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Classification of Periodontal Diseases in Infants,

Children, Adolescents, and Individuals with Special
Health Care Needs
Originating Council How to Cite: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Classification
Council on Clinical Affairs of periodontal diseases in infants, children, adolescents, and individ-
uals with special health care needs. The Reference Manual of
Adopted Pediatric Dentistry. Chicago, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatric
2019 Dentistry; 2021:435-49.

This best practice familiarizes clinicians with new classifications of periodontal and peri-implant diseases/conditions to improve their diagnoses.
Three major determinants of periodontal health include microbiological determinants (e.g., plaque and biofilm), host determinants, and
environmental determinants (e.g., smoking, medications, stress, and nutrition). Gingival diseases are categorized as dental plaque biofilm-
induced gingivitis or non-dental plaque-induced gingival diseases. Periodontal disease can be grouped as periodontitis, necrotizing periodon-
titis, and periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic conditions. An assessment of the periodontal status of pediatric patients should be part
of a routine dental visit and oral examination. Bleeding on probing remains the best parameter to monitor gingival health or inflammation
longitudinally, and the practice of probing should be initiated once permanent first molars are fully erupted and the child is cooperative.
While destructive periodontal disease may be uncommon among children and adolescents, nearly half of all children will experience gingivitis
in their later preschool years, and nearly all will by puberty.
This document was developed through a collaborative effort of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Councils on Clinical Affairs and
Scientific Affairs to offer updated information and guidance regarding the classification of periodontal diseases in infants, children, adolescents,
and individuals with special health care needs.


Purpose Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions. The objective of the

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recog- workshop was to update the previous disease classification
nizes that although the prevalence of destructive forms of established at the 1999 International Workshop for Classifi-
periodontal disease is low among children and adolescents, this cation of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions. 5 One of the
population can develop several forms of periodontal diseases major highlights included the recategorization of three forms
and conditions most frequently associated with an underlying of periodontitis, the development of a multidimensional
systemic or immunologic disorder.1-4 In addition, current and staging and grading system for periodontitis, and the new
early studies show that gingivitis occurs in half of the pop- classification for peri-implant diseases and conditions.6
ulation by age of four or five years and peaks nearly to 100 The intent of this best practices document is to present an
percent at puberty.3 The prevalence of gingivitis can be similar abbreviated overview of the new classification of periodontal
to or greater than dental caries during childhood.1 Neverthe- and peri-implant diseases and conditions, including gingivitis.
less, when compared to dental caries, gingivitis in children has In addition, this document aims to emphasize the key role
received much less attention in understanding the long-term dentists have in diagnosing, treating and/or referring pediatric
impact that chronic inflammation of the periodontal tissues
in childhood may have on overall health of the periodontium
throughout life.1 Therefore, it is critical that pediatric dental ABBREVIATIONS
patients receive a periodontal assessment as part of their routine AAPD: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. ADA: American
Dental Association. BoP: Bleeding on probing. CAL: Clinical attach-
dental visits. Early diagnosis ensures the greatest opportunity ment loss. EPL: Endodontic-periodontal lesions. FDA: Food and Drug
for successful treatment, primarily by reducing etiological Administration. GH: Gingival health. ICD: International Statistical
factors, establishing appropriate therapeutic measures, and Classif ication of Diseases and Related Health Problems. HIV/AIDS:
developing an effective periodic maintenance protocol.2 Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency
syndrome. mm: millimeters. PA: Periodontal abscess. PPD: Perio-
In 2017, the American Academy of Periodontology and dontal probing depth. RBL: Radiographic bone loss. WHO: World
the European Federation of Periodontology co-sponsored the Health Organization.
World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and



( Adapted from Caton et al. 6 )

Periodontal Diseases and Conditions

Periodontal Health, Gingival Periodontitis Other Conditions Affecting

Diseases and Conditions Papapanou et al. 2018 Consensus Rept the Periodontium
Chapple et al. 2018 Rept Jepsen et al. 2018 Consensus Rept Jepsen et al. 2018 Consensus Rept
Trombelli et al. 2018 Case Definitions Tonetti et al. 2018 Case Definitions Papapanou et al. 2018 Consensus Rept

Periodontal Health, Gingival Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases Systemic Diseases or Conditions

Diseases and Conditions Herrera et al. 2018 Affecting the Periodontal
Lang & Bartold 2018 Supporting Tissues
1. Necrotizing gingivitis
1. Clinical gingival health on 2. Necrotizing periodontitis Albandar et al. 2018
an intact periodontium 3. Necrotizing stomatitis
2. Clinical gingival health on
a reduced periodontium Periodontal Abscesses and
a. Stable periodontitis patient Periodontitis as Manifestations Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions
b. Non-periodontitis patient of Systemic Diseases Papapanou et al. 2018
Jepsen, Caton et al. 2018 Consensus Rept Herrera et al. 2018
Albandar et al. 2018
Gingivitis – Dental Biofilm-induced Classification of these conditions should
Murakami et al. 2018 be based on the primary systemic disease Mucogingival Deformities
1. Associated with dental biofilm according to the International Statistical and Conditions
alone Classification of Diseases and Related Cortellini & Bissada 2018
2. Mediated by systemic or local Health Problems (ICD) codes 1. Gingival phenotype
risk factors 2. Gingival/soft tissue recession
3. Drug-influenced gingival 3. Lack of gingiva
enlargement Periodontitis 4. Decreased vestibular depth
Fine et al. 2018 5. Aberrant frenum/muscle position
Needleman et al. 2018 6. Gingival excess
Gingival Diseases – Non-dental Billings et al. 2018 7. Abnormal color
Biofilm-induced 8. Condition of the exposed root
1. Stages: Based on severity and surface
Holmstrup et al. 2018 complexity of management
1. Genetic/developmental Stage I: Initial periodontitis
disorders Stage II: Moderate periodontitis
Stage III: Severe periodontitis with Traumatic Occlusal Forces
2. Specific infections
3. Inflammatory and immune potential for additional tooth loss Fan & Caton 2018
conditions Stage IV: Severe periodontitis with 1. Primary occlusal trauma
4. Reactive processes potential for loss of the dentition 2. Secondary occlusal trauma
5. Neoplasms 2. Extent and distribution: localized; 3. Orthodontic forces
6. Endocrine, nutritional & generalized; molar-incisor distribution
metabolic diseases 3. Grades: Evidence or risk of rapid
7. Traumatic lesions progression, anticipated treatment
Tooth and Prosthesis-related Factors
8. Gingival pigmentation response
a. Grade A: Slow rate Ercoli & Caton 2018
b. Grade B: Moderate rate of 1. Localized tooth-related factors
progression 2. Localized dental prostheses-
c. Grade C: Rapid rate of progression related factors

Periodontal Diseases and Conditions (Adapted from Berglundh and Armitage et al.9 )

Peri-implant Health Peri-implant Mucositis Peri-implantitis Peri-implant Soft and Hard Tissue
Araujo & Lindhe 2018 Heitz-Mayfield & Salvi 2018 Schwarz et al. 2018 Deficiencies
Hammerle & Tarnow 2018

© 2018 American Academy of Periodontol and European Federation of Periodontology. J Periodontol 2018;89(Supp 1):S1-S8.
John Wiley and Sons. Available at: “”.



patients and those medically compromised or with special periodontal disease AND prevalence, dental plaque AND
health care needs affected by periodontal problems. A com- children, dental plaque AND adolescents; fields: all; limits:
prehensive review of the 2017 World Workshop on the within the last 10 years, humans, English, and clinical trials.
Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and From this search, 1588 articles matched these criteria and
Conditions including the rationale, criteria, and implementa- were evaluated by title and/or abstract. Information from
tion of the new classifications, is available in the June 2018 61 papers for review was chosen from this list and from
Journal of Periodontology (Table 1).6-28 references within selected articles. When data did not appear
sufficient or were inconclusive, recommendations were based
Methods upon expert and/or consensus opinion by experienced re-
This document presents an abbreviated overview of the new searchers and clinicians.
classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and
conditions.6-28 In addition to reviewing the proceeding papers Background
from the 2017 World Workshop, an electronic search was Periodontal health, gingival diseases and conditions
conducted using PubMed /MEDLINE using the terms:
periodontal health AND children, periodontal health AND
Periodontal health
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as
adolescents, gingival disease AND children, gingival disease “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
AND adolescents, periodontal disease AND children, perio- and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. 29 Fol-
dontal disease AND adolescents, gingivitis AND prevalence, lowing this framework, periodontal health is defined as the
periodontitis AND prevalence, gingival disease AND prevalence, absence of clinical inflammation associated with gingivitis,


Periodontal Diseases and Conditions

Periodontal Health Gingivitis—Dental Gingival Disease—Non-dental

1. Clinical health on an intact Plaque-induced Plaque-induced
periodontium 1. Associated with biofilm alone 1. Genetic/developmental disorders (e.g.,
2. Clinical gingival health on 2. Mediated by systemic or local risk hereditary gingival fibromatosis)
a reduced periodontium factors 2. Specific infections
a. Stable periodontitis patient a. Systemic risk factors (modifying a. Bacterial origin
b. Non-periodontitis patient factors) b. Viral origin
– Smoking c. Fungal origin
3. Inflammatory and immune conditions
– Hyperglycemia
a. Hypersensitivity reactions
– Nutritional factors b. Autoimmune diseases of skin
– Pharmacological agents and mucous membranes
(prescription, non-prescription, c. Granulomatous inflammatory lesions
and recreational) (e.g., orofacial granulomatosis)
– Sex steroid hormones (puberty, 4. Reactive processes (e.g., epulides)
menstrual cycle, pregnancy, 5. Neoplasms
and oral contraceptives) a. Premalignancy
– Hematological conditions b. Malignancy
b. Local risk factors (predisposing 6. Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic
factors) diseases (e.g., vitamin deficiencies)
7. Traumatic lesions
– Dental plaque biofilm retention
factors (e.g., prominent a. Physical/mechanical trauma
restoration margins) b. Chemical (toxic) burn
– Oral dryness c. Thermal insults
8. Gingival pigmentation
3. Drug-influenced gingival enlargement
a. Melanoplakia
b. Smoker’s melanosis
c. Drug-induced pigmentation
(antimalarials, minocycline)
d. Amalgam tattoo

© 2018 American Academy of Periodontol and European Federation of Periodontology. J Periodontol 2018;89(Supp 1):S74-S84.
John Wiley and Sons. Available at: “”.



periodontitis, or any other periodontal conditions, and may order to rule out the confounding issue of BoP induced by too
include patients who have had a history of successfully treated much pressure, as well as unnecessary bleeding resulting from
gingivitis or periodontitis, or other periodontal conditions, trauma.21 When probing positioning and pressure into the
and who have been and are able to maintain their dentition sulcus/pocket are performed correctly, the patient should not
without signs of clinical gingival inflammation.11 According to feel discomfort. With regards to periodontal probing depth
the WHO health framework,29 the absence of inflammatory (PPD), there is strong evidence that deep pockets are not
periodontal disease allows an individual to function normally necessarily consistent with disease. Deep pockets may remain
and avoid the consequences (mental or physical) associated to stable and uninflamed, especially in cases where patients receive
present or past disease.11 long term careful supportive periodontal care and are referred
Assessing periodontal health is important to establish a to as “healthy pockets”. PPD or probing attachment levels
common reference point for diagnosing disease and determining alone should not be used as evidence of gingival health or
therapy outcomes by practitioners. 11,21 Four levels of perio- disease; rather, they should be considered in conjunction with
dontal health have been proposed, depending on whether (1) other important clinical parameters such as BoP, as well as
the periodontium (attachment and bone level) is structurally modifying and predisposing factors. Radiographic assessment
and clinically sound or reduced, (2) the ability to control local is a critical component of clinical assessment of the periodontal
and systemic modifying factors, as well as (3) the relative tissues. Radiographically, a normal, anatomically-intact perio-
treatment outcomes. These levels are: (1) pristine periodontal dontium would present an intact lamina dura, no evidence of
health, characterized by total absence of clinical inflammation, bone loss in furcation areas, and a two mm distance (on
and physiological immune surveillance on a periodontium average, varying between 1.0 and 3.0 mm) from the most
with normal support; (2) clinical periodontal health, charac- coronal portion of the alveolar bone crest to the cemento-
terized by an absence or minimal levels of clinical inflamma- enamel junction. While analyzing dental radiographs of
tion in a periodontium with normal support; (3) periodontal children, it is important that clinicians not follow only on
disease stability, characterized as a state in which the diagnosing interproximal carious lesions, but also evaluate
periodontitis has been successfully treated and clinical signs the periodontal status, especially as the child grows older.
of the disease do not appear to worsen in extent or severity Tooth mobility is not recommended as a clinical parameter of
despite the presence of a reduced periodontium; and (4) either periodontal health or disease status.21
periodontal disease remission/control, characterized as a period Important main differences between periodontal disease
in the course of disease when symptoms become less severe stability and periodontal disease remission/control are the
but may not be fully resolved with a reduced periodontium ability to control for any modifying factors and the therapeutic
(Table 2). 6,21 It should be noted that “pristine periodontal response. Stability is characterized by minimal inflammation
health” characterized by no attachment loss, no bleeding on (<10 percent in BoP sites), optimal therapeutic response (no
probing (BoP), no sulcular probing >3 millimeters (mm) probing depths >4 mm), and lack of progressive periodontal
in the permanent dentition and no redness, clinical swelling/ destruction while controlling for risk factors. Remission/
edema or pusis a rare entity, especially among adults.21 There- control is characterized by a significant decrease in inflam-
fore, minimal levels of clinical inflammation observed in mation, some improvement in other clinical parameters, and
“clinical periodontal health” is compatible with a patient stabilization of disease progression. Stability is the major
classified as periodontally healthy. treatment goal for periodontitis; however, remission/control
Monitoring gingival health or inflammation is best docu- may be the more realistically achievable therapeutic goal when
mented by the parameter of BoP since it is considered the it is not possible to fully control for modifying factors.11,19,22,28
primary parameter to set thresholds for gingivitis and the most There are three major determinants of clinical periodontal
reliable for monitoring patients longitudinally in clinical health. These include:
practice.6,21 Clinicians are encouraged to start probing regularly 1. microbiological determinants
when the first permanent molars are fully erupted and the a. supragingival plaque; and
child is able to cooperate for this procedure in order to establish b. subgingival biofilm compositions.
a baseline, detect early signs of periodontal disease, and prevent 2. host determinants
its progression. Probing prior to the eruption of the first a. local predisposing factors
permanent molars is encouraged in the presence or suspicion i. periodontal pockets;
of any clinical and/or radiographic signs of periodontal disease. ii. dental restorations;
While probing, clinicians should rule out the presence of iii. root anatomy;
pseudo pockets associated, for example, with tooth exfoliation iv. tooth position; and
or partially erupted teeth. For patients with special health v. crowding.
care needs receiving dental treatment under sedation and/or b. systemic modifying factors
general anesthesia, clinicians are encouraged to take this op- i. host immune function;
portunity and perform the periodontal probing. The probing ii. systemic health; and
force should not exceed 0.25 Newton (light probing) in iii. genetics.



3. environment determinants of gingival disease and conditions: dental plaque biofilm-

a. smoking; induced gingivitis and non-dental plaque-induced gingival
b. medications; disease.
c. stress; and
d. nutrition. Dental plaque biofilm-induced gingivitis
During the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of
In order to attain or maintain clinical periodontal health, Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions, revisions
clinicians should not underestimate predisposing and modify- of the 1999 classification system5 for dental plaque-induced
ing factors for each patient and should recognize when these gingival diseases included four components: (1) description of
factors can be fully controlled or not. Predisposing factors are the extent and severity of the gingival inflammation; (2)
any agent or condition that contributes to the accumulation of description of the extent and severity of gingival enlargements;
dental plaque (e.g., tooth anatomy, tooth position, restorations), (3) a reduction in gingival disease taxonomy; and (4) discus-
while modifying factors are any agent or condition that alters sion of whether mild localized gingivitis should be considered
the way in which an individual responds to subgingival plaque a disease or variant of health.22 These four components are
accumulation (e.g., smoking, systemic conditions, medications). addressed in this review.
Many factors are determined controllable (e.g., removal of Dental plaque biofilm-induced gingivitis usually is regarded
overhangs, smoking cessation, good diabetes control) while as a localized inflammation initiated by microbial biofilm
others are not (e.g., genetics, immune status, use of critical accumulation on teeth and considered one of the most com-
medications).21 mon human inflammatory diseases (Table 2).6,19 When dental
plaque is not removed, gingivitis may initiate as a result of loss
Gingival health
Gingival health (GH) is usually associated with an inflammatory
infiltrate and host response in relatively stable equilibrium.21 Table 3. DIAGNOSTIC LOOK-UP TABLE FOR GINGIVAL HEALTH
GH in a patient with intact periodontium is diagnosed by (1) OR DENTAL PLAQUE-INDUCED GINGIVITIS IN
no probing attachment loss, (2) no radiographic bone loss CLINICAL PRACTICE ( Adapted from Chapple et al. 11 )
(RBL), (3) <3 mm of PPD, and (4) <10 percent BoP.11 GH can
be restored following treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. Intact periodontium Health Gingivitis
The diagnostic criteria for GH in a patient following treatment Probing attachment loss No No
of gingivitis are the same as those just mentioned. These same
Probing pocket depths
clinical features also are observed on a reduced periodontium ≤3 mm ≤3 mm
(assuming no pseudo pockets)
following successful treatment of periodontitis. A patient with Bleeding on probing <10% Yes (≥10%)
a current GH status who has a history of successfully treated
Radiological bone loss No No
and stable periodontitis remains at an increased risk of recur-
rent periodontitis; therefore, the patient should be monitored Reduced periodontium Health Gingivitis
closely to ensure optimal disease management. Non-periodontitis patient

Probing attachment loss Yes Yes

Gingival diseases and conditions
Probing pocket depths (all sites
Gingivitis is a reversible disease characterized by an inflamma- ≤3 mm ≤3 mm
& assuming no pseudo pockets)
tion of the gingiva that does not result in clinical attachment
loss (CAL).30 Gingivitis is highly prevalent among children Bleeding on probing <10% Yes (≥10%)
and adolescents11,21 and a necessary prerequisite for the de- Radiological bone loss Possible Possible
velopment of periodontitis and progressive connective tissue
Successfully treated stable Health Gingivitis in a
attachment and bone loss.6,22,28 Controlling gingival inflam- periodontitis patient patient with
mation is considered the primary preventive strategy for a history of
periodontitis, as well as the secondary preventive strategy for periodontitis
recurrence of periodontitis. Even though there is a predilection
Probing attachment loss Yes Yes
of attachment loss to occur at inflamed sites of the gingiva,
not all affected areas are destined to progress to periodontitis. ≤4 mm
Probing pocket depths (all sites
(no site ≥4 mm ≤3 mm
This is because the inter-relationship between health, gingivitis, & assuming no pseudo pockets)
with BoP)
and periodontitis is highly dependent on the host’s susceptibility
Bleeding on probing <10% Yes (≥10%)
and immune-inflammatory response. Nevertheless, clinicians
must understand their crucial role in ongoing management of Radiological bone loss Yes Yes
gingivitis for their patients of all ages with and/or without a
© 2018 American Academy of Periodontol and European Federation of Periodontology.
history of periodontal disease. There are broadly two categories J Periodontol 2018;89(Supp 1):S74-S84. John Wiley and Sons.
Available at: “”.



of symbiosis between the biofilm and the host’s immune- initiation or progression of gingival inflammation by facilitating
inflammatory response. The common features of plaque-induced accumulation of bacterial plaque at a specific site, inhibiting
gingivitis include (1) clinical signs and symptoms of inflamma- daily mechanical plaque removal, and/or creating a biological
tion confined to the free and attached gingiva that do not niche that encourages increased plaque accumulation. Examples
extend to the periodontal attachment (cementum, periodontal of plaque-induced gingivitis exacerbated by plaque biofilm
ligament and alveolar bone); (2) reversibility of the inflam- retention are prominent subgingival restoration margins and
mation achieved by biofilm removal at and apical to the certain tooth anatomies that contribute with plaque accu-
gingiva margin; (3) presence of a high bacterial plaque burden mulation increasing the risk for gingivitis and, consequently,
needed to initiate the inflammation; and (4) stable attachment compromising the gingival health. Oral dryness is a clinical
levels on a periodontium, which may or may not have experi- condition frequently associated with xerostomia, which in turn
enced a loss of attachment or alveolar bone (Table 3).11,22,28 The is a symptom caused by a decrease in the salivary flow (hypo-
diagnostic criteria for gingivitis is based on clinical features. salivation). Hyposalivation interferes with plaque removal,
Radiographs and probing attachment level analysis should not thereby increasing the risk of caries, halitosis, and gingival
be used to diagnose gingivitis since they usually do not indicate inflammation among other oral conditions. Xerostomia may
loss of supporting structures. Clinical signs of inflammation occur as a side effect of medications such as antidepressants,
include erythema, edema, heat, and loss of function. Clinical antihistamines, decongestants, and antihypertensive medica-
signs of gingivitis include swelling (loss of knife-edged gingival tions. In addition, health diseases/conditions such as Sjögren’s
margin and blunting of papillae), redness, and bleeding and syndrome, anxiety, and poorly controlled diabetes may cause
discomfort on gentle probing. Patient symptoms may include xerostomia due to hyposalivation.11,22
bleeding gums, metallic/altered taste, pain/soreness, halitosis, Systemic risk factors can modify the host immune inflam-
difficulty eating, appearance of swollen red gums, and reduced matory response in the presence of dental plaque biofilm
oral health-related quality of life. 11Although there are no resulting in exaggerated inflammatory response. Examples
objective clinical criteria for defining gingivitis severity, the of systemic conditions include: (1) sex steroid hormones
extent of gingivitis (referred as mild, moderate, and severe) (e.g., puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, oral contraceptives);
can be used as a patient communication tool. The definitions (2) hyperglycemia; (3) leukemia; (4) malnutrition; and (5)
of mild, moderate, and severe gingivitis continue to be a smoking.11,22
matter of professional opinion. Practitioners may define gin- Elevations in sex steroid hormones, especially, during
givitis as percentages of BoP sites (e.g., mild = <10 percent, puberty and pregnancy may modify the gingival inflammatory
moderate = 10-30 percent, severe = >30 percent sites) or based response and result in an exaggerated gingival inflammation
on grading (e.g., grade 1 to 5 in 20 percent quintiles for in the presence of even relatively small amounts of plaque.
percent sites BoP).10 The gingival index by Löe31 also can be Other factors that predispose to gingivitis in both male and
used to describe intensity of gingival inflammation as mild female adolescents are dental caries, mouth breathing, dental
(area with a minor change in color and little change in the crowding, and eruption of teeth. As for the use of oral contra-
texture of the tissue), moderate (area with glazing, redness, ceptives, exaggerated gingival inflammatory response to
edema, enlargement, and bleeding upon probing), and severe plaque is not reported in current, lower-dosage formulations as
(area of overt redness and edema with a tendency toward previously was observed with first generation high-dose oral
bleeding when touched rather than probed). Lastly, the extent contraceptives.32-34 Although modest gingival inflammation
or the number of gingival sites exhibiting gingival inflam- changes have been reported during ovulation,35-37 most women
mation can be described as either localized (<30 percent of with gingival inflammation associated with menstrual cycles will
the teeth are affected) or generalized (≥30 percent of the teeth present with non-detectable clinical signs of the condition.38-40
are affected).22 Hyperglycemia, hematologic malignancies (e.g., leukemia),
As mentioned above, one revision from the 1999 classification and nutritional deficiencies also are significant systemic condi-
system 5 was the proposal to introduce the term incipient tions that can negatively affect the gingival tissues. Increased
gingivitis “where, by definition, only a few sites are affected by incidence of chronic gingivitis and risk of periodontitis among
mild inflammation, expressed as mild redness and/or a delayed children with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes mellitus have
and broken line of bleeding rather than edema or an imme- been reported.41-43 The severity of gingival inflammation may
diate unbroken line of bleeding on probing. Incipient gingivitis be more associated with the level of glycemic control rather
may be regarded as a condition that is part of a spectrum of than the quality of plaque control.36-40 Hyperglycemia can alter
‘clinical health,’ but may rapidly become localized gingivitis the immune system and have a negative direct effect on perio-
if untreated.”22 dontal cells and neutrophil activity, as well as have an indirect
The severity, extent, and progression of plaque-induced adverse effect by stimulating immune system cells to release
gingivitis at specific sites or at the entire mouth vary between inflammatory cytokines.44,45 Early diagnosis of periodontal prob-
individuals and can be influenced by local (predisposing) and lems among children and adolescents with poorly controlled
systemic (modifying) factors. Local oral factors that exacer- diabetes through periodic periodontal screenings, as well as
bate plaque-induced gingivitis are those that can influence the prevention of periodontal diseases among this population, is



of fundamental importance. It is worth mentioning that, in been associated with deeper probing depths, more CAL, and
addition to gingivitis and periodontitis, xerostomia and candida increased risk of severe periodontitis.55 Periodontitis, visible
infections also are associated with diabetes.45 Certain hemato- plaque, and gingival bleeding also have been reported among
logic malignancies (e.g., leukemia) are associated with signs of crack cocaine users. 56 Clinical signs associated with smoke-
excess gingival inflammation inconsistent with levels of dental less tobacco may include increased gingival recession and
plaque biofilm accumulation. Oral manifestations include attachment loss, particularly at the sites adjacent to mucosal
gingival enlargement/bleeding, petechiae, oral ulcerations/ lesion associated with the habit. 55 Health professionals who
infections, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Signs of gingival treat adolescents and young adults should be aware of the
inflammation include swollen, glazed, and spongy tissues that signs of tobacco use and be able to provide counseling (or
are red to deep purple in appearance.11,22,46,47 These oral mani- referral to an appropriate provider) regarding the serious
festations may be either the result of direct gingiva infiltration health consequences of tobacco and drug use, as well as use
of leukemic cells or thrombocytopenia and/or clotting-factor brief interventions for encouragement, support, and positive
deficiencies. Both gingival bleeding and hyperplasia have been reinforcement for cessation when the habit is identified.
reported as initial oral signs and symptoms of patients with acute Drug-influenced gingival enlargements occur as a side effect
and chronic leukemias.22,46,47 Through periodic clinical examina- in patients treated with anticonvulsant drugs (e.g., phenytoin,
tions, dentists have an opportunity for early diagnosis of such sodium valproate), certain calcium channel–blocking drugs
malignant diseases, as well as timely referral and, subsequently, (e.g., nifedipine, verapamil, diltiazem, amlodipine, felodipine),
increased chances for improved patient treatment outcomes. immune-regulating drugs (e.g., cyclosporine), and high-dose
The literature lacks information regarding the exact role of oral contraceptives.11,57 For drug-influenced gingival conditions
nutrition in the initiation and/or progression of periodontal to occur, the presence of plaque bacteria is needed. The onset
diseases. However, the role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in of this condition may occur within three months of the drug
supporting periodontal tissues due to its essential function in use, 11 but not all individuals taking these medications are
collagen synthesis is well-documented.10,19 Vitamin C deficiency, susceptible and will develop gingival overgrowth. Reports show
or scurvy, compromises antioxidant micronutrient defenses that approximately half of the people who take phenytoin,
to oxidative stress and collagen synthesis leading to weakened nifedipine, or cyclosporin are affected with this condition.57 A
capillary blood vessels, consequently increasing the predis- major consideration during the 2017 workshop was to select
position to gingival bleeding.48 Nevertheless, gingival inflam- an easy and appropriate clinical assessment to define the extent
mation due to vitamin C deficiency may be difficult to detect and severity of the drug-influenced overgrowth. The extent of
clinically and indistinguishable from plaque-induced gingivitis.22 gingival enlargements was defined as either localized (enlarge-
Scurvy may occur in certain populations of pediatric interest ment limited to the gingiva in relation to a single tooth or
such as infants and children from low socioeconomic families.22 group of teeth) or generalized (enlargement involves the gingiva
One major change in the 2017 classification of dental throughout the mouth).22 Mild gingival enlargement involves
plaque-induced gingival diseases was to simplify the system for enlargement of the gingival papilla; moderate gingival enlarge-
the clinician and condense the catalog to include only condi- ment involves enlargement of the gingival papilla and marginal
tions affecting the gingiva that could be clinically identified. gingiva; and severe gingival enlargement involves enlargement
Therefore, terms previously used such as menstrual cycle- of the gingival papilla, gingival margin, and attached gingiva.22
associated gingivitis, oral contraceptive–associated gingivitis, Drug-influenced gingival enlargement is not associated with
and ascorbic acid-associated gingivitis were eliminated from attachment loss or tooth mortality.
the classification system because signs of these conditions were
not clinically evident to the dentist.11 Non-dental plaque-induced gingival diseases
Smoking is a major lifestyle and behavioral risk factor for The gingiva and oral tissues may demonstrate a variety of
periodontitis mostly attributed to alterations in the microflora gingival lesions that are not caused by plaque and usually do
and/or host response. 11,22 Increased pocket depth measure- not resolve after plaque removal (Table 2). 6 However, the
ments, attachment loss, and alveolar bone loss are more prevalent severity of the clinical manifestations of these lesions often
in smokers than non-smokers. 49 Tobacco use is no longer is dependent upon plaque accumulation and subsequent gin-
classified as a habit but as a dependence to nicotine and a gival inflammation. These lesions may be manifestations of a
chronic relapsing medical disorder.50 Smoking and smokeless systemic condition or medical disorder. They also may represent
tobacco use almost always are initiated and established in pathologic changes confined to the gingiva. Because oral health
adolescence. 51-57 The most common tobacco products used and systemic health are strongly interrelated, it is important
by middle school and high school students are reported to that dentists and other health care providers collaborate to
be e-cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, adequately diagnose, educate the patient about his condition,
pipe tobacco, and bidis (unfiltered cigarettes from India). 52 treatment plan, treat, or refer to a specialist for treatment. The
However, the exposure to cannabis (marijuana) among chil- current classification of non-dental plaque-induced gingival
dren and adolescents has increased in the United States due conditions is based on the etiology of the lesions. These in-
to its legalization in many states.55 Frequent cannabis use has clude: genetic/developmental disorders (e.g., hereditary gingival



fibromatosis); specific infections of bacterial (e.g., necrotizing destruction of the periodontal attachment apparatus. Loss
periodontal diseases, Streptococcal gingivitis), viral (e.g., hand- of periodontal tissue support is the primary feature of perio-
foot-and-mouth disease, primary herpetic gingivostomatitis), dontitis, which is detected as CAL by circumferential assessment
and fungal (e.g., candidiasis) origins; inflammatory and of erupted teeth using a standardized periodontal probe with
immune conditions and lesions (e.g., hypersensitivity reactions, reference to the cemento-enamel junction. Clinically, a patient
autoimmune disease of skin and mucous membranes); reactive is characterized as a periodontitis case if: (1) interdental CAL
processes (e.g., epulides); premalignant neoplasms (e.g., leuko- is detectable at ≥2 non-adjacent teeth; or (2) buccal or oral
plakia); malignant neoplasms (e.g., leukemia, lymphoma); CAL ≥3 mm with pocketing >3 mm is detectable at ≥2 teeth.
traumatic lesions (e.g., physical, chemical, thermal insults); Furthermore, the CAL cannot be attributed to non-periodontal
endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases (e.g., vitamin causes such as: (1) gingival recession of traumatic origin; (2)
deficiencies); and gingival pigmentation (e.g., amalgam tattoo). dental caries extending in the cervical area of the tooth; (3) the
The major difference between the 1999 and 2017 classifications presence of CAL on the distal aspect of a second molar and
is the development of a more comprehensive nomenclature associated with malposition or extraction of a third molar; (4)
of non-plaque induced gingival diseases and conditions based an endodontic lesion draining through the marginal perio-
on the primary etiology, as well as the inclusion of the Interna- dontium; and (5) the occurrence of a vertical root fracture.24,27
tional Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health In the context of the 2017 World Workshop, three clearly
Problems (ICD)–10 diagnostic codes (e.g., ICD–10 code for different forms of periodontitis have been identified based on
primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is B00.2).6,11,19 Several of pathophysiology. Differential diagnosis is based on the history
these conditions may occur in pediatric patients, as well as in and the specific signs and symptoms of necrotizing periodon-
those with special health care needs; therefore, they are of great titis and the presence or absence of an uncommon systemic
interest to pediatric dentists. For a comprehensive review on disease that definitively modify the host immune response.6,24,27
this topic, the reader is encouraged to review the position paper Evidence supports necrotizing periodontitis as a separate
on non-dental plaque-induced gingival diseases by Holmstrup disease entity based on (1) distinct pathophysiology charac-
et al.19 and the workshop consensus report by Chapple et al.11 terized by prominent bacterial invasion and ulceration of
epithelium; (2) rapid and full thickness destruction of the
Classification of periodontal diseases marginal soft tissue resulting in characteristic soft and hard
The new classification of periodontal disease proposed in the tissue defects; (3) obvious symptoms; and (4) faster resolution
2017 workshop defines three distinct forms: (1) periodontitis in response to specific antimicrobial treatment.27 This painful
(single category grouping the two forms of the disease and infectious condition should be diagnosed primarily based
formerly recognized as aggressive or chronic); (2) necrotizing on its typical clinical features, which includes necrosis and
periodontitis; and (3) periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic ulceration in the interdental papilla, gingival bleeding,
conditions. The new periodontitis classification was further pseudomembrane formation, and halitosis.18,24 In severe cases,
characterized based on a multi-dimensional staging and grading bone sequestrum also may occur. 58 Pain and halitosis are
framework system. The former indicates the disease severity observed less often among children, while systemic conditions
and complex management, while the latter estimates the rate such as fever, adenopathy, and sialorrhea (hypersalivation) are
and likelihood of the disease progression and/or response to observed more frequently.18,59 Necrotizing periodontal diseases
standard periodontal therapy taking into consideration the are strongly associated with impairment of the host immune
patient’s biological features.6,24,26 An individual case of perio- system. Predisposing factors include inadequate oral hygiene,
dontitis should be further defined using a simple matrix that chronic gingivitis, human immunodeficiency virus and
describes the stage and grade of the disease24 as seen in Table 4. acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), malnu-
trition, tobacco/alcohol consumption, psychological stress,
Periodontitis and insufficient sleep among others.24 Among children, higher
Currently, evidence is insufficient to support the notion that risk of necrotizing periodontitis is observed in those with se-
chronic and aggressive periodontitis are two pathophysiologically vere malnutrition, extreme living conditions (e.g., substandard
distinct diseases. Due to concerns from clinicians, researchers, accommodations, limited access to potable water, poor sanitary
educators, and epidemiologists regarding their ability to prop- disposal system), and disease resultant from severe viral infec-
erly distinguish between chronic and aggressive periodontitis, tions (e.g., HIV/AIDS, measles, chicken pox, malaria).18,24
the 2017 World Workshop members proposed grouping these Although the prevalence of necrotizing periodontitis is low, it
two previously forms of periodontitis into a single category is a severe condition leading to very rapid tissue destruction
simply referred to as periodontitis.24,27 The clinical entity pre- that can be life-threating among compromised children.18 For
viously referred to as aggressive periodontitis due to its rapid a more in-depth review of necrotizing periodontitis, readers
rate of progression is now categorized as Grade C periodontitis are directed to the positional papers by Herrera et al. 18 and
and represents the extreme end of a continuum of disease rates. Tonetti et al.,27 as well as to the consensus report by Papapanou
Periodontitis is a multifactorial, microbially-associated, host- et al.24
mediated inflammatory disease characterized by progressive



Systemic disease is defined as a disease that affects multiple B (moderate risk of progression), and Grade C (high risk of
organs and tissues or that affects the body as a whole.60 Several progression). Table 4 shows the framework for staging and
systemic disorders and conditions can affect the course of grading of periodontitis, as well as the criteria for periodontitis
periodontal diseases or have a negative impact on the periodontal stage and grade, respectively.27 Table 5 presents the three steps
attachment apparatus independently of dental biofilm-induced to staging and grading a patient with periodontitis. 27 For a
inflammation.7,20 For some cases, the periodontal problems may more comprehensive description of staging and grading of
be among the first signs of the disease. These disorders or periodontitis, the reader is encouraged to review an outcome
conditions are grouped as periodontitis as a manifestation of workshop paper by Tonetti et al.27 and the workshop consensus
systemic disease, and classification should be based on and fol- report by Papapanou et al.24
low the classification of the primary systemic disease according
to the respective ICD codes.6 Moreover, they can be grouped Other conditions affecting the periodontium
into broad categories such as genetic disorders that affect the Peridontal abscesses and endodontic-periodontal lesions
host immune response (e.g., Down syndrome, Papillon-Lefèvre, Both periodontal abscesses (PA) and endodontic-periodontal
histiocytosis) or affect the connective tissues (e.g., Ehlers- lesions (EPL) share similar characteristics that differentiate
Danlos syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus); metabolic them from other periodontal conditions. These include pain
and endocrine disorders (e.g., hypophosphatasia, hypophos- and discomfort requiring immediate emergency treatment,
phatemic rickets); inflammatory conditions (e.g., epidermolysis rapid onset and destruction of periodontal tissues, negative
bullosa acquisita, inflammatory bowel disease); as well as effect on the prognosis of the affected tooth, and possible severe
other systemic disorders (e.g., obesity, emotional stress and systemic consequences.
depression, diabetes mellitus, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, PA are defined as acute lesions characterized by localized
neoplasms). For a more comprehensive review of classifications, accumulation of pus within the gingival wall of the perio-
case definitions and diagnostic considerations, the reader is dontal pocket, initiated by either bacterial invasion or foreign
encouraged to read the positional paper and consensus report body impaction.18,24 The most prominent sign associated with
by Albandar et al.7 and Jepsen et al.,20 respectively. PA is the presence of an ovoid elevation in the gingiva along
The remaining clinical cases of periodontitis that do not the lateral part of the root. Other signs and symptoms may
present with the local characteristics of necrotizing periodontitis include pain, tenderness and swelling of the gingiva, bleeding
or the systemic characteristics of a rare immune disorder with a and suppuration on probing, deep periodontal pocket, bone
secondary manifestation of periodontitis should be diagnosed loss observed radiographically, and increased tooth mobility.18,24
as periodontitis and be further characterized using the staging Facial swelling, elevated body temperature, malaise, regional
and grading system that describes clinical presentation,6,7,18,20,24,27 lymphadenopathy, or increased blood leukocytes are less
(Table 4). commonly observed.18 Etiologic factors such as pulp necrosis,
The concept of staging is adopted from the field of oncol- periodontal infections, pericoronitis, trauma, surgery, or foreign
ogy that classifies staging of tumors based on baseline clinical body impaction may explain the development of PA. PA can
observations of size or extent and whether it has metastasized develop in both periodontitis and non-periodontitis patients.
or not.61 Understanding the stage of the periodontal disease Of interest to pediatric dentists, PA can occur in healthy
helps the clinician communicate with the patient the current sites due to impaction of foreign bodies (e.g., dental floss,
severity and extent of the disease (localized or generalized), orthodontic elastic, popcorn hulls), harmful habits (e.g., nail
assess the complexities of disease management, develop a biting, clenching), inadequate orthodontic forces, gingival en-
prognosis, and design an individualized treatment plan for the largement, and alterations of the root surface (e.g., invaginated
patient. Staging is determined by a number of variables such tooth, alterations, enamel pearls, iatrogenic perforations, vertical
as PPD, CAL, amount and percentage of bone loss, presence root fracture, external root resorption).
and extent of angular bony defects and furcation involvement, EPL are pathological communications between the endo-
tooth mobility, and tooth loss due to periodontitis.27 Staging dontic and periodontal tissues at a given tooth that occur in
involves four categories: Stage I (initial periodontitis), Stage II either an acute or a chronic form and are classified according
(moderate periodontitis), Stage III (severe periodontitis – to the signs and symptoms that have direct impact on their
potential for tooth loss), and Stage IV (advanced periodontitis – prognosis and treatment (e.g., presence or absence of fractures
potential for loss of dentition). Grading assesses the future risk and perforations, presence or absence of periodontitis and the
of the periodontitis progression and anticipated treatment extent of periodontal destruction around the affected teeth).
outcomes but also estimates the positive or negative impact The primary signs associated with EPL are deep periodontal
that periodontitis and its treatment have on the overall health pockets reaching or close to the apex and/or negative or altered
status of the patient. Grading also allows the clinician to response to pulp vitality tests. Other signs and symptoms may
incorporate the individual patient risk factors (e.g., smoking, include radiographic evidence of bone loss in the apical or
uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes) into the diagnosis, which may furcation region, spontaneous pain or pain on palpation and
influence the comprehensive case management. Grading percussion, purulent exudate or suppuration, tooth mobility,
includes three levels: Grade A (low risk of progression), Grade sinus tract/fistula, and crown and/or gingival color alterations.18,24



Table 4. PERIODONTITIS STAGING AND GRADING ( Adapted from Tonetti et al.27 )

Disease Severity and Complexity of Management

Framework for periodontitis Stage I: Stage II: Stage III: Stage IV:
staging and grading Initial Moderate Severe periodontitis with Advanced periodontitis with extensive
periodontitis periodontitis potential for additional tooth loss and potential for loss of
tooth loss dentition

Evidence or risk of rapid Grade A

progression, anticipated
treatment response, and Grade B Individual Stage and Grade Assignment
effects on systemic health Grade C

Periodontitis stage Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV

Interdental 1 to 2 mm 3 to 4 mm ≥5 mm ≥5 mm
CAL at site
of greatest loss

Radiographic Coronal third Coronal third Extending to mid-third Extending to mid-third of root
bone loss (<15%) (<15% to 33%) of root and beyond and beyond

Tooth loss No tooth loss due to periodontitis Tooth loss due to Tooth loss due to periodontitis
periodontitis of ≤4 teeth of ≥5 teeth

Local Maximum Maximum probing In addition to stage II In addition to stage III complexity:
probing depth depth ≤5 mm complexity: Need for complex rehabilitation due to:
≤4 mm – Masticatory dysfunction
Mostly horizontal – Probing depth ≥6 mm
Mostly bone loss – Secondary occlusal trauma
– Vertical bone loss ≤3 mm
Complexity horizontal (tooth mobility degree ≥2)
– Furcation involvement – Severe ridge defect
bone loss
Class II or III – Bite collapse, drifting, flaring
– Moderate ridge defect – Less than 20 remaining teeth
(10 opposing pairs)

Extent and Add to stage

distribution as descriptor For each stage, describe extent as localized (<30% of teeth involved), generalized, or molar/incisor pattern

Grade A: Grade B: Grade C:

Periodontitis grade Slow rate of Moderate rate of Rapid rate of progression
progression progression

Direct evidence Longitudinal data Evidence of no loss <2 mm over 5 years ≥2 mm over 5 years
of progression (RBL or CAL) over 5 years

Indirect evidence % bone loss/age <0.25 0.25 to 1.0 >1.0

of progression
Primary Case phenotype Heavy biofilm Destruction Destruction exceeds expectation given
criteria deposits with low commensurate with biofilm deposits; specific clinical patterns
levels of destruction biofilm deposits suggestive of periods of rapid progression
and/or early onset disease (e.g., molar/
incisor pattern; lack of expected response
to standard bacterial control therapies)

Risk factors Smoking Non-smoker Smoker <10 Smoker ≥10 cigarettes/day

modifiers Diabetes Normoglycemic/no HbAlc <7.0% in HbAlc ≥7.0% in patients with diabetes
diagnosis of diabetes patients with diabetes

© 2018 American Academy of Periodontol and European Federation of Periodontology. J Periodontol 2018;89(Supp 1):S159-S172.
John Wiley and Sons. Available at: “”.



Signs observed in EPL associated with traumatic and/or cervical restorative and/or orthodontic treatment are at an
iatrogenic factors may include root perforation, fracture/ increased risk for gingival recession.12,20 Monitoring specific
cracking or external root resorption, commonly associated with gingival recession sites is considered a proper approach in
the presence of an abscess accompanied by pain. In periodon- the absence of any pathosis. However, mucogingival surgical
titis patients, EPL usually presents low and chronic progression interventions may be necessary in the presence of esthetic
without evident symptoms. For further review onthe classi- concerns, dentin hypersensitivity, cervical lesions, thin gingival
fication, pathophysiology, microbiology, and histopathology biotypes and mucogingival deformities.
of both PA and EPL, readers are directed to the positional
paper by Herrera et al. 18 and the consensus report by
Papapanou et al.24

Mucogingival deformities and conditions Table 5. THREE STEPS TO STAGING AND GRADING A PATIENT WITH PERIODONTITIS
Normal mucogingival condition is defined ( Adapted from Tonetti et al. 27 )
as the absence of pathosis such as gingival
recession, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Muco-
gingival deformities, including gingival Screen:
recession, are a group of conditions that affect • Full mouth probing
a large number of patients, are observed more Step 1 • Full mouth radiographs
frequently in adults, and have a tendency to Initial Case • Missing teeth
increase with age independent of the patient/s Overview to Mild to moderate periodontitis will typically be either
oral hygiene status. Recession is defined as an Assess Disease Stage I or Stage II
apical shift of the gingival margin caused by Severe to very severe periodontitis will typically be
different conditions and pathologies that is either Stage III or g IV
associated with CAL in any surface (buccal/
lingual/interproximal) of the teeth.20 Although,
gingival thickness has been referenced in the For mild to moderate periodontitis (typically Stage I
literature as gingival biotype, the 2017 World or Stage II):
Workshop group strongly suggested the adop- • Confirm clinical attachment loss (CAL)
tion of the term periodontal phenotype, which • Rule out non-periodontitis causes of CAL
(e.g., cervical restorations or caries, root fractures,
is determined by gingival phenotype (gingival
CAL due to traumatic causes)
thickness, keratinized tissue width) and bone
• Determine maximum CAL or RBL
morphotype (thickness of the buccal bone Step 2
• Conform RBL patterns
plate). Periodontal phenotype can be assessed Establish Stage
by measuring the gingival thickness through For moderate to severe periodontitis (typically Stage III
the use of a periodontal probe. The phenotype or Stage IV):
is classified as thin when a periodontal probe • Determine maximum CAL or RBL
inserted into the sulcus is visible through the • Confirm RBL patterns
tissue, indicating the tissue is ≤1 mm thick. • Assess tooth loss due to periodontitis
If the probe is not visible through the tissue, • Evaluate case complexity factors (e.g., severe CAL
indicating the tissue is >1mm thick, it is classi- frequency, surgical challenges)
fied as a thick phenotype.20 The development
and progression of gingival recession is not
associated with increased tooth mortality. • Calculate RBL (% of root length x 100) divided
by age
However, this condition often is associated
• Assess risk factors (e.g., smoking, diabetes)
with patient esthetic concerns, dentinal
Step 3 • Measure response to scaling and root planning and
hypersensitivity and carious/non-carious plaque control
cervical lesions on the exposed root surface.12,20 Establish Grade
• Assess expected rate of bone loss
While lack of keratinized tissue is a • Conduct detailed risk assessment
predisposing factor for gingival recession and • Account for medical and systemic inflammatory
inflammation, periodontal health can be considerations
maintained despite the lack of keratinized
tissues in most patients with optimal home
care and professional maintenance. Conversely, © 2018 American Academy of Periodontol and European Federation of Periodontology.
patients with thin periodontal phenotypes, J Periodontol 2018;89(Supp 1):S159-S172. John Wiley and Sons.
with inadequate oral hygiene, and requiring Available at: “”.



Traumatic occlusal forces and occlusal trauma dentition, are associated with dental plaque-biofilm induced
Traumatic occlusal force is defined as “any occlusal force that gingivitis and periodontitis. Placement of restoration margins
causes an injury to the teeth and/or the periodontal attach- infringing within the junctional epithelium and supracrestal
ment apparatus.”20 It may be indicated by one or more of the connective tissue attachment (biological width) also can be
following: fremitus (visible tooth movement upon occlusal associated with gingival inflammation and, potentially,
force), tooth mobility, thermal sensitivity, excessive occlusal recession. Tooth-supported and/or tooth-retained restorations
wear, tooth migration, discomfort/pain on chewing, fractured and their design, fabrication, delivery, and materials often have
teeth, radiographically widened periodontal ligament space, been associated with plaque retention and loss of periodontal
root resorption, and hypercementosis.20 Occlusal trauma is a supporting tissues. However, optimal restoration margins
lesion in the periodontal ligament, cementum, and adjacent located within the gingival sulcus do not cause gingivitis if
bone caused by traumatic occlusal forces. It may be indicated patients are compliant with self-performed plaque control and
by one or more of the following: progressive tooth mobility, periodic maintenance care.13,20
fremitus, radiographically widened periodontal ligament space, The available evidence does not support that optimal
tooth migration, discomfort/pain on chewing, and root resorp- removable and fixed dental prostheses are associated with
tion.20 Traumatic occlusal forces and occlusal trauma can be periodontitis when patients perform adequate plaque control
classified as: (1) primary occlusal trauma; (2) secondary occlusal and attend maintenance appointments. However, there is
trauma; and (3) orthodontic forces. Primary and secondary evidence to suggest that removable dental prostheses can serve
occlusal trauma have been defined as injuries resulting in as plaque retentive factors and be associated with gingivitis/
tissue changes from traumatic occlusal forces, the former when periodontitis, increased mobility and gingival recession in
applied to a tooth or teeth with normal periodontal support patients with poor compliance.20 Moreover, there is evidence
and the latter when applied to a tooth or teeth with reduced to suggest that design, fabrication, delivery, and materials used
support.20 for fixed dental prostheses procedures can be associated with
There is either little or no evidence that traumatic occlusal plaque retention, gingival recession, and loss of supporting
forces can cause periodontal attachment loss, inflammation periodontal tissues.13,20
of the periodontal ligament, non-carious cervical lesions, Lastly, it is important to point out that dental materials,
abfraction, or gingival recession.14,20 Traumatic occlusal forces including commonly used appliances (e.g., stainless steel
lead to adaptive mobility in teeth with normal support and crowns, space maintainers, orthodontic appliances) may be
are not progressive, while in teeth with reduced support, associated with hypersensitivity reactions observed clinically
they lead to progressive mobility usually requiring splinting. as localized inflammation. If the hypersensitivity does not
Although, there is evidence that traumatic occlusal forces may resolve with adequate measures of plaque control, additional
be associated periodontitis, there is no evidence that these forces treatment may be required, including removal of material
can accelerate the progression of periodontitis in humans.20 or appliance. However, it appears that adequate periodontal
Moreover, there is insufficient clinical evidence regarding the assessment and treatment, appropriate instructions, and
impact that elimination of traumatic occlusal forces may have motivation in self-performed plaque control and compliance to
on the response to periodontal therapies. With regards to periodic maintenance protocols are the most important factors
orthodontic forces, observational studies suggest that ortho- to limit or avoid the potential negative effects on the perio-
dontic treatment has minimal adverse effects to the periodontal dontium caused by fixed and removable prostheses when
supporting apparatus, especially in patients with good plaque hypersensitivity reactions are not suspected.13
control and healthy periodontium. 14,20 However, non-
controlled orthodontic forces can have adverse effects such as Peri-implant diseases and conditions
pulpal disorders as well as root and alveolar bone resorptions. The 2017 World Workshop members developed a new clas-
sification for peri-implant health, peri-implant mucositis and
Dental prostheses and tooth-related factors peri-implantitis. The case definitions were developed based on
Several conditions associated with the fabrication and presence a review of the evidence applicable for diagnostic considera-
of dental restorations and fixed prostheses, placement of tions for use by clinicians for both individual case management
orthodontic appliances, as well as tooth-related factors may and population studies.6,25 Because the majority of pediatric
facilitate the development of gingivitis and periodontitis, dentists are not the ones responsible for the placement of
especially in individuals with poor compliance with home osseointegrated dental implants, the reader is encouraged to
care plaque control and attendance to periodic maintenance review the positional paper by Renvert et al. 25 and the con-
visits.13,20 sensus report by Berglundh et al.9 for more comprehensive
Tooth anatomic factors (e.g., cervical enamel projections, information about the rationale, criteria, and implementation
enamel pearls, developmental grooves), root proximity, ab- of the new classification. Nevertheless, it is important that all
normalities and traumatic dental injuries potentially altering clinicians are able to diagnose potential problems, complica-
the local anatomy of both hard and soft tissues, as well as tions, and failures associated with dental implants in order
tooth relationships in the dental arch and with the opposing to either provide proper treatment or refer the patient to a



specialist. Case definitions and clinical criteria of these since it is considered the primary parameter to set
conditions are presented below. thresholds for gingivitis and the most reliable for
monitoring patients longitudinally in clinical practice.
Peri-implant health Clinicians are encouraged to start probing regularly when
Clinically, peri-implant health is characterized by an absence the first permanent molars are fully erupted and the
of visual signs of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and child is able to cooperate for this procedure in order
profuse BoP, as well as an absence of further additional bone to establish a baseline, detect early signs of periodontal
loss following initial healing. Peri-implant health can occur disease, and prevent disease progression.
around implants with normal or reduced bone support.6,25 4. Probing prior to the eruption of the first permanent
molars is encouraged in the presence or suspicion of any
Peri-implant mucositis clinical and/or radiographic signs of periodontal disease.
Peri-implant mucositis is characterized by visual signs of in- For patients with special health care needs receiving dental
flammation such as redness, swelling, and line or drop of treatment under sedation and/or general anesthesia,
bleeding within 30 seconds following probing, combined clinicians are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to
with no additional bone loss following initial healing. There perform the periodontal probing.
is strong evidence that peri-implant mucositis is caused by
plaque, while very limited evidence for non-plaque induced The intent of this document was to present an abbreviated
peri-implant mucositis. Peri-implant mucositis can be reversed overview of the proceeding papers from the 2017 World Work-
with dental plaque removal measures.6,25 shop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-implant
Diseases and Conditions. Major highlights from the 2017
Peri-implantitis workshop included the recategorization of three forms of
Peri-implantitis is defined as a plaque-associated pathologic periodontitis, the development of a multidimensional staging
condition occurring in the tissue around dental implants, char- and grading system for periodontitis, and the new classifica-
acterized by signs of inflammation in the peri-implant mucosa, tion for peri-implant diseases and conditions. A best practice
radiographic evidence of bone loss following initial healing, document on periodontal disease therapies will be available
increasing probing depth as compared to probing depth values in a future publication of The Reference Manual of Pediatric
after the implant placement, and subsequent progressive loss Dentistry.
of supporting bone. In the absence of baseline radiographs,
radiographic bone level ≥3 mm in combination with BoP References
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