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Week 2 discussions

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Part i

When dealing with multiple servers, it may be disadvantageous when purchasing from a

similar server, thereby making it necessary to have a blend of operating system in your network.

There are numerous tools used to manage server remotely. The most common one is SolarWinds

Server and Application Monitor (SAM). Sam can easily been linked with the company network

performance manager to develop a comprehensive monitoring system for the business. This type

of tools is best when used in large organization. SAM software can interact with: Microsoft

Window Severs, Dell PowerEdge Blade Racks, HP Proliant servers, Dell Power Server, IBM x

series eServer servers and VMwareVsphere hypervisor. Using SAM, it is easy to integrate your

server admin with many site as well as cloud server performance management. SAM can manage

Azure and AWS service and offers a cover storage, database and more than 1500 application.

Another common example of the technology used to manage server online is the

ATERA system. The system is available online and the user doesn’t require downloading it as it

runs on its own supporting infrastructure. Atera is very attracting to independent freelance

support and small based managed service provider. The common features of the system includes,

supervising many site using a single console, uses an alert mechanism to shows servers



Managing a single server isn’t the same as managing multiple servers. Managing a single

server requires only an administration system known as remote desktop connection. The remote

connection allows to connect to a server computer from your own computer without having to

walk to the server room. The number of severs that can be managed by using a single server

depends with the amount of data someone request from managed servers, network resources and

hardware available to the device running server manager console. As the amount of data

approaches the computer may show slow responses, therefore to increase the number of server

from 100 to 1000, someone requires to reduce the event data that the server manager receive

from managed server.

Part ii

Enterprise architecture is a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis,

design, planning and implementation, using a holistic approach at all times, for the successful

development and execution of strategy.

Making the enterprise architecture successful would involve convincing and motivating

non-technical stakeholders to support the initiative. This would need to show the stakeholders the

benefits of the enterprise architecture with the aim of making the develop a positive attitude

towards the enterprise architecture.

When a stakeholder’s objective conflicts with an enterprise, objective various things

could be done to bring a balance between the stakeholder and the enterprise. Most important

would involve explaining the enterprise objective to the stakeholder more clearly, if they insist


on their point, it would be good to consider them and bring the rest of the team to his/her


It would be of great help to keep a good value for responses from the stakeholders.

Having in numbers of stakeholders who see the enterprise beneficial over all the stakeholders

would be a great way to keep track of the progress of the enterprise architecture.

To maintain stakeholder’s support there is need for good communication strategies. One

most important is transparency, involving the stakeholders actively to enterprise architecture

development and deployment.

When it comes to convincing stakeholders, modelling languages and semantic/symbolic

models help. This greatly applies to the non-technical staff as symbolic language helps

communicate the end goals and flow of the enterprise architecture.

Modelling languages and graphical techniques play a major role in expressing a business

enterprise architecture. Most useful of these include XML which is part of BPMN, that helps

build up good representations along with bridging communication between the business

processes and operations.


Part iii

Wal-Mart company ArchiMate model.



Cooper, S. (2019, March 3). Top 11 server management & monitoring tools for 2018.


coreyp-at-msft. (2021, July 29). Manage Multiple, remote Servers with Server Manager.


Johansson, L.-O., Wärja, M., Kjellin, H., & Carlsson, S. (2017). Graphical modeling techniques

and usefulness in the Model Driven Arcitechture: Which are the criteria for a “good”

Computer independent model?

ShehNet. (2018). Models and Modeling: Modeling language - UML.

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