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TGMG Waterways

Technical Bulletin
222 East Ocean Avenue
Lantana, Florida 33462
+1-954-683-1532 / +1-561-588-0000
Brief Description of the Functions
Chlorine Probe – Filling Electrolyte and Decommissioning a probe from service.
ief Description ofPlease
the Functions
follow these instructions and refer to manual for greater detail and troubleshooting.
probe should be decommissioning
Construction if it is to remain out of service for more than 72 hours with no water
of the sensor
Construction of the sensor 1.

6. 7.
7. 8.

Fig. 1: Construction of the sensor A1954

1. Opening for M12 threaded connector 5. Electrode shaft

1: Construction of the
2. sensor
Adapter 6. Hose seal
3. 2-wire
Opening for M12 threaded connection
connector 5. Electrode shaft 7. Membrane cap
Adapter 4. Clamp disc 6. Hose seal 8. Protective membrane cap
2-wire connection Sensor type CGE37.consists Membrane cap
of 2 main parts, the electrode shaft and the membrane cap.
Clamp disc The electrolyte-filled 8. membrane
Protective membrane cap
cap constitutes the measuring chamber. Measuring elec‐
trodes are immersed in the measuring chamber.
sor type CGE3 consists of 2 main parts, the electrode shaft and the membrane cap. The measuring chamber is sealed from
the measuring
electrolyte-filled membrane medium
cap constitutes by a micro-porous
the measuring membrane.
chamber. Measuring elec‐ The sensor has integral tempera‐
es are immersed in ture compensation.
the measuring chamber. The amplifierchamber
The measuring electronics are
is sealed located in the upper part of the elec‐
measuring medium trode shaft. Themembrane.
by a micro-porous amplifierThe
sensor has are cast
integral into a plastic mass. The amplifier elec‐
compensation. Thetronics
amplifiertransform thelocated
electronics are primary sensor
in the current
upper part of the into
elec‐ an output signal of 4 ... 20 mA.
e shaft. The amplifier electronics are cast into a plastic mass. The amplifier elec‐
ics transform the primary sensor current into an output signal of 4 ... 20 mA.

10 “Protecting Public Health and Safety at Sea”

decant electrolytes into other con‐ decant electrolytes into other con‐ pletely on the membrane cap and
tainers allow the electrolyte to press out
tainers allow the electrolyte to press out
– Do not store electrolyte beyond – Do not slowly in aelectrolyte
store stream of liquid from the
beyond slowly in a stream of liquid from the
its "Use by" date and note the
"Use by" date on the label
its "Use by" date and note the
date on the
storage bottle
the same
back the Waterways
storage bottle, while at the same
time constantly pulling back the
storage bottle
– Store the electrolyte bottle on its – Store the electrolyte bottle on its

Technical Bulletin
head 222so thatEast
the electrolyte
Ocean can Avenue head ð sothethat
is electrolyte canif the
completely full ð the cap is completely full if the
be easily poured out,
Lantana, as far 33462
Florida as be easily poured out,
electrolyte as seen
can be far asat the electrolyte can be seen at the
possible free of bubbles
+1-954-683-1532 possiblebottom
/ +1-561-588-0000 free ofthread.
bubbles bottom thread.
– As
as is possible, fill the elec‐ – As far as is possible, fill the elec‐
so that it is free from bub‐
bles. Small air bubbles are not a
problem, larger air bubbles rise to
trolyte so that it is free from bub‐
bles. Small air bubbles are Assembly
problem, larger air bubbles rise to
not a SOP
the upper edge of the membrane Do not
the useedge
upper your fingers to close the
of the membrane Do not use your fingers to close the
cap vent hole beneath the hose seal
cap vent hole beneath the hose seal
– Only use the membrane cap once – Only use the membrane cap once
Filling Electrolyte
4. Place the electrode shaft vertically 4. Place the electrode shaft vertically
2. Press out filled
onto the excess air
membrane cap onto the filled membrane cap
1 1
5. 5.
3. Fill the membrane cap with electro‐
lyte, avoiding bubbles as far as pos‐
– The electrolyte is sensitive 2 to oxi‐ When screwing2shut, allow
sibleexcess When screwing shut, allow
electrolyte to escape excess electrolyte to escape
dation:4 Always keep electrolyte 4 unchecked through the air vent
unchecked through the air vent
bottle 3sealed after use. Do not Placeholetheunderneath
electrolyte thebottlehose
com‐ seal hole underneath the hose seal
decant electrolytes
Decommissioning and Disposal into other
con‐ pletely
on the membrane I
cap and
tainers allow
membranetocap press out
manually Turn the membrane cap manually
– Do not store electrolyte beyond
as farinasaitstream
will go of
gap between the membrane cap
that there
is no as far as it will go so that there is no
gap between the membrane cap
Fig. 2: Filling electrolyte
its "Use by" date and note the storage
Fig. 2: Filling thebottle,
andelectrolyte whileshaft.
electrode at the same and the electrode shaft.
9 Decommissioning and Disposal
"Use by" date
I Electrolyte on the label
filling level I time
6. Wipe constantly
up anylevelpulling
escaped back the
electrolyte 6. Wipe up any escaped electrolyte
n1 Electrolyte bottle
User qualification: instructed user, storage
1 Electrolyte bottle
with abottle
soft paper towel or similar with a soft paper towel or similar
2– Membrane
see electrolyte
cap 1.2bottle
Chapter ‘Users' on itsqualifica‐
2 Membrane cap
7. Rinse the nozzle through thor‐
3 Nozzle NOTICE! 7. Rinse the nozzle through thor‐
4 Vent headhole
tions’ so
page the6electrolyte can 34 Nozzle the cap
Vent hole and isthen
rinse off full
withif athe oughly and then rinse off with a
be easily poured out, as far as clean,Regulations governing
water jet, disposal of clean, hot and powerful water jet,
1. Open the electrolyte bottle and 1. Open
sothe electrolyte
can be
hot and powerful
is no bottle
at the
so that there is no longer any
possible onfree
screw theofnozzle
bubbles screw bottom
adheringthe thread.
– electrolyte
Note the current national regula‐ adhering electrolyte
As far as is possible,thefillsensor
– Decommissioning the elec‐ tions and legal standards which
apply in your country
trolyte soallthat
Decommissioning of itthe
is free
safetyfrom bub‐ for short or long term service
a information
probe 13 13
bles. Small air bubbles are not a Dispose of the electrolyte in accordance
1. problem,
Disconnectlarger the air bubbles
sensorrise fromto the with the electrolyte's safety data sheet
power source
the upper edge of the membrane Do not use your fingers to close the
ProMinent GmbH, Heidelberg will take
2. Depressurise the in-line probe
vent hole backbeneath the hose seal used devices pro‐
viding that they are covered by adequate
3.– Only use thethemembrane
Loosen clamping capscrew
once postage.

4. 4.
Remove the sensor slowly from the
in-line probe housing
Place the electrode shaft vertically
onto the filled membrane cap
5. Screw open and empty the mem‐
1 sink or similar
brane cap over a
vessel 5.
6. Flush the membrane and electrode
with clean water and dry until free
of dust
2 When screwing shut, allow
7. Loosely screw on the membrane
cap to protect the electrodes excess electrolyte to escape
8. Replace the membrane protection unchecked through the air vent
cap to protect the membrane cap hole underneath the hose seal
3 I

User qualification: instructed user,

“Protecting Public
see Ä Chapter 1.2 ‘Users' qualifica‐ Health
Turn the membrane and Safety at Sea”
cap manually
tions’ on page 6 A0289 as far as it will go so that there is no
gap between the membrane cap
Fig. 2: Filling electrolyte and the electrode shaft.
I Electrolyte filling level 6. Wipe up any escaped electrolyte
1 Electrolyte bottle with a soft paper towel or similar

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