions of the tunnels when
less energy is required. There are also outflow tubes that transport spent water back into the
downstream river for reuse. In terms of the environment, this is an excellent technique to
manage how much energy is generated because water is almost never wasted. (Yildirim, 2012)

Despite the long history of hydropower technology and the growing number of systems
harvesting energy from alternative sources, continuous research within the hydropower sector
is becoming increasingly important, as water power was and continues to be the leading
alternative source of green energy generation, not limited to micro-urban structures. Hydro
systems provide a number of advantages, including a cheap acquisition cost vs long-term
durability, the capacity to achieve energy independence, and a high level of flexibility and
adaptation to changing geographical circumstances and end-user energy demands. (Denny,

Micro hydro systems now have a head range of up to 100cm, and the efficiency of hydro
systems in general varies from 65-75 percent in micro and tiny applications to 96 percent in
macro applications. Technical progress is the most vivid and apparent in the microsphere
because to its versatility in applications, adaptability in combination with other renewable
energy systems, and capacity to provide clean, steady, and hence dependable electricity. (Tkac,

Hydropower Plant
Hydropower plant uses hydraulic energy of water to produce electricity. The power obtained
from this plant is termed as hydroelectric power. Nearly 16% of total power used by the world
is represented by hydropower.
The birth of the industrial revolution was fueled by the potential energy of falling water, which
was harnessed and turned to mechanical energy by waterwheels. Rivers and streams were
dammed and mills were erected wherever there was enough head or change in elevation. A
turbine spins because water under pressure flows through it. The Turbine is linked to a
generator, which generates power.

Components of Hydropower Plant

The major components of a hydroelectric plant are as follows.

• Forebay
• Intake structure
• Penstock
• Surge chamber
• Hydraulic turbines
• Power house

A forebay is a basin area of hydropower plant where water is temporarily stored before going
into intake chamber. The storage of water in forebay is decided based on required water demand
in that area. This is also used when the load requirement in intake is less.
Intake Structure
A structure that gathers water from the forebay and distributes it into the penstocks is known
as an intake structure. Different forms of intake structures are available, and the type of intake
structure chosen is determined by a variety of local factors.
Trash racks are one of the most significant components of the intake structure. To catch garbage
in the water, trash racks are supplied at the entrance of the penstock.
In cold weather zones, ice may form in water to prevent ice from entering the heated garbage
racks in the penstocks, and therefore ice melts when it comes into contact with the trash racks.

Penstocks are huge, slanted pipes that carry water from the intake structure or reservoir to the
turbines. Because they operate under pressure, unexpected closure or opening of penstock gates
can result in water hammering of the penstocks.
So, except from the fact that the penstock is comparable to standard pipe, these are engineered
to resist the water hammer effect. To alleviate this strain, short-length penstocks have a thick
wall, whereas long-length penstocks include a surge tank.

Surge Chamber
A surge chamber, sometimes known as a surge tank, is a cylindrical tank with an open top for
controlling penstock pressure. It is connected to the penstock and is as near to the power house
as feasible.
When the power plant rejects the water load from the penstock, the water level in the surge
tank rises, allowing the pressure in the penstock to be controlled.
Similarly, when a large amount of electricity is required, the surge tank increases the water
flow into the power plant, lowering the water level. The water level in the surge tank becomes
constant when the discharge in the power house is stable.

Hydraulic Turbines
A hydraulic turbine is a device that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy, which
is then turned back into electrical energy by attaching the turbine shaft to the generator.

The mechanism in this scenario is that anytime high-pressure water from the penstock strikes
the circular blades or runner, the shaft at the centre rotates, causing the generator to create
electrical power.
Generally hydraulic turbines are of two types namely

• Impulse turbine
• Reaction turbine

Power House
The power house is a structure that protects hydraulic and electrical equipment. In most cases,
the entire equipment is supported by the power house's foundation or substructure.
Some machinery, such as draught tubes and scroll casing, are fixed within the foundation as it
is being laid in the case of reaction turbines. As a result, the foundation is built in large

Draft Tube
If reaction turbines are used, then draft tube is a necessary component which connects turbine
outlet to the tailrace. The draft tube contains gradually increasing diameter so that the water
discharged into the tailrace with safe velocity. At the end of draft tube, outlet gates are provided
which can be closed during repair works.


The movement of water from turbines to the stream is known as a tailrace. It is preferable if
the power station is closer to the stream. However, if it is positioned far from the stream, a
channel must be constructed to transport water into the stream.

Otherwise, the water flow might harm the plant in a variety of ways, including reducing turbine
efficiency, cavitation, and turbine blade damage, among others.

Advantages of Hydroelectric Energy

Hydropower is fully renewable, meaning it will never run out until the water supply is
interrupted. Hydro plants, as a result, are constructed to last. In other situations, equipment
designed to last 25 years is still in use after more than twice that amount of time has gone.

Emission Free
The creation of hydroelectricity does not release emissions into the atmosphere. This is, of
course, the biggest appeal of any renewable energy source.
Hydropower is, by far, the most reliable renewable energy available in the world. Unlike when
the sun goes down or when the wind dies down, water usually has a constant and steady flow

Since hydropower is so reliable, hydro plants can actually adjust the flow of water. This allows
the plant to produce more energy when it is required or reduce the energy output when it is not
needed. This is something that no other renewable energy source can do.

Create Lakes
Lakes may be utilized for relaxation and can even assist in attracting visitors. Lake Mead is the
place to go. It was built as a result of the Hoover Dam, and over 7.5 million people visited it in
2018. This might provide a significant economic boost to adjacent areas.

Faster Developed Land

Hydro dams can only be erected in certain places, therefore they can assist in the development
of adjacent towns and cities. This is due to the fact that constructing a dam necessitates a large
amount of equipment. To transport it, highways and roads must be built, which helps open new
paths for rural towns.

Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy

Impact on Fish
A flowing water source must be dammed in order to build a hydro plant. This inhibits fish from
reaching their reproductive grounds, which has a negative impact on any animal that feeds on
those fish.
Riverside habitats begin to vanish once the water stops flowing. Animals may be unable to
reach water as a result of this.

Limited Plant Locations

While hydropower is renewable, there are limited places in the world that are suitable for plant
construction. On top of this, some of these places are not close to major cities that could fully
benefit from the energy.
Higher initial Costs
While no power plant is easy to build, hydro plants do require you to build a dam to stop
running water. As a result, they cost more than similarly sized fossil fuel plants.

Although, they will not need to worry about purchasing fuel later on. So it does even out over
the long-term.

Carbon and Methane Emissions

While there are no emissions from the plant's actual energy output, there are emissions from
the reservoirs it creates. At the bottom of a reservoir, plants begin to decay. Plants also
produce enormous amounts of carbon and methane when they die.

Susceptible to Droughts
While hydropower is the most dependable renewable energy source, it is limited by the amount
of water available in any given area. As a result, a drought might have a major impact on the
functioning of a hydro plant. And if our globe continues to heat up as a result of climate change,
this may become more prevalent.

Flood Risk
Dams constructed at higher elevations pose a major threat to any settlement located below
them. Despite the fact that these dams are quite powerful, there are still dangers. The Banqiao
Dam failure is the largest dam disaster in history. The dam fell due to excessive rainfall from
a storm. A total of 171,000 individuals died as a result of this.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Any country's long-term economic success and progress are inextricably linked to the
development and security of its energy sectors. In light of conventional energy sources' finite
and limited reserves, as well as their environmental effect, a strong focus should be placed on
the development of non-conventional energy sectors and their efficient usage for the benefit
and welfare of society. Such efforts would also aid in the creation of a large number of job
possibilities at all levels, particularly in rural regions. As a result, for emerging countries,
mainstreaming non-conventional and renewable energy technology is becoming increasingly

Because tidal power is more predictable than most other renewable technologies like wind and
solar power, it offers a lot of promise for future electricity generation. Because oceans occupy
about two-thirds of the earth's surface, they represent a fully renewable energy source with
enormous potential and merits more investigation. Wave energy (kinetic energy that occurs in
the flowing waves of the ocean driven by winds) and ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC),
a method for producing electricity that leverages the temperature differential between deep and
shallow seas, are two ocean approaches that are being developed (since the water gets colder
the deeper you go further).

Current technologies, on the other hand, aren't up to the task of realising this promise.
Environmental, size, and cost issues with power plants continue to be a problem that must be
addressed (UNICEF). All that ocean or tidal energy need now is the technology to fully tap its
enormous energy potential. If we can do this, renewable energies will have a significant
influence on how we address moving forward in a sustainable manner.
Castaldi, D. E. (2003). A Study of Hydroelectric Power: From a Global Perspective to
a Local Application . Center for Advanced Studies and Experience,
Pennsylvania State University, 1-30.

Denny, E. (2009). Energy Policy: The Economics Of Tidal Energy. Department of

Economics, University of Dublin, 1-10.

Tkac, S. (2018). Hydro power plants, an overview of the current types and . SSP -

Yildirim, N. (2012). Alternative Energy Solutions: Hydro-Electric and Tidal Energy.

Environmental Studies University Honors Capstone, 1-24.

International Hydro Power Association - IHA. (2017). Hydropower status report 2017.
Retrieved date of access January 15th, 2018, from
docs/2017%20Hydropower%20Sta tus%20Report.pdf

World Energy Council. (2016). World Energy Resources Hydropower | 2016. Retrieved
date of access January 15th, 2018, from
content/uploads/2017/03/W EResources_Hydropower_2016.pdf

International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) (2018) International Center on

Small Hydro Power (ICSHP). Retrieved date of January 13th, 2018, from .asp

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